What is an Attic and What Can it be Used for?

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ATTIC BY HOME VERTEX The Official Newsletter of Home Vertex Network



An attic is quite simply the space between the roof and


the ceiling of the top floor of a structure including houses and commercial buildings. Originally attics were quite large but tended to be odd shaped and difficult to reach. Today the space is put to good use as a storage space or as an additional room for some.While many people use this space as only a storage area, it can be quite useful in other forms as well. You may need to finish both the walls and the flooring, but if you are looking for a quick and easy additional room, this is likely to solve your problem. However, when you decide to use your attic for any purpose, you have to keep in mind the temperatures that are normally found there.

Because of the elevation, the attic tends to be much warmer than other areas of the home or business. This is just due to the simple fact that warmth from the floors below will rise and once it gets to this level it has no place to go.This temperature fluctuation will determine the things you can safely do with Click here to visit that unused space. For storage, it’s suitable for things such as our website for Christmas decorations and winter clothing in addition to toys. But things such as records, CDs, movies and photo albums will more info. not typically fare well in this heat. If you plan to use the space as an additional room, you will want to consider installing a window for the occupant so they will be able to release the warmer air and be comfortable. In addition a fan or air conditioning may be helpful as well. One other problem that is often found with many attics is the unwanted guests that tend to build their homes there. If the attic is used for storage or has been unoccupied for a long period in time it’s not unusual to find several different varieties of animals living there.The warmer conditions are found quite favorable to critters such as rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons and others. In addition to the added warmth, the attic is usually a place where they won’t be disturbed so it provides an ideal shelter for them. Other creatures that you are likely to find will include snakes, spiders and sometimes bats and birds.While turning that space into an extra room will require some work, it may be worth your while to look into it. In some cases the renovation will cost far less than a completely new addition being built. Because you can easily help to keep the temperatures down by installing a window, providing a fan or air conditioning and things of that nature, many of the people who would be willing to live within an attic are perfectly happy.

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