November 26, 2013 Issue 2

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Photo courtesy of Patricia Keschinger In renebrence of Micheal Keck

In Memoriam

Michael Keck (‘07)

1988 - 2013 Story on page 11



Harrisonville High School | | Tuesday November 26, 2013 | Volume XVI, Issue I

Information about the Pride

Editor-in-Chief: Crystal Warden

Managing Editor: Madi Dahn

Copy Editor: Brently Probasco

Opinion/News Editor: Mackenzie Eisel

Sports Editor: Joe Cramer

Feature Editor: Lara Floyd

Online Editor: Kayley Brock

Photo Editor: Cassie Long

Video Editor: Amy Roach

Adviser: Brad Lewis

Staff Members: Alison Schmidt Ashton Taber Brittany Starr Myers Elizabeth Thayer Emily Priesendorf Tyler Cardinal Ruby Kahr Bethany Travis

Photographers: Cody Hart

Videographers: Casey Ambrozi Coressa Ervin Jacob Ross

Harrisonville High School 1504 E. Elm Harrisonville, MO 64701 Phone: (816)380-3273 Follow us on Twitter @ HHSwildcatnews The Pride is written, edited and published by the newspaper production class at HHS. The paper is an open forum, distributed to the students, faculty, parents, alumni, and other members of HHS. All decisions concerning grammar, layout, content, and photography are made solely by the editors themselves. Our mission is to report news truthfully and accurately and to act as an open forum for student expression. Opinions in editorials do not reflect the views of the Cass R-IX school district, its staff or the adviser. All comments, concerns, and complaints should be forwarded directly to the Editor-in-Chief. If readers would like to submit letters to the Editor, they can do so in room 304.

the pride

The ACT Checklist

Lliteras announces retirement in spring Story by Joe Cramer- Sports Editor “[My time here has been] wonderful,” said former Head Football Coach Chuck Lliteras in regards his time coaching at Harrisonville High School. On November 19, Lliteras retired from his position as head football coach for the Wildcats. In his time at Harrisonville, he accumulated a 60-16 record over the years of 2008 through 2013. He led his team to

Photo by, Cody Hart Chuck Lliteras is stepping down as head coach of the football team as well as teaching physical education.

four conference champions, along with numerous playoff runs. Now that his time at Harrisonville has ended, Lliteras must transition into life without coaching the Wildcats. “I hadn’t thought of it really,” said Lliteras. “ But I do have a long bucket list.” The first thing that Lliteras listed as being on his bucket list included experiencing the wilderness and going on to the Oregon trail. The game of football itself is not the only element of his work that Lliteras enjoyed. Interacting and getting to know the students and athletes he worked with every day was something that he found joy in. “I love working with the student athletes every day,” said Lliteras. Lliteras leaves his position with these words of encouragement. “Be yourselves,” said Lliteras. “Follow your hearts, give all of yourselves each day to help someone, be better without any expectation of reward.”

Former math teacher passes away

Get a good night’s sleep the previous night.

Gather all the things you need the day of the test ahead of time, including your test center admission ticket, acceptable ID, No. 2 pencils, a watch, and approved calculator. Attempt several practice tests to familiarize you with the real ACT. Including ACT prep.

Eat a sensible meal before test

Arrive early for taking the test with the necessary materials.

Dress in comfortable clothes.

Read the instructions carefully.

Read each question carefully to understand the requirement.

Keep an eye on the clock.

Start with the easy questions; this will give time to think for the harder ones. Attempt all the questions, do guess work if you are not sure (as ACT does not include negative marking). Use the elimination method for finding out the correct answer, in case of confusion. Be thorough with your grammar, spellings, punctuation, formulas etc.

Story by Crystal Warden- Editor in Chief

While marking the answers, recheck to see if you are marking the correct oval.

Recently, former math teacher Steve Larimore passed away from a long battle with cancer. Larimore was a teacher at HHS from 2005 through 2009. After leaving Harrisonville, Larimore taught one year at Grandview High School. Larimore graduated from the University of Central Missouri with a degree in Secondary Math Education.

As the ACT answer script is checked by a machine, make sure that there are no stray marks on the answer sheet. Stick with your first guess, because most of the time, the first guess is always the right answer. While changing an answer, make sure to erase the earlier mark completely. Photo by Lifetouch

Correction to helmet story

When you are done with your test, recheck your answers; see if you have missed something or if you have marked something wrong.

Story by Austin Royal- Staff Writer Editors Note: At the time of publication not all facts had been collected regarding the safety ratings of the Schutt Vengeance SCT helmets due to information not received in time for our deadline. A correction in the safety ratings have been made below. Although the Virginia Tech study rates the Shutt Vengeance DCT helmets at a four start rating, Schutt has conducted their own independent studies that have shown these helmets to in fact have a five star rating, the highest safety rating a helmet can earn.


Be sure that you have marked only one answer for a question.

Be sure that you have marked only one answer for a question. Try to remain calm while attempting the ACT. If you get excited then chances are that you will not be able to concentrate properly. Photo by, Cody Hart For the first time in 56 years, the Wildcat football received new helmets this season which featured the color blue and a new logo.

Do not bring notes, scratch paper, testing aids, cell phone, or anything other than the approved items. Do not be reluctant to notify the proctors if something appears to be wrong.

Concentrate and do the best you can.



Hidden risks in the food people are consuming Story by Emily Priesendorf- Staff Writer

The cereal you ate for breakfast? It most likely has BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), which is also used in jet fuel and embalming fluid. The macaroni and cheese you ate for lunch? It contains yellow 5 and 6 dyes which have been linked to causing migraines, asthma, and cancer. “I didn’t know that there were any dyes in macaroni and cheese,” said junior Bekki Taylor. “I thought the coloring was just cheese, so that is really surprising.” With the hustle and bustle of today’s society, it is no wonder many students are unaware about the harmful ingredients in the food we eat. Roughly, 80 percent of all the packaged foods sold within the United States contain chemicals outlawed in other parts of the world, reported “Britain’s Daily Mail.” A common unhealthy ingredient in food is high fructose corn syrup. It can be found in soda, juice, Pop Tarts and many other things. High fructose corn syrup has been known

to cause diabetes, obesity and heart disease, according to saveourbones. com. According to “Organic Consumers,” another commonly consumed substance is artificial dyes, and those are proven to cause hyperactivity in children. Artificial dyes are used in a large number of things, from candy to even yogurt to make food more colorful and pleasing to the eye. The most frequently used dyes in foods are Red 40, Blue 1 and 2 and Yellow 5 and 6. For some students, the usage of artificial dyes in foods does not bother them, despite the risks. “They put it there to make it look more appetizing,” said freshman Ellis Liles. “If the dyes weren’t there, then we would think they were strange and wouldn’t want to eat them. It’s okay if they put them in there because it is listed in the ingredients and you can decide if you want to eat them or not.” Nutritionist and Dietician Shellie Shaw, works with patients that suffer from migraines, arthritis and chronic fatigue due to food sensitivities. In Shaw’s line of work, reading the

ingredients on the food label is the key to a healthy lifestyle. “In general, the idea of reading the label is important to get an idea of how processed something is,” said Shaw. “If you can not identify, pronounce, or figure out what some of those ingredients are, then that is a red flag.” Family and Consumer Science teacher Liane Hager believes it is important for students to pay attention to the ingredients in the food they eat. “It is important to watch for processed foods and preservatives to know what you are putting in your body,” said Hager. Students may not think it is necessary to check the labels, but Hager thinks it will help prevent problems in the future for students. “[If they check the labels] they can develop good habits that will start now and will go through their adult life because their metabolism won’t always be the way it is now,” said Hager. “Someday they are going to care about their health even though they don’t care right now.” The Food and Drug Administra-

tion (FDA) is slowly making stricter regulations on ingredients in food and, recently, Kraft announced it will be taking yellow 5 and 6 out of their macaroni and cheese starting in 2014. In the meantime, there are some things students can do to cut down on the consumption of noxious substances in food. “Eat fresh and organic and not as much packaged [foods],” said Hager. “Even some fresh fruits and vegetables have chemicals on them, so wash your fruits and vegetables off. Although there is no perfect way to avoid these harmful substances, according to, there are some tips that will make a difference. One major warning sign of a heavily processed food is, if on the food label, there are more than five ingredients. This is because the more ingredients, the more processed the food is. Another warning of a product having harmful chemicals is if the first three ingredients end in “ose.” When an ingredient ends in “ose” it means sugar. Sugar is highly pro-

the cost of beef production and lower prices to consumers.” According to “The Reality of Precaution,” a book written by three scientists comparing the safety measures taken by the U.S. and EU, the EU banned these hormones in 1990, the only exception being for experimental use. After a number of cases proved the hormones to cause mastitis, an inflammation of breasts, and birth defects of those coming from treated animals, the EU permanently prohibited the use of hormones. DeLancey says this is due to a difference in government. “FDA is a strictly science-based agency, and does not consider societal views in determining whether an animal drug is safe and effective,” said DeLancey. “In contrast, the European Union has expressed the societal view that animals should not be treated with any drugs to enhance their production. This view is not equally shared around the world and is not a basis for deciding to approve or not approve an animal drug in the United States.” Another thing which one must take into consideration is that the FDA has a set tolerance as to the level of hormones allowed, which

