October 2013 Indy Metro Woman

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The HCG Story... The story of HCG began in the Fifties when, after having done research on weight loss for 40 years and research on HCG specifically for twenty years, Dr. Simeons reported that patients taking small amounts of HCG, in conjunction with a very low calorie diet, could lose weight safely and quickly without Kathryn Azhar, Owner exercise, muscle loss or and her staff hunger. But all HCG is not created equal. The Pounds and Inches Away program starts with pharmaceutical HCG. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion created by products being sold without guidance that call themselves “HCG” but do not contain any in their ingredient list. HCG is one of 67 hormones naturally produced in the human body, so if a product states that it is hormone free. HCG does produce weight loss by itself. However, in concert with a very specific balanced diet, and our help in avoiding unexpected environmental or behavioral deviations, HCG will allow the body to naturally pull the nutrients and calories needed from stored fat reserves into the blood stream at the rate of 1500 to 4000 calories per day. We are sure that those who follow our protocol WILL lose 20-30 pounds in 40 days. These fantastic results ARE typical with our full service packages. The Pounds and Inches Away program is not your run of the mill “eat less and exercise more” diet for a slow loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week that seems to take the rest of your life. Our protocol tricks Mother Nature a little, maybe, however only natural processes are at work. Per Dr. Simeons, it is safe and so very effective.

Carolyn's Story


About a year ago, I’d given up on ever losing the weight I had put on over the past 10 years. I Before tried everything out there and nothing worked. One day I saw an ad for Pounds and Inches Away in Castleton. I called them and decided to try their HCG Weight Loss Program.

I started the program in September of 2012and was amazed how easily the weight came off. The staff at Pounds and Inches Away were very supportive and helpful. They were always available to answer my questions. They even called me to help with my accountability. Yes, I had to follow the program, but with their direction I was able to lose weight and keep it off. I completed two rounds between Labor Day 2012 and Easter 2013 – and I lost 52 lbs. Losing the weight made me realize – I wasn’t as old as I felt! My blood pressure is down, my cholesterol is improving. My health, overall, is significantly improved from a year ago. It wasn’t easy, but it was absolutely worth it. I feel alive again and it’s all because I walked into Pounds and Inches Away Castleton and let them get me started on a new path.

Hilton's Story

After I was significantly overweight. My doctor was concerned that my weight Before After would cause Before certain health problems as I aged. Pounds and Inches Away helped me lose 70 pounds over the course of six months! I found the program during the first 40 days to be easy and safe. I learned to eat much healthier and that was something my wife and I wanted to do for years. I followed the suggested meals, measuring the protein consistently. I had an apple as a snack in the afternoon or evening as well as learned to drink water. The maintenance period offered the opportunity to get reintroduced to some of the other foods that I liked, but in moderation. I have been able to maintain my weight since stopping with the drops. One highlight is that I have not had a Coke or Pepsi in over 19 months! Kathryn and her team are very supportive and helpful. The Pounds and Inches Away regime works, is safe, and you will love the results! To get slim and stay that way, call our office at (317) 849-THIN today. We will help you reach your weight loss goals and improve your health, appearance and self-image. Nothing tastes as good as THIN feels…

Prescription or Homeopathic HCG Available


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