Heritage Fellowship Church - Wedding Guidelines

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The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy! "Psalm 126:3

2501 Fox Mill Road Reston, Virginia 20191 703.620.9515 www.heritagefellowshipchurch.org


Wedding Policy and Guidelines Introduction Greetings! On behalf of the Heritage Fellowship congregation and family, congratulations on your impending nuptials. As you plan your wedding ceremony we are here to assist you in planning a spirit-filled and memorable celebration. A Christian marriage is a sacred and complete union of one man and one woman. It embodies a covenant of two souls becoming one. During this important time in your lives, the Heritage Fellowship Church family is honored that you have chosen to celebrate your love and marriage at our modern and beautiful campus in Reston, Virginia. These guidelines will acquaint you with our facilities, provisions and support services that are available to assist you in planning your unique marriage celebration and ceremony. In addition to providing information on our facilities, catering and other services, this guide provides information on the event planning professionals and lay ministerial leaders who can assist with facilitating your wedding activities. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Pastor, Reverend Dustin B. Sullivan or the Pastor’s Administrative Assistant at 703.620.9515 or via email at jferebee@heritagefellowshipchurch.org. God’s blessings upon you as you plan your upcoming nuptials and wedding celebration! God’s grace and peace,

Rev. Dustin B. Sullivan Pastor Revised: 9/2016


YOUR WEDDING AT HERITAGE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH (HFC) Wedding Requirements • Contact the Pastor’s Executive Assistant to arrange pre-marital counseling and arrange meeting with the Heritage Wedding Coordination Hostess. • All couples considering marriage at HFC MUST receive Pre-Marital Counseling. • Couples are expected to schedule premarital counseling with Heritage Pre-Marital Counseling Staff. • The prospective bride or groom must be a member* of HFC for at least one year before requesting a wedding date. Membership begins on the date of Right Hand of Fellowship. • The couple must meet with the Heritage Wedding Coordination Hostess who will discuss a wedding date, ceremony plans and required fees. • The couple must meet with the Pastor 30 days prior to wedding ceremony. • The couple must submit a draft of their order of service and musical selections to the Wedding Hostess and to the Pastor’s Executive Assistant 45 days prior to the wedding ceremony. • A wedding date will be scheduled when the couple has completed the following: (1) Met with the Wedding Coordination Hostess (2) Wedding Support Fees and Security Deposit (See Wedding Support Fees and Security Deposit Below) are paid, and (3) the Wedding Couple’s Information/Reservation Form has been submitted and approved. *A son or daughter or grandson or granddaughter of a member of HFC who has been a member of at least one year can be married at Heritage Fellowship Church. Wedding Support Fees and Security Deposit (Members) Supporting a wedding at Heritage Fellowship Church involves the time and resources of the church staff to insure all aspects of the wedding ceremony are performed with a commitment to excellence. While we do not charge for use of the sanctuary or chapel for members weddings there are other required fees: Security Deposit* $250.00 Fellowship Hall** $175/hour usage fee and $150 Custodial Fee *The Security Deposit is required after meeting with Church Wedding Coordination Hostess. The balance of the required wedding fee is due 90 days prior to wedding ceremony. The Security Deposit will be refunded two weeks following the wedding ceremony providing no church property has been damaged. ** For rental of Fellowship Hall for rehearsal dinner, please call the church office to coordinate with the Heritage Facilities Manager. 3

Pastor’s Honorarium The Pastor does not have a fixed honorarium, however, it is customary for the couple to give an honorarium for pastoral services.

Cancellation Policy:

Amount of Refund 120 days prior to wedding date 100% 119-90 days prior to wedding date 50% 90 days or less prior to wedding date 0%

All of the above items are subject to approval by the Pastor.

Revised: 9/2016


Wedding Rehearsal and Ceremony • Four hours will be allotted for your ceremony. The four hours include the ceremony, decorating, set-up and photography. • Any additional time required over the allotted four hours will incur an additional overage fee ** (see page 5). • Rehearsal and wedding ceremonies must start on time. All participants are required to arrive 30 minutes prior to start time of the rehearsal and 90 minutes prior to start time of the wedding ceremony. • The groom and groomsmen should plan to dress off-site. There are holding rooms available for groomsmen. • There is a Bridal Parlor for the bride and the bridesmaids use. The parlor is supplied with the following: bathroom, telephone, floor and wall mirrors, vanity for make up and hair to include a plug for electrical hair appliance, armoire for storage of personal items, clothes rack and hooks to hand garments gown, seating for bride and attendants, TV monitor. • A stand is available in the narthex for a guest book. Assign someone to retrieve the guest book following the ceremony. We suggest having a decorated basket of box available for your programs or ushers/hostesses to pass them out to your guests. • The wedding party is responsible for securing their valuables, luggage, fits and packages. If possible, please plan to leave the holding rooms empty during your ceremony. Otherwise, please designate someone to lock them prior to the wedding. Security will unlock them following the ceremony. • Please refrain from removing or rearranging the church decorations, pulpit furniture, plants, audio-visual equipment or musical instruments. You will incur additional fees if those items are damaged. • No food or drink is allowed in Sanctuary or Chapel during rehearsal or ceremony. • Rice and confetti are not allowed inside or outside of the church. • Wedding rehearsal will not exceed 1 hour. Rehearsals are scheduled on Thursday or Friday between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm. • Encourage your wedding vendors to attend the rehearsal to survey the facility in advance of the ceremony. 5

