Herne Hill #130 (Spring 2015)

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Planning & Licensing There are no wholly new planning issues to report, but several earlier schemes are updated below. 77 Herne Hill We reported last time a possible planning breach with the apparent construction of a roof extension. Southwark enforcement investigated at our request and reported that it was simply a structure to protect the roof while repair works were being carried out. There have been further reports of disturbance and possibly illegal activities relating to Dee Dee’s bar on the ground floor. We have urged local residents to report any untoward events to the police, using the 101 facility, or to Southwark Licensing or Planning, as appropriate; and to keep a diary of incidents. 42 Elfindale Road The Society opposed a revised application for a large roof extension. However, Southwark has given approval. Railway bridge advertisement hoarding A response from Southwark about the legality of this is still awaited.....after six months!! Pavement outside 294 Croxted Road We reported last time about the administrative error which resulted in Southwark’s refusal of an application to install a new


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box and higher pole not being communicated to the applicant in time. As a result the development went ahead. The Society made a formal complaint, the result of which was an apology and an intention to improve procedures in future. Higgs Industrial Estate, Loughborough Junction The Society opposed two applications for what seemed to us over-intensive development. Together with the Loughborough Junction Action Group and Cllr. Jim Dickson, we spoke against the scheme at the Planning Committee meeting. The applications were refused against Officer advice and new applications are expected to be submitted shortly. ‘Off the Cuff’ 301-303 Railton Road There has been a retrospective application for planning permission for this café/bar. The application is titled ‘Change of use to a wine and cheese club (Use Class A3/A4/A5)’. A decision is awaited. Tesco 128 Herne Hill The pedestrian passageway between Milkwood Road and Herne Hill has opened at last, but it seems most people still prefer to walk through the shops (old habits die hard?). The vehicle access route, designed to keep servicing traffic off the roads, is being used for parking and storage of cages, contrary to the planning conditions. This has been raised with Lambeth Council. We note that planting pits in the pavement have recently appeared at the front and back of the premises. Given Lambeth’s suspension of all street tree planting, this is a welcome sight. We raised the absence of tree planting with Lambeth last year, since trees were shown on the approved drawings for this development. It seems that the developers have taken heed. Parreira Restaurant, 49-51 Norwood Road We objected to an application from this restaurant to extend their current licence on Friday and Saturday nights to allow opening to 3:00am with music, dancing, late night refreshment, alcohol sales to 2:30am. Southwark Licence Sub-Committee approved an extension on those days, but with opening only until 2:00am and music, dancing, late-night refreshment, supply of alcohol all to 1:30am. There must also be no consumption of alcohol outside the premises after 9:00pm; and a maximum of five smokers outside at any one time. A number of other conditions were imposed mainly relating to sound insulation, sound levels and a prohibition on hiring the premises to third parties. David Taylor/John Brunton

Happy Birthday, FoBP! Launched at an inaugural meeting held in the Lido on 12 January 1985, this year marks the 30th birthday of the Friends of Brockwell Park. For 30 years the Friends have worked to protect and enhance our much loved and valued green space, and to ensure the preservation and enhancement of this jewel in Herne Hill’s crown. In the words of the famous epitaph – si monumentum requires circumspice – which loosely translated means: no need for any monument, just look around you. John Brunton

Herne Hill-Spring 2015

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