Office of Communications update FINAL Nov 1 2010

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Communications Update The HFCC Office of Communications An annual update to the HFCC internal community on communication activities. Gary J. Erwin, Director 11/1/2010 1|P a ge


Introduction This Communications Update from the Office of Communications provides information related to many activities and projects associated with the Office of Communications and Henry Ford Community College, including the following: • • • • •

The Graphics Center; Media Relations; Internal Communications; External Communications; and HFCC Social Media Network.

HFCC community members will receive this update several times throughout the academic year to provide information about the services and opportunities available through the Office of Communications. For more information, contact Gary J. Erwin, director of Communications, at extension 6800 or via email at

News and Notes The Graphics Center: With this communiqué, you’ll receive a link to the new fine printing and graphic design project development procedure that provides a streamlined process for submitting work to the Graphics Center. Additionally, submission documents for copy requests and other projects are revised to reflect these procedural changes and to help establish more efficient processing of projects through the Center and to ensure the highest quality materials produced by Henry Ford Community College. We are also currently building an Online Graphics Center Portfolio that displays exceptional design and printing work available through the Graphics Center. Although this portfolio is under construction, you may view some of the samples of work produced by the Graphics Center by clicking on the folder on Issuu called Online Graphics Center Portfolio of Work at You may view and print the Graphics Center Policies & Procedures guideline by clicking on this link and choosing the publication titled Graphics Center Procedures Nov. 1, 2010. Media Relations: Please contact Gary J. Erwin if you receive an inquiry by a reporter, television news journalist, movie or television producer, web host representative or other individual from the media. Contacting Gary will allow 2|P a ge

HFCC to properly build and track important relationships with the media that are necessary to ensure that information about the college is reported accurately, honestly and with integrity. Since May 25, 2010, Henry Ford Community College has appeared in more than 300 local, state and national media outlets (print, web, audio and video)! To see where the college has appeared in media outlets, please click on and select the publication HFCC Media Tracking Report Nov. 1, 2010. In terms of story production, the Office of Communications follows all guidelines prescribed by The Associated Press Stylebook. If you have questions about punctuation, style, grammar and the like, please contact the office at ext. 6800 or via email at Internal Communications: Soon the HFCC community will receive the first issue of The President’s CommuniquÊ, which provides a brief update on activities, events and opportunities from Dr. Mee. You will receive this e-newsletter in your email in box periodically throughout the year. External Communications: The Office of Communications will develop an external publication for Dearborn community members that reports on activities, events and other information that may be of interest to residents. The goals of this publication are to (a) remind the community that HFCC is on the move; (b) emphasize our ongoing commitment to student success; and (c) show that HFCC is an exceptional venue for the local community to enjoy cultural and scholarly activities. HFCC Social Media Network: Did you know that we are on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Issuu? The HFCC Social Media Network is a critical component to providing strategic communications for all departments and offices at the College as we work to increase brand awareness of HFCC and your programs. Thus, it is essential that the HFCC community begins encouraging students, faculty, staff and friends to positively comment on postings at these social media sites. Doing so will create an online, active community engaged in College activities. Please visit the HFCC Social Media Network at these sites: Facebook,, Twitter,, Issuu, and YouTube, If you are unable to follow these links from Issuu to these sites, simply copy and paste the links into your web browser address line and hit enter.

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