Honest Weight Coop Scoop #415 Jan/Feb 2017

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ISSUE #415



Three Eating Trends: Fad Diets or the Real Deal? I-787: When Renewal is All Wrong Rejuvenate Your Skin with DIY Wellness Recipes Printed with soy ink on recycled paper in Albany, NY

hemisphere’s winter season (shout out to the winter solstice on December 21st and the consequent lengthening of days!), but our NYE parties i n fact come from ancient celebrations of Janus, the two-faced Roman god of thresholds, for whom January is named. With one face, Janus looks to the past, and with the other ever gazes toward the future. A worthy endeavor, no?

The “fresh-start effect,” the official name given to the phenomenon by researchers at the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia, suggests that you can literally trick yourself into the mere illusion of tabula rasa. Conceptualize the turnover of time and rejoice in the endless opportunity: the calendar flips, a clock strikes twelve, you move into a new apartment and, bam! A fresh beginning, and it’s all yours.

This issue’s contributors took our theme in clever and creative directions. Inside, you’ll find pieces on social issues from automobile-centric urban renewal in 1950s Albany to hopeful non-profits and art projects that seek to promote justice create opportunity. You can read about the ins and outs of sprouting grains and seeds or try out crafting your own coffee scrub or toothpaste. On behalf of the Coop Scoop team, I hope that within this collection of renewal stories, you will learn some things and become inspired.

This issue of the Coop Scoop, of course, marks a conceptualized beginning that we all share; another collective trip around the sun. Earthsky.org tells me that there’s no astronomical reason for a January 1st spotlight. Yes, the earth is closest to the sun during the northern


Georgia Julius believes in fresh starts, while keeping a Janusian eye to the past. Tell her your new year’s resolutions at georgiaj@honestweight.coop.


























100 Watervliet Avenue, Albany, NY 12206 (518) 482-2667 [COOP]

Here’s to 365 sparkling clean days, in which we will shed the old and flawed versions of ourselves and, having learned from the mistakes of yesteryear, be better than before.


Georgia Julius

Education Coordinator

I recently read that concept of a fresh start can trigger dopamine release into our brains, flooding our bodies with feel-good chemicals and pumping us up with a sense of possibility and accomplishment.


8am TO 10pm EVERY DAY

Honest Weight Food Co-op is a memberowned and -operated consumer cooperative that is committed to providing the community with affordable, high quality natural foods and products for healthy living. Our mission is to promote more equitable, participatory, and

ecologically sustainable ways of living. Honest weight is open to the public, seven days a week. The Coop Scoop is produced bimonthly by our Education Department and offered free of charge as part of our mission. to view online, Please visit www.honestweight.coop/coopscoop.

Associate EDITOR Tara Herrick Brown, M.S. is a holistic health practitioner in Delmar and has offered Resonance Repatterning® sessions at the Co-op. To learn more about Tara and her practice, INUR Wellness, LLC, please visit www.inur.com.

CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS & ILLUSTRATORS Kate Farrar is the Crew Manager at Hearty Roots Community Farm in Germantown, NY. She has been farming vegetables since 2012. Through farming takes up most of her time, she occasionally writes for Edible Hudson Valley, and enjoys taking photographs and throwing on a ceramics wheel. Andrew Franciosa is a computer nerd turned photographer who regularly contributes photos to the Coop Scoop. After discovering Honest Weight in 2008, he became interested in making better food at home. With countless hours of practice, Andrew says he is finally and regularly preparing flavorful vegan meals. Amelianne McDonnell is a graduate of FIT with a BFA in Illustration. Her work is inspired by the what she loves most: living things and outdoor adventures. When she’s not petting cats and dogs she can be found fly fishing streams and creeks in the Adirondacks. To see more examples of her work or to inquire about projects or commissions (she loves pet portraiture), please reach her by email at ameliannemary@gmail.com.

Advertise with us! Contact: Kim Morton (518) 330-3262 kim.a.morton@gmail.com Printed with soy ink on recycled paper in Albany, NY



Kim Morton, member of Honest Weight Food Co-op since 2005, is the Founder of First Division Marketing where she focuses on driving brand recognition and delivering revenue to a variety of high-tech companies. She has two young boys- Iggy (9) and Xavier (6) who attend Woodland Hill Montessori, where Kim likes to volunteer when she can. She has been handling Coop Scoop advertising since 2009 and looks forward to helping the publication grow.

DISTRIBUTION ASSISTANTS Donna Eastman has been a Co-op member for many years- she remembers the Quail Street days! She stocked shelves in Grocery before becoming a Coop Scoop distributor, which is a job she really enjoys. Donna is a music therapist and animal lover. She has five cats and a dog named Rosie who does agility and therapy work. Doug O’Connor, Co-op member since 1989, has been distributing the Coop Scoop to businesses and organizations around Albany and Delmar for a very long time.

Interested in Contributing to the Coop Scoop? Contact Georgia at georgiaj@honestweight.coop

Cover photo by Kate Farrar ISSN 2473-6155 (print) ISSN 2473-6163 (online) The Coop Scoop is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical or health advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider. We are not responsible for errors or omissions. Honest Weight is not responsible for, and does not necessarily agree with, our guest writer’s articles.







Karla Guererri



Pat Sahr

Daniel Morrissey




Luke Stoddard Nathan



Colie Collen


Rebecca Angel Maxwell


Barbara Nelson



Julie Harrell


Erin Coufal


Abigail Thurston


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Beyond the Co-op

Following a year-long hiatus, an initiative founded by Honest Weight member-owners in 2010 is undergoing a revival with newfound focus and fresh energy by Daniel Morrissey

The Honest Weight Community Initiative (HWCI) was created seven years ago to broaden the work of Honest Weight Food Co-op’s Education and Outreach Departments. Recently, efforts have been jump-started by new and existing board members. In it’s new incarnation, focus is being honed in on community control of food infrastructure. Despite a flourishing food movement in the Albany area, community members and businesses still lack access to affordable, fresh, and local food. By partnering with farms and organizations with aligning missions, the HWCI will work to provide shared resources for processing, storage, marketing, and distribution for farmers throughout the Upper Hudson Valley and Eastern Mohawk Valley.

enviro tokens at honest weight

HWCI’s mission is To promote sustainable local food systems, regenerative agriculture, environmental stewardship, and cooperative community.

