My identity

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Haiku Poem: My name My unique first name given to me in April, Meaningful and short

I wrote this poem about my name because my name is a big part of my identity. My name says where I come from and what religion I am. My name is unique in North America, so that makes me different. I really like my name and the story behind why my parents chose my name. In this haiku, the kigo is April in the second line because it tells the reason and the kireji in the haiku is the comma in the second line.

Sonnet poem: Family I love my family with all my heart Every time I'm with you I get shivers

Loneliness takes over when we’re apart 
 Together, our Family are winners Tears running down my cheeks after you leave No one can stop us when we’re together Every time we talk you make me believe You’ll always be in my thoughts forever We’re part of the sky, a part of heaven Living in a place where the world makes sense We make a great team twenty four seven You always give me lots of confidence When the night sky is dark and we’re apart You’ll never ever leave my loving heart

I wrote this poem about my family because family is a huge part of my identity. I get my identity from my parents because I get my looks from them, they gave me my name, which is also a huge part of my identity because it shows where I come from. I was also born in my families religion. In this poem I talk about how I need my family and can’t live without them. I also say no matter what and no matter where I am, I will always be thinking about my family and they will always be in my heart. This shows how much I need them. My family also helped shape my beliefs because I was born in there religion, so they told be what they believe in and whats right and wrong. In this poem I used hyperbole when I said “you’ll always be in my thoughts forever” and when I said “you’ll never leave my loving heart.”

Concrete Poem: Nature I wrote this

poem about trees and

nature because I love nature

and I think that its something everyone

needs and has to protect. Without nature

we wouldn’t be living and neither would a lot of

animals. I specifically wrote this poem about a tree because

It shows, like a tree I also grow and my identity and personality also

grows and develops. In the poem I said I could never stand in the same place for

hours. This reflects my identity because I don’t like waiting for long periods of time

and I can get impatient. In this poem I used simile when I said "I feel like an ant compared

to the tree and when I said “without trees, I would be lost like a fish on land”. I used

hyperbole when I said “the is like a million feet high” I used personification when I said

“The tree stands there, still and patient”, “the tree touches the the sky, it can talk to the

birds" and when I said the wind blows secrets in my ear”




secrets in

my ear as I

stare at the tree

Wearing its green

Uniform. Looking up to the tree,

I feel like an ant compared to the

tree which is like million feet high.

The tree is like a key to life, it

gives you everything you need, like shelter,

food and oxygen. It gives us everything

even if we cut it down and destroy its home,

leaving it with nothing.The tree stands there, still and

patient. I could never stand in the same place for

hours doing nothing but watching all the

children and animals walk by. As the years go

by the tree grows falling and Gets older, just like I do. Without

trees, I would be lost like a fish on land. I wouldn't be able

to breath or think, everything would be hopeless.

The tree touches the sky,

it can

talk to

the birds

high up

flying in

the sky

Poem of my choice: Skiing

A cold winter day, Skiing down the steep mountain Moving fast, swoosh swoosh

For the poem of my choice, I chose to do a haiku. This poem is about skiing because it’s one of my favorite things to do. I love to ski and every year, my family and I buy season passes to a ski resort and we go there every Sunday. I have a lot of good memories with my friends and family from skiing. I love the wind blowing on my face and that feeling I get when I'm going down a steep hill. When I first started skiing lessons, I didn’t like it and I thought it was too hard, but I kept skiing and now I'm really good at it and I enjoy it a lot. The Kigo in the poem is winter because it is a season and the kireji is the comma in the first line because it is talking about it being cold in the winter and the rest is talking about skiing.

Free FormPoem: Strengths Everyone is strong in a way Some stronger than others Altho you may seem weak It’s the inside that matters I am strong sometimes And sometimes, I’m not My strengths make up who I am Their unique from others strengths When I need my strengths They will kick in, boom, pow Like a super power That everyone needs Strength is something everyone needs Always, always, always I wrote this poem about my strengths because I think everyone has their own strengths that make up who they are. I can stronger in some things than other people, but other people are stronger than me in other things. My strengths are different than others, I don’t always show that I’m strong, but, I am in certain ways. In this poem I said “altho you may seem weak, its the inside that matters” This means that you don’t have to look strong or be physically strong, but you could me mentally or emotionally strong. In this poem I used repetition at the end when I said always, always, always. I also used onomatopoeia when I said “they will kick in boom pow”

A friend is like a flower, A rose to be exact, Or maybe like a brand new grate

Friendship by Emma Guest

That never comes unlatched A friend is like an owl, Both beautiful and wise Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost Whose spirit never dies A friend is like a heart that goes Strong until the end Where would we be in this world I chose this poem because friendships are really important to me and I really value having friends. My friends also help shape my identity because I’m with them a lot and they influence my beliefs and opinions. Friends are there for you in hard and happy times and you can always turn to them. I this poem is talking about friends never being unlatched, meaning they will always be with you. It says where would the world be if we didn’t have a friend, meaning that everyone needs a friend to guide you and help you with whatever you need. I this poem she uses miles when she says friends are like a flower, Friends are like an owl and or perhaps a ghost. This poem has metaphors when it says. This poem has personification when it says a heart that goes strong until the end. This poem uses hyperbole when it says “or maybe like a brand new grate that never comes unlatched”.

