HiPEACinfo 65

Page 12

Stars special

Shooting for the moon Taking European technology to the next level “Kennedy understood that many of the lasting benefits of innovation happen not just at the end of the process, but along the way, through dynamic spillovers. And in the case of America’s moonshot, he turned out to be right. Much of the technology in our smartphones today can be traced back to the Apollo program and related missions.”

‘The race for the most advanced chips is a race about techno­ logical and industrial leadership.’

Maria Mazzucato, Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value, University

Commissioner for Internal Market,

College London. ‘Mobilizing for a Climate Moonshot’, Project Syndicate, 8 October 2019

September 2021

Thierry Breton, European

Traditionally, Europe has lagged behind the United States and

which has since opened subsidiaries in Germany and Spain in

China in terms of transforming basic research into cutting-edge,

addition to its French headquarters. In a nod to the scale of the

market-ready technology. This means that Europe has found itself

project’s ambitions, the processor generations have been named

dependent on imports from other parts of the world, making the

after Titans in Greek mythology.

continent vulnerable to fluctuating geopolitics. In the case of technologies as fundamental and widespread as computer chips,

Now that the first phase, SGA1, has come to an end, EPI is

this can have an impact on whole industries.

celebrating achievements resulting from collaborative working and intense research, which no single partner could have achieved

Little wonder, then, that figures such as HiPEAC co-founder

by itself. Notably, these were delivered in an impressively short

Mateo Valero (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) began

timeframe, with a relatively modest budget in chip-design terms,

calling for an ‘Airbus of high-performance computing (HPC)’ to

and during a global pandemic, with all the associated challenges

strengthen the European Union’s chip-making capabilities some

for working in collaboration.

years ago. In 2018, a major programme was launched to deliver designed-in-Europe, low-power microprocessors for domestic

‘I’m proud of the outstanding results achieved by EPI teams after

supercomputers: the European Processor Initiative (EPI).

only three years of cooperation, paving the way towards Europe’s technological sovereignty,’ said Eric Monchalin, chairman of

From the outset, it was clear that EPI would be a colossal

the EPI Board. ‘This has created favourable conditions for the

undertaking: led by the French information and communication

launch of the next phase to successfully deliver the European

technology (ICT) giant Atos, by 2021 the consortium comprised

processors and accelerators for the EUPEX (EUropean Pilot for

a total of 28 partners from 10 European countries, among them

Exascale) and TEP (The European Pilot) projects, the precursors

many HiPEAC members. The total budget for the first three-year

to European exascale systems.’

phase was € 80 million. To bring the high-performance, lowpower processor to market, a company was created, SiPearl,


The following are some of the highlights from the first three years.

Articles inside

Technology opinion

page 36

HiPEAC futures

pages 37-40

Innovation Europe

page 35

Innovation Europe

page 34

Innovation Europe

page 33

Computing in practice

pages 29-30

Innovation Europe

page 32

Innovation Europe

page 31

SME snapshot

page 28

Technology transfer

pages 26-27

HiPEAC innovation booster

page 24

Peac performance

page 25

Special feature: Reaching for the stars

pages 16-17

EU funding impact

pages 20-23


page 3

Special feature: Reaching for the stars

page 18

Special feature: Reaching for the stars

page 19


pages 6-11

Policy corner

pages 4-5

Special feature: Reaching for the stars

pages 12-15
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