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which regulates certain functions of the rest of the body’s hor-

It is a mistake to assume that we could strategically place col-

mone glands. Hormonal distribution works in collaboration

or in a space so as to achieve specific physiological effects,

with the nervous system and regulates the organs.

such as lowering blood pressure for hypertonic patients. These stimulus-reaction experiments are not sustainable. Re-

How the wave pattern of individual colors works is often the

search on physiological effects from color stimulus concludes

object of scientific research. One widely accepted opinion is

that physical reactions do not remain constant. After an initial

that red is a stimulus that speeds up the heart and circulation,

increase, for example via red light, blood pressure normalizes

increases pulse and breathing rates, and raises blood pres-

again or even shows a counter-reaction. Designers can also,

sure. Conversely, it is assumed that blue lowers blood pres-

unfortunately, misinterpret experiments on physiological col-

sure and calms the nerves.This basic experience has been con-

or effects, along the superficial lines of red stimulates, or blue

firmed experimentally. Thus, the theory that certain colors

calms. This creates erroneous color designs that either have

generate a physiologically quantifiable arousing or soothing

unachievable strategic goals, or could even trigger an effect

effect can generally be accepted, but no false conclusions

opposite to the one desired. A psychiatric hospital’s design

should be drawn.

can serve here as a practical example: mainly blue tones were used as a calming element for the patients. This was not

Human reaction to color in space depends on many factors:

achieved, but resulted in spaces that were uniform and mo-

_ Hue and nuance

notonous. From this it can be assumed that relaxed, calm, or

_ Amount and location of the color in space

stimulating spatial environments can only be achieved in line

_ Paint color and spatial function

with neuropsychological aspects, in other words, established

_ The effect of color over time in the space.

applied color psychology.

Red and its cool nuances

> Blue and its warm nuances



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