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Weight Loss Journey

From 329 To 217 With Chicago Weight Loss Md

BY N SUWAN, MD American Board Certified in Obesity Medicine

Obesity is a very complex disease that sometimes needs multiple treatment options. If you are struggling to lose weight or to maintain weight loss, for your own health, get help. I would like to share the motivating weight loss journey of my patient S.W. The patient started with a very high BMI that may qualify her for bariatric surgery for weight loss, but the patient was able to lose over 30% of her body weight with our conservative approach and without surgery.

“I started going to Dr Suwan’s Obesity Clinic in July of 2021. Back then I never thought that my weight loss dream will come true. My constant weight gain was really stressful and unhealthy, and it began to affect not only my physical but also my mental well being. My self esteem was low and I had really become reclusive. I began the process at 329 pounds. My heart still drops at the thought of this. But I was determined to get control of my health.

My office visit started with a simple weigh in and BMI. Together we worked on a plan specifically for me that included diet, exercise and FDA approved medications.

It’s been over a year since I first weighed in at her office at 329 and as of today I am at 217 pounds. The healthy habits that I have adapted because of the changes Dr Suwan had me to make have had a lasting effect. I say all this to say if you feel like losing weight is hard, it doesn’t have to be. If you struggle with the highs and lows of dieting, don’t. Please seek professional medical advice, it is worth it. I worked so hard to get where I am today and I can’t express how grateful I am to Dr Suwan and her expertise.”

So my beautiful patient lost 112 pounds so far and still we are working together for her to reach and maintain her ideal weight, and the health journey continues.