Science Faculty Prospectus 2016 Part 02 - Departments

Page 93

Priyanga Dilini Talagala

Shashika Vasana Hewamasmulla

Many decisions will change your life; a few will define it. A special degree in Statistics at USJ isa significant commitment and a challenge that will test your perseveranceand ability. The knowledge and skills I obtained from the Statistics special degree programme prepared me to develop myself both personally and professionally and undoubtably laid the foundation for me to start my career as a Lecturer (Probationary) in the Department of Computational Mathematics at University of Moratuwa. The entire degree program isa careful hybrid of theory and application. The relentless support and guidence from the lecturers in the department was undoubtedly another key ingrediant in helping me as an undergraduate to integrate my skills and abilities to become the batch top among all special degree students.Getting into this Special degree program in Statistics at USJ was the best start I could ever get to make an excellent career in the field of Statistics. Everything I involved in at USJ has geared me up in shaping who I am today. So now it is your turn to come aboard and explore the wonders of Statistics.

It's not only the skill level that matters but the will level as well. As a graduate from the Department of Statistics at University of Sri Jayewardenepura, I have made a great leap in my educational and personal life because I got a solid base in Statistics from the University. First, it was just a subject and later together with my dedication and sharp lessons given by the lecturers it became such an interesting part of my life. The department provided a great deal of academic support where we could approach the lectures and get clarified any concern we may have. The courses were challenging which needed high level of commitment to get through high scores. Having the highest GPA for Statistics along with a Fist Class made me the WS Fernando Gold Medallist and it lead my life towards Actuarial Science which required a solid knowledge of Statistics to proceed with. It is a great honour to be awarded the medal and the degree from University of Sri Jayewardenepura and I wish our graduates shine all over the world.


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