are lower than that the human body produces. “On average, a serving of beef actually has a fraction of that allowable level, nearly 57,000 times lower than what the FDA allows, and thousands of times lower than what our bodies naturally produce, not to mention a fraction of what is present in many other foods such as soybean oil, cabbage, cereals and grains,” said Hoffman. According to Hoffman, there are six drugs that may be used, including three naturally occurring, estrogen, testerone and progesterone, that both animal and human bodies produce, along with three synthetically made which mimic the acts of those naturally made. DeLancey says these hormones are researched profoundly before being administered. Testing includes looking at the short-term and longterm effects of the steroid hormones on the bodies of consumers. “The FDA approves these drugs only after extensive studies have shown that the food from the treated animals is safe for people to eat, and that the drugs do not harm the treated animal or the environment,” said DeLancey. “When evaluating

human food safety, FDA takes into account a person’s exposure over his or her lifetime.” Another thing to keep in mind is that not all animals are administered these steroid hormones. FDA standards outlaw the use in many cases. “There are no hormones approved for use in poultry, hogs, veal cattle or dairy cattle, so their use in these animals is prohibited,” said DeLancey. This means that when you see a package of chicken which reads “No added hormones,” it is just that. According to the Iowa Beef Center, any beef sold and labeled “naturally raised” must be grown without any hormones, and verified by testing. These cattle must also have been fed without antibiotics and animal by-products. Though the FDA is in charge of approving which products may be used, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is in charge of testing the pieces of meat, and discloses any issues to the FDA. “USDA collects the samples from the animals at slaughter, performs the testing, and then any violations are reported back to FDA for enforcements,” said DeLancey.

Photo by, Cassie Long Hidden dyes and ingredients are linked to risks in health.

cessed in many foods to make it taste better, but this is quite dangerous for the consumer’s health if consumed more than what is healthy. According to Shaw, choosing to ingest the foods that have unhealthy chemicals will take its toll on a student’s body eventually. “We really are what we eat,” said Shaw. “Your daily food choices are very profound decisions.”

Steroid hormones in meat told to have no affect on human bodies Story by Brently Probasco- Copy Editor

When biting into a grilled chicken sandwich from Sonic, or a Big Mac from McDonald’s, students may have trepidation as to what is going in their bodies, and where it comes from. Recently, consumers have been more concerned about the products in meat, but these “products” have been used for more than 60 years. These products consumers worry about are known to farmers as steroid hormones which are implants that enhance an animal’s growth and production. “These drugs increase the animals’ growth rate, the efficiency by which they convert the feed they eat into meat and the leanness of their meat,” said Siobhan DeLancey, a member of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who specializes in genetically engineered foods. MU Extension Livestock Specialist David Hoffman says this is cheaper and easier for farmers and buyers. “An animal that is given growth enhancers gains weight more rapidly and produces a leaner product,” said Hoffman. “By reaching market weight sooner, there is a reduction in


Photo by, Cassie Long Even though people today worry about what is in the food they are eating, the Food and Drug Administrations says not to.

Though the FDA has approved the use of these hormones in the U.S., the European Union has banned the use of these hormones in their animals after looking at long term effects. Hoffman ensures that younger generations and those who have been exposed to the hormones for long terms have nothing to fret. “Hormones are used in beef production to sustain a high quality and affordable beef supply,” said Hoffman. “Careful federal regulation and oversight of the use of hormones should assure consumers that beef from cattle raised with approved hormones is safe and wholesome.”

the pride


Staff, students exasperated by public display of affection Story by, Bethany Travis- Staff Writer When teenagers think they have found the perfect partner, they like to let everyone else know that they have. They are proud of their newfound love; one stroll down our high school hallways will tell you that much. However, Harrisonville High School is cracking down on this overflow of affection. “It’s [PDA] always been a disciplinary issue, it has always been in the handbook,” said Assistant Principal Jason Beavers. “How it’s been enforced in the past I can't tell you, I just know since the time Mr. Farnsworth and I have been working here together how we’ve enforced it.” Public display of affection, or PDA, is listed in the Student Handbook, page 18, in the HHS Discipline Chart. “The first offense is morning detention, but the severity of the PDA may turn up the volume on the consequences,” said Beavers. While Beavers expressed that the school had no written definition of

PDA, any actions that are deemed inappropriate by the school administration can and will be disciplined. English teacher, Sarah Cummings believes that this lack of distinction makes its hard to regulate PDA. “I dont know that anyone really knows how to address it best, what is wrong and what is right,” said Cummings. “I think from a teacher's standpoint, it’s hard to be black and white.” However, Brenda Chenoweth, business teacher, feels the school just is not doing enough. “I think we’ve given up, obviously PDA is going on a lot,” said Chenoweth. “I think we should start photographing all of them [those partaking in PDA] and sending their pictures to their parents.” Teachers and administration are not the only ones who take notice of the tender actions between couples, but students have also perceived this oddity. “If you're holding hands with your significant other in the hallway good for you guys, happy for you,”

said sophomore Jacob Filer. “If you're making out on the lockers then it’s too far and you should probably go somewhere else for it, not school.” While Filer expressed his disagreement with displays of affection, he does not think that it disrupts the learning environment of this school. “Who has PDA in the classroom? No one,” said Filer. While in Filer’s opinion PDA does not disrupt the school environment, he does wish for some regulation of affectionate actions throughout the school. “Not [regulating it so] girls and guys can't touch each other but not [allowing] making out on the lockers,” said Filer. “[Find] a middle ground somewhere.” Both Filer and Chenoweth agree that PDA is a nuisance to students and teachers making their way through the school. “I think most people don't want to see displays of affection all throughout the halls,” said Chenoweth. “I think it causes back ups in people trying to get through

the halls, people trying to get into their lockers and they can't because [other] people are involved [with their significant other].” Cummings and Chenoweth both admit that PDA is unnecessary and distracting. “I think people need to remember that they're going to see each other in 40 minutes instead of acting like it’s a long goodbye,” said Cummings. “People don't really feel comfortable being surrounded by [other] people being affectionate.” For Cummings not only is it disruptive but to some extent discourteous. “I think when it makes you feel uncomfortable, they’re [those partaking in PDA] not respecting your environment and your comfort, so yeah I think some degrees of PDA are disrespectful,” said Cummings. “I feel like affection should probably be contained to privacy instead of public.”

Photo by, Cassie Long Public displays of affection, also known as PDA, happens daily around Harrisonville High School without students being aware of the possible punishments.

Loud music, earbuds pose long-term risks Story by, Emily Priesendorf- Staff Writer

Visiting an ear clinic at the age of 20 and facing hearing problems for the rest of your life is not what students envision themselves going through, but this is proving to be true for young adults due to listening to loud music with ear phones. According to “Journal of Pediatrics,” 12.5 percent of kids between 6 years and 19 years old suffer from hearing loss as a result of using ear phones turned to a high volume. Dr. Kristen Lewis, an audiologist at St. Lukes Midwest Ear Institute, is seeing a growing number of college student patients in her clinic. “We used to not see as much hearing loss,” said Dr. Lewis. “At the clinic we are starting to see younger people in their 20s with high frequency hearing loss.” Students that listen to their music frequently may not be aware they have hearing loss, but Dr. Lewis knows of some ways to be able to detect if you have hearing loss. “The most common sign is not

the pride

Photo by, Cody Hart Students use headphones daily to listen to music without realizing the damages it does. to their hearing.

understanding speech,” said Dr. Lewis. “Also if your parents tell you to turn down the TV, that is also a sign of hearing problems.” Senior Emily Roth listens to her music in the mornings before school. She tends to have her music up at about 80%.

“[I listen to my music at that volume] so I can’t hear anything else that is going on around me,” said Roth. Though the amount of time and volume that can cause damage varies, Dr. Lewis has specific instructions for avid music listeners.

“I wouldn’t go over ⅔ on volume scale,” said Dr. Lewis. “Also, try to limit to a couple of hours a day of listening to music. It’s important to break up the amount of time of listening to music into smaller intervals.” When listening to music, not only does the volume level matter, but the type of hearing device can make a difference. “If I have my iFrogz headphones [the volume is turned] half way, maybe a little over,” said senior Josh Simmons. “If I have my Apple headphones, which are awful, then I usually turn it up all the way because I can’t hear anything.” Finding a quality hearing device that will not require you to crank the volume all the way up can be difficult and confusing, but Dr. Lewis recommends headphones for students. “With most earbuds you have to crank the volume up higher,” said Dr. Lewis. “Headphones block out surrounding sounds so you don’t have to have the volume up as loud as you would with earbuds.” Junior Jessica Poisal listens to

her music in the car and at school with earbuds. She has a preference when it comes to the type of hearing device she uses. “I prefer earbuds because they are small and can fit in my pocket,” said Poisal. For those students like Poisal that prefer the look of earbuds compared to headphones, there is a way to still wear earbuds without causing hearing loss. “You can also get custom earbud molds that actually fit your ears so you don’t have to turn up the volume as loud,” said Dr. Lewis. It comes down to the student’s choice to decide if they will take action and prevent themselves from being that young adult sitting at an ear clinic with hearing damage before they have even started college.



