NAF Spotlight - 30 June

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Sunday June 30 2019


The Herald


Reviews – P2 n Mow o n n a h S : z Jaz

d a y – P5

Spotlight on


Festival 2019 Makhanda



Sunday June 30 2019

FRINGE THEATRE ● Van Graan addresses current issues with comedic take on classic fairy tale

Big bad metaphors of social ills Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Metaphors, (Gymnasium). July 1 at 6pm and 10pm. Playwright Mike van Graan has gone all out in this re-imagining of the classic fairy tale of a young girl sent on a mission to deliver goods to her granny deep in the woods, albeit The Woods of No More. Continuing with the original plot of the tale, Little Red Riding Hood, or Reddy as she is fondly referred to by her caring and loving mother, Marion Hood, takes the scenic route to the woods and trav-

els through the city where she is confronted with a whirlwind of inequalities and social disparities. Quirky with not-so-subtle metaphors and raising awareness of many social ills plaguing the world, this production is memorable for the way it brings across serious issues in a comedic manner. From climate change, to ocean pollution and overzealous politicians to how the law protects only the wealthy, Little Red Riding Hood

Opposite the Arch 38 Somerset Street Grahamstown

Set in a vibey courtyard Major Fraser’s provides an escape from everyday life

matters is provided on different levels, both evocative and inspiring. Directed by Wilhelm Disbergen with the assistance of MarieHeleen Coetzee, Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Metaphors is exactly that – a tale strewn with metaphors which takes the audience on a ride which no-one will forget. The show is as energetic as the cast whose performances are stellar. No one will forget Reddy’s father, Gavin Hood, a one-time

woodcutter who was once offered the opportunity to study filmmaking while being taught Creative Arts 101 by the wealthy man from the Island of Wealth. Gavin eventually becomes the head of a humanitarian organisation wanting to put an end to world hunger – but without which, he will be unemployed. Fun, exciting and intertwined with issues the world needs to address, this is a show definitely worth experiencing. – Devon Koen


Evocative transformation intrigues

Wood Fired Oven | Craft Beers Gin on Tap | Delicious Food Monday - Saturday: 11am-10pm Sunday: 11am - 5pm For Bookings please contact Mo: 046 004 0006

The Barista Sisa is an authentically African coffee shop run by the much loved Sisa. Freshly baked breads, homemade savoury bites, sweet treats and the very best coffee in town! Open Monday - Sunday 7am - 5pm

and the Big Bad Metaphors is a treat to experience. The cast is brilliant as they portray various characters, including Whale who explains to Reddy the concept of poverty and how the world is heading for disaster unless something drastic is done about it. While in the realm of the ocean, which Reddy is transported to by a guiding voice of change, Whale also addresses issues of pollution and the dangers it brings. Social commentary on various

Milk & Honey Hair & Beauty salon and Beautiful Things gifts stocks local brands including Shelley Taylor Jewellery, Mieks Knickers and Madame Luna Candles. Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM Saturday: 8:30AM - 2:00PM For an appointment call: 046 622 3368 / 079 296 2844

METAMORPHOSIS, UJ Arts & Culture, (Gymnasium). June 30 at 2pm. Frenzied yet evocative, Metamorphosis indulges itself in a narrative which many can relate to. Bringing across feelings of inadequacy, alienation and disgrace, this powerful piece of theatre brings with it the glaring reality many people feel. With the use of minimal stage props, Metamorphosis keeps the audience engulfed in the story of a young man who is transformed overnight into a monstrous creature – the antithesis of what he is feeling. With stellar acting by William Harding, Craig Morris, Khutjo Green and Ameera Patel, Metamorphosis is as intriguingly serious as it is humorous. Stirring up emotions and feelings of guilt and isolation, this production – which makes use of unconventional theatre techniques, including a silk screen and projected images – draws its audience into the lives of the Samsa family as they grapple with the consequences of their own demise. Harding, as Gregor Samsa, must be commended on his acting abilities and stage presence. Transforming

FEAT OF NOTE: ‘Metamorphosis’ stirs up emotions, making use of unconventional theatre props Picture: JAN POTGIETER oneself into a beetle-like creature without the necessary costume or props, is in itself a feat of note. Green, as Gregor’s mother, has a stage presence which demands the

audience’s attention while Morris, as Gregor’s father, and Patel, as his sister Greta, play their roles exceptionally well and give their characters true personality. – Devon Koen


Top-notch comedy – and ‘Kafka’s Ape’ Funnyman Lazola Gola is no stranger to the National Arts Festival but also no stranger to your living room, where you will have seen him aplenty on TV – whether it’s on Comedy Central or in a Chicken Licken ad.

