Hinterland Times July 2024

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Government, William Street, Brisbane.

One big village

Ilove this time of year, the days are sunny and crisp, and you don’t get burnt to a crisp! The fires are a welcome crackling warmth in the evenings, and the slow cooker comes into its own with stews, hotpots, and all sorts.

Victoria McGuin 5499 9049 editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au

I am acutely aware of how lucky I am to have a place to enjoy the winter, where I can be warm and snug. This awareness has been heightened this month as the HT is peppered with articles and stories that touch on those in our community who are doing it tough, who have lost their homes or are too afraid to return to them.


Karen Muir 0414 432 423 production@sunnycoastmedia.com.au

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Please note: We are often out, writing stories and talking to local businesses –please leave us a message.


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Judy Fredriksen

Rebecca Mugridge

Ruth Potter has been knitting blankets for those in need, and she shares her story on pages 8 and 9. The Wuthering Heights Day at Mapleton (on the opposite page), is all about raising awareness for women who feel unsafe at home, many of them are at risk of homelessness if they leave, often because they are not financially secure for various reasons.

Tracy Adams on page 26 talks about the ‘Housing Older Women Movement’, and about workers and others on low and medium incomes finding it increasingly difficult to afford housing on the Sunshine Coast, and she looks at ways we can make positive changes.

The heartening thing with all of these HT articles is the sense of local support – people are helping, raising funds, trying to find solutions. It’s good to be a part of a community where people genuinely look out for each other and it’s something that makes our hinterland special. We may be geographically spread out across the Range, but we are all connected - at times it feels like one big village!

On that note, I will leave you to enjoy the many stories, contributions and events from members of this big village. Enjoy the month ahead, and maybe I will see you at the wonderful Rangebow Festival (August 1-4) –there are plenty of sensory experiences to choose from, just visit therangebowfestival.org. (I’ll let you into a little secret, I’m performing in one of the more light-hearted shows this year, so my excitement for the festival is mixed with a bit of nerves!)

Wishing you all a safe and warm July.

The Wuthering Heights of Mapleton - Red Dress Day Organising Committee, under the aegis of Mapleton and District Community Association (MADCA) is proud to be preparing for their special community day and fundraiser, to be held at 1pm on Sunday July 28, 2024, at Mapleton Lilyponds Park.

Wuthering Heights Red Dress Day is a worldwide movement, typically held on pop singer Kate Bush’s birthday (July 30) where communities come together wearing bright red outfits whilst learning to perform Kate Bush’s famous dance to her 1978 hit song, Wuthering Heights, and raising awareness and much-needed funds to support victims of domestic violence.

Of course, this is all underpinned by Emily Bronte’s novel, Wuthering Heights, which has a strong undercurrent of domestic violence as one of its main themes.

Wuthering Heights of Mapleton - Red Dress Day 2024, aims to build a strong community and raise funds to support local domestic violence charity, Speak Up Now –Stop Domestic and Family Violence.

This organisation is a partnership between the Zonta Club of the Blackall Range, the Rotary Club of Maleny, the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre and the former Quota Club of Maleny to enable a co-ordinated approach to domestic violence initiatives.

A fun afternoon on the field is planned, listening and dancing to the iconic music of Kate Bush and joining in the sea of red! Don’t worry about your dancing style, Karen Towne from Cultivate Movement and Mindfulness will have us all dancing like stars.

Registration is $10 per person and food will be available, thanks to the Blackall Range Lions Club. Auction

items include an accommodation package from Secrets on the Lake, and a beautiful pearl necklace and earring set. There will be a raffle on the day to raise as much money as possible for this worthy cause with the support of local businesses.

Offers of support and sponsorship welcomed, please contact the team through the website, wutheringheightsofmapleton. au, Facebook, or email info@ wutheringheightsofmapleton.au

In 2023, Wuthering Heights of Mapleton Day raised $4400 for domestic violence charity, DV Safe Phone. The organising team visited the DV Safe Phone headquarters to present the cheque and were humbled when they were told that the sum of money raised, when utilised to provide safe phones for victims of domestic violence, represents 59 lives saved.

There are over two million domestic violence victims in Australia… and informed or trained bystanders can save lives. Speak Up Now’s work is empowering our youth by providing workshops that teach respectful relationships to students, fostering a culture of kindness and safety. It is also supporting vulnerable adults with resources and training to help seniors identify and avoid elder abuse.

Speak Up Now builds a network of support, training professionals such as hairdressers and barbers to recognise signs of domestic violence and connect victims with help; and spreads awareness by distributing safety information cards and holding community forums with experts, keeping domestic violence prevention at the forefront of our minds.

local organisations, law enforcement, and government agencies to offer comprehensive support in the community.

The team behind the Wuthering Heights event Wuthering Heights of Mapleton Day 2023


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Pat (front, centre, in red scarf) surrounded by her children, their partners and her grandchildren

Travel had also been high on Pat’s agenda, so when she completed her training, she lucked herself into a position of minding two young children for a family who were sailing out to Australia from England. Now, it just so happens that the mother of the children was the sister of a young, up and coming media mogul – Rupert Murdoch – who had just launched The Australian in Australia.

“We sailed on the Northern Star, which was part of the Shaw Saville Line. The journey took six weeks around the Cape of Good Hope and we landed in Melbourne.”

Pat found that keeping the children amused on the long sea journey was something akin to acting. She continued to look after the two young children before taking up a nanny position with the Baillieu Myer family in Toorak.

“I love children and I always wanted to work with children. I did a lot of acting because I worked with children … I was always acting around with children.”

I guess that makes a mockery of the famous W.C. Fields adage, ‘never work with animals or children’!

Growing up in the county of Middlesex, Greater London, Pat felt amateur dramatics were as much as a part of life as eating and breathing, and she revelled in it.

“I was very involved with amateur dramatics at school. I loved it and joined an amateur dramatic society.”

Upon leaving school, Pat went to a nursery training college, thinking that was the end of her acting. But life had other ideas, even though her theatrical interests manifested in a completely new guise a couple of years later.

But then the wanderlust beckoned again, so Pat set off for Sydney before finding work in the Snowy Mountains, where she spent the season skiing and waitressing. At the end of the season, she found herself back in Sydney entertaining more little captive charges.

Having had enough of the cold weather though, she and a friend thought it would be fun to hitchhike to North Queensland where they could bask in sultry sunshine, feasting on lush tropical fruit and seafood. Although acting faded into the background again, this proved to be a fateful move because it was in Mareeba that Pat met her future husband at a barbeque.

“We were there for a couple of years, I got married up there, I had my first child up there, then twelve months later we went back to England for twelve months.”

The couple returned to live in Brisbane and now with a young family to raise, Pat had little time for a regular commitment, so she resumed her interest in drama by becoming a regular audience member at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre.

It has only been in recent years that Pat has, with great delight, found the opportunity to tread the boards once again, and as a bonus, with adult audiences.

After retiring to the Sunshine Coast, she met local writer and publisher Jill Morris at a breakfast one morning. Encouraged by Jill, Pat attended one of the play readings that are regularly hosted by the Maleny Players.

“I started with a play reading, and then the Page to Stage, and Jill encouraged me to get involved in that, so I directed a couple of plays. And then Andrew Robjohns was doing the Shakespeare project. I was overseas at the time and I said I would really like to be involved because I love Shakespeare. He asked if I would assist directing with him, so I did that.”

Drawn to Shakespeare by the twin tragedy and comedy elements that mercilessly expose human foibles and fantasies, Pat says the appeal of the world’s most famous bard never wanes because his work can be modernised. The classical themes like love, hate, greed for power and money, and jealousy are just as relevant today as they were in Shakespeare’s time.

Pat has become enlivened through her involvement with the Maleny Players because of the variety of projects she has worked on. She has written play scripts, though in collaboration with others, and these have been performed at Maleny.

Her involvement with the project of ‘Stages – Club 88’ – an organic undertaking that took audiences through the different stages of ageing using older actors – proves that it is never too late to get involved in something that you’ve always longed to do.

Pat has acted in plays, but in the real reflection of her enthusiasm for the art, she took on the arduous task of directing Tom Stoppard’s challenging farce The Real

In modesty she says she was lucky to have had a very experienced cast to help her through that, and also expresses her appreciation to the friendliness of the

“Everyone was so accepting, just so lovely and friendly and willing to embrace anybody.”

Pat is looking forward to being involved in future productions, though for now, she is coyly adhering to the mystique of theatre by keeping the exact details under wraps. But do not fear theatre lovers – all will be revealed next time the curtain goes up at the Maleny Playhouse.


The recent stamp d t changes in Q eensland are a game-changer for first home b ers Man are str ggling ith cost of li ing press res and the desire to get into their o n home. B raising the e emp on threshold and offering more genero s concessions, the go ernment is making it easier for them to step onto the propert ladder

What ’s Changing?

Ÿ No stamp duty on homes up to $700,000threshold has increased to , (pre io sl , ).

Ÿ Concessions for homes up to $800,000 - for homes al ed bet een , and , , there are no sliding scale concessions.

Ÿ First Home Owner Grant - p to , to those b ing or b ilding a ne home.

Ÿ Vacant land concession - threshold has increased f ro m , to , , p h a s i n g o


Check o r eligibilit

Ens re o meet the criteria for the first home concession. This incl des being at least ears old, ne er ha ing o ned propert in A stralia or o erseas, and planning to li e in the home as o r primar residence.

Calc late o r sa ings

Use a stamp d t calc lator to see ho m ch o can sa e nder the ne r les.

Combine benefits

If o 're b ilding a ne home, don't forget to appl for the First Home O ner Grant. Cons lt ith a Mortgage Broker

The can help o nderstand o r op ons, assist ith the paper ork, and ens re o 're ge ng the best deal possible.

The changes appl to contracts signed on or a�er J ne . If a contract as signed before this date, the pre io s thresholds ill appl F o r m o r e i n f o r m a o n , i s i t h ps�//statements.qld.go .a / statements/


Pat in rehearsal for Real Inspector Hound with Phil Hunt and Andrew Robjohns
Pat in her new natural habitat - the auditorium of the Maleny Playhouse 
Pat enjoys her new life on the Sunshine Coast

Launching a new world

Azoria is an enchanted land, where only talking animals live.

warm community of creative people that care about this little Hinterland town.

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“I emigrated here in 2001 from a small fishing town called Sheringham on the east coast of the UK.

“Nambour is a really welcoming town and it still has that strong community feel. In fact, I’d say that community engagement here is growing. There’s a very active arts scene including live music, film, dance, exhibitions and of course there are lots of creative people.”

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Maybe directly under Eternity it should be their web

Need to seperate mobile numbers 0402 345

and under Sundays etc

Logo needs to be bolder I am thinking the info is a bit out of order wanting direction through the web address

Claire (AKA Grandma Claire) created a fictional world full of life in her Azoria books, and says while she has always been a writer, the journey to becoming an author was an unexpected one.

Pls only slight edits / movign of informtion not of actual design..

“I have accidentally become a children’s author. I’ve always written, whether it was as a journalist in the UK, a singer-songwriter, or a technical writer for my clients here.

“In the last few years I have written a number of comedy scripts, one of which I directed, filmed and edited.”

Claire’s two young granddaughters, Artie and Rae, live just outside London and last June she went to visit her family there.

“On the only wet day we had while I was there, Artie and I were at home. She started to build a long path with some oversized purple and orange building blocks.‘Where’s that path going to, Artie?’ I asked. ‘It’s

going to Azoria, Grandma Claire,’ she replied, as if I should already know.

“‘Where’s Azoria, darling?’ I enquired.

“‘Oh Grandma, it’s in our imagination!’

“So, we went on our imaginary journey to Azoria. We met a unicorn, went for a picnic, explored the forest and met lots of different animals. That night as I lay in bed, I decided to write up a short story about Azoria and do some little cartoon drawings.

Nambour-based author Claire Smith, with her book, Azoria - image Adam Adra

“My plan was to leave it behind when I left, as a reminder of our time in Artie’s imaginary land.

“I didn’t get to finish the little story. So, on the day I was leaving, my son, Kieron, suggested I carry it on at home and send instalments to the girls. When I got back to Australia I decided to try and draw better pictures.

“The story rhymed and each page had a brightly drawn picture. When I showed it to my son and his wife, Hannah, they both said I should publish it.

“On December 15th, I launched my book, Gathering, here on the Sunshine Coast. It all happened incredibly quickly.”

Claire says the moment of physically holding your book for the first time is indeed very special to an author.

“It was the most amazing, unbelievable feeling to see my work as a real book! I still get tingles when I pick up a copy to sign for a customer - I still can’t quite get my head around it!

“I love meeting and talking with the people who buy my book and my original paintings. The feedback has been absolutely incredible and I am so grateful. One person bought 26 copies!”

It is quite a talent-driven endeavour to write a book people love, but to also create the artwork is impressive.

“The pictures come first, funnily enough. An image pops into my head and off we go, but it might not end up as the first illustration in the book. I’ve almost finished book three as far as the illustrations go, and it’s the

pictures that drive the narrative, for me.

“I have over 300 beautiful marker pens in my studio, just looking at them makes me want to create. she smiles

Claire has many achievements under her belt, including also being the founder of Wildlife Rescue Sunshine Coast.

“WRSC was founded in 2012 by myself and three other local wildlife carers. We had all been involved with wildlife rescue and caring for some years prior.

