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Presented by CSC Dermatology

Questions from the community answered by doctors

Q: What is a dermal filler?

A: Dermal fillers restore facial volume to smooth skin lines and wrinkles as well as enhance areas like the lips, chin, or jawline. This is done with gel-like materials that dermatologists inject under the skin at different depths. Fillers are seemingly unlimited when it comes to applications. They can be used to lift cheekbones, improve hollowness of the facial skin in areas like the temples and under the eyes. Moreover, fillers can be used to treat areas like the neck and chest to restore skin health and diminish the appearance of finely wrinkled and thin skin. Lastly, fillers can also be used to rejuvenate the hands.

Q: What is in a dermal filler?

A: Fillers are made with FDA approved substances injected beneath the skin. These include Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, and Poly-L-Lactic Acid. Poly-L-Lactic Acid also known as Sculptra is Dr. Steil’s favorite dermal filler. It is biocompatible, which makes it completely safe to use. It is a totally biodegradable synthetic substance,which means it dissolves. Lastly, it works by stimulating skin to rebuild the natural collagen resulting into smoother skin and greater volume.

Almost 20 years ago, Dr. Steil learned from the best, Danny Vleggar, MD. He was a trained Poly-L-Lactic Acid Specialist who taught her how to apply the filler like an expert. For aging facial skin, Poly-L-Lactic Acid can add volume, structure, balance and lift. For younger patients, it can be used to improve facial symmetry.

Q: Are fillers going to make my face look fake?

A: “I have been injecting in Hinsdale for 20 years, and everyone says the same thing— I don’t want people to know and I want to look natural. At CSC, we will make your treatment look natural,” says Dr. Steil.

The physicians at CSC Dermatology, Dr. Steil and Dr. Bognet, have a combined 30 years of experience treating patients with fillers. They both agree that the best results are when you don’t look like you’ve had a filler. To make this possible, CSC offers only the most professional opinions and treatment styles in all of their procedures. The bottom line— experience matters. “Sometimes a filler is not the solution,” says Bognet and “we tell the patient no. An overfilled face is not on our style.”

Q: What does it feel like?

A: Getting a filler is a very comfortable experience. The filler material is mixed with numbing medication which makes it virtually painless. In addition, applying ice prior to a more sensitive area like the lips helps to aid in numbing.



How much do fillers cost?

A: Filler treatments can range from $500-$2000 per session depending on the exact product and the number of syringes used. “We often layer products to achieve the best result so more than one type of product may be used during a treatment session,” says Dr. Steil.

Q: How long will fillers last?

A: On average, fillers can last from six months to two plus years. After being injected, your body gradually and naturally absorbs filler particles. Factors that affect longevity include the product used, how much was injected, and where it was injected. Depending on your age and your goals, treatments are often repeated yearly.

Appointments are beginning to fill fast.

Call 630 455 0045 now to book a session at either one of our prominent locations in Hinsdale or Downers Grove.

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