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Supporting mental health on the job

The HRIA is committed to proactively raising awareness and providing support for mental health and wellbeing with all our members.

Improving workplace mental health is in everyone’s interests, and we all have a role to play. Recognising the issues of mental health in the rental and associated sectors, HRIA are a proud campaign supporter of Heads Up — an initiative of Beyond Blue. Heads up calls on business leaders to make a commitment and start taking action in their workplaces. It encourages everyone in the workplace to play their part in creating a mentally healthy working environment, take care of their own mental health, and look out for their colleagues. There are also laws aimed at assisting; both employers and employees have formal rights and responsibilities under discrimination, privacy, and work health and safety legislation. According to Beyond Blue, more than three million Australian’s are living with anxiety or depression. Those within the hire and rental industry are not immune. In fact, considering the number of small and medium sized businesses, as well as the industry being a male dominated one, this is one of the largest social issues facing those working within our industry. As a campaign supporter of Beyond Blue, the HRIA is pleased to share with all HRIA members the Supporting Small Business Page on Beyond Blue’s Heads Up website. This guide outlines actions anyone can take to support a client, customer, supplier, family member or friend.

It’s just good business practice

“Small business owners have told Beyond Blue they want mental health resources to be available through their business networks so they can access the information through established and trusted contacts,” Georgie Harman, Beyond Blue CEO, said. James Oxenham, the CEO of HRIA said the association is committed to encouraging best practice and safety in the hire industry. “With mental health and wellbeing being identified as an issue for our industry the HRIA is proud to be a Beyond Blue campaign supporter.” Having a mentally healthy workforce is vital to the success of any organisation and not addressing mental health issues can have a negative financial impact. By creating a mentally healthy workplace, you can increase the engagement and productivity of staff, and reduce absenteeism and the number of any stress claims.

It’s time to normalise caring for everyone

“We all need to bring the discussion of mental health into the mainstream, to remove the stigma and to spread the word it is always a good idea to check in with your co-workers and ask: ‘How is everything going? Are you OK?’” Mark Burton, HRIA President, said. He said the HRIA Board are very keen to support and spread the message to as many of our members as possible.

Mental Health professionals are available at the Beyond Blue Support Service via phone 24/7 on 1300 224 636 or via www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat (3pm—12am AEST or email responses within 24 hours).