Tell Us More Mojak Lehoko is one of the best in the country and has been killing it on stages in every city.

The Chocolate Chronicles Mo Mothebe was on Trevor

Noah’s Nation Wild show. He’s bringing his debut one-man show to the festival. He’s been here before as part of an ensemble and bagged himself a Standard Bank Ovation Award.

Robbie Collins Live Robbie Collins was the opening act for Dave Chappelle recently, both in SA and US. You can’t get a bigger endorsement than that. The festival will be the first leg of his new tour.

Tats is Cancelled Tats Nkonzo is tackling some interesting and relevant topics in his stand-up, in a kind of an empathetic way.

Kafka’s Ape Although not comedy, this is a power piece performed by Tony Bonani Miyambo. ● Lazola Gola Live is on at the Library Hall on June 30 at 4pm, July 1 at 8pm, July 3 at 6pm , July 5 at 10am and July 6 at 2pm.


Sunday June 30 2019


‘Cereal bowl of chuckles’

NEW GIRL ON BLOCK: ‘The Missadventures of the Gender Femberbenders’

Fierce lip-synching with a twist DYLAN MORAN household duties, the foibles of true love, or just the act of waking up in the morning, Moran re-invents the ordinariness of life and turns it into a cereal bowl of unexpected chuckles. We really don’t realise how funny our lives are. And of course, in Moran’s hands – and on his lips – such a realisation is gold for what he then, so gently and playfully, hands back to us, wrapped in gleaming, rib-tickling humour. If Bernard Black was something of a reluctant savant, Dr Cosmos is an Irish Dr Phil with no good advice whatsoever. This is life. Just get on with it, dammit. – Brett Adkins

Honest unpacking of our gendered existence TESTROGEN, featuring Jodi Russell and Joziah Wheeler, (Masonic Back) June 30 at 6pm. Performed by a young pair of vibrant actors, this analytical piece of theatre reels its audience into the carefully scored world of Testrogen. From sometimes delicate, sometimes turbulent choreography, to the honest monologues of perpetually shifting characters, Wheeler and Russell – who scripted the piece, present a fresh, multi-layered approach to unpacking gendered existence in theatre. Their exploration reaches its climax as they present moments of vulnerability, reflecting on the gendered teachings of their parents. While Russell’s character learns womanhood through the aesthetical beauty of her mother and only loving abusive men, Wheeler’s persona learns of manhood through the violent fists and physicality of his father. Another notable aspect is the piece’s soft spot for psycho-analysis. However, it isn’t all doom and


THE MISSADVENTURES OF THE GENDER FEMBERBENDERS, AFDA Johannesburg, (Bowling Club). June 30 at 7pm. Shady shenanigans, fierce lip-synching and fabulous comebacks put this drag cabaret in a place reserved for those who enjoy the audacious flamboyancy which this show definitely delivers. From the start, the audience is given a helping hand in getting involved in this noholds-barred production. From dealing with pertinent societal issues of gender identity and conformity to more serious issues of family relationships and other realities, such as HIV/Aids, The MissAdventures of the Gender Femberbenders is as unapologetic as it is engaging and comforting. A drag cabaret with a twist, the production mixes the traditional lip-synching ev-

eryone expects from such a show, but also gives more impetus to the characters and more importantly, to those who play them. Juan Enslin as the ageing yet still performer extraordinaire Jenny Rator, who will help you with your geneRATOR during load-shedding, is as entertaining as he is shady. Justin Jacobs as the ever progressive and downright abrasive Mitzy is a delight straight out of the Cape Flats. Both Jacobs and Enslin not only lipsynch but also sing live, if not somewhat paradoxically, but brilliantly to some popular hits. Directed by Andre Dellow, The MissAdventures of the Gender Femberbenders successfully portrays how an ailing drag queen deals with being upstaged by a newer, fresher girl on the block. - Devon Koen

