Growing Orchids At Home

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GROWING ORCHIDS BY HOME VERTEX The Official Newsletter of Home Vertex Network

GROWING ORCHIDS AT HOME An orchid can be a houseplant or they can be planted outside in a garden. They are very beautiful plants to have growing inside or out. Orchids can be easy to grow and will bloom for several years with the proper care. As with any other living plant, they require sunlight, water and fertilizers. These amazingly beautiful flowers are popular gifts during the holiday seasons. They are found around the world. There are approximately 25,000 types of orchids, not counting the hybrid varieties.

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Growing Orchids If you are going to grow orchid plants at home, you should do some research about the flower and what the plant needs. It is not hard to keep an orchid healthy but you have to make sure that is has the appropriate amount of sunlight and water. Remember though, too much of either can cause problems with the plant. These two things are the main things they will need. Most orchids require watering about once per week, depending on the climate. If you are not sure whether it is needing water, you can put your finger in the soil about an inch and it should resemble a sponge. If it is dry, then it is definitely time to water the plant. You can set the plant right into the sink and allow the water flow for twenty to thirty seconds to provide enough water.

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Some orchid species require watering twice per week. You can get something called the humidity tray when your house is quite dry. The tray is upped up with water and pebbles. They are usually metal or plastic. The water gradually evaporates into the air which allows the plant to absorb moisture from the air. The ideal light for an orchid is medium light rather than direct. Orchids require about four hours in the sun each day. Indirect light is best for Phals but Cattleya do just fine is direct light. Normal house temperatures are great fine to most orchids. The low temperatures at night do not harm the plant. As with any plant, orchids need good soil. Being in a confined environment, like a house, will cause deterioration of the soil. Fertilizers should be applied regularly because of this. Orchids are a beautiful flower when they are in total bloom. Then the effort and the time taken to care for these plants will be forgotten when you see the beauty that they behold in full bloom. It is truly a wondrous sight.

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