Hidden Tales | Edition 3 | April 2020

Page 39

Agnieszka Michalska is undoubtedly a passionate, talented and hardworking individual, yet emphasises that a large part of her success was the experiences gained by simply asking for what she wanted. Having developed a keen interest in motion graphics as a teenager, she sought out animation studios within a reasonable distance of her home in Poland and contacted them offering her time for free. Luckily they took her up on it and she worked tirelessly as a high school student - receiving no pay - to develop a skillset she believed would lead her in the direction she wanted to go. “Honestly, that’s what let me to where I am now. There are opportunities out there - it’s up to you to find them.” From a young age Agnieszka was clearly creative with the dream to become an architect. However, due to being raised in a culture that wasn’t so encouraging of following a career in the creative industries, this wasn’t the easiest route to take in life. To study any art medium in Agnieszka’s hometown you had to go to a high school that was specifically for art. This didn’t stop her however and she worked hard to


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