HiPEACinfo 59

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Photo © European Union 2019 - Source : EP - Photo credit: Fred Marvaux

Policy corner

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

Let’s see how this policy will be implemented

generation of servers is reducing electricity

in practice. The future ‘Digital Europe’

bills in a wide range of datacentre applications.

programme, which focuses on digital capacity and infra­structure, will complement the

The problem is that these improvements are

‘Horizon Europe’ research and innovation

simply not enough. We need a lot of computing

programme. Through this programme, the Euro­

power, and a lot of artificial intelligence (AI),

pean Union and the Member States will jointly

to address the challenges of sustainability,

invest in the widespread deployment of digi­tal

climate change and the circular economy. But

technologies across society. In the orien­tation

this is a problem: some estimates suggest that

paper for Digital Europe is a section named

training an AI application generates as much

‘Making ICT products and services sustainable,

CO2 as five cars over their entire lifetime. For

by prioritising their energy efficiency’. Simply

the future, we need powerful AI that can be

put, this means that the European Commission

trained without warming the environment like

is planning specific investments in this area

a pizza oven. Because – if you think about it

over the next few years.

– even now the number of AI applications that

“For the future, we need powerful AI that can be trained without warming the environment like a pizza oven”

you use every day is much bigger than the OK, but what’s new? After all, for many years

number of pizzas that you could possibly eat.

the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme has supported the development of

This is a very difficult problem, which probably

computing technologies which are more

requires a new generation of hardware beyond

energy efficient. Thanks to research funded by

the current semiconductor technologies, and a

the European Union, the power budget of the

new generation of software to run the

control electronics for self-driving vehicles

hardware. I honestly don’t know if we will be

has gone down from the kilowatt range to

able to find a solution but I hope so, because I

much more manageable numbers, and a new

also have children.


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