A Detailed Understanding of Your Bike's Warranty

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A Detailed Understanding of Your Bike Battery’s Warranty

If you are a biker enthusiast, going for a long solo ride or attending a bikers’ rally with friends sounds like an amazing plan! However, when you turn on the ignition and your bike fails to start, it can be quite upsetting. It is a clear message that your bike’s battery is dead. Before looking at bike batteries online, you must understand which one you should buy and check if the new one will last longer than the previous one. To understand how reliable your bike battery is likely to be, you have to check out the warranty offered by bike battery manufacturers. A longer warranty on a battery ensures that you will not face major troubles or replacement costs for a few years. Bike batteries in India usually come with two kinds of warranty – a full free replacement warranty and a pro-rata warranty. A free replacement warranty offers bike battery replacement at no extra cost. A pro-rata warranty also offers replacement, but you incur a small cost in that case. Let’s take a look at both the warranties in detail: Free Replacement Warranty - Under this warranty, bike owners can avail a free battery replacement if their existing battery stops working due to some malfunction. However, you cannot avail a free replacement if your battery has merely discharged or there are signs of external damage and abuse such as damage to the battery terminals and plastic cover or hammering the battery. Battery manufacturers only replace the battery if there is an internal issue due to manufacturing defect in the battery during the warranty period. Pro-Rata Warranty – Under this warranty, bike owners cannot avail a replacement battery free of cost, but they do get a discount over the prevailing MRP of the battery if it is damaged or malfunctions. The bike battery warranty starts from the date of purchase, so if you have purchased a second-hand or refurbished bike, be sure to check the pro-rata warranty period of the battery. When you get your battery replaced during the warranty period, the warranty on the replacement battery will commence from the date mentioned on the battery and not from the date of purchase of the replacement battery. Let’s understand warranties better with a real-life example. If you buy a bike battery that comes with 24 months warranty, in most cases the first 12 months will be the free replacement warranty period. During this time, if your battery does not work well or gets damaged internally, the battery manufacturing company will replace this failing battery free of cost. The remaining 12 months constitute the pro-rata warranty period. If your battery fails during the pro-rata warranty months, the company will provide you with a new replacement battery at a discounted rate.

Some battery manufacturers offer only a free replacement service within one year of battery purchase, and charge for subsequent replacements. Opting for a pro-rata warranty is better as your repair and replacements costs are significantly lower. Different companies employ different ways to calculate the pro-rata period discount. Be sure to read the documents that come with bike batteries. Take good care of your warranty receipt to ensure your warranty claim is not denied.


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