“Since 2012 WRSC has answered close to 75,000 calls for help, we’ve digitally mapped the declining macropod population on the Coast, built a kangaroo hospital and raised over half a million dollars for small rescue groups across the country who were impacted by the 2019/20 bush fires. We are now concentrating on education in the community.”

Like many writers and authors, Claire is a huge fan of books herself.

“I LOVE books! I grew up on a diet of Beatrix Potter stories, Wind in the Willows, Brer Rabbit, Enid Blighton, and as I got older I progressed to books like The Hobbit

“I believe that children’s books are more important than ever. Story books are so important in helping to foster the imagination. They can also help children learn great life lessons, and that’s where I’m definitely focused with my books.

“My stories encourage listening to each other, sharing the load, kindness, working together, respecting our environment, accepting each other without judgement, all through the eyes of the animals who narrate the stories,” says Claire.

Find out more about Azoria at grandmaclaire.com

team is fresh back from the Hair Expo Sydney - learning and connecting with our industry within Australia and around the world.

Claire’s granddaughters, Artie and Rae, hold a copy of the book they inspired

Knitting brings comfort in a crisis

Ruth Potter is a lady on a mission, armed with a knitting basket and a

crisp, sunny day found me at a hinterland café recently, where I met with Ruth Potter, who is gently determined to create a knitting revolution,

Ruth Potter moved to Flaxton with her late husband Ron 25 years ago, after years of travelling due to his work

Townsville, to Canberra and the Pacific Islands,” shared Ruth. “We enjoyed living that way, and our three girls were educated through Queensland Correspondence, along with the education travel brings. The ship would come

Ruth and Ron’s daughters settle on the coast, and the couple soon followed. “We love the area, the quiet of the hills, the greenery, so we bought a block of land. It’s a special place with a real community in the street and everyone

So, how did Ruth come to be sitting in local cafés, with her baskets of wool, tempting visitors to knit (with permission from the café owners)?

“My daughter was in Bli Bli and she saw people knitting in a café there, with a sign saying anyone could join in. The purpose was to knit squares to help create blankets for those in our community without homes,” Ruth explained.

“She said, ‘Mum, it’s just your kind of thing!’ as I’ve always volunteered, but I’m not keen on having specific days each week - I like being adaptable.

“So, I’m at Priscilla’s in Montville regularly with a couple of friends, Virginia and Lauri, and we knit. I leave a couple of baskets and instructions on how to knit your own ‘granny square’.

“Knitters cast on 45 stitches and work to 45 rows cast off, roughly a square of about 20cm x 20cm. People can make as many as they like!”

Ruth started in April 2023 and now she aims to spread the word so more and more blankets can be made.

“I collect squares every second Thursday and when I have enough I sew them all into a blanket. Last year I took them to The Shack in Nambour, and this year I’m giving them to the Suncoast Christian Care shop in Howard Street, Nambour.


Your family will be warmly welcomed into the Suncoast community where we look forward to sharing our College - including our brand new purpose-built Primary precinct - with you.

Ruth Potter encourages us all to knit ‘granny squares’ for those in need - image Victoria McGuin
Ruth and friends knitting at Montville Market

“I like to give them to those organisations who don’t receive any government aid, they are doing the work out of love and they need our help. Love is the main ingredient in this.

“It’s such a simple thing, people can sit and do a few rows, and they don’t even need to finish a square as someone else will. It’s relaxing and social.

“I know a lady out in Ningi near Bribie who lost her husband and she came here with her sister, and now she fills her spare time making me beautiful blankets.”

Montville Market has come on board with the initiative and, on my last visit there, I saw various people casually knitting while enjoying a pot of tea and a chat. The Homegrown café in Palmwoods is also welcoming the baskets, so it appears the idea is taking off.

“We even had a 15-year-old boy knitting at the Montville Market,” smiled Ruth. “A lady came over and showed him how to knit and he sat and knitted a square.”

I asked Ruth, how long does it take to knit a square?

“It all depends on how creative people are,” she replied. “Some make simple squares, others knit different patterns, which is lovely as it brightens the blankets up, so anything from 20 –45 minutes.”

Ruth is keen for cafes in every town to have these knitting baskets, as the need for blankets is sadly growing.

Thanks to the handiwork of many people, the blankets are unique and colourful - image Victoria McGuin

On ABS Census night (2021), over 122,000 people were estimated to be experiencing homelessness in Australia. The number of people accessing homelessness

services in Queensland has risen by 22 percent in just four years. This is the fastest rate nationally and the second highest increase after Western Australia. In regional Queensland, homelessness is up 29 percent.

Vulnerable women over 55 are one of the fastest-growing groups experiencing homelessness due to financial and housing insecurity. The death or serious illness of a spouse, or divorce, or escaping abuse, can push a woman into homelessness.

We discussed the Maroochydore Sleepbus® as Ruth sat knitting. “It’s a wonderful initiative,” Ruth said. “The bus has up to 20 secure sleep pods each with a lockable door and toilet. There is overnight security and storage for the person’s belongings.”

There is currently one Sleepbus® on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, and a second ‘pink bus’ for women and their children, is coming soon. (For details of more Sleepbus® projects and how to donate, please visit sleepbus.org)

“The more our community knows about the problem, the more we can help,” added Ruth. “And yes, many of us are struggling financially, and can’t do big things to help other people, but the little things we can do have a ripple effect.”

A 15-year-old boy being taught to knit squares at Montville Market

Nicole Vertuela Montville Gem

Montville Gems is a Montville History Group (MHG) collection of stories about Montvillians who have helped make living in Montville such a pleasure.

Recently we interviewed Nicole Vertuel about the two-and-a-half years she spent as restaurant manager and chef at the popular Misty’s restaurant in Montville. In doing so, we realised that Nicole’s story highlights the magic of Montville and the people who choose it for their home.

Nicole was born in Paris in 1942. When she was five years old, the family moved to Belgium where schoolyard interactions soon encouraged her to lose her Parisian accent.

“I finished school at 14 and landed my first job in a large, upmarket Italian Deli as a ‘walk-in’,” said Nicole.

It was here that she began her culinary journey, however, the Italian Deli had one big drawback, a ‘hands-on’ Italian owner… Nicole quickly moved on to join an exclusive catering company, Maison Bouvoult, the best French traiteur (caterer) in Liege, Belgium, where she entered a sevenyear apprenticeship.

“While I was here I developed the restaurant management skills and the range of associated skills to qualify as a chef,” Nicole explained.

She married Kaz Depczynski, a wine negociant (merchant) in 1963 and they migrated to Adelaide in 1970 with two son and made one for Australia in 1972.

“When one of Kaz’s contacts needed help in a restaurant, La Terrace the chance to re-enter the workforce,” said Nicole.

“I began as Maitre d’Hotel, involved in the restaurant’s management, and later became a chef.”

Nicole and Kaz bought La Terrace in 1977 and sold it in 1980 after winning an industry award. Nicole then purchased the Copper Pot Pate, selling it in 1982 when the family moved to Maroochydore.

In 1985, Nicole became a lecturer at the Nambour Technical and Further Education (TAFE) College,

Maleny Music Festival

Sal, this looks a bit odd. Can you maybe put the lasy dot point across the advert width Make image slighly smaller and place at left , logo on right Name under image..

Kaz and Nicole in their kitchen at the Rangers From a love of food to a love of art for Nicole Vertuel

and while in this position, she was approached in 1987 to help resuscitate Misty’s, a struggling restaurant in Montville.

The restaurant had just been purchased by Stephanie Mullens and Delle Daniels who realised they would need professional help to rebuild it. After only two years at the helm, Nicole had Misty’s winning the prestigious People’s Award in the Restaurant and Catering Association, Queensland Awards in 1988.

By 1991, Nicole had rejoined TAFE as a casual lecturer while working to improve the weekend service of Clio’s Restaurant in Palmwoods. Then, in 1998, Nicole was once again asked to help revive a failing Range restaurant, the Flaxton Inn.

“With only months to revamp the kitchen, create a new menu, train staff and introduce improved management practices, the new owners, John and Glenda Lanham decided to enter the Restaurant and Catering Association, Queensland Awards!” Nicole said.

as much as a lecturer than she earned as a chef, she decided to return to TAFE.

“In 2003, I became a foundation member of a self-help art group called the Blackall Range Art Group (BRAG), later re-named the Blackall Range Visual Artists (BRVA),” said Nicole.

Incredibly, Flaxton Inn won two awards, The People’s Choice Award and a Highly Commended Award. In a 2000 reference John Lanham wrote for Nicole, he acknowledged her role in winning these awards, something he failed to do in the publicity immediately after the awards. That was a bitter pill for Nicole to swallow, and when she learnt she would be earning twice

Her flair for the artistic presentation of food quickly transferred to painting. Now, Nicole’s detailed paintings of French provincial village buildings are attracting much interest.

Nicole and Kaz moved up to Akala Street, Flaxton in 1987. Their block sloped down to a dam so they had plenty of water to create an expansive garden. Eventually, however, the block became too much for them and they relocated to the Rangers at Montville, in 2017 to a much smaller landscaped block.

“Now we have the time to enjoy our art; painting for me and wood-carving for Kaz,” Nicole smiled.

Nicole’s inspirational work in rescuing three struggling businesses and turning them into thriving, award-winning restaurants that have survived the passage of time; as well as her artistic success through BRVA, ensure she will be remembered and respected as a Montville Gem.


As a landlord of commercial premises it is impor tant to identify what business your tenant will be carr ying out from your premises so that you can prepare a lease that will comply with the requirements of the relevant act involved In Queensland commercial leases generally speak ing come under two distinct areas; the first being retail shops which are governed by the Retail Shop Leases Ac t and the second being non retail shops governed by provisions of the Proper ty Law Act. I shall concentrate my discussion on leases that come under the Retail Shop Leases Act.

When negotiating with your prospective tenant these are some impor tant tips to keep in mind:

Ÿ Disclosure - both you and your tenant must provide disclosure in the par ticular format provided by the Retail Shop Leases Regulations As a landlord your disclosure must be in the form of a Lessor Disclosure Statement annexing a copy of the lease The Lessor Disclosure Statement gives information about the lease such as the term of the lease, the option periods a v a i l a

payable etc. Impor tantly note that this information must be given to the tenant at least seven days before the par ties enter into the Lease other wise the tenant will be at liber ty to terminate the lease at any time within the next six month period

Your tenant also has to provide you with disclosure to In the Lessee Disclosure Statement the tenant gives you disclosure of way of a Lessee Disclosure Statement as well proof of both legal and financial a

Financial Advice Repor t and a Legal Advice Repor t to s

implications of the tenanc y explained

Ÿ Term and Options - keep in mind what you want to do with your premises when you negotiate the term and any options (fur ther terms). An example is a lease that has an initial term of three years with two options each of three years' duration. I t is impor tant that you note that legally, as long as your tenant is not in breach, you have to honour the lease for the whole period of time until the end of the second option period

exercising the next option in the lease your tenant is entitled to request and be provided with the new market rental amount.

A Funky Forest in the Maple Street Co-op

Casey Conroy is an accredited practising dietitian, naturopath, educator, credentialed eating disorder clinician and Yoga teacher, and she brings her skillset to Funky Forest Health and Wellbeing and the Maple Street Co-op.

“Real health means reconnecting with and listening to our bodies,” Casey says. “It also means developing a body-positive approach that encourages us to engage in health-promoting behaviours, whatever our natural shape and size.”

Along with her independent work, Casey is a naturopath at the Maple Street Co-op, and finds it hugely beneficial to keep connected to the wider community.

“I've been an allied health practitioner for 12 years but since COVID, a lot of that has consisted of individual consultations working from my home clinic or virtually,” Casey shares.

“Being an extroverted introvert I was starting to miss contact with the greater community - especially since I had paused teaching public yoga classes. Being part of and working as a naturopath at the Co-op has reconnected me to the locals, introduced me to other amazing practitioners in the area, and given me an avenue to get more of my offerings out into the worldincluding some of my handcrafted herbal remedies which the Co-op now stocks.”


Homegrown Cafe

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The Maple Street Co-op is a wonderful, welcoming shop for healthy, locally-grown fresh fruit and veg, bread, delicious foodie items, and much more. It also has members who offer valuable services to the community.

So, what was the impetus behind starting Funky Forest?

“I've been working in the wellness industry for most of my adult life, starting off as a yoga teacher in my early 20s while I completed my veterinary science degree. After graduating I quickly realised I was more interested in preventative and natural medicine than surgery and pharmaceuticals, although those things definitely have their place and can be lifesaving.

“After some travel and soul-searching I retrained as a dietitian then as a naturopath. Funky Forest Health & Wellbeing is an umbrella business name for the different services I offer today. To be honest I came up with the name in my 20s and though I've been tempted to change it to something more serious-sounding, it has stuck!” Casey says with a big smile.

As for working in the Maleny area, Casey is clearly enamoured. “I have lived in Southeast Asia and different parts of Queensland but I have never found as many

high-quality, genuine friends as I have here in Maleny.

“Of course, in any community people have their differences, but the folks who had my back during challenges I faced in my first few years living here are now friends for life, we would do anything for each other. The longer I live here, the more I realise there are amazing humans quietly doing cool things, just hiding away in the hilly nooks and crannies.”

Casey has plenty of plans for the future here, such as guided herb walks and workshops in conjunction with the Co-op, and a monthly community naturopathic clinic down in Conondale to make herbalism more accessible.

“I believe that herbal medicine is the medicine of the people, and that it should be accessible to everyone.

“Eventually I want to incorporate my veterinary degree into my offerings and provide naturopathic care for pets. And my old yoga students will be happy to know I'm coming back to teaching yoga shortly!”

