Why should you buy an inverter AC?

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Why should you buy an inverter AC? Company Logotype

Is it worth investing in an inverter AC? Does it really have anything special to offer or is it just another marketing gimmick by brands? Well, there has been a lot of confusion around what exactly inverter AC is and why it is considered a wiser choice when compared to general AC. With winter season on, this is the best time to invest in AC with all the offers galore. Before we jump to any conclusions, let’s understand the difference between a general AC and an inverter AC. A general AC’s compressor turns on and off to maintain the desired temperature in the room, and hence in this process, it requires more energy to offer a comfortable experience. Now it’s not an issue at all for anyone, but an inverter split ac takes the cooling game to another level. The compressor of an inverter split ac does not turn on and off again and again, instead, it runs constantly while varying its speed to maintain the desired temperature. The power required to start the compressor again from scratch gets saved in an inverter ac. Hence, an inverter split ac is epic at saving energy and bringing down your power bill to a significant extent. This technology is currently only available in split ACs, and it was Japan who first came up with this wonderful technology.

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So is there any other benefit than an inverter ac has to offer? Apart from being energy-saving, a 1.5 ton 5 star inverter ac is efficient at offering faster and more powerful cooling. Thanks to various compressor speeds and no time taken in starting the compressor again, it cools the room much quickly as compared to a general ac. So if you worry about the planet and want to save resources by investing in a 1.5 ton 5 star inverter ac or if you care about your savings and want to bring down your power bill, it’s the right choice for you. Have you got interrupted by the sudden compressor noise, while you were engrossed in your work? General ACs do make a lot of noise as its compressor turns on again and again, but an inverter AC is quieter due to its slow compressor speed. Sound sleep remains sound with an inverter ac, as it keeps the room temperature comfortable and steady. Another great benefit of an inverter ac is that if you have a 1.5 ton 5 star inverter ac in a room, it won’t automatically run at its peak power based on the 1.5 ton performance, but rather will adjust its cooling according to the specific size of that room. Hence, it does not function like a general ac and delivers peak performance when not necessary and deliver an uncomfortable experience. It adjusts and tweaks its performance while taking care of the fact that not all rooms are of the exact same size. Brands like Panasonic, LG, Voltas, etc. offer a great variety of inverter air conditioners! So go ahead, invest in the wiser ac- inverter ac!

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Image Source: bayheatingandcooling.com

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