Junior twins share experiences Story by, Kayley Brock- Online Editor

When children are younger, it is often difficult to learn the skill of sharing. Giving a friend a bite of your snack or letting your sibling play with your favorite toy, could become a hard task for a child. But for twins, sharing is the only option. Not just with tangible objects, but with emotions, preferences and physical features. The junior class started off with 13 sets of twins in kindergarten. They have lost and gained some. The junior class now has the most sets of twins at the high school with a total of seven. Reported by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board, one in 30 births in the United States are twins. Though the students see them everywhere, there is a slight chance that twins will actually be conceived. “Knowing that out of everybody in this world we are a few select people that are twins, being a twin is kind of rare,” said junior Austin Murray. Although being a twin has a

unique aspect of life, the bond that two siblings share is one that can be felt by anyone who has a sibling. “I always had a another person to hang out with when we were little and had someone to always play catch with,” said junior Austin Moreland. “My mom said being a twin is like being married. You fight a lot, we have arguments and disagree.” Along with Moreland, junior Shon Hartzler enjoys having a twin brother because of the experiences they have together. “We like doing things together, like playing soccer and basketball,” said junior Shon Hartzler. “We usually go hunting together. We get along and we understand each other.” From sharing the same interests to the same memories Austin Murray explains a memory of him and his twin brother, junior Jacob Murray, when they were only 12 months old. “When we were babies Jacob used to hoard binkies, and he would hide all the binkies,” said Austin Murray. “One day my dad was video taping it and Jacob took my binkies out of my

mouth and out it in his, then he ran off with both of them.” Another shared memory is between Shon and Zion Hartzler is when they were 12 years old, they played against a soccer team with a diverse nationality. “When we were kids we played against a mexican soccer team and we would talk in Swahili and no one would understand us,” said junior Zion Hartzler. “We thought it was funny.” Twins can have many mixed memories, from having an amusing occasion to the moments where you and your sibling bicker. “When we were little my mom would tell me to put my arm around my brother and show him that I love him, Blake always pushed my arm off of him,” said Austin Moreland. Having a sibling, especially a twin, often means that there will be times growing up when the two do not see eye to eye. “Arguments [are the worst part of being a twin] because they can be brutal.” said junior Clayton Jennings. “A lot of memories I have are

of fights. The arguments are the most memorable, and can be about the most random things.” Junior Cassie Coffman feels as though her greatest conflict is dealing with the struggle of competition that comes between her and junior Cody Coffman. “Well it sucks because it’s like a rivalry,” said junior Cassie Coffman. “Having the same classes and friends as each other just sucks.” Arguments are not the only thing that twins deal with. Another challenge that twins face daily is the hype that they are the same person, and cannot be individual. “People are always like “Hey you're her twin!”,” said junior Samatha Songer. “People don’t always see you as an individual. They jump to the conclusion that, if you guys are twins then you probably do the same thing and act the same way. Teachers sometimes think that if my twin is bad at something then I’ll be bad at it. Or if she’s good at something then they assume I’m good at it.”

Photo by, Lara Floyd junior twins Jacob and Austin Murray share a special connection many many do not get to experience.

A friendly game of tag


Comic by, Starr Meyers-Cartoonist/Illustrator

the pride


Christmas is coming quickly; start shopping Black Friday Shopping Times “I usually just get everyone money.”

“I’ll buy my grandpa a new fishing set.”

Junior Nick Kreimeyer

Sophomore Chris James

Target Opens: Thursday @ 8 p.m. - Friday @ 11 p.m.

“I’ll get my friends things like gift cards and shirts.”

“I’m getting my boyfriend a sports necklace.”

Junior Bailiegh Selemaea

Freshman Maddy Todd

Sophomore Austin Hastings

Best Buy Opens: Thursday @ 6 p.m. Walmart Opens: Thursday @ 6 p.m.

“This year, my sister wants a rainbow unicorn glow pet.”

“I’m getting my mom a blender.”

Kohl’s Opens: Thursday @ 8 p.m. - Friday @ 11 p.m.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Opens: Thursday @ Midnight

Sophomore Kristen Kimbrell

“I’ll probably get my little brother nike socks.” Freshman Matthew Morrison

“My three best friends and I all get stockings and just do stocking stuffers; this year we’re all getting each other concert tickets.”

Charming Charlie Opens: Friday @ 8 a.m. Macy’s Opens: Thursday @ 8 p.m.

Senior Molly Jackson

Survival guide for holidays with crazy relatives Story by Elizabeth Thayer- Staff Writer

All the food, delicious, button busting food, luring you to spend time with relatives who you hardly know; Happy Thanksgiving. Walking into a room full of family members for the sole purpose to decide between ham or turkey, but having jumbled thoughts from all the noise. “My family is very loud,” said sophomore Mateo Gonzalez. “I can’t even hear myself chew.” Sometimes, it is the loud ones that are the odd balls. Black sheep pop up everywhere going from room to room with the main goal of annoying everyone. “There’s always that sketchy part of the family,” said junior Meghan Scott. “Don’t deny it!” Not liking family time can boil down to a single relative. One bad egg can spoil the bunch.

the pride

“I don’t like seeing my aunt,” said Gonzalez. “She tries to run everything and it doesn’t work out very well.” When the rules slam down and it’s either going to the relatives or being grounded, there are still ways to get out of spending time with the family. “I just avoid them,” said sophomore Jordan Morgan. “If they’re doing one thing, I’ll go do something else.” In reality, not all families are annoying. Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness, even if it means also spending time with the odd balls. “My family loves to be together,” said English teacher Virginia DeVenney. “Thanksgiving is the time to get together and be thankful.” For some, Thanksgiving’s problems come from the food. “I’m not a fan of all the additional weight,” said sophomore Maxx

Photo by Cassie Long The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims in 1621 and was a three day celebration. Today it is known as a holiday where family and friends gather to give thanks.

Cook. Cook and junior Alli Lemka agree when it comes to the food struggles.

“I don’t look forward to driving with a full stomach,” said Lemka. “I just want to sleep.” Choosing what to eat with all the

food can be difficult, especially when going to both sides of the family. “Going back and forth between both sides of the family is hard,” said secretary Cynthia Livingston. “It gets really hard when you want to try everything, but you only have one stomach for two families.” Looking back at memories of her past Thanksgiving, Livingston recognizes all the things she misses. “Growing up, I had a lot of family,” said Livingston. “Now that some of them are gone, it makes me realize how much I miss that.” Thanksgiving is the defining moment when the winter holidays begin. “I like Thanksgiving,” said Livingston. “I love being with my family and the official start of Christmas.”


Emotions trigger memories from the past Story by Elizabeth Thayer- Staff Writer When sitting in class, it seems like the teachers words go in one ear and out the other. The struggle of remembering difficult subjects is just a battle of interest. “Different brain chemicals get released when we are interested in a subject,” said psychologist Richard Thayer. “These chemicals are affiliated with the memory process.” Senior Kaitlyn Austin has a better grasp of English because of the subject’s appeal to her. “I do well in English,” said Austin. “Doing well in English helps me with understanding what I’m learning.” Even if it is more work, all subjects are important. There are still ways to remember the things less desirable. “I was really good at World History because I liked it,” said sophomore Brooke Rogers. “Now, I have to work harder in American History.” There are many ways to remember things, but some ways work better than others. “You have to study more to get the things you don’t like as much,” said Thayer. “Repetition is the best way to remember things.” Memories and emotions easily

Photo by Cassie Long Memories come from the temporal lobe of a person’s brain

intertwine. The thought of a certain event can conjure up a variety of emotions. Poet Michael Faudet gives insight to memories by explaining his perception of an individual’s memory. “I am hopelessly in love with a memory,” said Faudet. “An echo from another time, another place.” Senior Mason Saffels under-

stands Faudet’s interpretation of memories, and shares one of his fondest childhood memories that he would relive over and over if he could. “Little League Football is my greatest childhood memory,” said Saffels. “We had so much fun, and we never lost a game.” Sometimes, not so fond memories

are deleted from the brain because they were such negative experiences. “Some people repress traumatic memories as a defence mechanism,” said Thayer. “These events make the patient have too much anxiety to remember them.” For some students, traumatic experiences have forever molded their fears and behaviors still to this day. “When I was little, I was playing on the roof of a barn with my brother and he pushed me off,” said senior Mathew Bartlett. “I cut open my head and it bled for a long time. We didn’t ever tell my mom because we would’ve gotten in trouble, but it is the reason I am scared of heights still to this day.” Senior Grace Bruens recounts a memory that was not necessarily traumatic, but has stuck with her because it was so embarrassing. “I was helping my dad feed the dogs when I was little, and I slipped and cut my lip on the edge of the dog bowl,” said Bruens. “I had to go to get to the emergency room and get stitches. It was so embarrassing to tell the nurses what had happened to me.” Embarrassing or bad memories happen to everyone. Some choose to remember them, others don’t. “I remember them to remember what I shouldn’t do,” said junior An-


nie DeVenney. The memories may be too difficult to remember. “I try not to care [about the bad memories],” said sophomore Josh Panyik. “I just try not to think about them.” According to memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus, one of the problems with repressed memories is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to scientifically study whether or not a memory has been repressed. Sometimes people cannot repress their memories, they just come. As stated from Gary Small, a Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, memories randomly coming is probably not random. It’s just that most people don’t always realize what makes one experience more memorable than another. The key to understanding the concept of memories is to know where they come from. “When we are in an emotionally stimulated state like danger, our mind would be thinking about what to do in that kind of situation,” said Thayer. “We remember things like that because chemicals have been released to conserve the earlier memories about danger.”