Casey Conroy of Funky Forest Health and Wellbeing - image Emelia Ebejer


One of our favourite Sunny Coast markets is across the Range from Maleny, down a winding road to Witta.

The Witta Market offers a vibrant showcase of local produce, gourmet meals, and unique artisan goods. Take some time to unwind under the trees with a picnic, or explore over 80 diverse stalls with a coffee in hand – trust us, this will be a delightful day out for the entire family!

Visitors can enjoy treats with their furry friends, listen to live music, or watch the kids navigate the turf maze.

Located on the historic grounds of the Old Witta School, the market’s setting, surrounded by mature trees and overlooking a scenic oval, feels welcoming and community-orientated. There is also the chance to relax and be pampered, thanks to Zen Thai Massage, which is available throughout the morning.

Noteworthy vendors include Tin Shed Farm: organic meats and eggs; Smoking Gun Jerky with a wide variety of dog treats; Le Treatz, with exquisite sweets and pastries, and Naked Carrot, selling fresh organic produce.

Hunchy-based ginmaker, Andrew Lancaster, will be there with his 12 & Half Acres gin selection, plus Steampunk, Rainforest Liqueurs: specialty and original alcohols, and Yumi and Toni massage services.

The journey to Witta is an experience in itself, winding through the mountains with stunning farmland vistas along the way, and with ample street parking and several designated disabled parking spots, Witta Market is accessible to all.

Running for over 18 years, Witta Market has become a cherished local tradition, held every third Saturday of the month. Once you arrive and take in the atmosphere and choice, you will see why it's a favourite among locals. Stay connected and updated by following Witta Markets on Facebook and Instagram.

Kondalilla Restaurant

Situated on the grounds of Kondalilla Eco Resort, Kondalilla Restaurant is a vegetarian and seafood restaurant with vegan options. Visit Kondalilla and enjoy a space of tranquility while you choose from our exquisite menu. Everyone's welcome.

61-101 Kondalilla Falls Rd Flaxton

5445 7650 Ext. 2

Opening hours: Lunch and Dinner Thursday - Sunday 12pm - 8pm



Crystal Waters Markets 8am - 1pm

Located in the beautiful Conondale valley, this village market creates a unique atmosphere. Under shady trees you'll find delicious food, arts and craft, live music and a children's playground. Stalls available 5435 0111 cwmarkets@crystalwaters.org.au


Montville Growers and Makers Market 7:30am - 12pm

Piping hot pancakes, buskers, genuine locally grown food, handmade craft, barista made coffee, under historic fig trees, profits maintain our Village Hall. Stall holder enquires: Liz 0424 042 376


Witta Growers Markets 7:30am - 12pm

50+ stalls, this vibrant market has everything from fresh local produce to gourmet food, quality art and craft, live music, hot food and coffee. email: wittamarket@gmail.com


Mapleton Country Market 8am - 12pm

Fresh fluffy waffles, sourdoughs, jams and chutneys, honey, pestos, plants, timber, jewellery, arts and crafts. Hot food, coffee van, live music. Ph 0419 726 603. Located at the Mapleton School Carpark.

TO PROMOTE YOUR MARKET OR STALL HERE email sales@sunnycoastmedia.com.au

TO PROMOTE YOUR MARKET OR STALL HERE email sales@sunnycoastmedia.com.au

Witta Market has a welcoming atmosphere

Mental health advocate recognised

Aformer elite athlete and natural bodybuilder turned mental health advocate was named Citizen of the Year in the recent Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards.

Leon Stensholm received the honour for his dedication to helping, mentoring, and supporting young people on the Sunshine Coast through his youth centre, Lookout 07 (lookout07.org.au).

His vision to create the centre emerged from his own deeply personal journey – the tragic loss of his brother and four clients to suicide.




They summed it up in four words, ‘We need more Leons!’.

The Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards recognised, celebrated and showcased the stories of 79 dedicated individuals, organisations and businesses contributing to a sustainable region now, and into the future.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Rosanna Natoli said the collective impact all the nominees had on region was humbling.

“The information we receive about the nominees shares just a fraction of the inspiring stories behind them,” Mayor Natoli said.

Leon recognised disconnection and isolation from friends and family as the common denominator in their stories and knew something had to change.

He embarked on a mission to create a safe, welcoming, all-inclusive space for young kids, where meaningful connections support their path to physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Leon’s dream came to fruition in 2023 when he opened Lookout 07, which provides recreation facilities alongside resilience programs, mentoring and crisis counselling for around 150 youths each week.

The judges, who had the challenging task of selecting the 2024 recipients, applauded Leon for using his professional experiences to help so many young people each week, and for his generosity of space, time and skill.

Ways to help keep warm

“Each of our fabulous nominees should feel a sense of pride to be recognised by their community and we celebrate and are thankful for every one of them.

“These stories represent what is special about our Sunshine Coast Biosphere and why this is such a wonderful place to live, work, learn and play.”

Our Sunshine Coast Biosphere is a way of life, caring for our environment, creating thriving communities and growing our local economy.


Category Recipient name/s Citizen of the Year Leon Stensholm Senior Citizen of the Year  Ken Mewburn Young Citizen of the Year  Kurt Jones Community Group or Organisation endED Healthy People Trevor Picken Biosphere Business of the Year Go For Zero

Creative Arts (Jointly Awarded) Helena Gulash and Paul Calcott

Healthy Planet (Jointly Awarded) Craig Hosmer and Daryl Reinke

Ÿ Shivering, trembling, cuddling into warm spaces
2024 Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Award Recipients
Leon Stensholm, Citizen of the Year in the recent Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards

Buying Now

Mike and Nate Cornish will be travelling the Sunshine Coast area between July 10th and 20th. We want to buy your unwanted items listed below. Please visit us at one of the venues shown below for an ‘on the spot’ appraisal. See www.heritageint.nz for our full schedule.

If you live outside the area, have too many items to bring in, or would like a home visit, phone Nate on 0426 820 646 NOW to arrange a time.

These events are often compared to the ‘Antiques Roadshow’ on TV, but without the long queues. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Fully Licensed Antique, Numismatic, and Precious Metal Buyers with over 45 years Industry Experience. Security Supplied by Security International Limited.

Are you moving or downsizing? Are you worried about security? Unwanted coins? Any jewellery, incl damaged? Do they sit in a drawer or cupboard? Are you no longer collecting? Are the family not interested? Would the money be more of use to you?


Caloundra RSL (Foyer Function Area)

9:00am – 1:00pm 19 West Terrace, Caloundra

Home Visits

1:00pm – 6:00pm

Phone 0426 820 646 For a Home Visit


Home Visits

8:00am – 10:00am Phone 0426 820 646 For a Home Visit

Nambour Bowls Club (Upstairs) 10:00am – 1:00pm 76 Coronation Ave

Maroochy RSL (Boardroom 2) 2:00pm – 4:00pm Memorial Ave

Home Visits

4:00pm – 6:00pm Phone 0426 820 646 For a Home Visit

Beerwah Meeting Place (Room 3/3A) 8:30am – 12:00pm 25 Peachester Road MONDAY 15TH JULY TUESDAY 16TH JULY WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY

Landsborough Hall

12:30pm – 3:00pm 485 Old Landsborough Road

Glass House Mountains Community Hall

3:30pm – 5:00pm 8 Coonowrin Rd

Home Visits

5:00pm – 6:00pm

Phone 0426 820 646 For a Home Visit

Mapleton Bowls Club (Hall) 9:00am – 11:00am 5 Post Office Road

Woombye Bowls Club (Bistro Area) 11:30am – 1:30pm 5-9 Hill Street

Buderim Tavern (Function Room) 2:00pm – 3:30pm 81 Burnett Street

Home Visits

3:30pm – 6:00pm Phone 0426 820 646 For a Home Visit

Maleny Bicentenary Meeting Room 9:00am – 12:30pm 1 Bicentenary Ln, Maleny

Palmwoods Memorial Hall 1:30pm – 4:00pm 1 Main St, Palmwoods

Home Visits 4:00pm – 6:00pm Phone 0426 820 646 For a Home Visit

Yandina-Eumundi RSL Hall 9:00am – 11:30am 24 North St, Yandina THURSDAY 18TH JULY

Cooroy RSL 12:30pm – 3:00pm 25 Maple Street

Home Visits

3:00pm – 6:00pm

Phone 0426 820 646 For a Home Visit

Heritage International www.heritageint.nz

Antique Jewellery, Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Earrings,
Silver Sterling Silver: Tea Sets, Cutlery, Trophy Cups, Trays, Baskets, Vases, Jugs, Cigarette & Card Cases. Silver Bars of any size Jewellery
All Jewellery, Rings, Diamond and other stones, Brooches, Pendants, Lockets, Bracelets & Bangles, Gold Cuff Links, Necklaces, All Broken or Worn Jewellery

Landsborough hosts running event with a twist!

Fitness enthusiasts, seasoned runners, rookies and social shufflers can ready themselves for a community run unlike any other. Now in its fifth year, Race the Roo, a community running event hosted by the Caloundra Triathlon Club in proud partnership with local business  Preferred Plaster, takes place at Skippy Park in Landsborough on Sunday July 28, 2024.

The aim of Race the Roo is simpleoutrun the Roo for as many 1.1km laps as possible. The Roo will start their first lap at a very relaxed pace and steadily increase the pace of each consecutive lap. To stay in the race, runners will have to finish each lap before the Roo gets to the finish line.

Runners will be pleased to know that there will be a minimum one minute of rest after each lap before the next lap, at a faster pace, starts. The clock for the oneminute rest will start once the Roo reaches the finish line of each lap.

Race organiser from Caloundra Triathlon Club, Carlee Driscoll, says runners of all abilities can take part in the event.

“Anyone who can jog a kilometre will outpace the Roo for a couple of laps” she says. According to Driscoll runners may surprise themselves about how long

“We've noticed in previous years that most runners, especially Parkrunners, completed longer distances than they would normally run because of the rest time

She adds that runners who want to go for gold and complete the eventual last lap, will have to have both speed and endurance. Winners in previous years have managed a massive 29 laps, which is over 30km of running, having to hit some super speeds in the final laps to stay ahead.

The winners from last year are returning to defend their titles in 2024. While the winning male and winning female will each take home $250, many other lucky participants will take home spot prizes. There are extra prizes available for the best performing corporate team and sporting team too!

Free training programs for beginner and intermediate runners can be downloaded at racetheroo.com, and are a great way for participants to prepare themselves for the race. And the race is timed to be two weeks ahead of the Sunny Coast Marathon weekend, so runners can incorporate it into their training plan.

Runners can visit racetheroo.com to register for the event. All participants will receive a medal, water bottle and neck buff. Runners will have the opportunity to get the distance that they covered engraved on the back of their medal after completing the race, at no extra cost.

Runners can bring the family, as Skippy Park has a fantastic playground and there will be the all-important coffee van and snacks available all morning. And watching the very best runners in full flight on the final laps is super exciting for all the spectators!

The team at Bald in La ers are a do n-to-earth, eas going, general la prac ce ho lo e assis ng people ith their legal req irements. Working from a Nambo r base ith an addi onal office in G mpie, e lo e to ncomplicate the legal jargon for o r clients.

Whether it is e plaining in simple lang age ho a Will orks or dissec ng a complicated famil la ma er. We also make con e ancing as simple as possible.

We're here to help and g ide o . O r fees are reasonable and fair. We do home isits on req est for clients ho cannot come into to n to meet s at the office.

Ÿ Wills, End ring Po er of A orne , and Ad ance Health Direc es

Ÿ Con e ancing

Ÿ Famil La

Ÿ Commercial la (leases, sale and p rchasing of b sinesses) We assist clients ith

It is important to ha e o r Will c rrent and p-todate ith o r circ mstances. If o need help dra�ing o r Will to make s re it reflects o r ishes, contact s to assist o .

It is also er important to make s re o ha e a alid End ring Po er of A orne and o r appointment reflects o r ishes. We pro ide all o r clients ith a free Ad ance Health Direc e in hich o

Images by Scout at Your Neck of the Woods Photography

Saltair Modular’s ‘Modern Barnyard’ project

Saltair Modular was founded in 2013 by a local builder. The impetus behind it was a shared vision of revolutionising the home-building industry by providing innovative, high-quality modular homes that cater to the unique needs and preferences of clients.

“I’ve had the pleasure of running Saltair Modular since 2019 and am proud of the continued success and constant growth that has followed,” said Managing Director, Steve Bridger.

Saltair Modular is the most awarded modular builder in Australia, and Steve believes this is down to their commitment to innovation, sustainability, and meticulous craftsmanship.

“We prioritise quality at every stage, from design to construction, resulting in homes that exceed expectations. The award recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team.”

the unique demands of the Ocean View landscape.

Utilising their advanced production facilities in Coolum Beach, Saltair constructed six modular pieces off-site.

“In the factory we did everything from tiling, glass, mirrors, oven and fireplace installation and so on. On site we simply needed to join the modules and connect to services,” explained Steve.

Transported to the site on trucks, these modules were swiftly connected to form a cohesive structure that mirrored the surrounding natural beauty.

“Externally, the home showcases monument steel exterior cladding, gabled roofing, and timber-style cement panel accents. Internally, exposed beams and sliding barn doors all lean into the modern barnyard feel,” said Steve.

Saltair Modular recently undertook a project that epitomised modern elegance with a rustic twist—a ‘modern barnyard aesthetic’.

