9 Fundamental On-Page SEO Factors You Need to Know

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9 Fundamental On-Page SEO Factors You Need to Know MILIAMAKRKETING.COM

E-A-T E-A-T is a core concept in Google's Search Quality Raters guide. Google is constantly fighting a battle over good and bad content. E-A-T, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, is the framework that Google raters use to assess content creators, webpages, and websites as a whole.

Title Tag A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. The title tag, an HTML tag that exists in the head section of each webpage, provides an initial cue or context as to what the topical subject matter is of the respective page it is on.

Meta Description A meta description (sometimes called a meta description attribute or tag) is an HTML element that describes and summarizes the contents of your page for the benefit of users and search engines. Optimizing meta description correctly can help improve: •Click-through rate (CTR). •Perception of the quality of the result. •Perception of what your website offers all change.

Headlines Headlines play an important part in website content. If you want your website to perform well then Your headlines need to spark interest for it to stand out on the SERPs – enticing users to click through and continue reading the rest of the content.

Header Tags Header tags, also known as heading tags, are used to separate headings and subheadings on a webpage. They can indirectly impact your rankings by: •Making your content easier and more enjoyable for visitors to read. •Providing keyword-rich context about your content for the search engines.

SEO Writing SEO writing (also known as “writing for SEO”) is the process of planning, creating and optimizing content with the primary goal of ranking in search engines. It is a process of writing that helps websites rank higher in search engines.

Keyword Cannibalization Keyword cannibalization means that you have various blog posts or articles on your site that can rank for the same search query in Google. It’s important to identify whether keyword cannibalization exists on your website and resolve it right away.

Content Audit A content audit is the process of systematically analyzing and assessing all the content on your website. Auditing your existing content is crucial because it helps you: •Evaluate whether your existing content is achieving its goals and gaining ROI. •Identify whether the information in your content is still accurate or has become stale (or even outdated). •Determine what types of content are working for you. It has to be done on a regular basis.

Image Optimization Image optimization is a technique used by many WordPress blogs around the web, and it's essential to a successful website that ranks well in the search engines. •Additional ranking opportunities (show up on Google Image Search). •Better user experience. •Faster page load times.

Final words On-page SEO is important if you want to increase your website’s chances of showing up in the search results. Optimizing for on-site factors on a regular basis can help improve your rankings, traffic, and conversions.

Information source Miliamarkrting.com

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