Bring your reusable bags when you shop at the Co-op and consider donating through the Enviro Tokens program, of which HWCI is a recipient through the end of March. You can read more about Honest Weight’s Enviro Tokens program below.

HWCI envisions a future driven by local farmers and makers creating a self-reliant natural and organic supply chain. The benefits are many; using food from local growers maintains the utmost nutritional value and keeps money flowing into and through the regional economy. That means better jobs and stronger communities.

You can also give at Honest Weight Community Initiative’s online crowd-funding campaign by visiting youcaring.com/community. Funds raised will be put towards hiring a part-time staff person who will build the coalition and continue resource development through grant writing and other efforts.

The Community Initiative’s Board of Directors invites you to invest in the future of food and economic resilience in the Capital District this winter.

Daniel Morrissey serves on the board of the Honest Weight Community Initiative as well as Honest Weight Food Co-op. He can be reached at Daniel. Micah.Morrissey@gmail.com with any questions, comments, opportunities, or suggestions. For more information about HWCI, please visit:

Bring in your reusable bags when you shop at the Co-op and receive five cents to put towards an Enviro Tokens recipient. Recipients are local non-profits whose missions align with that of Honest Weight Food Co-op. Recipients change quarterly.


In the first quarter of 2017, the Enviro Tokens program at Honest Weight will benefit the following 501(c)3 organizations:

Dining, CSAs, Markets


photos: Andrew Franciosa

Honest Weight Community Initiative Parks & Trails NY Schenectady Theater for Children Orange Street Cats Equinox

Visit us online! JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017


Fad Diets or the Real Deal? A look at three popular, widely varied diets: Plant-based, Paleo, and the Fast Metabolism Diet. All three claim to do the same thing: make you feel, look, and be healthier (and stay that way). by Karla Guererri

The most popular New Year’s Resolution among adults is the pledge to eat better and lose weight. Yet, grim statistics say that the majority of dieters quit within seven days and that most diets fail. Perhaps part of the reason is the lack of knowledge and planning regarding specific philosophy, goals, and implementation plans for the new eating program. There is always that expert at the holiday celebration who insists that there are only two things to consider: caloric intake and energy expenditure. However, science and experience tell us that there are many additional factors, including how well your body functions metabolizing, digesting, and eliminating specific foods and food combinations. There are countless diet plans to choose from, but which one will resonate with your values, physical needs, and lifestyle? The following is a sampling of three widely varied diets: Plant-based, Paleo, and the Fast Metabolism Diet. Dozens of books are available to help implement the Plant-based and Paleo diets. Advocates of each method claim that their plan is the most naturally aligned with human biology and nutritional needs. Both diets promise healthier weight, lower risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, with lower blood pressure and other health benefits. The food lists for each diet differ, but what they have in common is a whole-food diet and the elimination of refined foods, transfats, and sugar. Personal Chef, teacher, and coach, Susan Garth and Clinical Nutritionist, Holly Niles help shed 6

photo: Carson Herrick

some light on this subject. The plant-based diet protocol is not specifically vegetarian or vegan. However, with minimal variation, it can be adapted to fit the needs of anyone who follows a vegan diet. According to ForksOverKnives.com, the plant-based diet is based on fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes that are unrefined. The diet excludes or minimizes meat, dairy products, and eggs because, plant based diet philosophy argues,

animal protein is associated with high cholesterol, inflammation, higher risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Refined flours, sugars, and oils are also excluded. Niles says that following the Plant-based diet is easy, if you consider a vegetable as the main part of your meal and build your dinner plate from there by adding fruit and, perhaps, a grain or legume. Most of her clients start by simply adding more vegetables to their existing diet. Since minimizing meat and eggs is protocol, protein at each meal may instead come from COOP SCOOP

legumes. Niles sees her Plant-based clients reduce their inflammation and detoxify their bodies. This improved overall health is thanks to the enzymes, cofactors, and helper molecules— important for improved metabolic processes— present in the copious vitamins and minerals from the added intake of vegetables and fruits.

The Fast Metabolism Diet (FMD), which is detailed in Haylie Pomroy’s 2013 bestseller of the same name, seems to utilize aspects of both the Paleo and Plant-based diets. Pomroy claims that she can adapt the diet to vegetarians and vegans, but it works best in its original omnivore format.

Fall in love with food again and let it support, nurture, and carry you over the threshold in a new paradigm of eating. The Paleo diet stands in contrast to the Plant-based diet, mostly in terms of the protein source. The underlying philosophy is that to optimize the body’s functions, we should revert to eating the foods that worked best for our ancestors—the optimal fuel for the original machine. It is aligned with our genetic makeup and needs. The Paleo diet consists mainly of lean animal protein and vegetables. Niles thinks that most people do well on the Paleo diet because they are avoiding grains—which were not part of mankind’s original diet—thus eliminating processed carbohydrates. There is some evidence that grains can change the gene expression, leading to metabolic syndrome and disease. Natural chef, Garth concurs that eating Paleo means eating natural, unprocessed foods while focusing on a variety of vegetables, roots, tubers, meat, fish, and eggs. With this diet, many people achieve improved bloodsugar balance and weight loss.

Join us!


The program is devoid of wheat, corn, dairy, soy, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol—all of which are considered “inflammatory” foods. The old adage suggests that any “-itis” malady like arthritis, bursitis, and appendicitis was triggered by inflammation, but now doctors and researchers are warning that a much wider range of chronic diseases such as heart disease and even Alzheimer’s may be the result of inflammation that has gone undetected for years. The stated purpose of the FMD is to reignite one’s inner bonfire, and to do that, Pomroy

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presents a mind-body-spirit approach, targeting the liver, adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, and body makeup in terms of white fat, brown fat, and muscle. In the first 28 days of the FMD, three short phases, each consisting of different food combinations and exercises, are cycled four times. It is so complex that Pomroy developed a phone app to help with meal planning, shopping, water intake, the timing of meals, and required exercise. Phase one resembles the Plant-based diet in terms of allowable foods, as long as fats are minimized. Phase two is nearly identical to the Paleo diet, and phase three combines optional animal protein with fruits, vegetables, legumes, some grains, and good fats. Aerobic and resistance exercise and stretching are prescribed. The best news is that the diet requires you to eat at least once every three waking hours and in phase three, your exercise can be a massage! It is not enough to simply eat the right foods and do the corresponding exercise at the precise intervals. Pomroy says you have to “make peace with your food” and give up guilt. “Fall in love with food again and let it support, nurture, and carry you over the threshold in a new paradigm of eating.” Karla Guererri lives in Troy and has been a Co-op member for several years. She is a semi-retired educator with a public school background. Karla has written articles for iSanté and Santé Magazine, along with a short story under a pen name in a little known journal, Adventures for the Average Woman.