“From concept to completion, we offer a seamless turnkey service for our clients, handling every detail from initial design through to building approval, delivery, installation, connection to services, and final certification,” shared Steve.

The journey began with Saltiar's Noosa 424 standard design, a template that soon evolved into a bespoke masterpiece tailored to the clients' exact preferences and

Inside, the interior design further emphasises the barnyard theme with exposed beams and sliding barn doors, adding warmth and character to the contemporary space. A standout feature is the walnut-clad wall behind the timber fireplace, a focal point that exudes both sophistication and rustic charm.

The kitchen boasts elegant gold tapware and a 40mm Smartstone island bench, seamlessly integrating style with functionality. A thoughtful addition, the mudroom provides separate access to ensure muddy boots never taint the pristine interiors—an essential detail for homeowners who relish the outdoors.

Managing Director Steve Bridger and his son Jim, who also works at Saltair, at the recent HIA awards 

“Expansive bi-fold doors and awning windows, all with retractable fly screens, were a must for our clients to fully immerse in the beautiful surrounds and take in the hinterland views,” said Steve.

Glass breezeways join the centre modules to the outer gable roofed modules, in which the clients will be creating beautiful gardens.

“Our two production facilities in Coolum Beach, QLD allow us capacity to produce over 700 modules per year, so we can continue to help our residential clients, whilst also working on ongoing Qbuild projects with the Government, and other exciting commercial works,” added Steve.

In fact, their client testimonial came through as we were preparing for print, and here are just a few lines from the glowing feedback:

“We are very proud of this one. It really breaks the barriers of what people think of when they hear ‘modular home’.

“The delivery of the house was a well-oiled machine, despite the wet ground, with everything happening on time and as indicated. The team was on hand when requested to review, correct or advise during finalisation of the installation. Costs and timings were adhered to, which was welcoming given the current building environment.

The whole process from design to installation was as simple as one could imagine and the final product is exactly as we had envisioned, we would happily recommend a modular build by SaltAir to others. Thank you for your dedication, professionalism and commitment to our build.”

Saltair Modular, 41 Quanda Road, Coolum Beach, 4573. Phone: 07 5446 2113 / Email: sales@saltairmodular.com.au / Website: saltairmodular.com.au

The completed ‘modern barnyard’ house
Virtual staging of the kitchen


Supporting our community

We are putting our community first by:

• enhancing our public spaces, parks and infrastructure

• increasing pensioner concessions

• creating jobs through our capital works program

• encouraging people to shop local, study here and enjoy events to help businesses thrive

• protecting our natural habitats, rejuvenating ecosystems and restoring coastal areas

• delivering high service standards. Everyone from the north to the south, east to west and everywhere in between will benefit.

Sunshine Coast Council’s Budget includes:

$391 million to develop a strong community

$289 million to maintain and enhance our environment and liveability

$37 million to build our resilient economy

$140 million to deliver service excellence FIND OUT WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR AREA


war came to Montville

Montville Remembers: World War Two 1939-1945 is Book 9 Part 2 in the Montville Stories Series. This book briefly introduces the context of the Second World War and pays tribute with a roll of honour identifying those men and women who worked and lived in Montville describing their military history and their lives before and after the war.

The book also explains how the war came to Montville; with land army girls, troops in training, the Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC), military personnel staying at Guesthouses while on leave, and the Italian Prisoners of War who worked on the pineapple farms and the citrus orchards.

The book has around 280 photos collected from archives and from families of the military personnel and can be purchased from the Montville Post Office, the Montville Market at the MVA stall or by contacting Cate Patterson at montvillehistorygroup1@gmail.com.

Brother John Watson

Photographed here is Brother John Watson, Master of Montville Lodge, accepting a certificate of appreciation from Montville Primary School Captains, Jessica and Paul, following the Lodge's donation of $1500 to assist the school in helping parents of pupils who are in financial stress.

In the last two years, the Lodge has donated $3000 for this purpose, the work for which was principally done by the Lodge's Treasurer, Brother Serge Doumergue. The Lodge encourages those living on and around the Range (and elsewhere) to contribute to what is a cause both pressing and local. This may be done directly with the school, or through the Lodge, in which case appropriate acknowledgement will be made.

Changes to Nambour icon

Changes have been unveiled for a prominent building in a creative and culturally active town known as the ‘heart of the hinterland’. Improvements will be made to the ground floor of the Eddie De Vere building in Nambour to create an accessible meeting and activity space for our community.

Division 10 Councillor David Law said the interim changes marked the start of a comprehensive redevelopment.

Key interim changes on the ground floor of the building include a dedicated area within the foyer designed to foster a welcoming and inviting environment for the community, and bookable activity space to serve as a multi-purpose area for community activities.

Construction work for these temporary changes is expected to start in July.

You can find out more information on Council’s website, sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au and search ‘Nambour Centre Activation Project’.

Looking for new members

The Montville Village Association (MVA) will be holding its AGM on Wednesday October 16. The meeting will take place at 6 pm in the Montville Village Hall, doors open at 5.30pm.

We are looking for new members to join our management committee, please contact the secretary at secretary.mva@gmail.com if you are interested.

Membership to the MVA is free and open to all who have an interest and affinity to Montville. The MVA aims to represent the views of the local community on matters associated with the progress and development of Montville, to provide and support social structures to maintain a healthy and vibrant community, and to manage the Montville Village Hall and the Montville Sports and Recreation Grounds fairly.

Santa Paws in the Park

Established in May 2005, 4 Paws Animal Rescue Inc., provides refuge and a "New Home, New Life" to homeless dogs and cats on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and beyond.

Join 4 Paws Animal Rescue for their annual ‘Santa Paws in the Park’ at Double Bay Park, Parrearra on Saturday July 13, from 10am to 1pm.

Celebrate the joys of animal ownership, browse amongst a variety of stalls, and Nicklin Ways Vets will be on hand to answer questions, plus there are raffles and competitions with prizes for Best Dressed Dog, Best Trick and Musical Sit.

Santa will be on hand for a pic with your pooch! So head over and enjoy a day with animals and animal-lovers. Free entry!

Did you go to Hunchy State School?

The Hunchy Community Association will celebrate the Centenary of the Opening of Hunchy State School on Sunday August 18, 9am – 3pm, with morning tea provided. They would love to have as many former students and staff as possible in attendance. From 1924 until its closure at the end of 1969, the school had 249 students registered and 19 teachers.

Any former students, staff and their families are encouraged to bring along photos and schoolyard yarns. Photos of school days and early Hunchy history, maps, family trees, etc., will be on exhibit during the day.

This beautifully preserved building is a classic example of the one-teacher/ one-classroom Queensland schools of the era, and one of the few surviving on the Sunshine Coast. Local families in the 1980s secured a lease with the council and so began its use as the Hunchy Community Centre.

How can we provide jobs and support communities?

How can something as simple as water hold the key to our clean energy future?

How can renewable energy create jobs for school leavers?

The importance of Zonta

Here on the Sunny Coast Hinterland, the Zonta Club of the Blackall Range works tirelessly for women. But some of you may ask, what does Zonta do and stand for?

“Zonta International works internationally, nationally and locally to realise our vision of a world in which women's rights are recognised as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential,” explained Blackall Range Zonta President, Margy Henderson.

“A world where women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men, and where no woman lives in fear of violence.”

Zonta is focused on ending gender-based violence, which affects women, their families, communities and countries. It knows no national or cultural barriers; it takes place at home, in the workplace and in open spaces, and affects millions of women and girls in peacetime and in conflict.

Gender-based violence includes psychological, physical and sexual violence, and harmful practices

such as intimate partner violence, cyber violence, child marriage, female genital mutilation and human trafficking.

These truly shocking and distressing statistics show how vital organisations like Zonta International are:

• In 2022, around 48,800 women and girls were killed by their intimate partner or family - an average of about 133 women or girls a day.

• 41% of women worldwide have experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.

Approximately 59% of all female homicide victims in 2021 lost their lives by an intimate partner.

• The first sexual experience of some 30 percent of women was forced. 45% of those under 15 at the time of their sexual initiation report a forced experience.

It’s sobering to read.

The Zonta Club of Blackall Range is a small club – but growing in numbers rapidly – whose members are active in this space.

Community-led housing

Would you like to see our local workers, older people and long-time residents with low and medium incomes securely and affordably housed? Would you like to see more diverse housing types available? Are you a local person in need of housing you can afford in the community you know and love?

Calling all with a concern about or interest in housing! You’re invited to join a project initiated by the Housing Older Women Movement to develop local housing projects that demonstrate perpetually affordable community-led housing.

It's a pressing issue: workers and others on low and medium incomes are finding it increasingly difficult to afford housing on the Sunshine Coast, a problem that extends across Australia.

Securely and affordably housing our local workers, older people, and young people in quality, energy-

efficient housing—now and for future generations— helps build resilient local economies and communities for the long term.

“We are founding members of Speak Up Now, an inter-service club collaboration which is very active in working towards a society free from the scourge of domestic and family violence,” shared Margy.

Their achievements include the signs displayed on the backs of toilet doors (including Men’s toilets), school workshops pushing the message of respect, booklets to assist the older generation know their rights, forums on Elder Abuse, and several ceremonies throughout the year in memory of those who have died at the hands of family members.

As shared on page 3 of this issue, there is a Speak Up Now fundraising and awareness event happening with Wuthering Heights of Mapleton later this month.

“We also financially aid several Sunshine Coast Refuges every year, advocate for safe phones, and financially support the Teacher in a Box program to assist with girls’ education in refugee camps in Kenya,” added Margy.

The Zonta Club of the Blackall Range recently had their annual Changeover Dinner at picturesque Stonebridge Gardens in Palmwoods.

The event included the presentation of donation cheques to local organisations including Sonshine Sanctuary, Lily House, Mapleton Community Library, and Breaking Thru, supporting their important work in the community.

These donations are made possible through the Club’s active fundraising initiatives, and a major raffle was launched on the night, with a captivating painting by acclaimed watercolour artist, Michele Retschlag, as the prize being drawn in October.

The Club President honoured retiring member, Gillian Allen, for her remarkable 24 years of service with the Zonta Club of the Blackall Range, and significant contributions including as a past president. Five new members were also warmly welcomed and inducted.

Petra Ladwig, Lieutenant Governor of Zonta International District 22, officiated installation of the Club’s Office Bearers: Margy Henderson (President), with Lyndel Grant (Vice President and Correspondence Secretary), Rita Kerr (Treasurer), Alison Huth (Director, Parliamentarian and Archivist), Linda McElrea (Minutes Secretary), and Eva-Marie Seeto (Director).

“Everyone in the Blackall Range Club is excited to expand their impact in this coming year, and advance Zonta’s mission of building a better world for women and girls,” smiled Margy.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please email president@zontablackallrange.org.au

The Housing Older Women Movement has been researching and working to develop this project over the past three years. It has secured initial funding and support from various community organisations in Australia.

Regenerative community-led housing expert Zola Rose from Aotearoa, NZ, is facilitating key community seminars and workshops in local areas. A series of free seminars and workshops (online and in-person) from July to September will explain the main features of the proposed project being rolled out in four locations across SE Queensland, give opportunity for all stakeholders to have input in shaping the projects locally, and form local area housing development project groups.

For project updates please register your interest online at:housingolderwomen.org.au, and for more information email Tracy Adams at tracy@ housingolderwomen.org.au

An intergenerational housing example
(L-R) Rita Kerr, Lyndel Grant, June Robson, Petra Ladwig, Margy Henderson, 2024

Revitalising hinterland hubs

Almost $14 million is being invested in Division 10 in a mix of projects as diverse and valuable as its hinterland communities, thanks to Sunshine Coast Council’s 2024-25 Budget.

Division 10 Councillor David Law welcomed the injection of funds as a commitment to the unique and vibrant communities of the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

“From a multimillion-dollar investment in our major town hubs of Eumundi and Nambour, to significant funds towards gravel road upgrades and improving our parks and playgrounds, this is a major boost for our entire division,” Cr Law said.

“Eumundi streetscape improvements, gravel road upgrades, ongoing revitalisation of Nambour town centre, and a long list of parks and facilities upgrades throughout the division are among the highlights.

“More than $3.3 million will be invested in the Eumundi Town Centre to transform Memorial Drive as part of Stage 1 of the streetscape project.

“The new and improved streetscape will feature more tranquil outdoor seating, more shade, trees and plants and two new pedestrian crossings.

“The ever-popular Eumundi Markets will also benefit with $550,000 to renew electrical infrastructure.

“I’m thrilled Council is investing in these projects for our community to enjoy and as a boost to our businesses,” Cr Law said.

“We are investing a further $1.8 million in Council’s Nambour Administration Precinct to repurpose the administration building and library to provide a range of community services for the growing Nambour centre.

“The Nambour (Namba) Place revitalisation project will continue with $1.4 million invested over two years to help revive the ‘heart of the hinterland’ and guide its future as a vibrant, creative and cultural hub, including streetscape improvements to Currie Street, Howard Street and Mill Street.

“We are also investing in the safety of our region’s roads, with more than $2.5 million for gravel road sealing upgrades at North Arm Road in North Arm and Ferntree Creek Road in Kulangoor.

“The Nambour Showgrounds, one of our community’s major assets, will receive more than $1 million for continued improvements with an amenity upgrade and electrical infrastructure renewal.