Childhood sayings carry much deeper meaning Story by Kayley Brock- Online Editor

Remember when you were about to go to bed and your parents would tell you, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite,” or chanting, “Liar, liar pants on fire” while playing at recess and even reciting, “Eenie meenie minie moe” when you had to pick between your favorite - movies. “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite, and if they do, then take your shoe and knock them ‘til they’re black and blue!” is one of the first childhood sayings. Some suggest that it originated in 1866, from Susan Bradford Eppes diary, “Through Some Eventful Years”. In one of her journals Eppes stated “Goodbye little Diary. ‘Sleep tight and wake bright,’ for I will need you when I return.” “I assumed it would go back to a time where we had bed bugs,” said Assistant Principal Jason Farn-


sworth. “ I don’t really know where it came from, and I have only said it a couple of times. I think I say it as a joke to my kids, and I say it to my kids because it was said to me.” According to Gary Martin, the author of the Meanings and Origins section of the Phrasefinder website; “good night” came from expressing good wishes before going to bed. There are several meanings behind “sleep tight”, one of them goes back to a time where mattresses were made out of rope. People had to tie the ropes extremely tight so they provided a firm mattress. “Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite” has suggested that the tight refers to the tightness of bedclothes, so they would keep bedbugs away. “Bedbugs bite” is an extended version of the original ‘sleep tight” bedtime message, which didn’t start to be used until the mid-20th century well after ‘sleep tight’ was first used.

According to Neal Whitman the author of “Journal of Linguistics”, “Liar, liar, pants on fire”, came from the old schoolyard rhyme “Liar, liar, pants on fire, Hanging by a telephone wire!” This was inspired by Politifact’s ranking system created by American Etymologist Barry Popik. Popik’s earliest documentation is from 1941, with the “your nose” variation, though he also turned up a pantsless version from 1937: “Liar, liar, your tongue’s on fire!” “For one this saying has a nice rhyme and two there’s a punishment implied,” said English teacher Virginia DeVenney. “The whole connotation that you’re going to get burned if you lie. Childhood nurseries were ‘code’, low risk ways to distress you dissatisfaction on a monarchy or government.” In a verse from a poem called “The Liar” which, according to Popik, first began appearing in the

2000s, but it is associated to the poet William Blake, from 1810. Blake wrote a poem called the “The Liar,” it begins with the line: Deceiver, dissembler, your trousers are alight! “Eenie meenie minie moe catch a tiger by its toe, if he hollers make him pay 50 dollars every day.” This saying is derived from the original saying of “eenie meenie minie moe catch a “racial slur” by his toe. If he white he right, if he black stay back.” “My grandma lives in the south and she doesn’t say tiger,” said DeVenney. “When we were kids I don’t remember her saying it and I don’t know if that’s because she had a filter, but she says it every now and then and I tell her she is very politically incorrect. I have small children so we will use Eenie Meenie Minie Moe when we are choosing who gets to sit in the front seat and who gets to pick the movie. I like the updated version of it.”

The old phrase was changed into, “eenie, meenie, minie moe, catch an ‘racial slur’ by the toe. If he hollers, make him pay $50 every day.” Then after a while later it was replaced with “catch a tiger by the toe”. See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile. Bye bye, butterfly. See you again next time. See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile. Bye bye, butterfly. See you again next time. See you again next time. This saying came from the song called “See You Later Alligator.” It was a hit for Bill Haley and the Comets in 1956. The song started like this: When I saw my baby walking with another man today’ When I saw my baby walking with another man today’ When I asked her what’s the matter, this is what I heard her say’ See you later alligator, in a while crocodile’ See you later alligator, in a while crocodile’.

the pride

Health risk students n Features

StorybyCrystalWardenandBrently Probasco

Teenagers have a tendency to live as though they are invincible, when in fact, they are not. Numerous diseases and illnesses may be present throughout the halls of a high school. Asthma is caused by swelling in the airways which leads to one’s lungs, and causes hyperventilation and may cause purging. The truth is, one in twelve students that walk these halls have asthma. Beyond that, it is causing students to miss school, as 36,000 kids miss school due to the disease. Students have no control over this condi tion as it often runs in one’s

1,500 people die in a day from cancer.

12,060 young adults are estimated to be diagnosed with cancer this year.


deaths occured in children this year

Most of sudden deaths caused to cardiovasular are in high school athletes.

family and is common in people who have allergies. Another prevalent condition students often do not pay attention to is mental disorders which 22 percent of teens struggle with. Though there are numerous struggles, the overall effects are negative as they cause severe impairment for the rest of the teen’s life. According to, depression, anxiety and bipolar are all things included and could lead to alcoholism and drug addiction. A less common condition is cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is most known for sudden deaths it may cause to athletes. It is the attributor to the most unforeseen deaths with a grand 54 percent

More of a chance o concussion for females soccer.

One in every 12 students have asthma

75 the pride


need to be aware of


in students. It can also be caused by heart disease. Heart disease is caused by smoking and severe obesity, among other things. Though these things lead to heart disease, one in three healthyweight young adults possess another factor. Beyond heart disease, cancer is also causes problems for students. The forms of cancer are numerous and cause comd plications in student’s lives. According to the National Cancer Institute, the most common types include lymphoma, leukemia and melanoma. According, to webmd. com, brain tumors are also a type of cancer which causes 14,080 deaths a year. Brain tumors may be

of a s in

caused by large amounts of radiation to the head as well as rare forms of genes. Generally, a brain tumor forms and are not aggressive until it spreads. Another brain condition contributing to students is epilepsy. According to The Epilepsy Foundation, epilepsy is a medical condition which affects both mental and physical functions. It is most known for causing seizures. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lives, and 467,711 children are affected by this disease.

54% Of cardiovascular deaths in the US occur in high school students



00 4 0

someone is suffering from a stroke

SECONDS Two main causes of strokes

5% 9

The most common concussions in males are caused from football.

Ischaemic-the blood supply is stopped due to a blood clot Haemorrhagic-a weakened blood vessel supplying the brain bursts and causes brain damage the pride


Behind the scenes faculty members dish the dirt Story by, Mackenzie Eisel- News and Opinion Editor We practically live in school for four years of our lives, and it is crazy to think that some of the members of our school family we may never really know. Going through the motions day to day, we get to know our teachers. They are the ones who we interact with all the time, and can really get to know on a personal level, but many students may go through their entire high school career with no regard to all of the people behind the scenes. Members of the school faculty, such as Counseling Secretary Liz Price, are eager to share their secrets and guilty pleasures if they were ever just asked. “I love watching superhero movies,” said Price. “‘Avengers’ has been the best of all of them, but I am still waiting in eager anticipation to see ‘Thor’.” Like Price, Principal Andy Campbell takes great joy in sitting down to watch one and only one television show. “One thing most students probably don’t know about me is that the only TV show I watch religiously is ‘Sons of Anarchy’,” said Campbell. Price and Campbell are not the only members of the faculty who enjoy activities beyond the school

walls that most students would not suspect. Attendance Secretary Sue Manion revealed that she enjoys mixed media journaling in her free time. “You get a journal and you can draw in it, or paint, and even stamp in it,” said Manion. “Going out and finding really cool old journals to do it is another great part about it.” Manion finds that this form of journaling is a great way to relax and

the perfect form of expression. “It’s a great form of art therapy, and it’s just really fun for me,” said Manion. Principal’s Secretary Cheryl Osborne knows all about art forms, and has her own fun searching for unique art during her spare time. “I love to head up to Kansas City on the weekends and go hunting for old things that wouldn’t be useful today that shops have made into new

Photy by, Cassie Long Counseling Secretary Liz Price reinacts a classic pose from the new movie ‘Thor.’

