Share Your Creative Side By Growing Herbs

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GROWING HERBS BY HOME VERTEX The Official Newsletter of Home Vertex Network



If you’d like to feel creative, then why not plant herbs?

Greenhouse Tips

It can be fun to watch as they begin to grow and it is a fairly easy process. There is nothing like creating a culinary masterpiece and getting to add your own freshly grown herbs to add flavor. Teas also may be made from your herb garden as well as making fragrant sachets, potpourri, scented candles and oils. Herbs can be grown to use in food dishes or simply as flowers to enjoy. So why not take a little time to do something that is sure to bring lots of enjoyment and start growing herbs. Here are a few easy steps to get you started in your endeavor.

How To Plant Growing Herbs First of all, you will need to decide what you would like to grow. Look in herbal catalogues or online to find what best suites you. The next thing is to determine if you are going to have an actual garden plot where you will plant or something as small and easy as an herb garden on your kitchen window ledge. This is especially good if you plan to snip off growing herbs to use for cooking. If you would like to grow herbs for the mere enjoyment of nice smelling plants, then by all means, plant them indoors where you will get the most enjoyment out of them as possible.

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What Are The Basic Herbs? Of the many varieties of possible herbs to grow, make the decision based on what kinds of food you normally prepare. A few of the easiest herbs to grow would include thyme, garlic, oregano, basil, dill and chives. Growing herbs such as lavender, peppermint and chamomile will be delicious for brewing a good cup of hot tea. After learning about herbs, you’ll discover that there are a few that will require to be grown from seeds instead of transplanting them. And then there are some that should be bought from a plant nursery as an actual established plant and then re-planted in your garden area. Have A Herb Garden The growing of herbs will require that they have a proper amount of sunlight for much of the day. There are only a few that prefer shade best. No matter the type of plant, they will all require good soil which has been enriched a couple of times a year with compost. It is also very important that your herbs have proper drainage. It will help them to have wonderful rich flavor. Over watering or lack of sunshine will affect the growth of the growing herbs. Be sure that you do not plant in an area where water tends to accumulate. In order to conserve moisture, you may place mulch around the plants. If pesky pests start to become a problem, it is recommended that you use an insecticidal soap or horticultural oil or many people even use crushed garlic around the base of the plant. To retain the natural purity of the herb, do not use pesticides. The idea of growing herbs is so that you can enjoy fresh and flavorful varieties from your garden, without the added worry of pesticides. Have fun and enjoy your gardening experience as you watch your herb garden come to life.

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