The Hero's Dream Journal by Kelly Sullivan Walden

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Feel the gentle tap on your shoulder, notice the golden ticket in your hand, and see the red carpet rolled out before you and leading to your highest destiny. You have been cordially invited to show up to the party with your unique gifts, talents, experience, perspective, joy, humor, and sense of adventure. You are an honored guest on this journey.

Affirm: I release all that no longer serves me, so a better version of me can emerge.

You are attuned to the music of your soul, and what was once a still, small voice has become the loudest sound you hear.

The sweet sound of higher ground resounds throughout your being – so make room in your life for grace to take place, for the call of your highest destiny to be heard, honored, and acted upon.

It is no accident that you are on this planet, at this time, in this place, with these people. It’s no accident you’ve been endowed with these unique gifts, talents, and life experience. It’s not your job to know how your life is meant to unfold. It is only your job to be attuned to the promptings of your highest self.

Affirm: I follow breadcrumbs of bliss that lead me, step by step, toward a most fulfilling life.

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