and usable things,” said Osborne. Not only do members of the school staff have secrets about their free time to share, but they also have stories from their younger days to enlighten students with. “When I was younger, I worked as a research assistant and we had to hand milk goats every day,” said Price. “I definitely got some forearm and wrist muscle definition during those days.” The ability to milk a goat is not something that many students would know about Price, because most of the time when people visit her in the Student Resource Office, they are in a hurry and need assistance with a school schedule or unlocking a jammed locker. Price is not the only school faculty member who has memories to share from her earlier days. “I was a sophomore in high school when I auditioned for the Chiefettes, the Kansas City Chiefs’ dance team,” said Osborne. “I danced for the Chiefs for the rest of my high school career, while I was also dancing for my high school team.” Not all members of the staff have memories from their “glory days” that are necessarily good memories. Manion recalls a time in her adolescence that resulted in a traumatizing life saving event. “Where I grew up, we had these little beaches everywhere that every-

one went to,” said Manion. “I was about thirteen, and I was on a raft with all my friends. I went to jump off of the side and didn’t realize that the water was as deep as it was.” Manion continues to recount the beach day, describing vivid details about the event. “I kept bobbing up and down in the water, and finally the lifeguard had to come save me,” said Manion. “He carried me all the way to the shore and everything; it was so embarrassing.” After that day, Manion had learned a very valuable lesson. “I learned to swim right after that day,” said Manion. “And I made my kids both learn to swim really early because I didn’t want that to happen to them.” Campbell explained the memory in his lifetime that has had the biggest impact on him, and the event that really changed his life. “The birth of my daughter was probably the most significant memory that I have,” said Campbell. “It was the realization that I had to actually grow up and be responsible for a small life.” Faculty members have lived through the teenage years, and have gained many years of wisdom that they are happy to share, whenever students are willing and have the time to sit down and listen for a minute or two.

consider going for the decaf option to avoid risks. Not only is caffeine found in decaf drinks, the same health benefits and risks are presented. If someone thinks buying a decaf drink in place of a caffeinated one can replace the risks, they have another thing coming. An analysis of caffeine content by the Journal of Analytical Toxicology showed that nine out of the ten cups of decaf coffee they had purchased from random coffee shops and restaurants had actually consisted between 8.6 milligrams and 13.9 milligrams of caffeine. “There are other options if they have to avoid caffeine in all,” said Moore. “Herbal teas are a good choice. They are naturally decaffeinated and you can still have the warm drink you’re craving in the morning.” Having caffeine in so many foods and drinks, it will take a serious commitment to end an addiction to

caffeine. “It’s hard to push away caffeine, especially if the dependency is strong,” said Moore. “Break the cycle. You’ll sleep better and feel the difference by morning.”

Daily caffeine intake may have negative health effects on students

Story by , Lara Floyd- Features Editor

As the day continues to drag on, a majority of students will settle for a cold soda or a candy bar full of enough caffeine to avoid drowsiness from settling in. Though some may think that filling up on a sugar filled product is a quick fix for a small problem, the intended results can lead to other issues down the line. The bitter alkaloid that gives a kick to coffee could very well be giving you a kick as well. Numerous physical, physiological and mental side effects are possible ramifications for taking in too much caffeine on a regular basis. “When you take in too much caffeine, you can become jittery and shaky,” said Nurse Practitioner Deana Moore. “It becomes hard to fall asleep and to stay asleep. You will develop a fast or uneven heartbeat and it’ll raise your blood pressure.

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You could also become dehydrated.” Dr. Jon Gleason of the University of Alabama conducted a study that found that women and men alike who ingested immense amounts of caffeine were 70 percent more prone to developing incontinence. Incontinence is involuntary urination or defecation. “I’m trying to slow down on drinking so much caffeine,” said junior Ellen Collins. “I hate damaging my body. But if I don’t drink it, I feel like I can’t make it through the day, and I get bad headaches.” When students get a powerful craving for caffeine, they push it off on the fact that they have an ache or that they can not operate correctly. In all reality, it is because they have become so accustomed to consuming a considerable amount daily. “I seriously take in so much [caffeine] that I can’t keep track of what I’m really taking in,” said senior Lake

Holland. “I kind of need it to keep me awake and focused when it comes to school. Without it, I’d be lost.” It seems easy enough to get rid of these negatives of caffeine, just stop consuming it. It really is not as smooth as one may think. “If someone is heavily reliant on caffeine, they shouldn’t be just taken off of it,” said Moore. “Sometimes the withdrawal symptoms can make them feel worse than they did while on it. It needs to be reduced carefully and in a safe manner.” Whereas most students do rely on caffeine to give them a kick start to the day, there is still another percentage of students that say caffeine is not for them. “All I drink is water and sprite,” said junior Brendan Rynard. “I’d probably feel sluggish [if I drank caffeine].” If caffeine is not included in student’s daily intake, they might

Photy by, Lara Floyd Excessive caffeine use for energy, such as drinking coffee, can cause long term effects.



Former wildcat passes, leaving a legacy behind

Story by, Joe Cramer- Sports Editor

“He was a mentor to me,” said former teammate Nick Ingrassia of recently deceased Michael Keck. “He took me under his wing when I was in fourth grade with youth football, then taught me more than football. He’d hang out with me and we’d play Xbox together when he’d get back from school.” Former Defensive End Michael Keck passed away October 21 in Denver, Colorado due to complications dealing with a staph infection in his heart. Keck was known around the Harrisonville area as a high ranking prospect coming out of his senior year. He played under Coach Fred Bouchard from 2005 through 2007 where he made all-state two years in a row, along with helping his team win three state championships in his high school career. After playing for the Wildcats, Keck signed to the University of Missouri where he played two games as a Tiger. Shortly into his first season playing for the Tigers, Keck transferred to Missouri State so he could be closer to his family who doubled as a support group for him. In his college playing time, Keck recorded 65 tackles, 2 forced

Photo courtesy of Complications from a staph infection in the heart caused the death of a former Wildcat, Micheal Keck, who graduated in 2007, was very involved in the school and athletic program.

fumbles, 2 fumble recoveries, 6.5 tackles for a loss, and 2.5 sacks. Keck was unable to play during the 2010 season due to issues with a previous concussion. By the time Keck was in his senior year, he had officially ended his football career. Because of his significant impact in the town where he grew up, the community recognized Keck before the Pleasant Hill game. Senior Brock Kliewer wore number 49 in honor of the former Wildcat. At the game, shirts were being sold to remember Keck. Outside of competing on the gridiron, Keck had an impact on those that were close to him. Those who knew him personally respected him as a person, not just as a player. “I will remember him as how a real man should be,” said Ingrassia. “He was humble, respectful, and an outstanding character. He changed many people’s lives.” Former Head Coach Fred Bouchard was also affected by Keck. “Initially he was just a student athlete but he ended up growing into a dear friend,” said Bouchard. “He remembered his old coach and those that worked with him before he became a big name. He was loyal and never forgot where he came

from.” Members of the community who did not know Keck on a personal level were able to understand the admiration of those that did know him closely. Those that truly called him a friend spoke highly of Keck. “[I think he will be remembered] in a positive light,” said Principal Jason Campbell. “He was known by his football career to people who didn’t know him personally. The things I have heard about him have been very positive.” Bouchard remembers him by his playing style on the field and his personality off the field. “He was a really good guy, complex all around,” said Bouchard. “He was a monster on the field. A hard, menacing player. But off of the field he was kind and gentlehearted. I choose to remember him as a good guy. He could laugh and make fun of himself and those around him including me personally without seeming as if he were crossing a line.” On and off of the field, Keck made an impact on those that saw him play, played with him, or spent time with him outside of the game. “He was like an older brother,” said Ingrassia. “Anytime I see number 49, I think of Keck.”

and basketball,” said Tyson. Senior Kolton Wiebusch injured his ankle during soccer season, and has concerns about the possibility of a reoccurrence. “My injury has made me worry that every cut and sprint I make will end up re-injuring my ankle,” said Wiebusch. Another effect that came along

with Wiebusch injury was him losing his previous shape that he was in. “It weakened my explosive ability to make cuts,” said Wiebusch. Injuries are an inevitable part of sports that student athletes face. These injuries affect them in both their sports’ careers, as well as their personal lives.

Common sports injuries could have long term effects on athletes

Story by, Austin Royal- Staff Writer

Taking a sharp cut or laying out for a catch. Those are just few of the activities that can cause an injury and with those injuries comes some long term effects that some students would not think of. There are many injuries on the sports field that can have devastating long term effects on the student athlete. One of the major injuries that leaves dangerous long term effects are concussions. Senior Mason Saffels has had many concussions during his athletic career, and his biggest concern at the beginning was taking blows to the head. “Dealing with my concussions, I’ve been very careful with taking shots to the head,” said Saffels. But Saffels was not just worried about the physical aspect of his injury, he was more worried about himself psychologically. “The biggest effect with my injuries have been dealing with it


mentally; it’s very hard to deal with them,” said Saffels. According to Dr. Shaun Holden the long term effects of concussions are dizziness, ringing in the ears, recurrent headaches, memory loss, as well as cognitive dysfunction. More than one concussion increases these risks. Last year, senior Bayli Galeassi tore her ACL during her junior year of basketball. The effects that came along with that was surgery and a long, demanding rehab process. “I had to get surgery and after that I had six months of physical therapy which was tiring,” said Galeassi. “And now it still hurts everyday,” One of the long term effects of an ACL tear is degenerative arthritis. Degenerative arthritis is the chronic breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Along with Galeassi senior Austin Hopper had an ACL tear last year and along with the surgery and rehab it also makes activities hard after it is over.