“We know Division 10 is a great place to live, work and play, and we’re delivering significant upgrades to our parks, playgrounds and environmental reserves for our

Batteries cause fires

communities in North Arm, Kureelpa, Kidaman Creek, Obi Obi, Eumundi, Kenilworth, Yandina, Mapleton, Gheerulla, Ninderry, and Nambour.

“This year’s Budget is a showcase of how we’re connecting and engaging with our communities to build a better future for everyone.”

For further information on Sunshine Coast Council’s 2024–25 Budget, including a full list of Division 10 projects, visit sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/ budget.

Division 10 encompasses Belli Park, Bridges, Burnside, Coes Creek, Coolabine, Cooloolabin, Dulong, Eerwah Vale, Eumundi, Gheerulla, Highworth, Image Flat, Kenilworth, Kiamba, Kidaman Creek, Kulangoor, Kureelpa, Mapleton, Nambour, Ninderry, North Arm, Obi Obi, Parklands, Perwillowen, Rosemount, Towen Mountain, and Yandina.

Discussing the Eumundi Streetscape revitalisation


This is a space for the wide community to submit their considered deliberations on news, life and the idiosyncrasies of our times. Email: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au

Youth, Schools and Society

Ipainted this picture in the style of an artist whose work I have long admired by the name of Itzchak Tarkay. One of his inspirational paintings is much loved and hangs in our home.

History teaches us that whenever the gap between the rich and the poor becomes too great, there is a social revolution. It might be a violent uprising like the French Revolution or it might be a slower, social change like the emergence of a new class of people like the Middle Class during the Industrial Revolution.

A number of social institutions moderate social change: the existing political system, the legal system, the church, the media and the education system, schools in particular.

In arguing for de-schooling, Mexican educationalist, political activist and social reformer Ivan Illich argued that the main function of schooling was to maintain the social status quo, and so protect those with wealth, power and privilege.

We are facing an increasing gap between the haves and the have-nots. As the Middle-Class splits into the wealthier Upper Middle Class and the poorer Lower Middle Class, this gap has taken on a new dimension.

Now, the salaried workers who make up the Lower Middle Class have joined the Working Class and can no longer aspire to owning a home and taking that once traditional right-of-passage overseas holiday.

As dissatisfaction grows, an increasing number of people are beginning to question their political leaders, the legal system and police, religious leaders, traditional media and journalists, and schools and teachers.

This unhappiness with the status quo has also led to increasing diversity in social values and beliefs, and there are new approaches to family relationships and parenting, all challenging the essential conservatism of the school.

The necessity and purpose of schooling needs to be re-examined.

The ABC recently reported on research that found that 40% of school students are reluctant to go to school because they don’t enjoy the experience and find the culture of schooling alienating. This should not surprise anyone.

Students bring with them a greater diversity of values, experiences and expectations than schools can satisfy. In addition, schools are not only undemocratic, they impose a set of behaviours enforced by fairly rigid rules that are all-toooften in conflict with family values.

To have to sit still and focus on set tasks for hours is almost impossible for many students, hence the growth of Home-Schooling.

The young are at the centre of this social change where wealth, privilege and power are held by some and out-of-reach of many. Their attitudes seem driven by social media and their “revolutionary” exploits are frequently shared through it.

Yes, they do break rules. Yes, they do break laws. Yes, they are violent. But compared to the Red Guard in China’s cultural revolution of the 1970s, their behaviour is almost restrained - at the moment.

Our reaction to this cultural revolution needs to be more considered and less emotional. We need to accept that we are in a cultural revolution for a start.

We need to work through our institutions to help ensure that everyone can see a fulfilling future for themselves beyond the capitalist paradigm of work and spend.

And, importantly, we need to make sure that the best of our existing values and culture is preserved and incorporated in the Australian society of the second half of this century.

The views expressed in the Local Musings column are the writer’s and not necessarily the views of the HT team.

Suitable projects

Stock exclusion fencing to protect ecologically significant areas

Off-stream stock watering points

Reducing sediment loss on farms

Control of environmental weeds and bush regeneration

Revegetation of degraded areas


Rosetta Books is proud to present #1 bestselling and awardwinning master of crime Michael Robotham (pictured) as he celebrates the 20-year anniversary of the publication of his debut thriller TheSuspect (now a major TV series starring Aidan Turner on ABC TV), and the launch of his much anticipated fourth novel in the globally bestselling Cyrus Haven and Evie Cormac series, Storm Child.

Enjoy a delicious two-course meal and hear from Michael as he shares insights into his writing career and latest work. Sunday July 21, 12-2pm, Tranquil Park, Maleny.

To add to the weekend of literary treats, UniSC senior lecturer and award-winning author of 50 books, Shelley Davidow, will be facilitating a creative writing workshop that looks at practical and essential tools that all writers need in order to make words into the keys that unlock limitless creative worlds. Shelley’s latest historical fiction novel, The Girl with the Violin, is due out on July 3. Saturday July 20, 10am-12pm, Maleny Community Centre. To book, visit the Events page at rosettabooks.com.au



Maleny is becoming a drawcard for live theatre. Recently Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado delighted audiences at the Community Centre. Meanwhile the Maleny Players are going from strength to strength in their comfortable, intimate theatre located in the Showgrounds.

The next production, Home Truths, is a suite of one-act plays showcasing the talents of a large cast drawn from across the region. It follows a string of varied productions such as TheRealInspectorHound,DancingatLughnasa and The ShakespeareProject, which have played to full houses across two weekends. Later this year Kathryn Barnes will direct Ibsen’s classic Hedda Gabler at the Playhouse. With its mix of thoughtful perspectives on present-day life in Australia, Home Truths should have broad appeal. Each of the Saturday and Sunday performances will be matinees. A trip to Maleny for lunch followed by fine entertainment—what could be better for a winter afternoon?

Pictures are three actors in Home Truths (L to R), Claire Watkins, Shelley Love, Brendan O’Shea looking at photos of past Players’ productions.


Two local hinterland playwrights, Sharon Hirt and Jill Morris, have their short plays accepted for the Dalby Drama , and they are presenting preview fundraising performances with finger food dinner and , 6-8pm, in the Playhouse, Maleny

Sharon's play tackles other modern issues of childhood anxiety , a two-hand mystery acted by Sharon and Ross Hurwood, is about addiction to , an affecting piece performed by Shelley Love, sparks a childhood memory too , is about the current housing shortage with a local application. Patricia Lovell, who is the subject of an HT feature story by Judy Fredriksen this month, is playing local Maleny widow, Stephanie. There is also ironic comedy in the way five women settle in together in a group housing situation,

Forced into major housing change by one of the legal traps of widowhood, Amelia considers her ‘lot’, as do Stephanie, Josephine, Charlie and Cecily.

The Nambour community choir, SingSpire Chorus, is delighted to present a varied and entertaining programme Sounds of Music on Saturday, July 20 at 2pm. This charity event will be hosted by local personality Marty Hunt and will be at the New Life Auditorium at 4 McKenzie Road, Woombye. SingSpire’s Junior Choir, Singergy Kids, plus the Good Samaritan Catholic College Instrumental Ensemble, will also be performing. Proceeds will be donated to Care Outreach, and afternoon tea and lucky door prizes are included. Tickets $25 or $30 at the door or via trybooking.com/CSGKZ or call 0401 270 476. As for SingSpire itself, it is a welcoming ‘sing-along’ group, no auditions are necessary, they will help you find where you fit in the choir with your voice placement. Their repertoire includes Australian and folk songs, songs from musicals, classics, pop songs and more, singing in four-part harmony and unison. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings (7-9pm) or Thursday afternoons (1-2.25pm) in the New Life Church Hall, Woombye. Visit their Facebook page for more information.


Mooloolah Valley native beekeeper Matthew Middleton is celebrating a second international award for his illustrated children’s book Princess Bee and the Boy. He and his wife (and editor) Juliet were having their morning cups of tea last week when they saw with delight that Princess Bee and the Boy had won a Silver Nautilus award.

The US-based Nautilus awards receive hundreds of entries from around the world each year, and are awarded to ‘books that made us think, make us improve, and make us aware’. This win for Princess Bee and the Boy comes on top of the bronze Moonbeam award collected last year, which is dedicated to supporting childhood literacy and life-long reading.

“I am just so thrilled to think that our little self-published book is spreading the word about the importance of looking after the world’s native bees,” Matthew, who runs native bee business Beezotted, said.

Matthew shares the honours with illustrator Jade de Baecque, and book designer Glenbo Craig.

Copies of Princess Bee and the Boy are available at beezotted. com.au/shop and also at Rosetta Books in Maleny, the Little Book Nook in Palmwoods, and Australian libraries.


Our stunning HT cover star, Scarlet Tinkabelle, stars in After-dinner Mintz Burlesque during the upcoming Rangebow Festival. There will be plenty of varied entertainment to enjoy, covering music, drama, food, nature and more, as the festival program shows. This month we are highlighting two wonderful shows, one for a good, light-hearted laugh (we all need that these days!), and one for a musical feast of Streisand songs.

ComeFlyWithMe – Nothing will prepare you for this Pineapple Airways flight of high farce and drama. There’s no escape as the flight crew deal with high jinks and drama at 30,000ft! On August 2, with a matinee and evening show at Montville Village Hall. Will you fly economy or splash out on a first-class ticket? Hurry, as tickets are selling fast! HelloGorgeous–TheBarbraStreisandSongbook will explore Streisand’s legendary hits: TheWayWeWere,Evergreen,Don’tRainOn MyParade,SendInTheClowns,Alfie,YouDon’tBringMeFlowers, and more. Starring Mo Award nominee Susanne Campbell (pictured), with Simon Chamberlain, on August 4, 1.30pm – 3pm, Maleny Community Centre. Come and celebrate 60 years of Streisand magic! Visit therangebowfestival.org and choose ‘events and tickets’ to book.


The Welsh Society Sunshine Coast provides opportunities to meet together and celebrate Welsh culture and history in a warm and friendly atmosphere, and hosts a few events each year, such as lunches, barbecues and shows.

One such event is their annual Festival of Music and Singing, including afternoon tea, on July 21 at the Buderim War Memorial Hall.

The outstanding performers are: soprano Elizabeth Wallis-Gaedtke, accompanist/musician Scott Gaedtke; musical trio, Corder Ballet, and musician/conductor Kim Kirkman.

Doors open at 1.05pm for a 1.55pm start; to book tickets visit Trybooking. com or pay cash at the door. Admission is $27 per person, $25 for WSSC members and groups of eight or more, and children under 12 free. Everyone is welcome to join the Welsh Society members and performers for an afternoon of music, community singing and refreshments. Any enquiries, please email Emrys Jones at emandmo@bigpond.com. If you would like to join the Sunshine Coast Welsh Society, please visit the website: welshsunshinecoast.com. Along with social events, members also receive a newsletter three or four times a year.



Feeling the chill of the weather.... then how about warming up with a bowl of delicious homemade soup in a handmade bowl which you get to keep! Head to the Sunshine Coast Art Group’s annual, major fundraising event, then sit back and enjoy your soup listening to one of the Club’s super-cool bands.

This much-anticipated event has developed a great following from the local community for good reason. As well as the soup bowls, you can purchase unique handmade items and artworks - ranging from landscapes on canvas to gift cards on paper, jewellery, garden art, pottery, sculptures – all things arty and crafty.

Bag a bargain, chat to the artists, watch demonstrations and enjoy a fun day out with family and friends. There’s an activity to keep the kids entertained, plus a coffee van and some homemade sweet treats to enjoy.

Saturday July 6, 9am-2pm, Sunshine Coast Art Group Studios, 1 William Parker Place, Buderim. There’s plenty of off-street parking, EFTPOS and it’s free entry. For more info, visit: sunshinecoastartgroup.com.au/ soup-n-soul-2024


6 – Live at the Chapel Monthly event to delight live music fans with an evening of country, rock, folk, blues and gospel, 6pm, at Ignite Church Auditorium, 29 Short Street, Nambour.

7 – The Blues Song Book  The Jazz and Blues Collective presents Estampa, the World Folk Jazz Quartet, combining a unique blend of violin/voice, accordion, guitar/banjo and double bass. Millwell Road Community Centre, Maroochydore, music from 1.30pm, bookings via ticketebo.com.au/jazz-bluescollective

9 – Glasshouse Musos Open Mic night, Beerwah Hotel from 6pm. If you’d like to play email whitickerm@bigpond.com to book a spot. Network with other musicians and music lovers, free entry, reasonably priced meals and a bar. Visit: facebook. com/groups/musosclub

5-14 – Educating Rita Rita wants to learn, not stay at home and have babies. She enrols in an Open University course and meets teacher Frank, and they both learn there is more to life than books and booze! Lind Lane Theatre, 16 Mitchell Street, Nambour. Visit lindlane.com.au for details and tickets.

12 – Mickey and Michelle Harp and violin duo, contemporary folk and jazz, Black Box Theatre, 80-82 Howard Street, Nambour, 7pm, tickets at events. humantix.com

13 – The FrontUp Chalkboard A community arts showcase for new and established musicians, poets, dancers, magicians, and more, at Maleny Lane, 38 Maple Street, Monday nights, with food from 5pm, music from 5.30pm. Visit The FrontUp Chalkboard on Facebook for updates or to sign up.

14 – Andrea Kirwin, harpist Claire Evelynn and Those Folk Kureelpa Hall, 4.30pm doors open, $20 admission, $15 concession, under 18 free. Visit humantix.com/andrea-kirwin-claire-evelynn-andthose-folk-at-kureelpa-hall to book.

