Points and Clicks 2012

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Points and Clicks

Projects From Our Co-Pilots Alysha Mohammed, West Hollow, Grade 7 “Every year I create or enhance a Keynote presentation for parents on Back to School night. I am constantly using the overhead projector to utilize online resources for my AIS students. I use my laptop along with the projector to develop and present class notes to my students. I have even connected the document camera to the overhead projector as another form of presenting information to my students. The accessibility of the laptop provides me with the opportunity to create new and innovative projects for my Seminar classes. It also enriches professional collaboration time for gives me access to the Internet, note-taking tools and past documentation. I am able to easily update my e-board and check my emails.”

Beth Arikian, Candlewood, Spanish 6 and 7 “My 7th grade Spanish classes created Podcasts using Garageband. Students described themselves and discussed their likes/dislikes in Spanish using vocabulary words. They then used the School Weblocker to submit their work. My 6th grade classes will be creating

Spring, 2012

enhanced Podcasts using Spanish weather expressions.”

Cindy Cullen, HS East, Social Studies “This year my classes created a wikispace sharing knowledge and collaborating with a class in the Congo.”

Cynthia Schwartz, Vanderbilt, Grade 3 “We do a lot of researching on the links that the school librarian has given us. I also use Wordle for word walls. Discovery Ed is a very valuable resource in my classroom as is Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr. and Tumble Books.”

presented to class the week of December 19th. Erica Burns, West Hollow, English/Social Studies 6 “My students in English created PowerPoint presentations to teach each other the grammar rules that we had learned during first quarter. I think an important part of the laptop program is the use of the projector. I think that the projector is really what allows me to integrate technology into my teaching.”

Gloria Cucinello, Vanderbilt, Special Ed. Grade 4 “We’ve used Comic Life to create animal posters that support our Animal Research project. The students loving using the program and their posters are beautiful when completed.”

Danielle Mahoney, HS East, English 9 “This year, English 9 students are working on a Literature Circle assignment. Each literature circle group created a Wiki page for their novel. It was the group's decision how to split up the work and each member was required to contribute to the final product. These wikis were

Jean Szigethy, Vanderbilt, Grade 5, “In order to fulfill my co-pilot requirement, I took a technology course at CW


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