“I had to do 7 months of therapy and it swell up really bad after every game,” said Hopper. While some injuries affect their sports career senior Luke Cooper’s injury affects his personal life as well. “One thing that affects me is that I’m not able to do fun things,” said Cooper. As well as effecting his personal life it affects his ability to train for his sport. “Basketball wise I’m not able to practice one hundred percent all the time, I have to pick and chose when I want to practice,” said Cooper. Due to sophomores Cole Tyson injury he lost his physical shape that he was in before he tore both his ACL, MCL and his meniscus. “I lost 30 pounds, I can’t do a lot of things that involve physical activity with my friends and family,” said Tyson. Due to his injuries it sidelined him from football as well as basketball. “Because of my injuries I missed two of my favorite sports football

Photo by, Cassie Long Sports injuries not only affect athletes while playing but also their everyday activities.

the pride


Team chemistry drive athletes, coaches together Story by Austin Royal- Staff Writer “An environment of shared ideals and mutual respect with a developed understanding of what is necessary for success in any given situation,” said Head Soccer Coach Dan Coleman. Chemistry has many meanings, in science it’s the study of matter and energy, but in sports it takes on a whole new meaning. Wrestling Coach Eric Devenney believes that team chemistry is having everyone on the same page. “Team chemistry is having everyone working towards the same goal,” said Devenney. Senior Zach Davidson feels that sports do not just go into the bodily conditions of athletics. “Sports go a lot deeper than the physical aspect of the game,” said Davidson. “Without [chemistry] you will have trouble with trust and honesty on the team, and that will cause problems”. Senior Brianna Kendrick believes that team chemistry is understanding the other players on the team. “Team chemistry is knowing

Photo by: Cody Hart Chemistry between players and coaches on any given team can significantly impact the outcome of a season.

your teammates, being able to work with them which is really important for a team to have,” said Kendrick. Defensive Back Coach Zach Cunningham agrees with Kendrick in being able to trust your teammates. “Being able to rely on anybody on the team in any given situation,” said Cunningham. Coleman believes, that with achievement, coming together as a

team bonds the players and coaches. “A successful team is a family and lives like one,” said Coleman. “Chemistry creates family, and vice versa, and in its perfect form, chemistry is present throughout the structure of the team.” Coleman also believes that without chemistry the team will be fragile. “In my experience, chemistry is

available in basketball.” Even though Mercer despises the idea of making cuts he feels its important for the team to be fundamental. “Due to our high number of players who try out, we feel it is in the best interest of our team,” said Mercer. “Having more players in the gym means less reps for each group, and we feel it is important that our teams get an adequate amount of reps.” Mercer does not only base his cuts on player talent but also good character traits players posses. “Many times we might keep players who maybe aren’t as skilled as some others, but because of their great work ethic, great attitude, unselfishness, etcetera, we keep them,” said Mercer. Head Soccer Coach Dan Coleman does things different than Mercer, and decides not to make cuts for his team. “We believe in giving kids the

opportunity to participate in something they are passionate about and to be a part of something larger than themselves,” said Coleman. “We prefer not making cuts. We’re all about giving kids a positive experience. And we’re building and maintaining a program here. Why would we want to squash enthusiasm for our program unless we felt it was absolutely necessary?” One similarity between the coaches is their dislike towards making cuts. As much as Coleman hates this he feels that it might be necessary on future teams. “As much as we’d like to avoid making cuts, it’s quite possible,” said Coleman. “It all comes down to numbers, supervision and safety. I think we’ve done the right thing. Again, that could change going forward. We’ll have to see. But if kids are not having a positive experience in any way, they reserve the right to come talk with the coaching staff.” The soccer team has never had to

extremely important for a team,” said Coleman “It is the glue that binds all of the other aspects of competition and team sports together. Without it, you can have resources, talent and knowledge, but still evade success”. Cunningham would prefer having players with no talent than having players with all the talent in the world because of chemistry. “I would rather have guys that have no talent and trust each other, more than I would have guys that have with all the talent in the world with no chemistry,” said Cunningham. However, having chemistry does not just affect just players, it also affects coaches as well. “It’s essential in the overall picture,” said former Head Football Coach Chuck Lliteras. “Coaches have to be able to communicate, but that might not mean they get along. Year in and year out the players need to know that coaches care for them as individuals first, and athletes second.” Chemistry also helps by pushing teammates in both practice, and during competitions in order

to encourage each other to perform well. “Most of the events are based off the individual swims and we do have team relays where a swimmer has to understand the other swimmer in order to get their best time,” said Girls swim Coach Ryan Cook. “But a team will support that individual/rely who’s giving it their all in a race”. With team chemistry it also brings a new aspect of respect for both teammates and coaches. “When we train, having an environment where swimmers respect each other and all swimmers abide by the same standards set amongst the team and the coach will lead to team development and build a team,” said Cook. Devenney believes that both coaches and players have to be on the same goal to perform well. “If everyone is not on the same ship they are not going to be on the same shore,” said Devenney.

Coaches weigh pros, cons of making cuts Story by: Tyler Cardinal - Staff Writer

One of the most disappointing and burdensome things in high school sports, for not just a player but coaches as well, is someone not making the team. This year men’s basketball and baseball will be making cuts on their teams. Head coach of the men’s basketball team Todd Mercer feels that cutting someone from the team is a very distressing thing to do. “Always one of the toughest things to do in coaching is having to tell a player he didn’t make the team,” said Mercer. Basketball needed to start making cuts this year because of the numerous amount of players used in a game. “Basketball is a little different than most sports simply due to the numbers of players involved in a game,” said Mercer. “With the exception of the individual sports, there are fewer starting positions

the pride

make cuts, and Coleman is grateful for this. “We have never had to cut. I’m glad

we’ve been able to avoid cuts this long. We’ll see what the future holds,” said Coleman.

Photo by: Cody Hart Junior John Kusmec battles for the ball against their opponent, Raytown South. Harrisonville mens soccer fell short in sectional game, 1-2.



Fall athletes transition into winter sports Story by Ali Schmidt- Staff Writer

Turning in sunshine and grass for a hard court floor and artificial lighting, fall athletes are preparing for their winter sports. On November 4, winter athletes began to attend their first practice of the season. With this transition, those athletes must refocus their minds, and settle into a new atmosphere. “The first week is really hard,” said senior Mason Saffels. “It is hard to memorize everything and get in shape. Basketball shape is a lot worse than football shape, and it’s hard to get back in that groove.” The same goes for those who go from football to wrestling. “I start to struggle with getting in better physical shape,” said junior Austin Moreland. “I get a lot more worn out [in wrestling] than I did in football.” Athletes must spend their first few weeks going through a tryout type scenario, which is meant to prepare them for the season. Some sports, such as wrestling, have stepped up their conditioning and intensity during practices. “This year practice is more uptone,” said junior Ty Cochran. “The first week I was really sore. I couldn’t really sit because my body wasn’t prepped to go that hard for so long.” Many of this year’s athletes have

run into a problem similar to Cochran’s; they are not prepared to start their new season. Although they had been anticipating it, many never expected how different the intensity would be. “I was surprised by the amount of running we did,” said freshman Lilly Harold, who is participating in basketball this year. “I didn’t expect to have a full 30 minutes of complete sprints. [It] is definitely different than it was in volleyball, but I know that we need it.” The differences between two sports are highly noticeable. Athletes spend their first couple of weeks adjusting to the new activity. “By switching from soccer to wrestling, I have to get in shape,” said Cochran. “I went from just a little running to three hour full body workouts.” When going from football to basketball, Saffels ran into a problem that’s comparable to Cochran’s. “It’s hard to get used to not having as much contact and dribbling the ball,” said Saffels. “Everything is different; you need a whole new mindset. You can’t come in thinking that you’ll be as good as you were last year. It’s a process because you haven’t played in so long and you still have to adjust.” Sometimes, just changing the atmosphere that you are in can affect how you have to adjust to the