• Please plan to print the following or similar statement in your wedding program: Our wedding ceremony is an act of worship. Please help us preserve the sanctity of our ceremony by remaining in your seats, silencing your mobile devices and refraining from taking flash photography or operating handheld video cameras in the aisles. • The marriage license must be given to the Pastor’s Administrative Assistant 10 days before the ceremony. The ceremony cannot be performed unless the license has been reviewed by the Officiate of the wedding. When the license has been completed it will be given to the groom on the day of the wedding.

Music • Wedding ceremonies are worship services; therefore the music used during the ceremony should glorify and praise God for joining the bride and groom in one heart and mind. • The Pastor must approve all music. • HFC has included a confirmed sample list of wedding songs to help make a selection.

Photographs and Videotaping • The photographer may take pictures during the ceremony but must be inconspicuous. • The wedding party may return for as many pictures as required after the wedding ceremony. • Videotaping is permitted but must be conducted in an inconspicuous and quiet manner, with the videographer remaining stationary during the ceremony. • Guest may take Non-Flash pictures during the ceremony from their seats.

Flowers and Decorations • The couple is to have the decorator to contact the Wedding Coordinating Hostess prior to decorating the sanctuary, chapel and/or fellowship hall. • Flowers must be in rust-free, leak proof containers. • No nails, tack or tape are to be used. • Decorations cannot be placed on walls or structures. • Candles must be dripless (Paradise or Cape Cod candles are recommended). Please extin6 guish all candles after the ceremony Revised: 9/2016

• Decorations must be removed immediately after the ceremony and/or reception.

RECEPTION • The Virginia Calloway Fellowship Hall will be the location for your reception. • The Fellowship Hall must be reserved by the couple upon submission of wedding couple’s information/reservation form. • Use of the Fellowship Hall for the reception will not exceed 4 hours, to include set-up and clean up. • Food and beverages are not permitted outside of Fellowship Hall.

Commercial Kitchen Since HFC’s kitchen is licensed as a commercial kitchen, only HFC certified personnel are permitted to use the kitchen equipment.

Catered Food • Caterers must be licensed and carry a SERVSAFE certification. • Caterers must produce proof of insurance. • Caterers will meet with the Wedding Coordinating Hostess and Heritage Facilities Manager 3 weeks prior to the scheduled event.




Facility Seating Capacity Aisle Length Number of Pews/Seating Sanctuary 844 52 Feet 50 Chapel 100 36 Feet 100 Fellowship Hall 280 (plated reception) 350 (standing reception) ******************************************************************************************************************** CHANGES IN POLICIES AND PROCEDURES

Any requests for special arrangements not addressed in this policy will be made to the HFC Wedding Coordinating Hostess as soon as possible so that he or she can seek the proper approvals. The musicians, members, and friends who attend HFC, HFC vendor(s), and HFC custodial staff do not have the implied, express, or written authority to change this policy without written consent and approval of the Senior and/or Executive Pastor of Heritage Fellowship Church.

Revised: 9/2016


Wedding Couple’s Information Reservation Form

2501 Fox Mill Road, Reston, Virginia 20191 Wedding Couple’s Information/Reservation Form Bride:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (H):__________________________________________ Phone (O):___________________________________________________ Phone (C):__________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________ Groom:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (H):__________________________________________ Phone (O):___________________________________________________ Phone (C):__________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________ Are Either Bride or Groom Members of HFC? YES: ________ Date of Right Hand of Fellowship: ____________________ NO:___________

Are Parents/Grandparents of Bride or Groom Members: Yes: __________

No: __________________

If ‘Yes’ Names of Parents/Grandparents:____________________________________________________________________________ If ‘No’ Church Affiliation:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Wedding:___________________________________ Time:_________________________________________________________ Date of Rehearsal:_________________________________ Time:_________________________________________________________ Reserve for Wedding and/or Reception: Sanctuary:


Fellowship Hall:

Heritage Pastor Performing Ceremony? If “No” Pastor’s Name _________________________________________ Yes No Pastor’s Church Name & Address____________________________________________________________________________________ Number in Bridal Party:______________________ Pre-Marital Counseling Start Date:__________________________________ 9

WEDDING CEREMONY SAMPLE ORDER OF SERVICE Musical Prelude Seating of Mothers Processional Entrance of the Bride Solo Welcome and Call to Worship Prayer Scripture Reading Musical Selection Declaration of Intent Scripture Reading Exchange of Vows Musical Selection Revised: 9/2016


WEDDING CEREMONY SAMPLE ORDER OF SERVICE Pastor’s Remarks to Bride and Groom Exchange of Vows Prayer The Exchange of Rings Blessing of the Union Announcement of Marriage Saluting the Bride Introduction of the Couple Recessional


Revised: 9/2016

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