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Producer Profiles by Pat Sahr

We truly value the small businesses and dedicated individuals who work hard to create the exceptional goods and products we carry here at Honest Weight Food Co-op. We think these inspirational stories demonstrate the importance of supporting local, and why we’re so committed to it!

SLINGERLAND FAMILY FARM FOUND IN OUR MEAT AND GROCERY DEPARTMENTS Slingerland Family Farm, located in Greenville, New York, is an innovative local farm, established in 2013. The farm specializes in raising all-natural, pasture-based animals in a responsible, ethical, and humane manner. All animals are 100 percent hormone- and antibiotic-free. Additionally, the farm utilizes environmentally responsible agricultural techniques and methods to produce high quality, sustainable products for the local community. They raise the animals on pasture focusing on natural, multi-species, rotational-grazing systems, and give their animals ample space and opportunity to forage—both beneficial practices, ensuring healthy animals and land. The farm provides seasonal, pasturebased chickens and turkeys, as well as beef and pork for the retail market. At Honest Weight Food Co-op you will find several Slingerland products: Pastured broiler chickens, fresh during pasture season; Freshly-frozen pastured broiler chickens during fall/winter; Fresh pastured Thanksgiving turkeys; Fresh eggs from pastured hens.


Joshua and Victoria Slingerland with two of their hens and a Rent the Chicken coop. For more information, check out www.rentthechicken.com.

In addition to its business of providing poultry and eggs for retail sale, Slingerland Family Farm is the Capital Region affiliate of “Rent the Chicken,” a nationwide enterprise providing wannabe-backyard chicken owners the opportunity to try before you buy. The program supplies renters with fowl and all the necessary supplies to feed and care for the hens and harvest fresh eggs. When you use “Rent the Chicken” services, you rent two or four chickens for six months (at a flat rate of $400 or $600, respectively). The package includes: a coop; chicken feed; food and water dishes; and a copy of “Fresh Eggs Daily,” a guide to

caring for chickens. The rental period runs from April/May through October/ November. At the end of six months, the customer may choose to return the chickens and supplies or purchase them outright. Prices start at $400 per coop. More information can be found at www.rentthechicken.com. Pat Sahr has been a member of the Coop since 2005, during which time she’s worked as an outreach assistant and a shopper’s helper. She contributes to the Coop Scoop as the writer of the Producer Profiles. Pat says, “It’s a pleasure being part of the Honest Weight family, and I’ve especially enjoyed communicating with the various producers whose products are sold at the Co-op!” COOP SCOOP


FOUND IN OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT AND BEER AISLE This year Indian Ladder Farms is celebrating its centennial. Founded by Peter Gansevoort Ten Eyck in 1916 and located in Altamont, NY, the popular orchard and agritourism destination continues today under the stewardship of the fourth generation of the Ten Eyck Family, aided by a team of experienced managers and staff. It produces over 40 varieties of apples in an orchard that covers 65 acres.

establish the dairy operation.

The five existing farms that comprise Indian Ladder Farms lie beneath the cliffs of the Helderberg Escarpment. Under the watch of the founder, Indian Ladder had its beginnings as an orchard selling thousands of bushels of apples each year to Albany Public Markets and operating a dairy farm with approximately 100 head of prizewinning Guernsey cattle. The farm also raised large flocks of turkeys and Rhode Island Red chickens. Unfortunately in July, 1949, the barn that housed the dairy was totally destroyed in a fire, and the family decided not to re-

The Ten Eyck family has always been at the forefront of the movement for conservation and sustainable agriculture. Indian Ladder Farms apples have been certified as Eco Apples in accordance with the guidelines of project Red Tomato, a non-profit organization that strives to bring fairness, transparency and sustainability to every aspect of the food business. On an Eco Apple farm, specific growing standards are followed. This involves using a combination of long-standing agricultural practices as well as advanced ecological orchard


Over the years, the Ten Eyck family introduced several apple innovations to the business. In the 1960s the farm began to press cider on the front porch where the Indian Ladder Farms Cidery and Brewery Tasting Room stands today. In the mid-1970s John Ten Eyck spearheaded the launch of Indian Ladder’s Pick-Your-Own apples. At the same time, John’s brother Peter introduced the production of cider doughnuts to the retail market. The farm also began hosting school field trips and ultimately built an addition on the farm market building to accommodate the cider press, which features a massive window that allows the public to watch the process. Trees at Indian Ladder Farms loaded with apples in the Pick-Your-Own orchard.

management methods to minimize spraying and other environmentally disruptive practices. Furthermore, Indian Ladder Farms worked with the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy, the Open Space Institute, the Town of New Scotland and the State of New York’s Farmland Protection Program to place a permanent agricultural conservation easement on the farm. For more information, please visit www.indianladderfarms.com.


When Renewal is All Wrong

by Luke Stoddard Nathan

A look at the decades-old decision to build Albany’s Interstate 787, at a time when rivers were open sewers and cars were thought to be the end-all of transportation’s future.