transition. “Being indoors is hard to get used to,” said junior Hannah Bennett. “I like being outside, like I was in softball, but I can’t really swim out there. It’s hard for me to be stuck inside just swimming.” When you change focus from one sport to another, your mentality must shift its focus as well. “My mindset has had to change tremendously,” said Cochran. “I always have to be prepared in everything -- school and wrestling. I have to make good decisions on what I eat and do. I [also] have to focus my mind sooner than I did for soccer. If I have time in eighth hour, I begin to prepare myself for practice so I can be ready to go.” A new mentality does not just mean changing how you prepare for a sport. Athletes also must learn how to make the necessary changes in order to adjust. They have to switch how they approach each situation. “You have to have different modes,” said Saffels. “Football is more physically demanding, while basketball is more fluid and mental.” Wrestlers especially must make changes. After coming from a fall sport, each wrestler has to get accustomed to cutting weight and full body workouts again. “Cutting weight is the hardest

thing to get used to,” said Cochran. “I have to change my eating habits and working out regularly.” Moreland has also been affected by these new habits. “I have to watch what I eat and start eating healthier so I can last longer in practice and the meets,” said Moreland. “This helps though because it’s just one on one once you get on the mat. If you lose, it’s only you out there.” While switching between sports that are held back to back, athletes are prone to noticing differences between the two. “After switching from volleyball to basketball, I’ve become a lot more positive,” said Harold. “I’m pushed to be a better player while in basketball. The coaches have made it easy for me to have fun and get better.” With all of the physical and mental changes that student athletes notice about their sports, there is another change that often comes up. These athletes must adapt to their new schedules and find a balance between school and athletics. “Our schedule is a lot different than it was last year,” said Bennett. “We have a lot more time between school and practice, so we get out a lot later. It’s going to be hard to keep up with school and my grades.” To some students, the idea of going sport to the next without a break is insane. To year long athletes it is a

lifestyle that they choose. Many have the option of taking up to a week off, but that doesn’t mean they take it. Athletes like Saffels go straight into their new activity. “I don’t mind jumping right into basketball,” said Saffels. “It is different, but I like it. I enjoy being active year round.” Bennett finds it appealing to get thrown back into a sport and tried to get accustomed to the new movements before the season started. “I find it fun and exciting to be back in swim,” said Bennett. “You just have to get through the first few weeks because you must get used to the intensity and conditioning. I tried to swim laps in my free time to start getting back into shape.”

sport because he feels its the best one for him. “It is the sport I like the most, being with the team is my favorite part of baseball,” said Ramsey. Many one sport athletes participate in various leagues of their sport all year round, such as sophomore soccer player Madi Parker. Parker plays in the off season with her club team Sporting Blue Valley. Playing a sport all year round may come with a fair share of complications, one of them being interference with your personal or family life. However if you absolutely love your sport then it can also be rewarding. “It sometimes interferes with church and family events but it is definitely worth it,” said Parker. “I love the game of soccer and whenever I play I can forget all the other

things off the field, it helps me cope with my stress.” Much like Ramsey, Parker feels that her sport is the one for her. “I’ve tried basketball, but I didn’t really think it was the sport for me,” said Parker. Similar to Ramsey, she has specific things that draw her to the game. “My favorite thing about soccer is making new friends and just the feeling of being out on the field,” said Parker. Many sports have competitive or club teams that high school athletes compete in outside of school. Junior Hannah Neilson competes on a competitive softball team when she is not playing for the school. “I practice by playing with a competitive team [to prepare] for the next season to start,” said Neil-

son. Though practice is a challenge for Neilson at the moment, she still continues to try. “I feel like [practicing] is hard for me because I am getting ready to get physical therapy because I am going to have shoulder surgery, but I have a net that I put in my basement to practice with,” said Neilson. Senior Domitrius Fangrow has played basketball since his freshman year. Unlike other one sport athletes, he does not compete in his sport competitively, nevertheless, he puts in a considerable amount of effort in preparation for the season. “I play summer ball and that’s about it,” said s. “I go in the gym in the mornings and shoot and do workouts, and I lift weights.” Overall, though the approach

may differ, one sport athletes have a focus and love specific to that sport.

Athletes hold focus on one sport Story by Tyler Cardinal- Staff Writer An athlete is a person trained in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength. Many high school athletes try to participate in as many sports as possible, but there are a handful that focus their skills on only one. Playing one sport as a high school athlete may allow a player to better themselves and try to perfect themselves in that sport. Many one sport athletes prepare for their sport by participating on a competitive team. Senior baseball player Haidyn Ramsey is one of those athletes. “I do winter conditioning, I also play summer competitive ball,” said Ramsey. Ramsey only participates in this


Photo by: Cody Hart After months of football practice senior Mason Saffels waste no time transitioning into mens basketball.

Photo by: Cody Hart Senior Brianna Kendrick sticks to one sport so that she can dedicate all her time and effort to her one love: basketball.

the pride


Seperation of church and state should remain

Story Bethany Travis- Staff Writter The feeling of deep passion towards someone has been felt by most everyone. Passion so deep that the thought of being away from that person is unbearable. One’s only thought is simply made up of ways to become closer to that person. Not just in physical distance, but in relationship landmarks, to the point that one decides that he or she could not live a day without their significant other. Marriage is the most momentous of these landmarks, the most impor-

tant. In reality all marriage is, is a piece of paper signed by a judge, but to the happy couple it is a decision to pledge their lives to one another. Marriage should be an option open to all citizens of the United States, provided by the national government, regardless of sexual preference because the government is bound by the constitution to provide equal opportunity for all. Our national government has no authority to define marriage as a bond between a man and a woman and if they do not provide this option for homosexual couples it may contribute to limiting more minority rights. Within the Christian community marriage is a union under God, and whether a church chooses to allow homosexual marriage should be completely up to the church’s community. However, from the country’s standpoint, the national government

has a responsibility to its constituents to provide equal opportunity to all woven into the Constitution. It is when our country does not do this that civil wars are fought and brothers kill brothers. I’m not saying that the debate over gay marriage will be battled out 1860s style, but it could very well be a gateway to further limiting of minority rights. As of now, the legal definition of marriage is a union between a woman and a man, but what right does the government posses to define this bond so specifically? In all honesty, they do not. This is an unconstitutional definition that excludes the homosexual minority. All men are created equal, and the government must treat each accordingly. The debate over homosexual marriage is untrodden ground, not specifically paved by those before us since the founding fathers never

really dealt with the idea of homosexuality nor the idea of a homosexual marriage. They never really dealt with the idea of a democratic republic government until the Continental Congress but 300 years later we still are living under those same guidelines. Paving the way is by no means easy, but it is not impossible. Each church/religion should reserve the right to decline and allow whoever they want to decline or allow to be acknowledged as a married couple in their church. This religious marriage should be completely separate from the government supported marriage. The marriage I am referring to in my earlier arguments is a marriage supported by the government only, a civil union if you must, that will be completely separate from any affiliation of religion. It will simply be a government union. What I am asking for is a clear separation

of church and state that has not been prominent in this debate, an ideal that has been passed down from our very own Thomas Jefferson. Each citizen in these United States is entitled to the right of the pursuit of happiness as stated in the Constitution. Looking at most married couples in this country, marriage is definitely a happiness worth pursuing, indiscriminate of sexual preference. What homosexual couples are looking for in the right to be married, is not a sheet of paper or sharing the rights of heterosexual married couples, but the affirmation, the pledge, of love. Call me cliche or sappy, but why would someone want to keep another from a simple piece of paper that will bring them so much joy?

Student fustrated by unfair amount of studying

Story Ruby Kaur- Staff Writer Studying day and night to pass a test causes stress for a lot of people, and even just studying at the last minute can cause students grief. Students who attend high school and/or college are getting overwhelmed each time they take a test because of what grade they might get, or how it will affect their GPA. Students often stay up late studying for hours into the night, and wee hours of the morning. What the majority of students don’t realize is that not getting the appropriate amount of sleep can have extreme effects on a teenage body and mind.

According to University of Pennsylvania, studies show that limited sleep distress has significant effect on people’s mood. Researchers’ found cases that people were only limited to four and a half hours of sleep a night once a week. Most of the people reported a sense of anger, stress, sadness and/or mental exhaustion. When returned to normal sleeping habits, these same individuals showed a definite increase in good moods. It amazes me how some students do not have to study, but score perfectly on a test. I have to study my hardest in order to get the grade that I want. I know that most students do not want to study for hours upon hours. That can cause a lot of stress and I know that when I study so hard at something I always forget it when it actually comes to the test. Sometimes I get so jealous of those students who automatically remember and barely ever study. My question is how is everyone different? What makes us so different?

