藝萃第六期 Artnews Vol. 6

Page 47

artnews vol 6

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考察團攝於上海多倫現代美術館 Group photo at the Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art

公營與民營 多屬兩極發展 公營機構中,以浙江美術館為最新落成的展覽館,恆溫設備最優良先進,而且地方寬敞。上海城市雕塑藝術中心屬 市政府建設,交由民辦機構管理營運,不到3年時間已收支平衡。目前該中心擁有最大的戶外廣場展示區,並成為 上海市的創意產業示範園區。 民營機構的差異較大,其中以蘇州本色美術館最為獨特。美術館由廣東企業家獨資興建、自行設計,空間運用得宜。 發展規模最小的,算是南京聖劃藝術中心,由舊倉庫改建而成,團員到達時均想起了香港的牛棚藝術村。上海喜瑪拉 雅美術館在舊館址進行的證大藝術超市項目最具商業味,以超市概念代理銷售及展示青年藝術家的原創作品。

走出第一步 總結這兩次行程,團員認識長三角發展狀態的機會多了。國家發展經濟的同時,亦在藝術文化領域投放了龐大 資源,硬件的設備都屬一流,軟件發展則需時間培育,究竟香港是否可在其中參與、如何參與,實在需要多方 配合。認識,只屬第一步。

Publicly-owned and non-government run venues show opposite development direction Among the publicly run organisations, the newly constructed exhibition hall of the Zhejiang Art Museum has the best and most advanced venue temperature control facilities. The Shanghai Sculpture Space, a municipal government establishment, is managed and operated under the hands of a non-governmental organisation and books are balanced in less than three years. At the moment, the centre has the largest outdoor display zone and has become the model district of creative industry in Shanghai. Non-government organisations are very different from one another in nature. The most unique of all is the Suzhou True Colour Museum. The Museum is solely invested in and built by an entrepreneur from Guangdong who is responsible for the design of the museum with excellent utilisation of the museum’s space. The smallest venue is the Single Art Center, Nanjing. The centre is refurnished from an old warehouse. Tour members instantly associated it with the Cattle Depot Artist Village in Hong Kong. The Zenda Art S-Supermarket, refurnished from the old site of Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum is perhaps the most commercialised of all. It has been operated in the concept of a supermarket and acts an agent that sells and displays original works of young artist.

Taking the first step Summarising the two visits, group members had enough opportunities to understand the state of development of Changjiang Delta. In parallel to the economic development of the nation, the country has invested a lot of resources in arts and culture. All the hardware facilities are first-class establishments though it takes time for their software to develop. Whether or not Hong Kong can participate in its development and how it can participate indeed require concerted actions in many areas. Knowing and understanding is just the first step to future cooperation.

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