“The new mid-town arterial,” the Times Union editorial board gushed in 1968, “is only one link in the lacy network which will bisect and encircle the city in graceful but practical ribbons.” Endorsed by Governor Rockefeller and Mayor Corning, the proposed $112.5 million highway featured “twin 1,600-foot-long ventilated tunnels, each of which would carry two lanes of traffic under the eastern edge of Washington Park”—and called for the destruction of 351 buildings and the displacement of 741 families, according to other reports. The T.U. editorial’s title, “The City of the Future,” offers a clue as to how people—who, presumably, had seen highways—could find them beautiful. (“At first glance it looks like modern 10

art,” a Knickerbocker News caption says of the Patroon Island Bridge interchange.) Boosters forecast Albany as an Epcotian tomorrowland. “It is unfortunate that the dreams of future Albany cannot be realized with a mere snap of the fingers,” the newspaper lamented, though it curbed its impatience by imagining future generations’ gratitude. When “all of today’s planned construction and perhaps more is in place,” it predicted, “the citizens who are still around will look back [on] the 1965-1975 decade as one marked by things being torn down, and carted away, and built up again in vast new forms and shapes.” This was prescient—except today, such recollections are tinged with pained incredulity, in light of the disproportionate impact urban renewal has had on marginalized communities nationwide. Fortunately, the midtown arterial

never despoiled Washington Park. Neighborhood resistance killed the proposal—as, a decade earlier, a similar effort in a similarly named square scotched Robert Moses’ dream of a highway through Greenwich Village. Jane Jacobs, the urban theorist best known for The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), led that charge, and her work popularized the sort of human-scale, pedestrian-friendly ethos behind the now-common belief among Albanians that the “lacy network” corseting the capital is a fatal encumbrance. The “long-delayed Riverfront Arterial,” as the Times Union was calling I-787 by 1966 (not completed for another half-decade), is the tightest stricture. Albany’s current comprehensive plan basically says so. The six-lane superhighway, which serves 80,000 automobiles a day, “represents a visual and physical barrier COOP SCOOP

between the City and its waterfront,” the planning document states. “Replacing the elevated highway with an urban arterial at or below grade would have a dramatic impact on the visual attractiveness of the City of Albany, walkability, and potentially create additional developable land.” A $320,000 study on how to do something along those lines, funded largely by the state Department of Transportation, is expected to be completed this summer.

association, urged the Joint Legislative Committee on Motor Vehicles, Traffic and Highway Safety to “shift this country to a different gear,” according to the Times Union. Cars are fine, Malone conceded, but “there is also a need for trains and buses and for the matter, bicycles—to get from one place to another.”

The planners and politicians maybe meant well. After all, once upon a time, the Hudson River was “just the smelly sewer that [ran] through the middle of town,” city historian Tony Opalka told me, when I browsed the Pruyn Collection of local history at the Albany Public Library. “When I was growing up, you wouldn’t go near it,” he added.

Everyone was so certain, and so wrong. The highways augured, in theory, an influx of shoppers—a boon to business. “The task for Albany is to make itself so attractive in every way, including commercially, as to ensure two-way traffic on those arterials, with people pouring into the city rather than only fleeing it,” Knickerbocker News wrote. Many chose the second option, though the glut of highways and parking lots made visits convenient.

A model of Albany from the 1963 Temporary State Commission on the Capital City Report

“Far more than this,” she added, referring to the Washington Park arterial, “we need cities in which people can walk to work if they choose.” How did that one go over? An Automobile Club of New York representative could not let it slide. “The fact is,” he declared, “no vehicle [has] yet been developed or [is] even in prospect that equal[s] the automobile

for speed, comfort, privacy, economy, and other qualities that people value.” Donald Walsh, an attorney with the New York Conference of Mayors, clapped back. “We submit that city traffic problems cannot be resolved by tearing down the city and laying more and more concrete,” he said. Nice sentiment, Walsh—but it was already too late. In early 1961, Knickerbocker News reported, “Roman Catholic priest and urban renewal expert” Rev. Robert G. Howes spoke to hundreds of officials— including Mayor Corning and the city’s planning consultants—about the perils of their exuberance. Howes warned of “over-idealism and spectacularism ... which focuses on plazas and modern architecture and neglects ordinary people.” One year later, the state claimed 98 acres in downtown Albany, the future site of the South Mall. Luke Stoddard Nathan is a journalist living in Troy, New York. He can be reached at luke.s.nathan@gmail.com.

The Pruyn Collection of Albany History at the Albany Public Library is located at 161 Washington Avenue. You can visit the collection Mondays 4-7pm, Fridays 2-5pm, first and third Wednesdays of the month 10am-1pm, and second and fourth Saturdays from 1:30-5pm.

At the Pruyn Collection, the contents of two thick manila folders—tagged “Albany Highways” and “Urban Renewal,” respectively—constitute not just priceless records of thoughts and actions, but monuments to the fallibility of planners, politicians, and journalists alike. Everyone was so certain, and so wrong. I’ll temper that: a few were right. In 1966, at a public hearing in the Assembly parlor, Virginia Malone, speaking on behalf of her neighborhood Left: Aerial view of the I-787 Interchange by Peter Andrew Lusztyk from his photo series, “Highways.” Printed with the artist’s permission. Right: Construction of I-787. Photo from the Pruyn Collection.



The Power of Pantries A profile of the Albany-based coalition of 56 food pantries that works to feed the 11.99% of food-insecure people in our area.

When you are tackling a problem like food insecurity, it can be hard to think in terms of renewal, even as the new year dawns. In our region alone, 11.99% of people struggle to feed themselves and their families.

consuming valuable time, pantries are now able to order larger quantities of food, use less gas in transport, and direct volunteer labor toward other meaningful tasks.

by Colie Collen

drop it in the bin on their way out the door), and day-old baked goods are picked up daily by the Food Pantries and transported directly to their member pantries, where they can be distributed quickly. The Co-op has donated frozen turkeys, leftover after the holidays, and one memorable haul of organic mangoes. Fresh produce is something that pantries would like to provide more of, especially those staple items that households rely on, such as carrots, potatoes, onions, apples, and bananas.

