Hoffman UK Magazine 2015

Page 33

Are you a love addict? Sabine Young MA is a psychotherapist and relationship expert specialising in codependency and addiction recovery. She did the Process in 1999 and since then has been an advisor and supervising therapist for the UK Hoffman team. She has designed this series of questions to indicate traits and symptoms of love addiction. Answer the questions spontaneously and be really honest with yourself - it is not significant how many you identify with, it is the awareness of how much your life may be impacted by love addiction which is important. This could be your first step towards recovery.

o Do you fall in love with partners who will o Do you feel that you could not survive

not love you in return?

o Do you fall in love, get crushes on, or

obsess about someone who is unavailable?

o Do you rush into love relationships without

really getting to know your partner?

ending a love relationship, even when you know that the relationship is bad for you?

o Do you believe that the chemistry of love is

only made up of intense passion and desire?

o Do you only see what you want to see in

get stuck in relationships that don’t seem to ever change or go anywhere?

relationships in place of reality?

are not in a relationship?

yet are terrified of the emotional cost?

will find someone better than you or they will eventually abandon you?

o Do you

a partner and turn a blind eye to anything bad about them?

Do you have difficulties in agreeing or o Do you substitute fantasies in your o maintaining boundaries with your partner? Do you put your partner’s needs and wants o Do you feel lonely and unhappy when you o before your own? Do you idealise your partner and place them o Do you crave deep intimacy in your relationship, o on a pedestal? Do you find that you give much more of o Do you fear that if you love someone, they o yourself than you receive from your partner?

o Do you always think that your partner’s

opinions are more valid and important than your own?

o Do you need constant validation and

approval from your partner in order to feel secure and worthy?

o Do you either blame yourself for ALL the

problems in your relationship, or do you blame your partner for ALL the problems?

o Do you try to control your partner? o Do you use sex, or do you have inappropriate

sexual relationships in order to feel emotionally connected and loved?

o Do you only feel really alive, worthy and

valuable when you are in love with someone?

o Do you find that you compromise your own values in order to maintain your love relationship?

See over the page for Love Addiction Recovery Tips


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