The Hessen Transfer Office for International Emiss

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Hessian Ministry of the Environment and for Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

The Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading


cost-efficient possibilities which the Kyoto Protocol has made available for them since February 2005. In addition to EU emissions trading there are also the so-called projectbased mechanisms – Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

Dear Readers, The major scientific, social and political issue of our times is how to deal with ­climate change. The observed climatic ­changes are starting even now to have an increasing effect on people’s habits. ­Extensive packages of measures are being developed at national and regional level to fulfil the national and international CO2 reduction targets. The Government of the Federal State of Hessen is involved here in a variety of ways and gives help to local authorities, enterprises and companies with the implementation of effective climate ­protection measures. A successful contribution is also being made in Hessen’s environmental technology industry by small and medium-sized com­ panies which, with innovative processes and climate-friendly products and production methods, are helping to implement environmental and climate protection both nationally and internationally. For example, in the fields of energy efficiency, biomass and solar technology. It is essential here to recognise and benefit from the economic opportunities opened up by entrepreneurial commitment to climate protection. However, export-oriented companies not subject to emissions trading are often unaware of the


Emission-reducing projects abroad give companies an opportunity to receive CO2 certificates via CDM or JI projects and to trade them on the market. New business areas can be opened up in this way. This is especially important for environmental technology companies in Hessen, since they are already now generating 24 percent of their turnover abroad. It is our wish to support our technology providers by ­encouraging further developments in the area of CDM and JI projects in Hessen. I­t was for this reason that the Hessian Ministry of the Environment initiated the Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading – Focal Point CDM/JI. I cordially invite you to inform yourselves about the fields of activity in which the ­Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading is engaged and to make use of the numerous instruments it has to offer.

Sincerely yours,

Silke Lautenschläger Secretary of the Environment and for Energy, Agriculture and Consumer P­rotection

The Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading Focal point CDM /JI In the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force in 2005, the international community agreed for the first time on legally binding action targets for global climate protection. The Protocol also established implementation instruments in order to promote climate protection through international cooperation between countries and companies. Two of these instruments are the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI). These make it possible for companies to invest in climate protection measures abroad and receive emission credits in return. These so-called project-based mechanisms were introduced to permit CO2 reduction measures in areas where they can be implemented to best economic effect. The Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading was set up in 2007 by the Hessian Ministry of the Environment and for Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. It provides information on opportunities offered by CDM and JI with a view to promoting developments in this area and serves as a point of contact for companies in Hessen. Within the framework of project-based mechanisms it also gives active support in identifying and drafting projects, thereby fulfilling a competitively

neutral interface and pilot function. Cooperation with regional and national authorities, institutions and associations has led to the establishment of a wide network which assists with exchanges of professional ­information and is available for recommending key contact partners. Management of the Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading is in the hands of the HA Hessen Agentur GmbH, based in ­Wiesbaden.

The Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading • i s the central contact partner for ­com­panies in Hessen, with an interface and pilot function for CDM, JI and ­inter­national emissions trading • c ompiles and prepares information, which it makes available to interested parties • g ives help in all matters related to ­iden­tification and drafting of CDM and JI projects • a ssists in the implementation and ­approval of projects • a rranges contacts with key actors and institutions


Throwing light on a complex subject The project-based mechanisms CDM and JI can be utilised by companies which are subject to emissions trading and can present the certificates they receive as evidence for their CO2 emissions. On the other hand, such projects can also be used to good effect by small and medium-sized environmental technology companies. As technology suppliers, this target group can open up new market opportunities with the aid of CDM and JI and profit financially from the inclusion of certificate trading. At the


same time they can make an important contribution to climate protection. However, the enormous variety of material available in connection with emissions trading can hardly be taken in at a glance, and, in view of the complexity of the subject, is very difficult to understand without help. For this reason, one of the key tasks of the Transfer Office is the ongoing compilation, preparing and communication of information on issues and queries concerning project-based mechanisms and emissions trading.

Information for interested companies is clearly laid out on the website of the Transfer Office ( and is kept continually updated. Selected publications on all aspects of climate protection are available there for downloading. An 足opportunity is given not only to read up on laws, regulations, recent studies and guidelines but also to seek information on project registration and authorisation, as well as on basic questions about emissions

trading and project-based mechanisms. In addition, information is also available on practical examples of projects for very many different technology segments. Another rubric presents current reports on climate protection, CDM, JI and emissions trading. Selected articles on the subject from the fields of politics, commerce and science are also published here with an eye to the specific needs of companies in Hessen.