Impressive growth is expected for the Food Pantries this year. Plans to build capacity have been in the works for years, and this year, Pernicka says, The economic downturn, which “our efforts will begin bearing fruit, thrust much of the population into so to speak, as we get our second unfamiliar territory and brought large box truck.” A second truck will many first-time patrons to food enable the organization to rescue pantries, may have abated for many, more food from landfills and deliver There are key items especially needed but the heightened use of pantries food directly from the Food Bank by pantries, Pernicka tells me, but that began in 2008 continues to this specifics change, depending on day. the time of year and other factors. Natasha Pernicka, Executive Director “Sometimes, for example,” she says, of the Food Pantries for the Capital “there is a ton of free peanut butter District, is vigilant about these available from the USDA. But concerns. After the busy holiday sometimes it isn’t available, and food season, she works to keep the Food pantries will have to use their funding Pantries on people’s minds. “Hunger to purchase more, because peanut is a year-round issue,” she says. to pantries throughout the region. butter is a really important pantry “January’s focus is restocking pantry Not only that; the added capacity item. If a group had a peanut buttershelves after the holiday rush.” will allow them to bring on new specific food drive at that point, it The Food Pantries for the Capital members. “We’ll have new pantries would be extraordinarily helpful.” District is a coalition of (at present) in Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Another example: Feminine hygiene 56 individual food pantries that are a new county for us—Schenectady. products are expensive, so some of united in an effort to better address We’re really excited,” says Pernicka, the region’s pantries like to keep them the region’s needs. Founded in “because one of the pieces of our in stock, in addition to toiletries, 1979, they assist in organizing and mission is to be the local voice for household items, and baby-care fundraising efforts for pantries, to the hungry, and now we really will items. You can always call the Food provide them with funds and food so be able to speak on behalf of all four Pantries headquarters, Pernicka says, they can better serve the hungry in counties here. So many of us in this to find out what the most urgently their neighborhoods. An impactful region live and work among the four needed items might be. change, in the form of a box truck, counties, so I think it’s going to be There are many helpful ways to transformed the way the Food really powerful.” contribute. Food donations are Pantries utilized their volunteer labor. One site of food rescue for the coalition important, but are not the only way Instead of sending volunteers with is Honest Weight. A bin at the front to contribute. It is amazing to learn their own small vehicles to pick up an of the Co-op collects nonperishable that every dollar donated to the order from a Food Bank, limiting the items (customers can buy an extra Food Pantries can provide up to 6.5 quantity of food they could order and can of beans or box of pasta and just pounds of food. And volunteers are 12


always needed. Pernicka says that the pantries especially require volunteers who can commit to a regular shift, so they can fulfill standard roles. There is also an event team, and an outreach team, which help to get the word out.

Parents who visit pantries sometimes have to skip their own meals in order to have enough food to feed their kids. Despite all this good work, the Food Pantries are anything but complacent; in an effort to best serve the Capital District, they have been conducting a Community Needs Assessment, which helps tailor efforts to meet people’s most pressing needs. Individual pantries have been conducting surveys of patrons, gathering information about their barriers to food access and other issues. Additional research is underway; individual pantries are collecting surveys from people who may struggle with food insecurity, yet avoid using pantries. The Food Pantries are already learning quite a bit as the results come in. Pernicka says, “We’re confirming that parents who visit pantries sometimes have to skip their own meals in order to have enough food to feed their kids. Parents obviously prioritize their children, and it’s so important for children to get the nutrition they need, but it’s also obviously important for parents to have adequate nutrition, so they


can perform well in the workplace of people who inspire me. They are special people, really humble, and and while caring for their kids.” doing work that benefits us all in a With this kind of information at their disposal, the Food Pantries coalition big way.” is teaming up with the University at Albany’s School of Public Health and Siena College to host the first Capital District Food Summit in early April. At the summit, they’ll bring organizers, researchers, and workers from the region together to talk about best practices and strategies for dealing with food insecurity here. “I think, as a society,” says Pernicka, “we really need to look at our emergency and supplemental food system, and say, ‘With the resources we have, how can we make the biggest difference in the lives of people in our community?’ Food insecurity is really what I would call a crisis. I don’t think that having 11 percent of the nation struggling with food insecurity is acceptable. That’s one in ten people.”

Her work, the work of the Food Pantries for the Capital District, and the work of the individual pantries and volunteers are vitally important. Pernicka herself is in awe at the compassion of the volunteers and pantry coordinators she works with. “The impact of what they do is immediate,” she says. “They really care about the work they’re doing. I’m a person who likes solving problems, I like bringing people together, and I feel honored to have this position, because I’m able to work in support

Colie Collen, member of the Co-op for nine years and counting, was formerly Honest Weight’s Education Coordinator. Now, she grows flowers and makes bouquets for her business, Flower Scout, which you can find online at www.flower-scout.com.

Donation requests ☐ Canned Tuna, Salmon and/or Chicken ☐ Canned or Dried Beans ☐ Peanut Butter ☐ Green Beans ☐ Peas ☐ Mixed Vegetables ☐ Carrots ☐ Canned Fruit ☐ Tomatoes ☐ Canned 100% Juice ☐ Rice/Pasta (Brown/Whole Wheat) ☐ Cereals (Whole Grain) ☐ Oatmeal ☐ Pancake Mix ☐ Soups (Lentil, Minestrone, Chicken and Rice) ☐ Canned Pasta Meals (Ravioli, Spaghetti) ☐ Chili ☐ Condiments ☐ Canned Spaghetti Sauce ☐ Jelly


and More than just food...

Donations to the Food Pantries aren’t limited to food. Here are some other ways to give.

Stop Energy Waste and Save! Get a free Home Performance Energy Assessment which can qualify you for incentives and low interest financing to make home improvements. Have an expert show you where you may be wasting energy- and how to fix it.

Host a “Baby Shower”

Organize a collection of diapers and formula or funds to help keep our youngest neighbors fed and dry. One in three families in the U.S. report experiencing diaper need. $1 = seven diapers, or one day’s worth $10 = 70 diapers, or one week’s worth

We’ll help you take the first step to a greener and more comfortable building with lower utility bills. Homeownership Center www.ahphome.org

Visit www.GreenCapitalRegion.org or call 434-1730x414.

Fund Drives

Monetary donations might be an easier way for some people to get involved. Even a few dollars can make a huge difference: $1 = 6.25 pounds of food, or five meals $10 = 62.5 pounds of food, or 50 meals

(518)465-0241 www.albanyfamilylifecenter.org

Please do not put checks in the boxes with collected food; instead, attach a labeled envelope to the side of the collection box to ensure it won’t be lost in transit. Make checks payable to “The Food Pantries”

Hygiene Supply Drive

Hands-On, Hearts Open

Think outside the box of pasta and organize a collection of hygiene products, such as: ☐ Shampoo/Conditioner ☐ Toothpaste/Toothbrushes ☐ Male/Female Deodorant ☐ Bathroom Tissue/Paper Towels ☐ Bar Soap/Body Wash ☐ Feminine Hygiene Products ☐ Laundry/Dish Soap

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BE KIND TO YOUR CAR AND THE ENVIROMENT TOO! A well maintained vehicle pollutes less and saves on gasoline cost.