16 – Yandina Country Music Yandina welcomes guest artists Sunshine Cobbers to the ACMA concert, with a range of songs fron Aussie to Celtic to Italian, entry $10, Hall of Fame, 24 Steggalls Road, Yandina, 12 noon start, call 0437 191004 for bookings.

19 – Concert pianist Piers Lane Recital of all 21 of Chopin’s nocturnes, Maleny Community Centre, 7pm, tickets at trybooking.com

25 – The Jazz Sessions World-class Jazz and Blues in an intimate setting, hosted by Robyn Brown at The Presynct, 15 Ann Street, Nambour, 6pm-midnight, tickets online: events.humanitix.com/the-jazz-sessions

25-28 – Mary Valley Art Festival Imbil Public Hall, Imbil, 10am-4pm daily with gala awards presentation on July 26 from 6pm, visit maryvalleyartslink.com.au/ mary-valley-art-festival

26 – Malia Stirling and Josh Maynard Folk musicians share their hearts, music and stories, 7-9pm, Peace Run Records, 14 Queen Street, Nambour, book via events/ humantix.com

26 – Funny Coast Comedy Enjoy live stand-up comedy every month at the Black Box Theatre, in The Old Ambo, 80 Howard Street, Nambour, 7.30pm, visit Funny Coast Comedy on Facebook for updates.

27 – Leonard Cohen Lovers, Jonathan Anstock performs Cohen’s songs, 7pm, Palmwoods Memorial Hall, visit trybooking.com to book.


Our nuclear future?

It now seems inevitable that we will have a strident, politically motivated “debate” about nuclear energy in the long lead up to the next federal election. Current claims and counter claims are incompatible. Where then can you find more trustworthy information?

The International Atomic Energy Agency publishes voluminous data collated from the independent information supplied by each nuclear country. Take the 38 countries of the OECD as the best indicator of what Australia’s aspirations might be, should we choose to import established nuclear technology.

Collectively, the reactors completed by these countries since 2016 had an average construction time of 19 years. Currently, only twelve are under construction. If Australia were to simultaneously duplicate the effort of all 38 countries we would end up with just a quarter of our current generation capacity by the mid-2040s, assuming we started tomorrow.

For example, the pro-nuclear press and politicians recently made much of the completion of a new reactor in Finland; supposedly proof of a path forward for Australia. Little was said about the fact that Finland was a country with a quarter century of nuclear power experience before construction began, yet it took 18 years, not the planned six; that it cost $14 billion not the planned $6 billion, and that it produces power equivalent to less than 3% of Australia’s current generation capacity.

Then there has been a lot of hubris around Small Nuclear Reactors. In fact, the World Nuclear Association says only five are currently in operation globally and they are in China, Russia and India.

As a yardstick, with the average output of these, Australia would need to build about 240 to replace half of our current generator capacity. Over 50 feasibility studies for better reactors are reported to be underway in a variety of countries using diverse possible technologies but, lacking

Cryptic Crossword


Relax, read a few letters, enjoy a crossword and cartoon, and maybe put pen to paper (finger to keyboard) yourself! We would love you to share your thoughts and experiences with us and HT readers. Email: editor@hinterlandtimes.com.au, and please include your name, email/address and location. Letters may be edited a little if space is tight. As we are a monthly, please be aware we are unable to print date-sensitive letters.

any nuclear experience as we do, for Australia to enter that game would be the wildest of gambles.

While nuclear energy may be an important part of Australia’s energy mix late this century if a raft of technical and regulatory issues can be solved, is there a credible scenario for it to make any significant contribution to our energy needs by 2050? Based on any trustworthy data I can find, to pretend that we can do so is just silly.

Australia deserves better. The transition from what we have now to what we will need in 15 or 20 years will be difficult and expensive. How we as a country manage that deserves informed debate about the mix of viable technologies. Right here, right now, that’s not nuclear.

Peter Willadsen, Maleny

Support the sponsors

Congratulations to Victoria and the team at Hinterland Times for again supporting (now in its sixth year!) the Hinterland Times Young Writer of the Year Award. What a great competition this is and how important is this form of initiative in encouraging the creative writing of our young people. I believe that this form of support so much reflects the true creative heart of our Hinterland community.

We should not forget the sponsors who make this event possible. I would encourage all the mums and dads, grandparents and sundry relatives to note those who put their money where their mouth is.

If you need a present, how about a gift voucher from Rosetta Books or the Little Book Nook? My study is ceilinghigh with books, now much loved, dear old friends, acquired or gifted down the years.

Forest Heart Nursery continues to provide us with brilliant native plants and sound advice to the point where, against all odds, despite my dubious gardening expertise, so many survive to brighten our garden and life. To plant a garden is indeed to believe in tomorrow.


1) Quint in "Jaws"

5) Defender of Castle Grayskull

I 0) Drunkards

14) Caesar's garb

15) Deposed leader, perhaps 16) Exclude 17) Poetic collection

18) Extend, in a way

19) Old Chevy

20) Bully's credo

23) Can of worms?

24) Warms up, as leftovers

25) Arrangement

28) Move, as a plant

31) Acknowledge

32) Like granola

33) Drink from a dish

36) Was completely indifferent

40) Pull the plug on

41) Singing duo Hall & _

Bad Jokes of the Month

Two men are on opposite sides of a river. The first man shouts to the second, “How do I get to the other side of the river?”

The second man shouts back, “You are on the other side of the river!”

Why do scuba divers fall backwards out of the boat? Because if they fell forwards they’d still be in the boat.

If you need some truly generous hospitality and a place to stay you can't go past The Falls Montville. If you have an event you wish to share with family or friends their Manor House is just so atmospheric. We have gloriously used it to celebrate special birthdays. Their cottages make a wonderful hinterland escape.

Finally, let us not forget the immortal Lions who simply just keep on giving. An organisation whose activities we should all support.

I make no excuses for this bit of "free publicity" for without these enlightened sponsors the world would be just that bit sadder.

So thank you again, Victoria, and all your sponsors. We will all look forward to the creative harvest of the October edition!

Handouts are short-term

Re letter to the editor 'QLD power prices', Robyn Deane, June 2024.

The writer appears to be very confused by claiming Queensland has the cheapest power prices.

Our electricity bills are going to be less ONLY because of Federal Labor and the QLD State Labor Government Handouts.

Neither government has had the gumption to actually address the absolute greed of the electricity supply companies who have been taking the consumers for a very expensive ride for many years.

Handouts are always short-term fixes that are simply designed to allow any government to avoid the real root of problems, while hoping to attract the attention of vulnerable voters. A sure indication of governments lacking in both policy and serious solutions.

Jeff Taylor, Currimundi

42) Gadgeteers' concerns

43) Grapevine tidbit

44) Drum sounds

46) Remove a violin string

49) "That hurt!"

50) Middle of a certain month

57) Digestion aid

58) Pay a call on

59) Pink, as a steak

60) Young winged god of the


61) Slur over a syllable

62) Affirm

63) Blow a gasket

64) Bottle-_ dolphin

65) Requisite


1) Check

2) Arizona Native American

3) All excited

4) Basin

5) Type of crab

6) Permission to leave granted by a bishop

7) Stole type

8) Safe, on board

9) Kind of wire

10) Part of USSR

11) Alpha's opposite

12) A size too small

13) Sports figs.

21) St. Anthony's cross

22) Aries' river

25) Curtain material

26) Mary Kay competitor

27) "_ better watch out ... "

28) Indy entrant

29) Flight data, briefly

30) Part of a price

32) Director Preminger

33) "_ we forget"

34) Not on solid ground?

35) "Do you want to hear a secret?"

Quick Quote

“The great tragedy of life is most people live and die and never hear their own voice.”
- Jimmy Carr

37) Long green

38) "Platoon" locale, for short

39) Certain Protestant

43) Take back to the lab

44) Furrowed, as a road

45) Point of no return?

46) Color often described as "burnt"

47) Nigerian currency

48) Aircraft race-course tower

49) Nitrous _ (laughing gas)

51) Word after "get" or "break"

52) Fodder holder

53) Horned goddess

54) Church part

55) Sloth's home

56) Range group


Finding Frank Moffat

Dear Victoria,

A humble response to ‘Looking for Frank Moffatt’ in the June Issue of the HT, by Paul de Jong …

I had the great pleasure and privilege of calling Frank Moffatt my best friend and happily, being regarded in like fashion by him, for something just over 40 years until sadly, his death as the end game to 25-years plus staving off the onslaught of Parkinson’s Disease, which happily did not cripple him with hand tremors for most of that time … thus, enabling him to continue to produce the wonderful childlike images on which his life and imagination were founded.

My walls continue to provide evidence of his fertile mind and my bookshelves provide a history of his children’s publishing accomplishments over his years.

Frank died in November 2019, after falling prey to the dementia which finally claimed him as part of that end game for his final couple of years. He, his wife and now widow, Margaret, along with their baby daughter, Amanda, had lived in a delightful farmhouse on its own little knoll at Bald Knob for roughly nine months around 1979, before they sold up and moved for a time to Sydney, then Melbourne before returning to Brisbane.

Somewhere in that nine months, I shared in an exhibition as a printmaker, along with Frank’s own works and others, at Jenny Morphett’s Gallery in Montville (now Montville Art Gallery).

The Farmer Beans books had their genesis in that farmhouse at Bald Knob and I well remember the Pantry Frog which insisted on reappearing on its pantry shelf each morning, in spite of being taken by Frank up the bush each day to be released.

That book was followed by Farmer Beans and the Baby Wallaby, Farmer Beans and the Dog with No Name, along with a host of other titles before and after (mostly but not entirely published by Pelican).

Frank worked his life in the main, as a publisher’s representative and augmented this for a time with a grant under the Arts Council and later independently funded by the schools themselves, travelling to schools throughout Queensland to talk to and entertain the children with reference to being an artist and a published one at that. His legacy lived on, not just through those children but by their children through his books.

I have been prompted now to write this on behalf of my dear friend, Frank Moffatt, having noted that someone here at last had registered his once existence.

I would like in closing, to have the temerity to attach a poem I dedicated to Frank in 2019. (Ed note – the poem is featured in Poets’ Corner.)

Kind Regards,

Brad Drew, Montville



Poetry is an arrangement of language, artistic word pictures that attempt to inspire imagination, evoke emotion and provoke humour. Poets are illustrators of words that create beauty and intensity, and the HT is proud to give them a platform. Please note, published poems may be read/recorded for our social pages.


The brushes and the pens, are still and silent now.

The pastels and the chalks are fast asleep –

All hue and cry of pencils, rendered mute.

No more, the gleeful gestures of this fertile mind –

The florid fancies of his inward eye, no more

To grace the reams of papers gathered here.

The mimic and the wit, have had their day –

The lightfast humour vented, soon would fade   And dusk come down to dim where daylight glowed.

But still the reel keeps turning, while the stories flicker on

And ever in the background, ring the songs

Of Louis, Frankie, Tony, Ella – every jazz-bound Great.

Bright stars in heaven now claim him as their own …   The myriad of loves he held, pursued him to the end   And left their imprint here for all to see – how fevered   Burnt this candle, through its much too, far short life.

Brad Drew

Vale Frank Moffatt: children’s book illustrator and author



The more you talk, the easier it gets

This year, Beyond Blue has been encouraging men to check-in with peers online for early mental health support, and focussing on encouraging men to adopt new, healthier habits to improve physical and mental wellbeing.

Beyond Blue Clinical Spokesperson Dr Luke Martin said men are less likely than women to seek support for mental health issues and there remains a stigma which can stop them seeking support.

“Many men like to be self-reliant and often try to handle problems on their own and can be reluctant to confide in friends and family about how they are feeling,” Dr Martin said.

“Unfortunately, this can lead to unhealthy coping behaviours, which can result in problems snowballing. Taking steps to get support early on can really help

people feel better sooner and anonymous online forums can provide that safe and less confronting option that some men need to open up.”

In the digital age, online forums,

Beyond Blue Forums are moderated by trained professionals, together with experienced volunteers known as Community Champions, who ensure the Beyond Blue Forums remain a safe and supportive place.

Queensland-based Community Champion, Tim Coates, said: “The forums offer anonymity and discretion, allowing men in particular to express themselves openly without fear of judgment or stigma.

depression, and suicidal ideation,” the 53-year-old said.

“I knew I needed to do something, so I took action and completed Beyond Blue’s Anxiety and Depression test (k10), and the results suggested I reach out to my GP. I called my mum the next day, telling her I was struggling – I needed to start talking to people about how I was feeling; the more you talk, the easier it gets.

“Struggling in silence with mental health issues only intensifies the pain. Asking for help when you're battling mental health issues isn't a sign of weakness; it's one of

Dr Martin says getting support early means you get

"Latest research shows that 40 percent of users of the service are men; but we encourage more men to reach

“We can create a culture where men feel comfortable seeking the support they need to get back on track - no problem is too big or too small to ask for help,” Dr Martin

“In Australia, we’ve been brought up in a culture where men don’t complain, they have traditionally needed to be the strong, stoic ones; and they just want to fix the problems,” he said.

Tim started using the Beyond Blue forums, before attending counselling.

“Things started going downhill for me in 2017. I was working from home a lot and was lonely; I had major anxiety and

Men can also check-up on their mental health using Beyond Blue’s online checklist, and receive recommendations tailored to their need: beyondblue.org. au/mental-health/k10.