Workshops and information events At regular intervals throughout the year, the Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading offers workshops and information events for exchanging professional information and experience. It carries out segment-specific workshops, and ­organises intersectoral events which are centred round themes related to emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms CDM and JI, and which also deal with current political developments. Participants are introduced to the various fields of environmental technology suitable for climate ­protection projects abroad. Other central themes are the ­financing and practical implementation of such projects. Potentials for the performance of CDM or JI projects are high­lighted, experience exchanged and queries discussed on the basis of examples taken from actual practice.

Who can benefit from CDM and JI? With the aid of CDM and JI projects, ­operators of installations subject by law to the EU emissions trading system can have the emissions saved in this way ­credited to them. However, export and technology oriented companies, even if not subject to emissions trading, can also benefit from such projects by creating additional income from the certificates generated by this means.

The global CO2 market has grown at a tremendous pace since the start of the second trading period. Turnovers high up in the double figure billion range (90 billion euros in 2008) show that there is great demand for trading with emission certificates.


Selected projects as examples The examples selected show projects in which Hessian companies have successfully taken part:

Project type

Clean Development Mechanism / Gold Standard

Project designation / category Waste water purification and recycling of fruit waste / energetic use of methane Project partner Deutsche Gesellschaft f端r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Chumporn Palmoil Industry PCL (CPI)

Participation from Hessen


Duration of project

GTZ, Eschborn (Project Management) Thailand, Chumporn 10 years

Anticipated emission reductions

ca 23,000 t CO2-eq / year

Clean Development Mechanism

Project type

Project designation / category Reduction of nitrous oxide in fertiliser production Project partner Sasol Nitro (Sasol Chemical Industries Ltd.) Participation from Hessen W. C. Heraeus GmbH, Hanau (technology supplier)


Duration of project

South Africa, Sasolburg 7 years

Anticipated emission reductions

ca. 515,000 t CO2-eq / year

Clean Development Mechanism

Project type

Project designation / category Use of waste heat for generation of electricity / energy efficiency

Project partner

Henan Xichuan Cement Co., Ltd. First Climate

Participation from Hessen

First Climate, Bad Vilbel (Project Development)


Duration of project

Anticipated emission reductions

China, Xichuan County 10 years ca. 52,765 t CO2-eq / year



Hessen Transfer Office for International Emissions Trading – Focal point CDM/JI – Dr. Tina Knispel Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 38-42 65189 Wiesbaden Tel +49 (0) 611 / 7 74-84 19 Fax +49 (0) 611 / 7 74-86 20 Email Internet Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz Ministry of the Environment and for Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Rüdiger Schweer Mainzer Straße 80 65189 Wiesbaden Tel +49 (0) 611 / 815-1805 Fax +49 (0) 611 / 815-1941 Email Internet

Vereinigung der hessischen Unternehmerverbände e.V. Dr. Clemens Christmann Emil-von-Behring-Str. 4 60439 Frankfurt Tel +49 (0) 69 / 9 58 08-0 Fax +49 (0) 69 / 9 58 08-126 Email Internet

IHK Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hessen Bereich Umwelt / Energie Burghard Loewe IHK Verbund Mittelhessen Tel +49 (0) 64 61 / 95 95-12 00 Fax +49 (0) 64 41 / 94 48 29 Email

Imprint Editor/Publisher: HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Dr. Tina Knispel Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 38 – 42 D-65189 Wiesbaden Printing: Werbedruck GmbH Horst Schreckhase Dörnbach 22 24286 Spangenberg

Photo credits: Title page: top and p.3: Fotolia, Argus, bottom left: Fotolia, Miyazawa, bottom right and p. 4 left: Dreamstime, Baloncici Page 4, right: Dreamstime, jcoll Page 6, bottom: Fotolia, Yury Maryunin

Design: Grützmacher GmbH Rudolfstraße 13 –17 60327 Frankfurt Reproduction or reprinting – even of excerpts – is forbidden. The editor assumes no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the contents or for the non-infringement of third party rights. March 2010

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