Akins Healhty Edge Feb 2013

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Herbal Supplements There are also several herbs that can help you recover from adrenal exhaustion. | LICORICE ROOT | This is the most important herb for adrenal exhaustion. But you have to choose the right supplement. Whole licorice extract contains glycyrrhizin, which helps the body restore normal cortisol levels. So avoid deglycyrrhizinated products. | ASHWAGANDHA | Ashwagandha can help people dealing with fatigue from chronic stress. Take 500 mg daily. | RHODIOLA ROSEA | This adaptogenic herb helps your body cope with stress and fatigue. Take 200–300 mg daily. | ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS |

This adaptogen can also help protect against stress. Take 200–300 mg daily.

More to Consider In addition to vitamins and herbs, consider these options for adrenal exhaustion. | ADRENAL-CORTEX EXTRACT | These supplements contain minute amounts of adrenal hormones and are safe compared with prescription glucocorticoid drugs. Still, it is best to get a confirmed diagnosis (e.g., by a nutritionally oriented MD or ND) and seek a physician’s guidance before using an adrenal cortex supplement.

DO YOU HAVE ADRENAL EXHAUSTION? If coffee consumption is any indication, millions of people may be suffering from some degree of adrenal exhaustion. And if you can’t imagine living without at least some coffee, you may be on the verge. Although fatigue may be a symptom of many different health problems, fatigue coupled with other symptoms can point toward adrenal exhaustion, including: • Dizziness when standing up • Frequent bouts of low blood sugar • Mood and memory problems • Aches and pains in the muscles of the upper back, arms, and legs

OTHER FACTORS IN ADRENAL EXHAUSTION Stress isn’t the only culprit in adrenal exhaustion. Regular use of oral, topical, and intranasal cortisone-containing drugs can suppress normal adrenal function. So can antifungal drugs and some anticoagulants, such as warfarin and heparin. Low sodium levels and dehydration are also potential causes. In addition, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, allergies, yeast infection, and hepatitis seem to increase adrenal exhaustion risk. | EATING HABITS | When you’re stressed, it’s particularly important to emphasize quality protein and high-fiber vegetables while minimizing processed foods. Eating style is also important. Stress sets the stage for wolfing down foods, particularly fast food. Instead, linger over a healthier meal.


| SLEEP | Getting sufficient sleep is crucial for recovering from adrenal exhaustion. At night, start preparing for sleep by turning off the television and dimming the lights at least one hour before bed. To promote sound sleep, remove ambient light sources, such as night-lights. And make sure that you go to bed early enough to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. It’s also important to reduce your consumption of caffeine in coffee, black tea, soft drinks, and energy drinks. People often feel captive to their caffeine addiction, but caffeine withdrawal might actually be a lot easier than you think. As you recover from adrenal exhaustion, you’ll find that you have less need for caffeine as a stimulant. You may not entirely stop drinking coffee, but you will probably be able to reduce your consumption to just one or two cups of weak coffee in the morning and none in the afternoon or evening.

potency B vitamins, including pantothenic acid, in an herbal base for optimum absorption.

Jack Challem is the author of six books on health and nutrition. To read a free excerpt of his newest book, visit jackchallem.com.





combat fatigue and enhance stamina with vitamin C, pantothenic acid, rhodiola, and ashwagandha.

is a fast-acting concentrated liquid extract of ashwagandha, an herb with restorative and adaptogenic properties.

tion formula for optimal adrenal health and energy levels with Bcomplex vitamins and herbs, including ginseng and ashwagandha.


• Salt and sugar cravings • Feeling cold • Pollen allergies • Food and chemical sensitivities • Morning tiredness

February 2013

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