How to know whether online pharmacy is licensed

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How to know whether an online pharmacy is licensed?

Everyone has a chaotic, busy schedule in this era as most of them are working. Given that, the idea of buying healthcare products from an online pharmacy in India tempts them. The biggest reason behind the increasing popularity of these online pharmacies is their time-saving nature. Not just this, one can save a lot on his or her health expenditures by comparing the prices. This helps them pick the best online pharmacy and have a great online healthcare shopping experience. However, not all the websites that you visit are legit as frauds are common these days. Without much do, let's enlighten your knowledge upon the selection of a licensed pharmacy available online. Prescription uploading If you plan to order medicine online in Mumbai, ensure that the online pharmacy asks for a prescription. Many websites don't ask for a prescription even for ethical drugs. This might mean that the website is illegal, or fraud and you are in trouble. A licensed website will ask for a valid prescription from your doctor that you need to upload to order medicines. Communication with the pharmacist An online pharmacy must have a pharmacist with whom you can communicate. If you are unable to find a generic medicine in stock, the site must have the pharmacist's details. You can

then contact the pharmacist regarding your query, even though small. These details might include the email, contact number, or any other means of communication. Unbelievable prices Every online pharmacy in India puts up its prices to survive in the competition. While some pharmacies sell medicines at MRP rates, some others offer the same at very low prices. Well, you have to be cautious while ordering medicines from the latter ones. You may smell something fishy if you find a generic medicine at an unbelievably low price. This could mean that the pharmacy is not legit or isn't selling approved medicines. Checking for the licensing If you order medicine online in Mumbai, check whether the seller is from India. This way, you can check the license and/or registration of the seller. You can look for the state where the seller is based, and this cross-checking becomes easy. FDA has a list of registered and licensed sellers from every state. Ratings and reviews If you find a generic medicine on an online pharmacy, go through the thorough reviews of the website. Many people post honest feedback about their experience with a particular website or online pharmacy. Invest time in viewing the ratings of the pharmacy you choose. Also, give a read to the positive as well as negative reviews of the same. This will help you gain insight into a pharmacy and make a wise decision. Final Words Although there are numerous online pharmacies, you can now distinguish between the licensed and illegal ones. Collect information about any of the pharmacies that you wish to purchase medicines from. When you know that the site is legit and carries a valid license, you can then place the order.

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