Nights- By Kevin Hart There’s nothing that I really want: The stars tonight are rich and cold Above my house that vaguely broods Upon a path soon lost in dark. My dinner plate is chipped all round (It tells me that I’ve changed a lot); My glass is cracked all down one side (It shows there is a path for me). My hands—I rest my head on them. My eyes—I rest my mind on them. There’s nothing that I really need Before I set out on that path.

I chose this poem because it talks about being on the right path. My parents are always telling me to be on the right path, to be good and do good things. This poem also says my dinner plate is chipped all around (it tells me that I change a lot. I’ve also changed a lot and have different likes, dislikes, beliefs, and interest now that when I was younger. My identity is different now than what it was when I was younger because as a get older, I have different opinions and different beliefs. The poem says my glass is chipped all down one side (it shows a path for me) This connects to me because there is a path for me and my parents are always telling me to me on the right path. My parents are guiding me through it. Then the poem says there’s nothing I really need before I set out on that path. This connects to me because it says that if I'm on the right path, then I won’t really need anything else.

Fear- By Machelle Hyde

I sat on the bed shaking from fear

Feeling the cold from my single tear

All that I heard was a whisper in my ear,

Telling me things I never wanted to hear,

With demons drawing ever near.

I seem unable to fight,

I know this is not right,

Terrorizing me at night,

I wish I could take a fight

From your endless plight.

I chose this poem because it talks about fears and being afraid. Everyone has their own fears that make up their identity. The poem says “seem unable to fight” This connects to me because when I’m scared or worried about something, I feel like I’m unable to fight it.The poem also says “I wish I could take a fight”. This connects to me because I always wish I wasn’t afraid of anything and I wish I could fight the fear and not be afraid anymore. I also chose this poem because I like how it rhymes and it has a really nice flow. This poem uses a lot of hyperbole when It says “all All that I heard was a whisper in my ear, Telling me things I never wanted to hear, With demons drawing ever near.”

Tears are our regrets By Roxy Gonro

Some people see crying as a sign of weakness But many its a sign of strength Not many people are brave enough to cry in a room of people Not many people are brave enough to cry looking in the mirror Not many people are brave enough to cry period. We think letting people see how we really feel s a weakness But really letting others know how we feel is the hardest thing to do Which makes doing so, a strength.

I chose this poem to be about weakness because everyone has their own weaknesses, my weaknesses make up my identity and who I am as a person. At times, I can be weaker than others and at other times, others are weaker than me. Weaknesses are something we shouldn't be ashamed of because everyone has them. I the poem it talks about how crying can be a sign of strength because not many people are brave enough to cry. I think this is true. Then in the poem it talks about how letting others know how you really feel is a weakness, but it's the hardest thing to do. I think this part connects to me because I find it hard to tell other how I feel sometimes, but everyone needs to talk to someone and let someone know how they feel.

Bibliography Found Poems Page 7 Poem: “Friendship” by Emma Guest Last accessed October 2, 2017

Page 8 Poem: “Nights” by Keven Hart Last accessed October 2, 2017

Page 9 Poem: “The Hand ” by Marry Ruffle Last accessed October 2, 2017

Page 10 Poem: “Fear” by Machelle Hyde Last accessed October 2, 2017

Page 11 Poem: “Tears Are Our Regrets ” by Roxy Gonro Last accessed October 2, 2017


This anthology has been created and published as

part of a school project aimed at: encouraging young

writers to explore their identity through literature,

specifically poetry; allowing young writers to

experiment with language; and providing the

opportunity for youth to expand their understanding

of the power of words through visualization. Students

have worked hard to create a polished product, using

a variety of tools such as Photoshop. There is a list at

the end of this document that gives credit to all artists

for their words or their images if the information was

available. If your work is represented here but not

credited, we apologize for the oversight. Please know

we did not intend to slight you or claim your work

solely as our own. We greatly appreciate your artistry

and thank you for your inspiration!

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