1 minute read


Best Vacation

West Palm Beach, Fla., in the winter. For somebody who was born in Milwaukee, I have disliked winter for as long as I can remember. In the summer, Lake Beulah.


Must-See Movie

The 1990s TV movie “Dillinger” because part of it was filmed in the Third Ward.

Favorite Music

Celine Dion. I’m still waiting for Benny Goodman to come back.

Wine in Your Glass

Pinot Noir. My wife of 29 years, Peg, is a wine writer. She understands it and I drink it.

My Paradise

A perfect night would be on a pontoon boat on the Milwaukee River. Drinking wine, looking at the sights and marveling that I’m old enough to remember when you could almost walk on that water. So much has been done to clean it up.