“The unique way in which we think, feel, behave, and perceive to the world around us,” said Psychology teacher Layne Anderson. When I fail a test it is the most shameful, depressing feeling. It makes me think that I did not learn the material, but at times I feel that the teachers do poorly teaching the material. There are some teachers that I know who do not do a good job of teaching. When I know that I failed a test my mood just turns upside down, I feel horrible throughout the day. It bothers me that failing a test can do so much. I hate seeing my grades fall down because of the tests I failed. It makes you feel even worse because what if you are taking AP classes and can not retake tests, then nothing can be done to change the failing grade. Taking classes that are hard often add to the stress. For me, psychology and chemistry have been a big struggle. I have to study extra hard in order to pass. But when I do pass a test, I feel like I am the smartest

and I get really excited. It makes me feel great about myself and others around me. I know that I do better at things that I am more interested in or naturally good at them, than the things I don’t care much about. I know that when it comes to biology and dissecting, I get engaged as well as excited. Because of that, I pay more attention and surprisingly the tests become easy. Being in math and other classes that I don’t have interest in what so ever become really hard to pass and understand what the curriculum is. When studying for an upcoming test, I usually have to read over my notes or write them down on a separate piece of paper. Sometimes I have to do more than that. But for me it’s whatever it takes to pass. I also make flashcards. Even after all that I fail, I like to try something new that will help me remember the material being taught. I know so many people that try hard in school but yet fail, I see their helpless face and sadness.

I honestly think that Harrisonville High School should have a club after school that where you can have tutoring sessions with teachers or students who have mastered in the certain classes. I think it would help tremendously with students who try, but still fail. I can’t say much about the students who don’t care and choose to fail. I say that when taking tests in school, or in future life, always remember to study and get help before the test, and not right before the test. Students make mistakes by studying right before a test; how will you remember all the information? I did that before and never again will I do that again. It does not help at all because I will study it. Right when it comes to the test I forget everything that I just studied. No one should be sad because of a test, a test can’t define your life. Have faith and do better next time. Make yourself proud, and also inspire others around you.

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Students feel the struggle when going in library

Story by, Madi Dahn-Managing Editor With the new changes this year, the district focused on making students capable of doing more; capable of trying out different technologies, capable of bringing Chromebooks into classes for students, even capable of getting a salad for lunch. And yet, we are going on the third year that I am incapable of easily going into my school’s library and checking out a book. It is frustrating knowing that in a school environment where I am

encouraged, even given incentives, to read, there are rules, specifically designed to help students, enforced that constrain my ability to get the book and read it. The stamp system currently enforced during study lab began two school years ago immediately after winter break, in order to allow and also make sure that students who needed help in a class were getting that help. However, the stamps were also helpful in preventing students from going to a classroom simply to hang out with their friends, which was causing teachers to have to babysit those students as well as try to help those who actually need it. Though there were mixed feelings about the stamp system when it started, students’ and teachers’ reactions to it and the actual enforcement of it have relaxed. But because it is a school policy, there are those staff members who do still tightly regulate the stamp system; which yes, they technically should. The most strict with enforcing

the stamp policy is the library. Currently, in order to be able to go into the library or LMC lab during study lab, a stamp is required. Only 20 stamps per day are given to students for the library and 25 for the lab. However, in order to get into the library during fourth hour, your agenda has to be stamped by the end of third hour. I do not have time to go between classes and get a stamp. First hour to second hour, then second to third, I go from one side of the school to the other both times. I also have to include a locker stop in there and some days a bathroom break, all while trying not to be late. The chances of me getting a stamp also cannot be guaranteed. Because only so many are given out, why would I want to rush, maybe be late to class, only to possibly not even get this coveted stamp that seems so powerful? I cannot go during my first three hours though either. Either I am gone for A+ or in college level classes that I actually am too afraid

to miss any part of most days. But actually getting the stamp is only part of the issue with the stamp system, along with what the stamp dictates. The thing about the stamps are that it requires you to be in there all hour; trying to read and not think about the project due tomorrow that you really should be working on, or awkwardly sitting there in the quiet listening to the noises your stomach keeps making and watching the clock. I don’t want to go in the library to be in there all hour; I just want to check out a book, it will take five minutes, tops. I miss reading honestly. I used to read a lot before high school, but because of the problems getting access to books, I don’t remember the last time I picked one up for fun. As far as the library goes, I appreciate that it is one of the few programs that provides extra time outside of school for coming in and working. Unfortunately, as a student involved in school extracur-

ricular programs, as well as having home responsibilities, work, and a boyfriend I like to talk to since I can’t during school, that extra time outside of school is usually devoted to the things I don’t have other time for. The time I can get into the library basically comes down to fourth hour. If a student wants to go and read or research in the library for the full hour, I understand the use for a stamp; that is where they will be all hour, it just makes sense. But five minutes, really? Come on people. If I just need to go in there, kick me out after those five minutes or if I appear to not really be getting a book. It seems like that can be recognized, whether a student is getting a book quickly, whether they are just killing time to get out of class, or if they just came to talk and text. The fact that it is a school policy makes it a little harder to get around, obviously, but maybe the policy needs to be looked at again.

Why can we not support each other?

Storyby,MackenzieEisel-NewsandOpinionEditor It is one of the most powerful things to be a part of a student fan section that comes together, making extreme amounts of noise to cheer on our team. It is also one of the most heartbreaking things that the very section exuding so much support is the same section that can be heard making hateful comments and downgrading remarks about players of our own team. The sad truth is that Harrisonville students have become notorious for tearing each other down instead


of building each other up. When a sports team begins to struggle and is not winning as much as expected to be, criticism ensues. The extent of the criticism ranges from shouts in the crowd during sporting events, to slams against the various teams on social media sites. During the last football game of the season, shouts from deep within the student section were heard, almost sounding as if they were attempting to coach the team. In reality though, the only accomplishment these newly found “coaches” were doing was bringing down the mood and the excitement needed to keep the players pumped up and determined to win the game. When the simple mistakes of the game seemed to be adding up, the shouts gradually progressed from gentle attempts to coach to direct downgrading comments about certain players who seemed to be having an off game. One holler heard was along the lines of, “Take number -out!”(meaning they wanted a specific number taken out). Not what I would consider the greatest scheme to keep our players

fired up. It is beyond ironic that the members of the student body who believe they could do things so much better, are the very same students that find themselves sitting in the stands because they don’t actually have the skills or drive to play. As if the downgrading remarks from the stands were not strong enough, the attacks took Twitter by storm throughout the fall sport season. Tweets regarding the football team’s flaws were made even earlier in the season, and so began a Twitter feed of controversy for Harrisonville students. One tweet read, “Yikes hville yikes” after a Friday night football game struggle led to a let down against Oak Grove. Students continued to rail on the football team in a place of sensitivity that cut deeper than most. The rage hit Twitter once again, this time, with comments from a student building up the team of our greatest rivals, while totally cutting down the hopes of our own football boys. The tweet read something along the lines of Pleasant Hill’s chances to

make it to state was so much greater than ours. These lash outs may have been overlooked and excused if the criticism stopped after only a few tweets, but football was not the only fall sport that took a verbal and cyber beating this season. After struggles came over the volleyball team in the peak of their season, members of the fan section began to tweet rages again. This time, the tweets attacked how the girls spend their time when not in the gym playing the game they love. To further break down the players, another student posted a picture in an effort to explain the differences in team chemistry between our team and our opponent’s team. The idea of a sports team is that they represent for the entire school in that specific sport. The players should be motivated to win for the students and for the pride of the school in general. Instead of being a school united in pride, we have become a school that is divided in ignorance and egotistical jerks. It is easier to boost the esteem

of one’s own sport, with little or no regard for the other sports that are being crushed in the process. Exposing the flaws and mistakes made by one sport is the easiest and most basic form of an attempt to get people’s attention, but the act is extremely selfish and hateful. Rather we are a school that is winning games or losing games, we all have the same goal in mind. Instead of tearing each other down, we need to come back to the heart of it all. No matter what our differences may be, we all go to the same school, and wear those same wildcat T-shirts on Fridays. A student body is much like a family, and in an ideal world, would be there for each other to lift each other up during moments of victory, and even more so in moments of struggle and losses. HHS, let’s get back to the basics and all start rooting for the same team. Take some genuine pride in wearing that blue and white.

the pride


Colors mean more than you know According to the article “Color Psychology,” color can impact your body, mind, emotions and mood. The effects of color perception varies with each person you meet. “Some people may see a black cat as bad luck, whereas others see it as a spiritual image,” said Scott A. Maid, Psy.D., LPC. “With the mind everyone is different.” Yellow means cheerful, attention getter an d optimistic.

Brown means earth, sa d, an d w istful.

Green means nature, it improves vision, an d calming.

Orange is used to heal the lungs/ mind and increases energy levels.

Blue mean s peaceful, tranquil, a nd calming.

Red stimulates a faster heartbeat, love, and boldness in facing great danger.

Purple means royalty, wealth, and sophistication. “Red to me is critical, I use it when I make corrections,” said english teacher Heather Emokepae. “Blue is calming, because it makes you think of the ocean,” said senior Hannah Welhoff.

the pride

Black means authority and power.

White means innocence, purity and sterility.

The world of colors according to Dr. Scott Maid “I think black is gothic, rebels, that tend to go against the norms,” said art teacher Melissa Chaney.

Pink locker room takes the energy out of the players.

Athletic teams that wear black and have more penalties.

“There is still a lot to explain, psychology is hard to prove. Researchers are looking more into this to discover more facts and details.” Red makes the

Yellow is a sign of intellegence.

team perform better. 16

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