AGM minutes September 28, 2021

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Homes in Sedgemoor Board

The purpose of Board meetings is to make decisions, to set policy, to solve problems and to plan and evaluate

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 28 September 2021 via Teams at 1.15pm

Present: Cllr Janet Keen

Cllr Kathy Pearce

Cllr Lance Duddridge

Jenny Vernon

Marie Hide

Paul Stephenson (Chair)

In Attendance:

Ben Lane, Director of Finance and Performance

Claire Tough, Director of Neighbourhoods

Naomi Macey, Director of Asset Management & Safety

Pauline Kelly, Executive Assistant (minutes)

Peter Hatch, Chief Executive


1. Bob Brown, Chief Executive of SDC

2. Doug Bamsey, Deputy Chief Executive

3. Jackie Grennel, Tpas (Item 9 – current independent Chair of STAC)

4. Ann Hooper

1. Welcome guests and note apologies

PS welcomed Board members, attendees, and guests to the meeting.

Apologies were given on behalf of Paul Hackett.

2. Declaration of Interest

There were no further declarations other than those previously recorded on Board Members’ Declaration of Interests Forms.

3. Minutes of the AGM held on 29 September 2020

It was agreed that minutes recorded on 29 September 2020 are a true record.


• The AGM APPROVED the minutes of the meeting recorded on 29 September 2020.

4. Review of the Year by the Chair

PS gave a brief overview to members and the following highlights were noted

• Covid-19 response: real innovation in adapting and keeping up services, helping customers, communities, and colleagues. Tested our relationship with council, needing the two organisations to work together and are grateful to the council for this as it worked very well.

• Board: carrying out a refresh of the Governance framework of the organisation which they felt was needed. BL is leading on this piece of work with support from Lindsey Hoggard, JV and PS.

1 Chair Initials Homes in Sedgemoor BOARD – 30 November 2021

• Creation of Ops Committee which has now changed the working name to Sedgemoor Tenants’ Assurance Committee (STAC).

• Compliance: was an issue at the start of 2020 and delighted we are portraying green from a bad red. Some good work has been undertaken, working closely with the council and NM and her team have done some magnificent work.

• Several strategies have been overhauled.

• Virtual colleague conference was held in December to which members were invited. JP and her team worked hard to ensure it ran as smoothly as possible and the experience was well worth it.

• IIP Gold re-awarded.

• Resilience: colleagues been through an ordeal and still gave customers a great service. The refurbishment of the west wing office is looking great with thanks to PK and all the refurb team for their hard work.


• The AGM NOTED the Chair’s update report.

5. Review of the Year by the Leader and CEO of Sedgemoor District Council BB gave a brief overview to members and the following highlights were noted.

• Covid-19: BB echoed PS comments, stating it started as a very difficult time. With the right people in the right places all services continued with very little drop. CT was a regular attender at SDC Gold meetings and collectively we did an excellent job in supporting communities, customers, and colleagues.

• Recovery and build back better: with the strong working relationship between SDC and HiS we can improve communities. With the additional challenge of LGR, our joint response and recovery stood this test.

• LGR: working with PH, CT and the team to help create the new authority Continue to engage and make all parties aware of the excellent job HiS is doing with our stock through the pandemic.

• Compliance: the speed at with problems were identified, dealt with and improvements made and the agencies that oversaw this was very pleasing and gave SDC the security that our stock was being well managed and in good hands to ensure the safety of our tenants.

• In terms of investments as we go forward, the improving of housing stock and building, SDC are happy to work with HiS and welcome that activity.

• A new management agreement has been re-negotiated and signed.

• Thanks were given to PS and Board; PH, SMT and their teams for all the good work that has been carried out.


• The AGM NOTED the review of the year by SDC.

Chair Initials


6. Approval of the Statutory Accounts for Year Ended 31 March 2021

BL confirm that SDC are the body who sign off the statutory accounts, which have also been signed by PS and Bishop Fleming.

BB approved the statutory accounts as presented. RESOLVED

• The AGM NOTED the update and APPROVED the Statutory Accounts for Year Ended 31 March 2021.

7. Appointment of External Auditors

BL reiterated the current arrangement is a three-year contract with the option of up to an additional two years. ARC expressed their wish to extend this to a fourth year. Bishop Fleming are working well with the Finance team who have been complimented for their professionalism. The auditors also work well with the ARC. To note, come February 2022/23 year we will need to decide if we wish to tender or consider opting for a fifth year with Bishop Fleming.

BB happy to approve the appointment Bishop Fleming for the year 2021/22. RESOLVED.

• The AG M NOTED the content of this report and APPROVED the proposal to extend the current contract held with Bishop Fleming

8. Board Member Retirements, Board Member Re-Appointments and Councillor Board Member nominations

BL ran through the retirements, re-appointments and councillor Board nominations as detailed below.

BB was happy to note the retirements and agrees the new appointments of the new roles as detailed below RESOLVED.

The AGM NOTED the verbal update and APPROVED the recommendations to:

1. NOTE the retirement from the Board of Marie Hide as a Tenant Board Member

2. NOTE the retirement from the Board of Paul Hackett as an Independent Board Member

3. APPROVE the re-appointment to the Board of Marie Hide as a Tenant Board Member for a further three-year term

4. APPROVE the re-appointment to the Board of Paul Hackett Hide as an Independent Board Member for a further three-year term

5. NOTE and APPROVE the nominations received from Sedgemoor District Council (SDC) of the following Councillors as Councillor Board Members for a further year:

• Cllr Janet Keen

• Cllr Kathy Pearce

• Cllr Lance Duddridge

Chair Initials

9. Questions from HiS Tenants, lease holders and colleagues

No questions were received in advance or raised at the meeting.

10. Questions to the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee

No questions were received in advance or raised at the meeting.

Charlie Harper joined at the end of the meeting to present the Annual Report 2020/21 video for information.

11. DATE of the next AGM meeting.

27 September 2022


• The AGM NOTED the date.

Meeting ended 13.40pm

Chair Initials

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