Board minutes 31 May, 2022

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Homes in Sedgemoor Board

The purpose of Board meetings is to make decisions, to set and evaluate strategy, to review the company’s performance and to direct its affairs

Board minutes of the in-person Board Meeting held at The Canalside, Bridgwater on Tuesday 31 May 2022 at 1pm

Board Members

Cllr Janet Keen

Cllr Lance Duddridge

Jenny Vernon

Marie Hide

Paul Hackett

Paul Stephenson - Chair


Ben Lane, Director of Finance and Performance

Claire Tough, Director of Neighbourhoods

Naomi Macey, Director of Asset Management & Safety

Louise Pither (minutes)

Peter Hatch, Chief Executive


Ann Hooper, STAC member

Bodhi Chidgey, Communications Lead (Item 20b)

Julia Paling, Head of HR and Corporate Services (Items 17 & 18)

Karen Wilce, STAC member and proposed Board member

Teresa Harvey, Assistant Director, SDC

PS welcomed the guests.

8. Draft Minutes Recorded on 29 March 2022

All agree as true and correct.


• Board NOTED and APPROVED the minutes

9. Matter Arising recorded on 29 March 2022

Noted and approved.


• Board NOTED the matters arising.

1 Chair Initials Homes in Sedgemoor BOARD – 26 July 2022
7. Welcome Guests

10. Appointment of new Board Member

BL shared that Karen has put herself forward as a tenant board member. Board may wish to consider Karen onto STAC.

It was noted that the proposal cited KW as an Independent board member whereas it should read Tenant Board member. This is to be corrected in the reports and agenda.

All agreed and approved Karen as new tenant board member.

All agreed and approved Karen as board member rep on STAC.


PK to amend reports and agenda to read Tenant Board member


Board are recommended:

• To APPROVE the appointment of Karen Wilce as a Tenant Board Member with immediate effect until the next Annual General Meeting on 27th September 2022.

• Subsequent to the appointment as Tenant Board Member to APPROVE the nomination of Karen Wilce as a Board Member representative on the Sedgemoor Tenants Assurance Committee (STAC).

11. Chair’s Update Report

No questions were raised, and members noted the update RESOLVED

• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

12. Chief Executive’s Update Report

No questions were raised, and members noted the update


• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

13. Chair of Audit and Risk Update (verbal)

JV updated as below:

a. The committee has not met since the last Board meeting.

b. Final internal audit from the 21/22 audit plan completed – Compliance (Gas and Water) – Substantial assurance (great result, hats off to Naomi and her team). Two priority three recommendations (lowest priority).

c. 1st Audit of 22/23 about to commence – Compliance (Asbestos and Lifts)

d. We have agreed a training programme for Board members with SWAP. They are going to deliver three sessions (one at a time utilising time on the planned spotlight sessions) 30th June 22, 7pm – Digital Transformation, 8th December 22, 3pm – Change Management 6th February 23, 10am – Data Analysis.

Chair Initials



e. External Audit work on the 21/22 accounts 95% there. No major issues identified. Annual report and financial statements 95% there, will be ready for presentation at the June ARC alongside the auditor’s report. The final outturn deficit was larger than forecast in January. BL is bringing a more detailed explanation to the June ARC.

At the next ARC, BL is proposing to bring a paper outlining thoughts on how to strengthen our financial control/financial management. You may have picked up in the Board papers the final outturn for 2021/22 (management accounts paper) which shows a deficit at the end of the £118k worse than the deficit predicted within our January management accounts. BL added that there are some improvements we can bring in, working with fellow Directors/colleagues, to look to mitigate such a movement in the future.

BL will pull together a draft ARC agenda for the 21st June meeting and circulate it soon for consideration.

MH cannot make the meeting on 30/06/2022.

No questions were raised, and members noted the update RESOLVED

• Board NOTED the verbal report.

STAC Update

No questions were raised, and members noted the update

PS added that this was very thorough and comprehensive. RESOLVED

• Board NOTED the contents of the report.