For people who need more immediate support, the Beyond Blue Support Service provides 24/7 free counselling, advice and referrals via phone 1300 22 4636, webchat or email: beyondblue.org.au/get-support.

events, things, moments that have backfired. A multitude of mistakes and a festival of muck-ups, I’ve bailed and failed. Personally and professionally. On a world-record scale and on a worth and respect scale.

And during my life’s experience, if I was to look down my timeline and connect all the dots, it’s a majority fail.

So let’s have a look at the concept of failure. Failure is commonly said to be the lack of success. However, this definition offers a narrow, limited and subjective perspective.

More practically and often, failure comes before the success. It is very much a part of the success journey.

Trials are not construed as failures by those who have succeeded. In fact, they are opportunities to get things right.

To remove the ‘valence’ (emotional charge), view failure and mistakes as feedback mechanisms, feedback to compound learning so we can do better, again and again. They are stepping stones to success.

Life is a Journey of Feedback, it is our reactions to our endless mistakes and perceived failures that help us develop a deepened consciousness and awareness about life and who you are at its source. Our recovery from tough moments and times make us what we are.

In the Mandarin language crisis has two meanings, OPPORTUNITY or DISASTER, ultimately we choose.

From here on in, ask yourself is your failure or mistake a disaster or an opportunity? They are both similar yet send a very different message to your mind.


Stop the scroll

Let me ask you a question. Are you

wasting hours upon hours mindlessly scrolling on social media?

If you answered ‘yes’, you’re certainly not alone, as millions do every day, but you might not realise just how much harm you are doing to your overall well-being.

The unintentional scroll mentally affects us through constant comparison, confidence, and anxiety levels, but it also takes away enormous amounts of time that we could be using for many other more valuable things including our physical health.

Even a 15-minute mindless scroll can have damaging effects on us. We need to all be far more aware and set boundaries around our social media use or the dangerous effects will begin to infiltrate our life very negatively.

Another helpful tip is to keep a notebook, I use my phone, with things that I want to do instead of social media time-burning, such as reminders of exercise, healthy meals, family and friends to catch up with, decluttering areas, hobbies I want to start, and so on. This has made such a difference to my life.

There are no failures or mistakes, only feedback.

Email jamiemilnetraining@gmail.com or text +61431339975 for ticket details.

I don’t believe we need to delete social media but I do know we need to be in control of it. Time limits and intentional use are the best methods to be in control I’ve found. I post, communicate or learn in the 15 minutes or so I use it daily, though I use it sparingly or not at all on the weekends.


We are your local, family- owned Pharmacy.

Providing many ser vices and offering home delivery to the Mapleton and Montville areas. Stocking a unique and lovely gif t range. the

For your FREE flu vaccination (QLD residents), book online at www.medadvisor.com.au/network/ mapletonpharmacy or call us (appointments on Tuesdays).

e appreciate you suppor ting your local pharmacy- ask us about our loyalty ogram.

The real social media battle is staying disconnected from your phone and more connected to yourself. Our phones are a wonderful tool when used in all the right ways. And I promise you, you’ll never go back to being a slave to social media when you find all that extra time to do the other things you thought you didn’t have time for.

Blessings, Kerrie www.KerrieFriend.com

Join the Team Providing Person-Centred Care

Have you been searching for an opportunity that allows you to provide support and give back to your local community? RangeCare may be the right team for you.

As a local community-focused not-for-profit, RangeCare has had a strong commitment to providing an exceptional level of person-centred care. RangeCare offers a wide variety of services including nursing care,


domestic assistance, social support, meal deliveries, technology support, home and garden maintenance, wellness programs and respite to the local elderly and physically disadvantaged population.

“It's amazing to meet a whole range of brilliant clients who are so appreciative of our help and so rewarding to know you are actually making a difference to their lives.”

- Natalie, RangeCare Care Support Worker -

RangeCare’s commitment to ‘Live Your Best Life’ is underpinned by the values of trust, reliability, community focus, resilience, and support, which guide the team and services provided by the organisation.

RangeCare staff live and breathe the core values that have been built upon a foundation of a strong sense of community and a commitment to building lasting relationships with our clients and their loved ones.

“It's amazing to meet a whole range of brilliant clients who are so appreciative of our help and so rewarding to know you are actually making a difference to their lives,” said Natalie, a RangeCare Care Support Worker.

“I like being a Domestic Assistant with RangeCare because I am always appreciated by my clients and colleagues for the work that I do,” said Ebony, a RangeCare employee. “Being able to provide services for people in my community makes me feel important and valued.”

Due to ongoing growth across the Sunshine Coast, Hinterland, Gympie and Cooloola Coast Regions, RangeCare is currently recruiting for a range of positions including Care Support Workers and Domestic Assistants.

If you are interested in joining the RangeCare team and making a real positive difference in your local community, you can find out more by calling 07 5445 7044 or visiting rangecare.com.au/

Scan to learn more about current job opportunities

RangeCare staff and clients at the Day Centre


Heart Mind Astrology with Ruth Donnelly Explore your life with astrology, bringing you insight at times of turmoil, transition and transformation. Online consultations available. 0409 564 276 astrology@ruthdonnelly.com.au


Sunshine Coast Audiology

Emryn and Anita are experienced audiologists who have started a new independent audiology clinic to care for all your hearing needs. Conveniently located in Sippy Downs. Ph. 5378 2226. www.sunshinecoastaudiology.com.au


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Maple Chiropractic Maleny

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Hinterland Chiropractic

Dr Josephine Sexton. Using gentle, safe and effective techniques to maintain spinal health and wellbeing. Concession rates, Family discounts and HICAPS available. 2/70 Maple Street, Maleny. Ph: 5435 2987

Sunrise Chiropractic

Dr Damian Treacey Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist Gentle hands on Chiropractic using Applied Kinesiology. Over 30 years in private practice. Mon and Wed 2-5pm, Fri 9am-12pm 19 Coral Street, Maleny. 0492 949 695


Heartspace Artspace & Counselling

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Holistic Counselling; Energy Healing

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Get Active Fitness & Personal Training

Beautiful group fitness studio with a variety of classes to suit all ages/fitness levels. A fun supportive environment, fully qualified trainers. Book your first session FREE Ph. 0423 618 945 Bunya St, Maleny.

Maleny Vibes Pilates

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Christian Dunham Specialising in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, a combination of clinical hypnotherapy and psychotherapy used to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, phobias and other chronic conditions. Free initial consultation. Ph: 0448 303 013 www.christiandunham.net

Advertise your business in the HT from $63.58 ongoing per month.

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Maleny Rumble Room

Boutique Group Fitness Boxing & HIIT studio. Limited to 8 people per class. Introductory offer 4 classes for $50 to all new clients. Book online @ www.malenyrumbleroom.com.au 37 Coral Street, Maleny. Insta @maleny_rumbleroom

Advertise your business in the HT from $63.58 ongoing per month. Book directly by scanning


Nellies Creative Hair Design

Cut and Colour specialists. Nellie, Annette and Jenny offer you the opportunity to have exceptional hair using great product at fantastic prices. 21 Coral St Maleny – Ph: 0438 785 443



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Pauline Ashford - B.H.Sc, Complementary Med & Homeopathy Classical homeopathy; Lymphatic drainage; Dorn spinal, joint and headache therapy; EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques; Reiki 130 Ansell Rd Witta – Ph: 5494 4101 E: malenyhomeopathy@gmail.com


The New Leaf - Coaching and Kinesiology Stop feeling stuck and confidently get back on track! The New Leaf, est in 1997 offers sessions/ programs & FREE downloads. Contact Zoe in Maleny on 0401 318 593 www.thenewleaf.blog


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Jamie Milne Training Jamie Milne is SEQ’s leading Mental Performance Coach. Finding your Mental Edge is Jamie’s specialty. His approach is unique in delivery and the results speak for themselves. Contact: jamiemilnetraining.com or call   0431 339 975.

Advertise your business in the HT from $63.58 ongoing per month.

Book directly by scanning


Range of Motion Physiotherapy Maleny, Mapleton and Imbil Russ, Karl, and Kathryn. Providing the highest quality care to restore & maintain optimal physical function & mobility. Ph: 5478 6600 www.rangeofmotion.com.au

Advertise your business in the HT from $63.58 ongoing per month.

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Window Wizard - Timber Window Specialist Restoration, glazing, repairs, modifications, sash cords, spirals, Queenslander homes and more. Call Rommy 0404 757 552 www.window-wizard.com.au


Domestic Cleaning

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Blueys Garden Services

For all your gardening needs. Jobs include but not limited to: Mowing, Whipping snipping, Clear outs, Hedging, Tip runs, Minor landscaping and Weed management give us a call-0481 106 839

Advertise your business in the HT from $63.58 ongoing per month. Book directly by scanning


Forest Heart

Your Local Native Plant Nursery. Specialising is the native plants of SE QLD for Revegetation, Gardens, Habitat. 20 Coral Street, Maleny Ph: 07 5435 2193 – www.forestheart.com.au

Barung Landcare Native Plant Nursery

Your local community nursery stocks an extensive range of species indigenous to the Blackall Range and surrounds. Open to the public WednesdaySaturday 9am–3pm, Ph: 0429 943 152 E: nursery@barunglandcare.org.au



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Karen Muir - Advertising Sales

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Baker Robinson Lawyers

Sophie Paras - Professional, efficient, relaible and friendly. 5494 2665 Suite 7, 43 Maple St Maleny. Email: sophie@brlawyers.com.au www.brlawyers.com.au

Easton Lawyers

Tove Easton Principal Lawyer

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Lember and Williams Solicitors (the LAW team)

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District Vets Maleny

Veterinarian Susan Portas and her team provide professional, compassionate care for your pets. Hours Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm Wed 8:30am – 4:30pm Sat by appointment 7 Myrtle St Maleny Ph: 5499 9077

Community Garden Saved

Sunshine Coast green thumbs and businesses have banded together to save the Nambour community garden from being decommissioned, sowing the seeds to create a bustling new community hub known as Nambour Grown.

When Sunshine Coast residents, Lars and Kashmira Hansen, heard the facility – located at the Nambour Showgrounds – was weeks away from closure last year due to lack of use and maintenance, they put the call out to the local community to join them in revitalising the space.

“The garden had unfortunately fallen into disrepair, with the area overrun with weeds and the soil quality no longer ideal for growing vegetables and other plants,” Lars said.

“Sunshine Coast Council and not-forprofit organisation ECOllaboration were the first to put their hand up to help, with Council donating mulch and compost, and 12 conservation and ecosystem management trainees from ECOllaboration assisting us with weeding, stabilising the banks and rejuvenating the garden beds.”

Lars said once the garden beds were ready for use and a committee of volunteers had been established to lead the initiative, a Buderim business, Hall Contracting, had stepped in to help fund workshops, tools and plants.

about organic gardening, waste minimisation, and other sustainable practices.

“Perhaps most importantly, the funds will enable us to purchase some raised garden beds to provide opportunities for wheelchair users and community members with mobility issues to join in the fun.”

Hall Contracting CEO &and Director Cameron Hall said he hoped the donation would help to bring the community together and provide a welcoming and inclusive space for people of all ages and abilities.

“Something that really appealed to us about Nambour Grown’s vision for the space was that it centred first and foremost on fostering community connections,” Mr Hall said.

“The gardens themselves provide a fantastic opportunity for learning, but the offering is much bigger than that; it’s a space where people from all walks of life can come together to connect, collaborate, and share their interests and skills, whether that’s regarding gardening, pottery, woodworking or something entirely different.

“We’re incredibly proud to be supporting this initiative and giving back to the community we’ve been a part of for more than 75 years.”

“It’s been a real collective effort to get Nambour Grown up and running, and it’s been so encouraging to see first-hand that community spirit is very much alive and well across the Sunshine Coast,” Lars shared.

“The recent $2,000 cash injection from Hall has enabled us to purchase a range of plants and gardening tools for adults and children such as shovels, garden forks and rakes, and it will also fund free workshops over the next 12 months to teach community members

LIn the Wild

Disability care worker Denny Henderson-Wilson is working closely with the Nambour Grown committee to establish an inclusive space and said the community garden would be a welcome addition for people with a disability on the Sunshine

“There’s a real gap in the region for outdoor spaces that are accessible and cater to the needs of individuals living with a disability, so we’re eager to create this offering,”

“Our focus is not only on providing people with opportunities to take part in outdoor activities, socialise and learn new skills, but also cultivating a sense of belonging for everyone who joins the Nambour Grown community.”

Nambour Grown is currently welcoming new members and invites community members to get in touch if they would like to collaborate in any capacity or donate time, seeds, cuttings or seedlings.

For more information, please visit facebook.com/ NambourGrown or email nambourgrown@gmail.com.

Amazing Annoying Birds – Book Review

iving with Australian Brush-Turkeys -

Author: Ann Goth

Could a book title summarise any better the community sentiment felt towards these birds! Love or hate them, the way we feel about these avian critters tends to be quite polarised.

I remember when we chose Brush Turkey Enterprises as the name for our business 25 years ago, it drew a mixed response. We also figured it was memorable and apt considering we started off as a rainforest seed collection business and spent lots of time scratching around in rainforest leaf litter for seed and Brush Turkey’s are also important in the development and spread of rainforest, so a worthy emblem for our business.

Twenty-five years on I’ve even been

honoured with the Jinibara name of Wawun-Dja “Scrub Turkey Man” for our ecological restoration / healing country work on our adopted home country of the Blackall Range.

Twenty or so years ago I was fortunate enough to meet Ann Goth in the earlier stages of her research into these Amazing Annoying Birds while she was based in Maleny, looking for Brush Turkey mounds. I’ve followed her research with interest over the years, because the story of the ecology and life cycle of these birds is well and truly amazing.

