2 minute read




Born and raised in the charming town of Surrey, England, Anne's childhood was nothing short of idyllic Growing up with her two younger brothers, she experienced a nurturing environment filled with love and warmth. School and sports were her passions, and she excelled in both However, her peaceful upbringing took a dramatic turn during the tumultuous times of war

As bombs rained down on London during World War II, the safety of Anne and her family became a paramount concern, and they were evacuated to Yorkshire. It was during this time that her father, a member of the British navy, was posted to Australia His stories about the distant land captivated the family, and they eagerly awaited their chance to move there

Sadly, fate had other plans in store. Tragedy struck when Anne's father was involved in a fatal car accident Not only did the family lose a much loved father and husband, but the dream of a life together in Australia The family eventually picked up the pieces and trudged on with life in England

After finishing school, Anne sought work in the bustling city of London. She found employment as a secretary for an Australian company, a position that stoked her curiosity about the faraway land her father had spoken so fondly of

At the age of 22, Anne took a leap of faith and embarked on a journey to Australia as a "10 Pound Pom," a term used to describe British immigrants who paid a small fee to travel to the country

Arriving in Sydney by ship, Anne was greeted by the breathtaking sight of Sydney Harbour, surpassing even her father's vivid descriptions With her spirit alight, she wasted no time in pursuing her dreams Once settled, she applied to work for TAA Airlines and, after completing a training course in Sydney, was posted to Adelaide Living in South Terrace with three fellow hostesses, Anne found herself enamoured with her new surroundings For three years, she had the incredible opportunity to explore Australia, traversing the vast landscapes and immersing herself in its rich culture. The experiences she gained during this time were invaluable, leaving an indelible mark on her adventurous spirit

Anne's next chapter led her back to Sydney, where she joined Qantas As a flight attendant, she embarked on a globetrotting career, traversing the world and revelling in the diverse cultures that unfolded before her Among all the destinations she visited, Hong Kong held a special place in her heart. Its vibrant atmosphere, bustling markets, and rich heritage captured her imagination

Love found its way into Anne's life when she met Graham, a pilot with whom she shared 25 joyful years Sadly, tragedy struck once again when Graham passed away True to her resilient spirit, Anne emerged from the darkness and forged a new path.

In time, Anne found companionship with Peter, and she made the decision to move to the sunny shores of the Gold Coast to be with him and his three children Southport became their haven, a place where they could build a life together Simon, one of Peter's children, has been a constant source of support for Anne, since the loss of her partner

Anne recently made the decision to move to HillView Care, where she has found support and contentment with new friendships