Family Renewal

Check out the CO-OPS’ selection of toys and games!

by Rebecca Angel Maxwell

Winter is a chance to renew your family bonds with cozy quality time and affordable fun for all ages! In every culture that evolved with snow, winter months provided time for families to share stories, keep company with loved ones, and enjoy the darkness together. With the inventions of electricity, studded tires, and year-round sports training, family bonding through the darkness diminished. Embrace this winter to re-evaluate, reconnect, and renew your family bonds. Following are some creative suggestions for families of all ages!

The 15-Minute Clean: Group work forges bonds. Each week, pick a big household chore—get the supplies, set a timer, and go! Sweeping and mopping the entire house is doable when everyone chips in.

Organizing Hour: The garage, the attic, that back room in the basement … everyone has a place you intend to sort some day. Just do it. Have everyone in the family gather for one hour, once a week this winter, and tackle that space together. And who knows, you might just OUT AND ABOUT spend one of those hours enjoying a box of old photos Photo Tour: If possible, don each family member with you forgot were tucked in the corner—and that’s okay. a camera (or phone) and take a walk around your neighborhood or a local park. When you return home, GAMES. GAMES. GAMES. make a bowl of popcorn or steamy hot cocoa and share If a dusty Monopoly Junior game embodies your entire your images—see the same world from each other’s game collection, here are a few suggestions to upgrade: perspective. All ages: Dixit; Eleminis; Loot; Once Upon a Time; Afternoon at a Museum: Many museums are free during Tastes Like Chicken; Tsuro; Unnatural Selection. off-season so take advantage of local gems—many within an hour from Albany. From traditional art at The Clark Readers and up: Fluxx; Mad-Scientist University; Snake to walking exhibits at our own NY State Museum, there Oil; Sushi Go!; Timeline is a bevy of culture to embrace. For the older crowd: Balderdash; Coup; Munchkin; Seven Star Gazing: Colder months offer the best views. If you Wonders; Smash-Up don’t own your own telescope, check out Albany Area Stop by aisle five at the Co-op or your local gaming store Amateur Astronomers website at dudleyobservatory.org/ (Zombie Planet on Central Avenue is great; so is I Love AAAA for local star parties and events. Or take a drive to Books in Delmar!) and enjoy each other’s company. a nearby hill, hug your thermos, and take turns renaming Many of these game can be pulled out for a quick the constellations. 20-minutes of fun time—or set aside an entire evening. Happy bonding!


Chef Day: Give everyone in the family one day to make dinner their responsibility. This can range from choosing the menu, to shopping, or the actual food prep. Invest in a slow-cooker and teach your kids how simple it can be to make a healthy, homemade meal. JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017

Rebecca Angel Maxwell has been a member of Honest Weight for fourteen years, bringing her family along for the ride. In addition to being part of the Nutrition and Education Committee, she teaches classes on gluten-free cooking, tea, and utilizing the bulk department. When she’s not at the Coop, Rebecca is a music teacher, writer for GeekMom.com, and publisher of TeaPunk Tales. 15

Old Houses, New Homes

by Barbara Nelson photos courtesy of Breathing Lights

A large-scale public art project seeks to draw attention to blight and vacant buildings in the region, while creating opportunity to reclaim neighborhoods, one home at a time.

A standing room only crowd gathered at Elementary School 2 in Troy on November 5th for the first Building Reclamation Clinic presented by Breathing Lights. The eager crowd hung on each word of the project team’s lesson, which positioned the region’s many abandoned homes as assets rather than liabilities, and outlined the first steps attendees would need to take to become homeowners themselves. By now, many are aware of Breathing Lights, the Capital Region’s largescale public art project calling attention to the issues of vacancy and abandonment that plague areas of Albany, Schenectady, and Troy. The project’s objective goes well beyond simply providing a world-class portrayal of public art. They have a calendar of community events, aimed 16

at fostering conversation around these important community issues. Breathing Lights recently launched the latest initiative in its efforts to fight vacancy across the Capital Region, offering the first in a series of clinics designed to empower potential homeowners looking to purchase and renovate abandoned homes. This unique effort has brought the Capital Region together in an unprecedented collaboration, allowing for a free exchange of ideas among the cities’ leaders, residents, business communities, and policy makers. Among the many events and programs are Building Reclamation Clinics—a series of free informational sessions designed to arm potential homeowners with the knowledge they need to start the process of purchasing and renovating an abandoned home. Currently in their early stages, the Reclamation Clinics have proven to be popular and well attended.

Building Reclamation Clinics are offered by the Breathing Lights project team, in partnership with presenting sponsor KeyBank, Bender Scientific Fund, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The program is split into three distinct “toolbox” sessions, each of which outlines several specific and valuable aspects of the purchasing and renovation process. Each clinic will be held at community centers in each of the three cities in the coming months. Lunch or dinner and childcare are provided during the session. One of the goals of Breathing Lights has always been to illustrate how public art can be both beautiful and socially conscious. We believe these clinics are a valuable opportunity for individuals and families to discover and learn about the tools and resources available to reinvigorate one of these abandoned homes. It is vital for the communities and families that these homes are filled with life. A 2013 study performed COOP SCOOP

at Harvard University found that, compared to renters, homeowners are 28 percent more likely to repair or improve their homes, 10 percent more likely to report that they worked to solve local problems, and they live in a community four times longer. The same study found that the children of homeowners are 25 percent more likely to graduate from high school and 116 percent more likely to graduate from college. Harvard’s study was also able to correlate home ownership with a decrease in violent crime rates. The researchers found that the 25 states with the highest home ownership rates boasted a 17 percent lower violent crime rate than the bottom 25.

