Honest to Goodness - September/October 2013

Page 27



Virabhadrasana – Warrior 1 with Arm Variations Begin with one leg forward, the other slightly turned out; Back heel is grounded throughout this sequence; Elbows bent; Palms up. 1. Inhale: Slide your hips forward, bending your front leg as you draw your elbows back and lift your chest, lengthening your spine. Elbows stay close to the body. Don’t engage the shoulders. 2. Exhale, lengthen both legs, as you extend your arms forward, hands pressing forward. Draw your belly inward and upward. Do not displace your shoulders; keep your shoulders in line with or slightly in front of your hips. Keep your low back free of compression. Repeat 2-3 times. Then: Slide into warrior stance with your hand on your front knee and: 3. Inhale: Sweep your arm outward and upward in a diagonal arc. Follow the palm of your hand with the tip of your nose. 4. Exhale: Sweep your hand across your body and down to the other side, still following your hand with the tip of your nose. Repeat 2-3 times. Do not force this movement. After the third repetition, remain in the open position for a few breaths. Relax what is tense and open where there is allowance. Repeat the entire sequence on the other side.


4 September/October 2013


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