Dylan Moran: Dr Cosmos, (Guy Butler Theatre). June 30 at 7pm It’s not every stand-up – in fact, I don’t believe I’ve seen one – who can hold his or her audience hanging on the word “but”. But then this is Dylan Moran, star and cowriter of the Bafta award-winning Black Books and the youngest ever winner of the Perrier Award at the Edinburgh Fringe back in 1996. He knows exactly how to do “but”. Now unashamedly middle-aged and a “rumour in shoes” in his own home, Moran has lost nothing of the acerbic wit which has propelled him on to stand-up stages across the globe. And with those passing years, has come an even more slanted – and consequently, even more hysterical – take on the anomalies of life which trip us up at every turn. He might have been described as the Irish master of grumpiness, but in his latest outing, Moran is not quite as cantankerous as his constantly irritable but lovable Bernard Black. Indeed, he now seems far more tickled pink and bemused by life’s curve balls, rather than unhinged by them. In his company, you are immediately friend and confidant – even in the cavernous, near capacity booked Guy Butler Theatre. And while he elicits all manner of delighted squeals with his on-the-mark and off-thewall observations of everyday life and people, it’s his genuine warmth that elevates this performance to heights few custodians of the genre will ever hope to achieve. There are no finely tuned one-liners here – they’re all a bit mumbly and bumbly and all the funnier for being so. Whether it’s the obligatory dinner party small talk with Diane and Derek, dad’s family photo album denials, husband and wife


I M SOUTH AFRICAN MUSICAL THEATRE Join a young man on his journey of Rediscovering his South African roots through lively song and dance.

FRESH APPROACH: Riotous applause for ‘Testrogen’ gloom. The characters’ playful engagement with the audience allow for some relief of the more weightier issues at hand. Humorous, visceral and almost unbearably honest, Testrogen is a show far beyond the years of its young creators, and one worthy of the riotous applause that signalled its tantalising end. – Jason Maseko

GLENNIE HALL 29 JUNE - 19:00 30 JUNE - 12:00


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Festival 2019 Makhanda

Sunday June 30 2019




Saxing up tale of two countries Saxophonist and composer Shannon Mowday received the Standard Bank Young Artist Award for Jazz in 2007. She has since built an international career as both a performing jazz musician and educator. We caught up with her ahead of her performance at the 2019 Standard Bank Jazz Festival in Makhanda. You attended one of the earliest Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Festival (SBNYJF) and have returned many times over the years. What’s your impression of how the festival has changed over the years? I attended the very first ‘school’s jazz festival’ in 1992 with Mike Skipper as coordinator. There were only a handful of musicians, but in it sparked something fantastic by uniting young musicians from different backgrounds. This was really the first opportunity for young musicians with an interest in jazz to meet and collaborate in a festival setting. Over the next few years, I performed on the jazz festival as professional and it’s gone from strength to strength. You are accompanied by a group of young musicians from Norway. How do you see them relating to their local counterparts? I have brought two groups of Norwegian musicians to SA previously and the interaction was just incredible. These international collaborations changed my life as a professional and this is an opportunity I wanted to extend to the youth as well. You’ve lived your life as a musician in both SA and Europe, how has the two cultures

affected your worldview as a creative musician? The interesting thing is that when I moved to Norway, I really started to ask the questions of ‘What is my culture? Who and what are my influences?’. I think moving to Norway helped me discover more of my ‘South African-ness’ – and trying to find my ‘place’ , rediscovering myself as a musician. I have certainly explored parts of my creative in very different ways being here and really defined that which was already there. A lot of musicians who leave for a life overseas, speak about some music from home they listen to a lot to keep themselves level-headed. Which SA album do you listen to the most when you’re missing sunny SA? Top of the list is Sibongile Khumalo’s Live at ‘ SABC album. I worked with her for a few years and she embodies so much of what Africa is about. Other albums I enjoy, are Busi Mhlongo’s Urbanzulu or Oliver Mtukudzi’s Neria. You received the SBYA in 2007. In hindsight, as the award turns 35, how would you say it helped open up the path to your career development? I think winning the award was the biggest door opener possible for my career and more than anything it gave me the confidence to ‘keep going’ on my path and to keep up the ‘creative search’ (even though it took me to Norway). ● Shannon Mowday will perform with a Norwegian and South African youth jazz band at DSG Auditorium on Monday July 1 at 2pm.