That said, however, I’ve also lost crops of potatoes, taro, Queensland arrowroot, yacon, banana etc... to our namesake, which again leaves one feeling somewhat conflicted...

But let’s get back to the book. I think it should be on the bookshelves of all the gardeners who have perceived conflicts with Brush Turkeys or Bush Regenerators in rainforests or other vegetation communities where these megapodes are a keystone species.

This book is a first-ever comprehensive summary of all things Brush Turkey Alectura lathamii, in an engaging, easy-to-read format. Chapters include First Peoples culture and stories, the impacts on ‘backyard gardeners’, and the science and ecology. A particularly engaging aspect of this book are the many interviews of people living and working with Brush Turkeys, which brings a genuine community feel to this publication. Available now at Forest Heart EcoNursery.

with Spencer Shaw
(L-R) Kashmira, Uma and Lars Hansen


In a win for people and nature, 12,000 hectares of Southeast Queensland native forests will become national park and conservation park as logging winds up in SEQ State Forests this year.

On Friday the Miles Government started the process to dedicate a selection of former logging zones to protected areas.

Areas that will soon be protected include:

• More than 1000 hectares of Peachester, Beerburrum West and Luttons State Forests which will be added to Glass House Mountains National Park and Glass House Mountains Conservation Park, including habitat for the greater glider and koala

• About 780 hectares of Yabba, Elgin Vale and Jimna State Forests which will be added to Wrattens National Park north west of Kenilworth, protecting habitat of the tusked frog, glossy black-cockatoo and koala

• More than 6,400 hectares of Squirrel Creek State Forest between Conondale and Nanango will become Squirrel Creek National Park.

Sunshine Coast Environment Council Advocacy Manager Narelle McCarthy said: “The protection of these forests will contribute significantly to expanding the region’s protected area estate and the aim of no net loss of vegetation from the 2016 extent within the Sunshine Coast local government area.

Make love not war

Any plant that is referred to as a weed generally has traits such as rapid growth, a fast and prolific seeding and germination cycle and is hardy to environment conditions. This ensures they can quickly occupy new ground and compete with other plants.

Most gardens will have a selection of selfsown local native groundcovers with these traits. Often they are thought of, and treated as weeds. Though with some careful management these hardy plants will be of great benefit to your garden and to wildlife too.

A wildlife-friendly garden should have a healthy groundcover layer made up of local natives that can outcompete exotics, stop soil from drying out, provide cover for lizards and snakes, and shelter, nesting sites and food for insects.

Most of our native ‘weeds’ can be very vigorous growers, so some caution is required. To manage them in my garden on Buderim

Queensland Conservation Council Protected Areas Campaigner Nicky Moffat said: “It’s great to see the vital habitat these forests create being protected for future generations and for the conservation of threatened plants and animals - but local communities are the biggest winners in this decision.

“With increasing population growth and urban pressures, these additions provide important connectivity, protect vital habitat and biodiversity while offering opportunities for people to connect with nature.

“These new conservation areas are in line with the objectives of the Sunshine Coast Biosphere commitments and initiatives for a sustainable future which celebrates nature and people.

“Many passionate people who love nature are celebrating this news with us today.”

Imbil resident and champion of a national park proposal in the area, Ian Stehbens, said:

“I am overjoyed to see our vision for a connected swathe of protected forests around the Yabba come closer to fruition.

“Wildlife needs large connected patches to thrive, so it is wonderful to see large areas of the high conservation value forest at Yabba and nearby Jimna and Elgin Vale state forests on track for protection.

“I have personally been calling for the protection of these forests for many years after discovering threatened species that hadn’t been recorded there and studying the extraordinary natural features of the rugged landscape. It is truly a special place and I hope more people will enjoy it and that will help our local economy too.”

red soil I have broken the garden up into different zones. From decorative and productive zones through to wild, more rugged zones.

In a more decorative zone in the garden, White Root (Lobelia purpurascens) which can be troublesome in a veggie garden, is allowed to fill the gaps between Lomandras and Bottle Brush Grass Trees, showing off their pretty white fan flowers.

Kidney Weed (Dichondra repens), with attractive kidney-shaped leaves, hugs the shady ground and softens stepping stones along a narrow path.

Due to their rampant growth, two favourites are growing on a dry, shady slope in an intermediate zone - Pointed Aneilema (Aneilema acuminatum), which has elegant sprays of pure white flowers

“Many of these forests have long been enjoyed by bushwalkers, mountain bike riders and nature based businesses.

“Park rangers in the area have been very active in working with local volunteers, so I am confident Friends of Parks groups will be set up and there will be opportunities for locals to get involved in the care, study and restoration of these forests for their biodiversity and cultural values.

“It is also critically important that Traditional Owners of the areas are meaningfully involved in ongoing care of the areas.”


That Tree

with Tree Surgeon Tony Wootton, our local arborist and author, meeting the Hinterland's tree needs since 1996

It’s been so beautiful to see the blue sky again, and the ground is finally starting to dry out! The winter days are crisp and clear, it is such a joy to be living on the plateau at this time of year.

The deciduous trees have lost their leaves revealing the wonder that is their branch structure. This makes it very easy to identify any structural imperfections.

It’s also the optimal time of year to prune established trees heavily, removing major limbs for example.

that are constantly visited by native bees and Rainforest Crane’s-Bill (Geranium homeanum) which has lobed leaves and tiny pink flowers.

In the wild zone, which is steeper and receives less maintenance, there is a riot of selfsown tough native groundcovers. Cluster of Scurvy Weed (Commelina diffusa), merges with stands of native grasses, such as the decorative Creeping Beard Grass (Oplismenus aemulus) and the very vigorous Ottochloa gracillima. En masse you see a tapestry of colour, texture and form.

If you have been at war, perhaps it’s time to make peace with and begin to love these weedy warriors and appreciate the benefits they bring to our wildlife gardens.

If you are unsure what you have or would like to introduce some of these native warriors into your garden, then come and visit us at the Barung Nursery and native garden for some advice and inspiration.

Barung native Plant nursery Phone 5494 3151

Porters Lane Nursery opening times: Wednesday to Saturday 9am - 3pm

It is even a great time of year to prune your hedges, because once you’ve pruned them, they stay pruned for a few months unlike the rest of the year when you prune them, turn your back and they have grown already!

I recently made a substantial donation to the Bob Brown foundation protecting wilderness areas in Tasmania. These areas contain the largest flowering trees in the world, Eucalyptus regnans, and they are being knocked over and smashed into woodpulp. I can’t believe it’s happening in this day and age, and I can’t really be down there to do anything about it, but if we lose them, we will never see the likes of these forests again.

Our team has been doing amazing work beautifying the treescapes of Maleny and I offer a deep bow of gratitude to all our wonderful clients, who allow us to do the work that we love. You know who you are!

Mobile: 0403 467 664

Mobile: 0403 467 664

Landline: 54 944 917

Landline: 54 944 917



Koala in Yabba - image Ian Stehbens
Imbil resident and National Parks champion, Ian Stehbens

150 Tallowwood Street, Maleny

Introducing 'The Easton': Countryside Luxury!

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Bed: 4 Bath: 2 Car: 2

Land Size: 3,094m2


Agency: RE/MAX Hinterland

Contact: 0447 737 737 sales@remaxhinterland.com.au

32 Maple Street, Maleny, Qld 4552

57 Maleny Kenilworth Road, Maleny

Captivating views & impeccable design!

oised on a gently sloping parcel of land and just minutes from the vibrant township of Maleny, this 12-year-old residence offers modern comfort and stunning countryside views.

Thoughtfully designed to maximise natural light, this rendered block home with 2700mm ceilings features a north-facing aspect, perfect for daily sunshine from all living areas.

• Entertainers kitchen, stone tops, large island bench, quality appliances

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• 5m x 3.8m, North facing additional living area, craft room or work from home space with external access

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• Three additional bedrooms with carpet, built-in robes & ceiling fans

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• 3 remote garages plus single carport, plus established gardens & fruit trees

302 Bridge Creek Road, Maleny

ith the price of land and building, this may be the perfect solution for your Maleny property search - and NO STRESS, DELAYS, OR BUDGET BLOW-OUTS!

And here, you do not have to be in a new estate! Privacy, space, tranquility and more - everything that you would move to Maleny for in the first place, is right here......

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Take the time to inspect this property - it will be worth your time we can assure you! Priced to sell fast - Contact the team at RE/ MAX Hinterland to register your interest!

Agency: RE/MAX Hinterland

Contact: 0447 737 737 sales@remaxhinterland.com.au

Bed: 4 Bath: 2 Car: 2 32 Maple Street, Maleny, Qld 4552 Land Size: 3,208m2 Price: OFFERS OVER $1,250,000

4 Carrington Drive, Flaxton

‘The Cottage’ retreat minutes from Montville!

Discover your perfect escape in picturesque Flaxton, surrounded by the natural beauty of Kondalilla Falls and minutes away from the charming villages of Montville and Mapleton.

access, perfect to work from home

• Full length north-facing verandah overlooking the pool and rock wall gardens, ensuring somewhere to sit and enjoy the serene environment all year round

• Single covered carport and inground pool

• Easy care 993m2 block with garden sheds and established fruit trees

Agency: Brant and Bernhardt

Contact: Susan Brant 0428 573 170 Dee Bernhardt 0423 259 931

Call Susan 0428 573 170 or Marlene 0476 652 273 today to book your inspection. 2/20 Maple Street, Maleny

This delightful property blends charm with convenience, making it an ideal choice for downsizers, weekenders, or those seeking an investment opportunity.

• 2 large bedrooms with built-ins and fans,

2 recently renovated bathrooms

• Stylish kitchen with quality appliances, plenty of storage, and garden views

• Open plan living and dining room with split-system air con and cosy fireplace

• Large office/third bedroom with external

Call Susan 0428 573 170 or Marlene 0476 652 273 today to book your inspection.

Agency: Brant and Bernhardt


Susan Brant 0428 573 170 Dee Bernhardt 0423 259 931

2/20 Maple Street, Maleny

Rf/MAX Hinter and

38 Treehaven Way, Maleny

A gracious Queenslander in one of Maleny's finest locations.

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Land Size: 4767m2 Price: OFFERS OVER $1,395,000 RE/MAX Hinterland 0447737737

Positioned atop an established 4767m2 parcel of land, just minutes from the vibrant hub of Maleny township, this residence offers an idyllic lifestyle amidst lush greenery and coveted privacy.

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Outside, a generous northeast-facing verandah welcomes gentle breezes and overlooks manicured gardens and the swimming pool, promising endless hours of relaxation and entertainment. A rear covered patio area with a pizza oven invites alfresco dining and gatherings under the stars.

7 Maleny Vista, Maleny A Rare Find in Maleny Vista!

This Blue Ribbon premiere location on the Eastside of Maleny, close to Mary Cairncross Park, offers an unparalleled opportunity.

Spanning just over 1 acre of gentle, north-east oriented land, this property also offers a massive bonus-the potential for dual living.

Land Size: 4124m2

Price: OFFERS OVER $1,150,000 RE/MAX Hinterland 0447737737

Nestled in the picturesque Mary Cairncross neighbourhood, you will enjoy the convenience of nearby restaurants, walks, and parks.

Move straight in or make some modifications to suit your style and taste. This home has remained genuine and untouched through time, providing a solid foundation for those looking to put their own stamp on an already great property. The layout is versatile and spacious, making it perfect for families or those who love to entertain.

Within easy reach of the Coast, this outstanding property offers the perfect combination of a rural backdrop, a quality-built and interesting home, and a high level of privacy.

56 Rosella Road, North Maleny

Escape the Ordinary! Your Ideal Country Retreat with Stunning Lake Views!

This is your chance to acquire your own hinterland small acreage dream and step into easy country living! Positioned toward the end of a quiet North Maleny lane, 56 Rosella Road offers an incredible combination of a quality residence, useable pastured land, substantial shedding, as well as dual occupancy/ income potential with a separate self-contained cottage.

Land Size: 1.97ha Price: OFFERS OVER $1,950,000 RE/MAX Hinterland 0447737737

Ideally positioned to capture a desirable northern aspect across nearly five gently rolling acres, the property also enjoys a stunning backdrop of the serene Lake Baroon - you will love the picture-perfect views that transform with the season. With its prime location just three minutes from the thriving township of Maleny, this holding offers a peaceful retreat without sacrificing convenience.

* 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom commanding country style residence

* Constructed by a respected local builder, the home exudes master craftsmanship

* Income or dual occupancy potential with a separate self-contained one-bedroom cottage

281 Reesville Road, Reesville 4 iiiii, 3 11111


Step into the epitome of country elegance, where every detail exudes charm and sophistication. Surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful gardens, this home is a sanctuary of tranquillity, offering a lifestyle that feels straight out of a magazine.

Nestled in sought-after Reesville, just five minutes from Maleny, this property sits proudly on a spacious corner allotment of three-quarters of an acre. Privacy and serenity are yours to enjoy in this picturesque setting.

As you enter, vaulted ceilings and rich timber floors welcome you into the library room, that then flows seamlessly through to the kitchen, dining, and living areas. The heart of the home, a stunning French provincial kitchen, boasts top-of-the-line European appliances and exquisite granite countertops and a walk in pantry.

The living and dining area has the character, warmth and architecture which is so inviting and homely, along with the gorgeous outlook across the leafy backyard.

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