Homeowners are 28 percent more likely to repair or improve their homes. With these and other statistics in mind, the Breathing Lights team believes the Building Reclamation Clinics can provide some of the project’s most important programming to make a lasting and measurable community impact moving forward. Based on the enthusiastic attendance and participation at the first round of clinics, “Toolbox A: No Place Like Home,” the message is hitting home

for many Capital Region residents. The overwhelmingly positive reaction to the first few reclamation clinics is a testament to the resilience and determination of the residents of our participating cities. It’s thrilling to see so many people taking advantage of this opportunity to not only become potential first time homeowners, but to truly make a difference in these vibrant communities. The second set of Breathing Lights’ Building Reclamation Clinics, “Toolbox B: The Home Stretch,” will focus on finding the right property, setting a renovation budget, and knowing when to bring in design and construction professionals. The session will also feature city and land bank representatives, who will offer insights on building code and zoning regulations, as well as information on pursuing special grants and loans. Barbara Nelson is Breathing Lights’ Lead Architect and Community Engagement Director. She is a long-time Troy resident who believes that community design and public art can be catalysts to better disadvantaged communities. In October 2015 she became executive director of TAP Inc., which focuses on urban revitalization, architectural preservation, fair housing, sustainability, and removal of architectural barriers.

Toolbox B

Learn how to find the right property and establish a realistic renovation budget. City and Land Bank representatives will explain how to submit purchase proposals and qualify for special grants or loans. Saturday, January 28, 2017 11:00 A.M. Capital South Community Center 20 Warren Street, Albany

Toolbox C

Learn about home repair education courses available in the region and the process for obtaining building permits, zoning variances, and site plan approvals. Wednesday, February 8, 2017 6:00 P.M. Albany Barn 56 Second Street, Albany Building Reclamation Clinics are offered free of charge. Lunch and childcare are provided.

MAP FACTS Today there are 2400 to 2800 vacant residential buildings in the Capital District; the actual number of vacant buildings fluctuates due to foreclosures, sales and demolitions. 35% of them are “zombies”, buildings in ownership limbo, making code enforcement nearly impossible. $10M to $15M in annual property taxes that might be generated if all these buildings were occupied. $100M to $200M is the estimated value of construction materials for renovation. $75M to $150M is the estimated value of construction labor for renovation. 12,500 to 15,000 more people could be housed if these buildings were habitable.

Note: The buildings lit represent less than 10% of the vacant buildings throughout the region. VACANT BUILDING




Healthy Living Today: So your garden is closed for the season. Now what?

Our Do-It-Yourself Guide to Sprouting! by Julie Harrell

For those who only grow outside, the home gardening season has LONG ended. Stir-fry and salad greens, even the hardiest brassicas, have frozen and unfrozen enough times to make them tough. Everything is not lost, as there are other options. In winter months, garden greens can easily be replaced by homegrown sprouts. The beauty of sprouting is that anyone can do it, anytime, anywhere. With basic ingredients and a desire to grow seeds into edible food, you can enjoy the riches of winter while supping on tasty greens. Ease the winter blues with economical

fresh sprouts. Sprouting seeds is easy. All you need are: jars, lids, sun light, and seeds. Depending on your taste, you can use fine sprouting seeds, or larger beans: lentils, chickpeas, and mung beans all work. You can buy many varieties of organic seeds in the bulk section of Honest Weight. Lentils cost approximately $2.60 per pound. When sprouting in a half-gallon size jar, only one-quarter pound of seeds is necessary to create one-half gallon of edible, cookable sprouts.

their vitamin content. For those who struggle to digest purely raw foods on a daily basis, slightly wilted sprouts may be easier on the belly. Julie Harrell has written articles for the Coop Scoop since April of 1995, when her first article, An Organic Baby at Honest Weight, was published. She and her husband, Jerome, live on a farm with three horses, four llamas, five cats, two dogs and bees. Contact Jules at photonicgirl@hotmail.com.

Sprouts are as healthy as fresh garden greens because they are also fresh. In fact, both vitamin C and protein are increased in lentils when sprouted.1 Once you heat or cook sprouts, as with most vegetables, they lose a portion of

Shah, S.A. et al, (2011). Effects of sprouting time on biochemical and nutritional qualities of mung bean varieties. African Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 6(22), pp. 5091-5098. PLEASE NOTE: Sprouts can be subject to contamination which can result in bacterial growth such as E. coli, leading to food-borne illnesses. Always purchase organic fresh products from a reputable source, wash your hands thoroughly before handling foods, and keep sprouting equipment and all kitchen surfaces clean to avoid cross contamination. Always consume sprouts within a few days, fresh and straight out of the fridge. Some health organizations also recommend consuming them cooked to reduce the risk of infection. I certainly consume raw homemade sprouts, and have never had an issue. Decide what is a responsible choice for you and your family.




Tools and Materials

Wide-mouth quart or half-gallon sized mason jars Spouting lids. You can buy these in Honest Weight’s Bulk Department or make your own. To make DIY sprouting lids, poke holes in a plastic lid using a nail with a diameter that is smaller than your seeds or replace the solid center of a mason jar lid with a circle of wire window screen. 1/4 cup dry, organic, nuts, seeds, grains, or beans per quart jar (or 1/2 cup dry seeds for half gallon jars). Note: Must be raw, unpasteurized and non-irradiated



1) Place seeds in jars with sprouting lid on jar 2) Cover seeds with water and soak for 24 hours 3) Rinse, then drain seeds in jar by placing it upside down with the sprouting lid on. 4) Place jar upside-down in a sunny spot. Note: Bright sunlight is not required for sprouting, but you do need a window with good natural light. 5) Rinse sprouts twice daily with water to keep from molding or rotting 6) Sprouts are ready to harvest and eat within four to five days. Sprouts vary from 1/8-inch to 2-inches long. You can grow them longer if you wish for larger sprouts. Note: After 7 days they will begin to lose their ability to grow properly in the jar and may turn brown.

Culinary suggestions

Sauté sprouts lightly with veggies, add raw sprouts to any meal, make a sprout salad, or juice them for a greenblast drink. My absolute favorite way to prepare sprouts is to fry onions and garlic in olive oil, add sprouts, and cover the pan with a lid. Steam for about five minutes and add soy sauce and a touch of cayenne. I always throw in a dash of kelp for thyroid health. Add some pressurecooked lentils and rice for a truly healthy, protein-packed vegan meal.


