English User Manual

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User manual //

Calendar system

Claim your freedom - bring life to your passion


Let’s get started Login Introduction

To do list Create new customer Create new event Create holiday Mark as busy Add employees Add truck

The colors and their meaning Icons Circles

Communication HiiYou requests Web orders


User manual

Get started Here’s how —

Get started


Firstly, please go to our website at: www.hiiyou.org/catering Click Login on the top right. Login You will recevie your login information via email. If you haven’t recevied it yet, please call 70 26 00 40 og ask for Karina or Jacob. On the login page, type in your username, password and click OK.



When you log in, you will see the calendar system that has the following features:

01 02


01 Menu At the top of the page you can navigate to the subpages that are on the website. 02 Add event At the top of the two do list you have the opportunity to add an event, catering, busy or vacation. 03 Log out Click here if you wish to log out. 04 To do list The list on the right of the calendar contains events in the form of festivals, catering and sales opportunities.


User manual

To do list Yes to catering —

On this page you can register and keep track of your or your employees’ hours.

To do list

Press the plus sign to the right to add hours.

You will receive inquiries from the team regarding caterings and other sales opportunities - these will come up in your to-do list, which we ask you to consider.

Tip To prevent your list from becoming too long and inconceivable, we recommend that you review your queries daily. Start If you click on a request, you will be redirected to a page where you have the opportunity to read more about the event. Here you can read everything from the event’s address, date, guest number,

To the top right, you can choose to thank

setup, payment terms, etc.

yes or no to the request. You can also write a note if you need it. Remember to press send.

User manual

Create new customer —

Create customer


When you get catering tasks, we encourage you to use Hii You catering system so you have an overview of when you are booked and when you have events, etc. It is important that you create the customer before you create the event.

// TRIN 1

In the menu at the top of the page, click Customers. Then you will be redirected to a subpage where you can see an overview of your customers, create a new customer, or delete an existing customer. See how to create a customer on the next page.

Create new customer


Step 1 To create a new customer, click the new icon

Step 2 Fill out the form and remember to use a valid address. If you create a private account, do not fill in the CV number Remember to press the save button

User manual

Create an event —


Create an event


Once you’ve created your customer, you can take the next steps and start creating events. Pressing the Add Event button, you will see that you can either create a catering, busy or vacation. Here we will talk about catering. We recommend that you use the calendar for all your activities in the food truck, so you have the best overview. See how to create a catering event on the next page.

Create a catering


Step 3 To the right you can add a valid date and time by pressing the plus icon to the right

Step 1 To create a catering, click Add event on the front page. Choose catering

Step 2 Fill out the form and remember to enter a valid address

User manual

Create holiday —

Create holiday


When you want a holiday, we encourage you to put your holiday days in the calendar system, so we know if we can send you catering or other sales opportunities.

Step 1 To create a holiday, click Add event to the front page. Choose vacation

Step 2 Fill out the form and press Save

User manual

Mark as busy —

Mark as busy


Step 3

If you have been booked for a period of time, you can

You can choose whether you want to be

now mark it in the calendar. Just like the Holiday feature,

100% busy or you are only 50% busy, ie.

we will be able to see if we can send you catering services

That you would like the opportunity to

or other sales opportunities.

thank yes if the demand is more attractive than what you already have.

Step 1 To create the recording, click Add Event then select busy

Step 2 Fill out the form and select a valid date

User manual

Employees add new —

Add employee


When you continually get more or new employees in your Food Truck, you can now also keep track of their contact information in the system. Time registry When you create events, you can also keep track of how many hours a specific employee have been at work as you have the opportunity to register time. This can be done when you are in the event. See how to add an employee to the next page.

Step 3

Add employee


Fill out the form with a valid email address, mobile phone and remember that the password must contain both a capital letter and a number

Step 1 To add an employee, click Employees in the menu

Step 2 Click the new employee icon

User manual

Add Food truck —

Add a truck


If all goes well with your mobile business, which of course we hope it does, you might want another Food Truck. It is therefore a good idea to register information about the truck inside the system. See how to add a truck to the next page.

Add truck


Step 1 To add a truck, select truck from the menu

Step 2 Fill out the form and press Save

User manual

Colors icons, circles —

The colors and its meaning


If you select Events in the menu at the top of the page, you will see the calendar and a list of events that you, as a partner, will decide on. There may be events that you must specify revenue for tasks you were invited to by the HiiYou team and sales opportunities. Each task invitation from HiiYou, sales opportunity or events that requires a statement of revenue will have a specific color and icon. These will be explained in the following pages.



There are certain icons for certain types of events. Below you will see the icons that you will see to the right of your calendar. This way you can quickly distinguish between the different types of events that are on your list.

// TRIN 1

Catering icon Own event icon Festival icon Sales opportunity icon HiiYou event icon



The circles at the bottom right of each event have different colors and meanings. These colors will be explained below. Each task invitation from HiiYou, sales opportunity or events that requires a statement of revenue will have a specific color and icon.

Red Circle means you need to decide whether you want to approve or reject the invitation that we have offered you Yellow circle means that you have now decided on the invitation and are awaiting our final decision to participate in the event.

Blue circle means you do not have to indicate the conversion of an event that has been

User manual

Communication diagram —

Communication flow

The invitations that appear in your to-do list, to the right of your calendar under Events, come either from Hii You Catering’s website or from us directly. To help you understand the comprehensive communication flow, we will explain the communication flow on the following pages when you: 1)

Get web orders







regarding an event or a sales opportunity.

”We send you invitations we kindly ask you to consider”

Requests from HiiYou.org



When we host our own events, collaborate with festivals, get

You will be receiving catering orders through the website, and

catering assignments or sales opportunities, we would like to send

these orders will appear as invitations to the right of your calendar,

you invitations we kindly ask you to consider.

which you will be asked to consider.

You will receive an email and text - where you are asked to confirm

You will receive an email and text message - a request to confirm or

or reject the job. The mail contains information about location,

reject the job. The mail contains info about location, date, number

date, number of guests, settlement to organizer, settlement to Hii

of guests, menu selection and price.

You and contact information.

Web orders

Communication flow Requests from HiiYou.org


Request is sent Yes please

No thanks

We will send you an email that we have received your rejection

We verify you


You will receive an email reminder one week before event


You will receive an email reminder 3 days before arrangementet

We disapprove you

You will receive an email informing you that you have not been verified for the job

03 You will receive an email the following day event Here you are asked to write us about your

experience, additional feedback and reporting of extra turnover

Communication flow Web orders


Request sent Yes please


You will receive an email reminder one week before event

No thanks 02 You will receive an email reminder 3 days before

We will send you an email that we have received your rejection

03 You will receive an email the following day event Here you are asked to write us about your

experience, additional feedback and reporting of extra turnover



If you need help, you can always contact us at 70 26 00 40 Ask for Karina or Jacob if you are in doubt.


Refshalevej 147 1432 Copenhagen 70 26 00 40


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