Board minutes 27th July 2021

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Homes in Sedgemoor Board

The purpose of Board meetings is to make decisions, to set policy, to solve problems and to plan and evaluate

Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 27 July 2021 via Teams at 1.15pm

Present: Cllr Janet Keen

Cllr Kathy Pearce

Cllr Lance Duddridge

Jenny Vernon

Marie Hide

Paul Hackett

Paul Stephenson (Chair)

In Attendance:

Ben Lane, Director of Finance and Performance

Claire Tough, Director of Neighbourhoods

Naomi Macey, Director of Asset Management & Safety

Pauline Kelly, Executive Assistant (minutes)

Peter Hatch, Chief Executive


Teresa Harvey, Sedgemoor District Council

Jackie Grennel, Tpas (current independent Chair of STAC)

Karen Wilce, STAC (staying for the Board meeting)

Ann Hooper, STAC (staying for the Board meeting)

Pauline Hayes, STAC (staying for the Board meeting)

Martin Heard, STAC (staying up to the STAC update

Scott McFarlan, STAC (staying for the Board meeting)


1. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

PS’ presentation was well received. ACTION

PK to circulate the presentation to all attendees.

2. Welcome and Apologies

PS welcomed Board members, attendees, and guests to the meeting.

Apologies were given on behalf of Julia Paling, David Baxter and Rachel Palmer.

3. Declaration of Interest

There were no further declarations other than those previously recorded on Board Members’ Declaration of Interests Forms.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2021

The minutes of the Board meeting held on 25 May 2021 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Chair Initials


5. Matters Arising from the meeting held on 25 May 2021

Members noted the matters arising from the Board meeting held on 25 May 2021.

6. Chair’s Update Report

PS gave a brief overview to members and the following highlights were noted.

• MH requested that Spotlight session notes/papers to be circulated for information, ensuring members who are unable to attend are still updated.

• PS to circulate his draft proposals on how Board meetings will be going forward to members for discussion and further refresh.


PS to circulate draft proposals for Board members for further discussion and refresh.


• Board NOTED the Chair’s update report.

7. Chief Executive’s Update Report

PMH gave a brief overview to members and the following highlights were noted.

• Unitary – the chosen proposal was the case put forward by Somerset County Council for a single authority for the future structure of local government in Somerset. Members are looking forward to further unitary updates as the process moves forward.

• Management Agreement – the council meeting in which this was to be agreed coincided with the unitary announcement, so the meeting was cancelled. TH confirmed there is no further update and will communicate any outcome once received back to HiS. PMH will update members once this has been received from SDC.

• JG queried what the implications are for HiS. PMH confirmed there are a number of options available, HiS now working with SDC and other councils on next steps to take the process forward.

PH to send a copy of his staff unitary communication to STAC members.

TH confirmed SDC are fully aware of the anxiety staff members will be feeling. She stressed that communication lines are open with Bob Brown meeting with PMH on a regular basis and CT also joins TH’s team meeting.


PMH to circulate a copy of the staff unitary communication to STAC members.


• Board NOTED the Chief Executive’s report.

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8. Chair of Audit and Risk update (verbal)

Verbal update was given by JV and the following highlights were noted.

• ARC met on 8 June and took our external auditors, Bishop Fleming, through the draft annual report. During a private meeting with the auditors, the Bishop Fleming team reported how easy it was to work with HiS team. Congratulations were given to BL and his Finance team.

• BF did point ARC to the pension assumption, which had increased in liability. Although this does not affect employer pension contributions, it is one to watch.

• Assets held are growing well. A risk was raised with regard to holding third party cash, ie for the Arts Council. This is now being held in a different way.

• Capital works has been given the thumbs up.

• £76k surplus which was approved by ARC.

• Internal Auditors also looking into how we do things and are we doing what we say we do. Equally complimentary about working with the HiS Finance team. They noted in their report 36 actions had been listed with 32 now completed and the others well on their way.

• La Ciotat House – with regard to the ground source heat contract, the auditors felt HiS were in too deep to do anything other than work to complete. The HiS team are working closing with SDC and once the contract has been completed a lessons learned meeting will be held and actions will be taken to the contractors. NM will be bringing a wash up report to Board.