Governance Framework Review

PS recognised and thanked BL for all the work that has gone in to preparing documents for Board to look at to review.

BL summarised his report. MH asked re scheme of delegations and Board Members Agreement for Services – Board member agreement signed off by Chief Executive? This needs to be signed off by a member of the Board and then counter signature from Chief Executive.

JK asked if there should be any change re whistleblowing and fraud – JK feels the Board should receive regular report about this. BL produces an annual report and a 6-monthly register. BL said we can do this more frequently than 6 months to strengthen but that any material cases would always be reported to the next Board meeting. JK added re internal audits – reports of auditor – Board should be informed to note. BL suggested the ARC minutes to go to Board routinely.

MH added we could do with an “easily accessed” board member handbook – reviewing the website so we can review this. JV asked if these documents need to be held confidentially.

Board approved all four documents subject to the required amendment as suggested by MH and subject to feedback from Karen on her induction experience This can be left open to review following this feedback.

Chair Initials


JV – Board member induction checklist – PMH and BL to reflect on this. In the meantime, ask Pauline for a day pass if you need to park at Bridgewater House.


BL to amend signatories on Scheme of Delegation.

BL to ensure ARC mins to go to Board routinely.

JP to review future website to see if we can have a section for Board member documents

PK to review arrangements for parking/passes for Board members.



APPROVED for adoption the following Governance Framework documents.

• Scheme of Delegation

• Standards for Effective Meetings

• Openness and Accountability Policy

• Board Member Induction Policy

• Board Member Induction Checklist

NOTED the intention to extend the Governance Framework review until the September Board to provide sufficient Board Agenda time for the completion of the review.

Sustainability Strategy

Strategy map has been previously circulated. NM has made a more formal strategy, but this contains no significant changes. Short time frame to 2025 – this strategy sets out to test and lean during this period, spending this time testing tech and working with tenants to understand what works for them in their homes. This is essential before we commit the organisation to substantial long-term expenditure Proposing a management team to drive this forward.

NM clarified that a Board champion for this strategy was approved at the last Board meeting (JV).

PS thanked NM for making the changes requested.

JV recently spoke to an associate who works at a nearby housing organisation that is working to put largescale photo-voltaic panels up on homes to provide free energy, even though the homes are not yet fully insulated. NM said that we need to think about the condition of the rooves before this, we will look at this as part of our project. Looking at battery packs that link with them – we are actively looking at this kind of tech.

JK asked would this bring conflict with the development team? PMH – quite the opposite, we work closely with Duncan and his team, who are now managed by NM. We need to really ensure we are understanding what our customers need and ensure we are pausing for breath and evaluating what is going to work best for us and for our customers in the long term.

MH asked if we are considering carbon offsetting? NM confirmed that this was to be included in our long-term approach.

4 Chair Initials

MH – retrofitted properties might not have as much benefit between tenants who are out all day compared to tenants who are home all day. Are we considering a possibility that is not 100% win for the tenant but a win for us? JV said we can consider this as part of our approach. We need to prioritise and do the worst houses first.

MH asked when we consider fuel poverty are we considering across the whole year? NM and CT working together to consider this.

PH we need a flexible strategy due to all the different needs of our homes.

Approved and agreed as long as the plan stays flexible.



• APPROVED the Sustainability Strategy 2022-25

• AGREED JV is the Board Champion to sit on our Sustainability Management Team

16b Update on Sustainability Activities

JV noted that the report contained too many acronyms.


KB to ensure that future reports do not contain acronyms.


• Board NOTED the Sustainability Activities update and related activities

17. People Plan Update

JP summarised her report.

IIP workshops will take place for colleagues to get a feel for their thoughts and views.

PS complimented the comprehensive report and thanked JP. Noted a typo of 5% (employee recognition) instead of 35%.

JV queried of the lower figure for Trust was due to the sample size. JP confirmed that this was not the case.

JV loves the new job adverts on Facebook and has used this as an example in her company. JP will feed this back to Charlie.


