Chamberlin's Healthy Edge July 2017

Page 21

cancer diagnosis is frightening, but it can also be very confusing. The volume of information is simply overwhelming. With that in mind, we’ve simplified the most critical component for cancer prevention and treatment—cellular health. Put simply, cancer is the uncontrolled growth of a group cells turned bad. It begins within the DNA, affecting genes that regulate when a cell can divide and duplicate itself. Cellular division is a complex process that involves hundreds of genes. The “regulators” of the process control and limit cell division. Without them, cellular growth proceeds unchecked. Unfortunately, these regulators are prone to damage from oxidative stress, toxins, and inflammation. When these genetic regulators become damaged, the cell becomes unhealthy, and cancer results. So prevention starts with the health of the cell itself. How do we keep healthy cells from turning bad? It all starts with my least favorite vegetable to eat—broccoli.

The Healthy Edge

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