Graphic Design Project 3

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The Dunwall Courier

Inspired By Dishonored 2 Developed by Arkane Studios
Interview with Emily Kaldwin

An interview with Empress Emily Kaldwin, conducted by the Dunwall Courier following her reclamation of the throne from Delilah Kaldwin.


Empress Kaldwin, there have been endless rumors in your absence about where you might have been. We’re hoping to set the record straight for the people of the empire today. But first, how is it being back in Dunwall now that Delilah is gone?

I’ve heard the rumors myself, and I’ll be glad to explain the events of the past few months. I can easily say I’m relieved to be back in Dunwall. I spent so much time wishing to be anywhere else, but everything I saw made it clear how much I had been neglecting here, and how important my home is to me. There is a lot that I hope to make right now that I’m back.


A Long Day In Dunwall

How did you manage to escape Dunwall during Delilah’s coup?

The Courier’s original information suggested you had been captured.

I had, but I admit I spent a fair amount of time escaping Dunwall Tower over the years. Once I found a way out of the tower, I managed to evade Delilah’s efforts to find me long enough to make it to the docks and leave onboard my ally Meagan Foster’s ship. After that, I met the Outsider, and he offered me magic that could help me take Dunwall back.

“I admit I spent a fair amount of time escaping Dunwall Tower over the years.”

You’ve met the Outsider? Were you actually in the Void?

Yes. It’s an unsettling place. Dark, quiet, and cold, and there’s always this…sense of being watched. Honestly, it’s difficult to describe.

And the Outsider? Is there anything you can tell us about him?

Not much, I’m afraid. He’s both helpful and frustratingly cryptic. I don’t think he once gave me a straight answer about anything, but for some reason I think he did want to see me succeed. Possibly just out of a desire to see Delilah fall, though I think it was more complicated than that.

Edge of the World

After you

encountered the Outsider, where did you go first?

Karnaca, a city in Serkonos. One of my allies, Sokolov, thought that Delilah’s conspiracy had started there, and Meagan told me he had disappeared there after he started looking into it. We investigated the Addermire Institute and figured out its involvement in the conspiracy, and that Sokolov was being held by Grand Inventor Kirin Jindosh. After that, I went to rescue him from Jindosh’s mansion.


The Clockwork Mansion

I recall Sokolov being with you in Dunwall at some point after the coup. Did you really end up having to get into Jindosh’s mansion to rescue him? What was it like?

Yes, I did. It was definitely the strangest house I’ve ever visited. It also doubled as the laboratory where Jindosh created his Clockwork Soldiers. The entire house was built like a giant machine; there were levers in some of the rooms

that could make the walls shift and change them into different rooms. I figured out that I could also use them to get inside of the walls in order to evade Jindosh and rescue Sokolov.


The Royal Conservatory

Had Sokolov figured out more about the conspiracy than you had by then?

Sokolov connected Breanna Ashworth, the curator at the Royal Conservatory, to Delilah and the coup, so my next step was to investigate the Conservatory and figure out what Ashworth knew.

Ashworth’s information gave me an idea of how I might be able to find a way to defeat Delilah - something that happened at Aramis Stilton’s home in the Dust District about three years before the coup.

“the Outsider gave me a device that let me jump between my time and that night three years ago in Aramis Stilton’s house.”

A Crack In the Slab

Wait, Aramis Stilton was involved with the coup? Aren’t you allied with him?

Involved is too strong a word. He definitely had no idea what was really going on. And yes, I am, in this timeline.

…In this timeline?

If I said that the Outsider gave me a device that let me jump between my time and that night three years ago in Aramis Stilton’s house that I heard about from Ashworth, and that I could use each of those times to affect the other, would that sound crazy?

…Maybe a little.

Then can I change my answer to yes, Stilton is an ally, and he helped me take down Delilah’s last supporter, Duke Luca Abele of Serkonos?

Yes, definitely.


The Grand Palace

How did Stilton help you against the Duke of Serkonos?

The Duke was keeping something for Delilah in his vault that I could use to defeat her. Stilton got me a map of the Duke’s palace and the secret to getting into the vault. He also made it clear to me just how much corruption in Serkonos I had been turning a blind eye to

before the coup, and that I would need to help build something better if I managed to regain the throne. Truthfully, a lot of what I saw while I was gone made me realize that.


So now that you’re back in Dunwall and Delilah is gone, what are you planning to do next?

Try to fix all of the mistakes I made that led to this. Rebuild Dunwall and Serkonos, with the help of other leaders and the allies I made while I was away.


Graphic Design 1

Winter 2023

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