JP to feedback compliment to Charlie re Facebook adverts.

JP to change recognition score in the report from 5% to 35%


• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

5 Chair Initials

18. Customer Focus (six monthly review)

JK added that anti-social behaviour etc is not always from HiS tenants. Therefore, there is very little we can do in some cases. CT agrees with this, and added it is testament to the hard work the teams do that we do work across the community to resolve issues. JK would like noted her great praise for the housing officers.

JV raised compensation payments – useful to understand these payments compared to previous years.



CT to feed back JK’s compliment to the team.

RP to include previous year’s compensation data in future reports.


• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

19. Compliance Report – April 2022



• Board NOTED the contents of the report

20a. Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) – LGR Update

JV request that future updates elaborate on tenant engagement activities.


PMH to elaborate on tenant engagement in future reports.


• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

20b. LGR Draft Comms Plan


BC and JP left the meeting at 16:01.


• Board NOTED the proposed Local Government Reorganisation Communications Plan.

21. Board Member Expenses 2021/22 and Board Budget for 2022/23



• Board NOTED the annual breakdown of 2021/22 expenses received by Board Members and the Board expenses budget for 2022/23.

6 Chair Initials

22. Corporate Strategy (six monthly review)

Noted. This will be revisited at the October away days.


• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

23. Core Corporate Performance Indicators – 2021/22 Year End



• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

24. Management Accounts – 2021/22 Year End

BL summarised the report. Good learning for BL and the team – will be pulling together some info for ARC committee in June.

JV asked does the deficit have implications for our budget or our reserves. BL responded yes for our reserves as it will eat into the excess above the £1.5M contingency. We will monitor.

JV asked if the commitments previously made and funded from our reserves will be affected. BL confirmed that they should not be affected.



• Board NOTED the Management Accounts for the twelve months ended 31st March 2022 (Mth 12) and the key variances identified in the body of the report

25. Debtor Balances and Write Off Report – 31 March 2022




• NOTED that the total value of “rent and service charge” debt written off during the 2021/22 financial year was £27,312 and that arrears at the end of March stood at £213,082 (of which £166,927 was current tenant arrears)

• NOTED that the total value of “rechargeable repairs” debt written off during the 2021/22 financial year was £16,751 and that arrears at the end of the same period stood at £96,333.

• NOTED that the total value of “commercial” debt at the end of March stood at £14,248.

7 Chair Initials


Board and Committee Attendance Report – 2021/22

Noted. PS thanked JV for covering the board meetings which he could not attend.

JK asked if it would be helpful to be providing tenant members with paper copies? PMH replied that we are in a digital world and we do not want to go back to paper copies. We also do not have the resources to do this. However, he is aware that some Board members are having difficulties with HiS supplied laptops and he is happy to provide a simpler solution in iPads/tablets

CT added that we provide a buddy system as part of the induction so this should help with any queries around papers/meetings.


CT to look at providing iPads/tablets where required for Board members to view papers.



• NOTED the attendance for the 2021/22 financial year.

• DISCUSSED any concerns regarding attendance at Board and Committee meetings

27. Board Member Succession Statement

Noted. This has been discussed previously, continue considerations.


Continue considerations.


• Board NOTED the annual position statement and CONSIDERED what action needs to be taken to maintain a full complement of members in accordance with the Articles of Association.

28. NHF Code of Governance 2020 – Annual Self-Assessment



• Board NOTED the contents of the report.

29. AOB

PMH invited Board members to our Connect Session taking place at The Canalside on 15th June. Activities and barbeque. Board members all welcome to come, even just for part of this. Starts at 13:30. Please RSVP to Pauline Kelly so we can place you in teams and cater.

PMH advised that former Board member, David Ellison’s funeral is being held at Sedgemoor Crematorium at 9.30am on 7 June 2022. PS added that he was aware that HiS colleagues had been heavily involved in the funeral arrangements and thanked them.


LP to circulate the Connect times and information to Board Members

8 Chair Initials
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