HSIzine - 1st quarter 2024

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Ouryearof freedom...





A “Hey Girl, Hey!” Moment with Nicole Morgan



5 tips for helping your young one have an impactful video audition






Calling all young thespians and backstage theatre preprofessionals!

For the creatives...and the writers.

Fromthe Executive Director

As February unfurls its graceful tendrils, I find myself marveling at the beauty of this month It's a time when the world seems to hold its breath, caught between the chill of winter and the promise of spring It's a time for reflection, for celebrating the accomplishments of those who have paved the way before us, and for dreaming of the possibilities that lie ahead.

In this issue of Honestly Speaking, I am particularly moved to honor the female playwrights and dreamers who have left an indelible mark on the world of theater Their words have echoed through time, resonating with audiences and inspiring countless others to pursue their own creative passions As a playwright myself, I am constantly in awe of the courage and tenacity of these trailblazers, and I am grateful for the paths they have forged.

But our celebration doesn't stop there I am thrilled to share with you our excitement for the inaugural Honestly Speaking Theater camp for Deaf/HoH and hearing middle schoolers It will culminate with a bilingual (ASL & English) production of the hit Broadway musical, “Annie ” This is more than just a chance to showcase their talents; it's an opportunity to break down barriers and build bridges between communities. Through the universal language of theater, we can come together to celebrate our differences and embrace our shared humanity.

ke a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty of February, the the boundless potential of the future Together, we can create a am is realized



5tipsforhelpingyour youngonehavean impactfulvideoaudition


1 Choose a well-lit and quiet space for recording to ensure clear audio and visuals

The Slate: So, imagine you're introducing yourself to a new friend Slating is a bit like that, but for auditions. It's when you stand in front of the camera and say your name and maybe the part you're trying out for, just to say 'hello' before you show how awesome you are in your audition

2. Showcase your range by performing a short monologue and a song that highlights your vocal ability

3. Be expressive and connect with the camera as if it were your audience Show off your personality and acting skills!


4 Practice, practice, practice! Rehearse your audition pieces until you feel confident and comfortable delivering them on camera.

As you embark on your audition journey, remember these key tips to make your performance shine With preparation, confidence, and a touch of personality, you'll captivate casting directors and stand out from the crowd Break a leg, and let your talent light up the stage!

6 IssueNo.002


I’ve created 2 incredible story prompts I want to tap into the imagination of the readers. Using either or both of these prompts, create your own short story or play We’d love to read them Listen! One time I created an ENTIRE 85 page play based on a 2 line prompt. You never know where the diamonds lie. So, let’s dig

Email your submission to: nix@honestlyspeakingpresents org

the quiet village of Willowbrook, here the sun painted golden strokes ross the meadows, there lived a boy med Ezra. His most prized ossession was a light brown hat, its im frayed from countless adventures. ra wore it like a secret a whispered omise between him and the wind nder that hat, he became a pirate iling the grassy seas, a detective raveling mysteries hidden in dewssed petals, and a dreamer chasing nsets The villagers would say, here goes Ezra, the boy with the hat our turn

Harlem,NY(orin mymind...)

“Rhythm of Dreams”

In the heart of Harlem stood the Harmony Theater, where dreams pirouetted and melodies waltzed Three remarkable kids Jamal, Zara, and Lena were at the center of it all Jamal tapped like raindrops, Zara sang with a velvet voice, and Lena penned stories that blurred reality and dreams. Together, they revived an old masquerade ball, where wishes came true under a crescent moon. The Harmony Theater glittered, and their dreams became constellations lighting up the Harlem sky And so, dear reader, if you ever find yourself near the Harmony Theater, listen closely You might hear the echo of laughter, the strum of a guitar, and the rustle of pages the rhythm of dreams that still dances through its walls.


“ActingUp”SummerTheatreCamp:A UniqueExperienceforDeaf,Hearing,and CODAKids

This summer, Honestly Speaking is set to premiere a groundbreaking program in the DC Metropolitan area: the “Acting Up” Summer Theatre Camp. This innovative camp is the first of its kind, bringing together Deaf, hearing, and Children of Deaf Adults (CODA) kids to explore the magic of musical theatre. Running from June 18th to July 28th, the camp offers a unique opportunity for children to immerse themselves in a vibrant, inclusive environment Over the course of five weeks, campers will not only make new friends but also learn a new language and delve into different cultures

The camp’s curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive theatre experience Participants will work with both Deaf and hearing theatre professionals to produce a Broadway-ready version of “Annie Jr ” in both American Sign Language (ASL) and English This hands-on approach allows students to learn about all aspects of theatre production, both in front of and behind the stage.

In addition to theatre production, the camp also includes lessons in public speaking, executive functioning, social media management, and entrepreneurship These skills are invaluable, equipping the campers with the tools they need to succeed in today’s digital age

The camp also includes three field trips, further enriching the campers’ summer experience These excursions provide additional opportunities for learning and exploration, complementing the camp’s in-house activities

The culmination of the camp will be a production of “Annie Jr ” set to take place on the weekend of July 28, 2024. This performance will showcase the hard work, talent, and growth of the campers, serving as a testament to the power of inclusivity and the arts.

In conclusion, the “Acting Up” Summer Theatre Camp is more than just a summer program It’s a pioneering initiative that celebrates diversity, fosters learning, and nurtures a love for the arts It’s an experience that the campers will carry with them long after the final curtain call

There are a limited amount of spaces available for the camp. Those that are interested are encouraged to secure a spot with a $25 deposit that will be applied to the cost of tuition. At $225/week, it is the lowest priced, pre-professional theatre camp available Interested? Click HERE

8 IssueNo.005
For more information OR to register please visit : CALL OR TEXT - SEE WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS OR TO SCHEDULE A VIDEO CHAT 1(202) 855-0163 www.honestlyspeakingpresents.org Be a part of professional show! Field trips EF Skills Make new friends ...and more Build confidence Professional training Theatre Camp Camp JUNE 18AUG 2 $225/ WEEK ““ACTING ACTING UP UP” ” *BILINGUAL (ASL & ENGLISH)* Why “ACTUP” withus? ForDEAF/HoH/CODA & Hearingkids Rising grades 6 - 8th location: TBD Honestly Speaking Presents... Learn ASL

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