What if your seeds didn’t sprout? To ensure proper sprouting, high-quality, organic seeds are essential. Mason jars and lids must be clean. Another issue to consider is light exposure: maybe you need to move your sprout jar to a brighter spot in the house. What if your seeds develop fungus? Fungus can develop if there is too much moisture trapped within the sprouts. Another cause of fungus is that the sprouts could have reached the end of their ability to grow in the warm terrarium environment of the glass jars. Watch your sprouts carefully. When they are done growing, remove from the jars, put into a metal or glass bowl, and cover with damp paper towels. They will last another couple of days in your fridge. Meanwhile, you can begin soaking seeds for your next sprouting session. JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017


SEED, GRAIN, NUT, or BEAN SOAKING TIME SPROUTING TIME Almonds - pasteurized Almonds - truly raw Adzuki Beans Amaranth Barley Black Beans Brazil Nuts Buckwheat Cashews Chickpeas/Garbanzo Flaxseed Hazelnuts Kamut Lentils Macadamia Nuts Millet Mung Beans Oat Groats Pecans Pistachios Pumpkin Seeds Radish Seeds Sesame Seeds Sunflower Seeds Quinoa Walnuts Wheat Berries Wild Rice

8-12 hours 8-12 hours 8-12 hours 8 hours 6 hours 8-12 hours 3 hours 6 hours 2-4 hours 8 hours 30 minutes 8-12 hours 7 hours 7 hours 2 hours 5 hours 8-12 hours 6 hours 6 hours 8 hours 8-12 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 4 hours 4 hours 7 hours 9 hours

no sprouting 3 days 4 days 1-3 days 2 days 3 days no sprouting 2-3 days no sprouting 2-3 days no sprouting no sprouting 2-3 days 2-3 days no sprouting 12 hours 4 days 2-3 days no sprouting no sprouting 3 days 3-4 days 2-3 days 12-24 hours 2-3 days no sprouting 3-4 days 3-5 days 19

Recipe Corner



A beautiful side dish for any holiday table or hearty enough to serve with salad for brunch by Erin Coufal



2 cups flour ¼ tsp dry thyme ¼ tsp salt 1/8 tsp black pepper ¼ cup plus 1 tbsp coconut oil 4 tbsp olive oil 5 tbsp ice water

2 cups of butternut squash diced small 1 large carrot, sliced thinly 1 apple, diced small ½ red onion, sliced thinly 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp maple syrup ½ tbsp dry rosemary, chopped ½ tbsp dry thyme ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp black pepper

Cook’s tip

Shop in bulk for flour, salt, and dried herbs and spices


Preheat oven to 375 In a large bowl, combine all the filling ingredients and toss well. Set aside To prepare the crust, combine flour, thyme, salt and pepper in a food processor. Pulse 2 to 3 times. Add oils and pulse until the mixture looks like corn meal. Add water 1 tablespoon at a time and keep pulsing until the dough comes together to form a ball. On a lightly floured piece of parchment paper, roll the dough into an 8-10 inch circle. Place the veggies in the center, leaving about a 2 inch border. Fold the sides over the filling keeping the center open. Carefully lift the parchment paper and transfer the galette to a large baking sheet. Bake for 70 minutes. Erin Coufal is the Communications Manager at Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless and a vegan Mom to two awesome kiddos. Honest Weight is her “happy place” because of the food, friends, and conversations.

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Renewal Recipes by Abigail Thurston

Try one of these affordable and effective do-it-yourself cleansing recipes. All of the ingredients below can be found in Honest Weight’s Bulk and Wellness departments.

Mighty-Brite Minty Earthpaste

#2 Minty Fresh Mouthwash

1/3 cup Bentonite clay 1/3 cup aluminum-free baking soda 1/4 cup organic coconut oil 1 tsp activated charcoal (optional) 8 drops peppermint essential oil

2 tsp baking soda 2 tsp xylitol1 4 drops peppermint essential oil 2 drops thyme essential oil

Mix dry ingredients in a small bowl. Stir in the oils. Spoon mixture into a 4-ounce wide-mouth plastic or glass jar. Use as you would regular toothpaste two to three times per day.

Combine ingredients into a 12-ounce bottle in the order listed. Top off the bottle with distilled water. Shake well. Swish, gargle, and enjoy minty fresh breath. Xylitol is a natural sugar that helps prevents cavities by inhibiting the growth of the bacteria that causes them. Use over time allows fewer decay-causing bacteria survive on tooth surfaces. Source: The California Dental Association. You can find xylitol in Honest Weight’s Bulk Department among the sweeteners.


Coffee/Chocolate Facial Exfoliant 2/3 cup coffee and/or cacao nibs, finely ground 1 ounce grapeseed oil

1 ounce organic coconut oil 1 tbsp turbinado sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla

Combine ground coffee or cacao nibs (or a little of both!) and sugar in a bowl. Stir in the oils, and then add the vanilla. Spoon mixture into a 4-ounce widemouth jar. To use: wet face and liberally apply exfoliant in a circular motion to your cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. Rinse with warm water.

Abigail Thurston has been living a holistic lifestyle for more than a decade. She sees clients in her Clifton Park practice where she supports women in co-creating more joy through powerfully-gentle bodywork, energy medicine, kinesiology and intuitive healing. Visit her online at www.SavvyHolisticWoman.com. JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017







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Co-op Kids!

Can you name all of these seasonal fruits and veggies?

illustrations by Amelianne McDonnell word search by Rebecca Angel Maxwell

Find What’s in Season!

These fruits and veggies are in season in January and February. Can you find them throughout the pages of the Coop Scoop? There are ten!

New Year’s Word Search renew beginning fresh start N Y G U E Z F T O A A B V E A X R L A C I Z N F G G N I B W E M E D G D B I E U C F X J F

spark winter snow fun


cozy cocoa sledding create



Answer: kiwi, turnips, grapefruit (Citrus), potatoes, broccoli JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017



Ask us a


t our part Celebrate Our bo u New Everyday Low Prices and Have a Field Day. Honest.

Eat healthy and save money with Honest Weight’s new Co+op Basics program! Look for items marked with the Co+op Basics logo and you’ll find big savings you can count on, month after month. Our co-op exclusive Field Day staples are one of many natural brands we offer in a huge selection at everyday low prices. Genuinely simple food that’s delicious, good for you, and affordable? Now that’s something to celebrate!

Plus, Don’t Miss These Great Ways to Save!

Stretch your dollars with our Great Deals! and Fresh Deals! sales flyers, available in-store and online!

Look for coupons at the store entrance and on the shelves!

Seniors SAVE 8% on Wednesdays, Students can SAVE 8% on Sundays!

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