The best of digital wedding photography gfxtra com

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In this beautiful image, Joe Photo photographed the bouquets atop a vintage roadster. In Photoshop, he desaturated the background copy layer and then restored the color of the flowers by erasing them. He also added a very soft-edged vignette (an effect discussed later in this chapter).

the sky, it will also change the blue in the subject’s eyes and her blue sweater. When using the selective color command, most skin tones fall into the range that is considered neutral, so you can color correct the skin tones without affecting the white dress or the brightly colored bridesmaid’s gowns, for instance. Skin tones are comprised of varying amounts of magenta and yellow, so these are the sliders that normally need to be adjusted. In outdoor images, however, you will sometimes also pick up excess cyan in the skin tones; this can be eliminated by using the cyan slider. For teeth that are yellowed, select “yellows” and remove yellow with the sliders to brighten teeth. Wedding dresses will often reflect a nearby color, particularly if the material has a satiny sheen. Outdoors, the dress might go green or blue, depending on whether shade or grass is being reflected into the dress. In this case, you would select “whites” from the color menu. Then, if the dress is blue, you’d

remove a little cyan and judge the results. If the dress has gone green, add a little magenta and perhaps remove a slight amount of yellow. In selective color, the black slider adds density to the image and is much like the levels control in Photoshop. Be sure to adjust only the blacks using the black slider, otherwise it will have the effect of fogging the image. When converting images from RGB to CMYK, the black slider is very useful for adding the punch that is missing after the conversion. If you’ve spotted a problem in your image but aren’t quite sure of the color shift, there is a useful product available from Kodak for making color prints from negatives or slides. It is called the Kodak Color Print Viewing Filter Kit, and is comprised of six viewing cards—cyan, magenta, yellow, red, green, and blue. With a medium-gray neutral background on you monitor desktop, inspect the image on the monitor using the card that is the complementary color of the suspected color shift. For example, if the shift PHOTOSHOP TECHNIQUES 99

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