• Realistic deadlines to be put in place following requests for extensions.

• Reappointed Bishops Fleming for one more year. This will give HiS time to retender to test the market and this process will being starting shortly. ARC approved the reappointment.

• Risk Register – discussed Somerset reorganisation, supply chains and decarbonisation. ICT and Health & Safety Compliance. Generally happy with order of risk.

• Risk Appetite – Board might not agree with the current SMT view and this will be an item on the agenda for the Board Away Day.

• Fire Doors – discussed the Westfield House fire door test. Agreed if the same results came back following the second test, HiS will have further discussions with contractor.

• Core Corporate Indicators – approved the new framework.

• Treasury Management – monies moved to a low interest account to give quicker access to funds. A deep dive will be held during a future ARC meeting. ARC approved to move funds.

• Next meeting will be held at the end of August.

Chair Initials

LD arrived at 2pm RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the verbal update.

9. Sedgemoor Tenants’ Assurance Committee (STAC)

JG gave a brief overview to members and the following highlights were noted.

• First meeting was held on 29 June with four formal meetings planned per annum. Training sessions on local authorities, finance and how it works in the ALMO all went well, however members agreed to separate training sessions from meetings.

• Group has been renamed from the Operations Committee to Sedgemoor Tenants’ Assurance Committee.

• A face to face meeting has been planned for 10 August with JG also attending. Members will be looking at how to move scrutiny forward, training and development. STAC decisions will be noted and these will come back to Board for consideration.

• NM attending the next meeting to update STAC members on the process around how capital programme decisions are agreed and progressed.

• STAC members have an open invitation to attend Board meetings.

• Following a question from MH; CT confirmed councillor and tenant membership to STAC will be recruited once STAC members are happy with their training and have experienced some time working together, getting. Bonding and team building to run until January 2021, then further recruitment will commence.

SDC have put forward Cllr Duddridge for the STAC.

MHe thanked Board for his invitation to the meeting. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the STAC report.

10. Asset Management Strategy

NM gave an overview of both her report and presentation to members, and the following highlights were noted.

• Over the next 12 months surveys of the remaining stock will be completed so we can fully understand what is needed.

• This will give an overview on how we will deliver the works programme for the upgrade of the stock. Standards are increasing and in particular following the Grenfell disaster.

• Zero carbon by 2050 – we need to see where this sits in both our planning and customer expectations

• JK noted there is the dilemma between regenerate or rebuild. Some older properties have a large footprint with large gardens back and front. Newer properties tend to have a smaller footprint. What is the pressure on us to use the space that we havethat is the morale dilemma?

Chair Initials

• MH asked if costings are being carried out when buying back properties and buying additional properties. NM confirmed this is now in place.

• JK queried what happens to buy backs after they have been refurbished as some have caveats on them inhibiting rentals, which could cause issues for families who do not have to/want to leave the property. CT confirmed this would be down to SDC, their policy and their legal view.

TH confirmed there are caveats in the SDC Right to Buy sales contracts. Any queries would go via the SDC legal department.

MH asked if we would allow tenants to buy properties rather than sell onto other local authorities. NM confirmed that if a property is not viable some LAs want to sell them on, however HiS is not looking to take this approach. We want to bring them up to standard and keep them in our stock.


• Board NOTED and APPROVED the Asset Management Strategy and future direction of travel for our stock.

11. Lifts Safety Policy

NM gave a brief overview on the policy. No questions or queries were raised by members.


• Board APPROVED the Lifts Safety Policy.

12. Electrical Safety Services – Contract Award

NM gave a short introduction to the paper with the following highlights noted.

• NM confirmed to members that Liberty Gas Service Limited are a big national company who offer and deliver a wide range of services. She is very confident in their service and work ethic after delivering some services for HiS over the last year.

• Diversity is very much on Liberty’s agenda and their culture is very much derived from a customer focus basis.


• Board NOTED the contents of this report and APPROVED the recommendation to award a contract for electrical safety for up to five (5) years with Liberty Gas Services Limited.


13. Annual Financial Statements and Audit Findings for The Year Ended 31 March 2021

BL gave Board members an overview of the report and the following highlights were noted.

• The three documents have been presented to ARC, where our external auditors Bishops Fleming were also in attendance. Once signed they will go to the Board AGM in September for final approval.

• Letter drafted by auditors for Board to sign. This will be returned to the auditors as the Board’s authority to produce the accounts.


• Board APPROVED the Annual Report and Financial Statements, and its signature by the Chair on behalf of the Board, in advance of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

• Board NOTED the ‘Key Issues For Discussion’ of the Independent Auditors.

• Board APPROVED the Management Representation Letter, and its signature by the Chair on behalf of the Board.


Treasury Management Policy

BL gave an overview of the report, noting we are not active in the treasury world and are not moving monies around on a daily basis.

Treasury Management Policy is supported by our manual and in essence this determines the route through which decisions should be taken. RESOLVED.

• Board APPROVED the updated Treasury Management Policy.

15. Governance Framework

BL gave an overview of this information paper and the following highlights were noted.

• MH queried why the member appraisal forms had been circulated for completion prior to being approved by Board.

PS confirmed he had pushed for this route as the appraisals were taking place hence it seemed an opportune time to pilot the new forms.

• JV suggested the form to be completed at the end of each meeting was quite long and perhaps needs to be shortened.

JV to draft what she has in mind, will feed back to PS and BL and circulate in advance of the September Board meeting.

Meeting paused for a break at 14:51.


JV to draft amendments for the Board Meeting Effectiveness Questionnaire form and bring back to the September meeting.

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• Board APPROVED the refreshed “Board Effectiveness and Board Member Appraisal” policy and to APPROVED for adoption the following associated documents.

Board, Committee and Chair Effectiveness Questionnaire

Board Meeting Effectiveness Questionnaire (subject to JV amendments which will be brought to the September Board meeting)

Board Member Appraisal Form

16. Review of Damp & Mould

No questions were raised by members on this information paper.


PK to send a copy of the report to JG for information. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the report and on-going actions being taken

17. Compliance Report – June 2021

Board members noted the report.


NM to ensure DSFRS (Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service) referrals are captured in future compliance reports from July. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the report.

18. Core Corporate Performance Indicators – June 2021

No questions were raised by members on this information paper. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the performance for month three (April to June) of 2021/22.

19. Corporate Risk Register – May 2021

Board members noted the information report. MH requested the date be amended to the 8 June.


BL to amend the date on the report to 8 June. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the refreshed Corporate Risk Register. The register was reviewed at the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) meeting on the 23rd February.

The register presented to the Board covers all risks faced by Homes in Sedgemoor (HIS) with an inherent risk scoring that registers it as Red along with mitigations to manage those risks.

Chair Initials


20. Review of Financial Regulations

No questions were raised by members on this information paper. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the report

• Board APPROVED the reviewed and refreshed Financial Regulations.

21. Management Accounts – June 2021

No questions were raised by members on this information paper. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the Management Accounts for the three months ended 30 June 2021 (Month 3).

22. Value for Money Annual Report

BL asked members to note that a number of reports come through for ARC to look at.

PS requested that the new VFM strategy to be included on the Board Forward Plan for Member information.


PK to add VFM Strategy to the Board Forward Plan. RESOLVED.

• Board NOTED the Value for Money Annual Report

AOB Briefing Notes - Investors in People Final Report

PS noted that the report was a powerful and positive read. Board congratulated the whole organisation on this achievement.

AOB Board Member Laptops

Following discussions regarding the use of HiS laptops from September onwards for receiving confidential items, members noted the following issues:

• Password issues.

• Day meetings – requiring members to rearrange work meetings and personal commitments.

• Training and Spotlight – option could be to look at evening sessions.


PK to speak with IT regarding setting up meetings with members and password longevity.

AOB David Ellison

PS advised that David Ellison had tendered his resignation from Board with immediate effect. On behalf of Board, PS thanked DE for his time, commitment and dedication to Homes in Sedgemoor since 2017.

Chair Initials


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