Aie Aie Aie Collective of artists present

ERSATZ A cross between Tati and Black Mirror, under the watchful eye of Alan Turing, Ersatz is a frozen shard from an already present future


28 June (20:00) 29 June (11:00 & 18:00) 30 June (14:00 & 18:00)



Sunday June 30 2019

Bite-size of Fringe a Sundowner snack Naziziphiwo Buso

Since its inception exactly 40 years ago, the Sundowner Concert at the National Arts Festival have been a must-see for festival-goers, providing a bite-size, tantalising taste of a range of shows that are being presented each year. The hour-long, free daily concert at The Monument at 5pm also offers free advertising for the scores of Fringe festival productions. Spotlight spoke to Fringe manager Zikhona Monaheng, who manages the entire Fringe aspect of the festival and allocates times to artists for the concerts. “The Sundowner Concert started in 1979 - I wasn’t even born yet - which is the same time as when the Fringe programme started,” she said. “This is a platform where all Fringe productions can market their shows and that's how it all started. It has gotten a

Sunday June 30 2019


HIGH ENERGY: The I'm South African dance group give a taste of their show

REACH FOR THE STARS: The Dayspring Dance Company promotes their show, called ‘The Issue of Blood’, at one of the Sundowner Concerts

lot bigger since then,” she said. Monaheng said the five-minute snippets from individual productions give the Fringe artists a competitive edge to the Main programme of the festival. “Just by being at the concerts, many festival-goers may see something they may not have ordinarily booked for. “Because people – after they’ve seen a [snippet of a] production – think , ‘we must go book for that show’. Then the momentum builds up.” Monaheng said she has seen more than 400 people watch the familyfriendly concerts at a time. She encouraged more people to come and watch the daily Sundowner Concert, as well as the full production versions on the Fringe. “We call the Fringe a lucky packet as you don’t know what you're going to get by choosing a Fringe show. But then it does has everything for everyone, depending on your taste,” she said.

WORDSMITH: Malik Work from the US gives a short preview of his show, ‘Verses@Work’

NAILING IT: Li Lau gives a short preview of ‘Carnival Sideshow & other Magical Things with Brendon Peel & Li Lau’

ON SONG: Faure's Requiem gives a short preview of their show during a Sundowner Concert


LEAN ON ME: The Rhapsody Dance Centre give a short performance of their show, ‘Portrait’

LOVING THE MIC: Singer and songwriter Spha

GOOD FOLK: Folk Singer Joanne CULTURAL FUSION: The Song Kun Performing Arts Group of Taiwan give a short preview of their show, ‘Mother Earth’ Cooper

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Sunday June 30 2019



10:00 A Place in the Sun (Walkabout) Gallery in


A Religion Apart (Theatre)

the Round .................................................66 Rehearsal Room .......................................169 z

z z

z z

Bubble Show. Maxwell the Bubbleologist (Family Theatre) Kingswood Theatre ..........204 iGruffalo (Family Theatre) Glennie Hall .....205 Joel Leonard does scenes from Hamlet (Theatre) Masonic Back ...........................163 My Home - Kanana (Dance) PJ’s ...........211 Raiders: The Fallen Crown (Theatre) St Andrew’s Hall .......................................169


Rat Race (Family Theatre) Memory Hall .....49 Rocket Boys (Comedy) Masonic Front ......194 Sounds Like You and Me (Theatre)


Gymnasium .............................................172 Tell Us More (Comedy) Library Hall ..........194

z z



The Blue Period of Milton van der Spuy (Theatre) Princess Alice Hall ......................156 The Fundamental: Life Goes On (Theatre) City Hall ..................................................161


The Maxhoba Village: Lost Tribe (Theatre) B2 Arena .................................................165


The Wrong Off-ramp (Theatre) NG Kerk Hall ............................................178


z z

uFlorence noWatson neMpuku yoMoba (Family Theatre) Drill Hall .......................204 Your Perfect Life (Theatre) Dicks ............179 NAF Call for Proposals (Talk, Debate) NELM Theatre ..........................................133



Book Launch: Bushman, Botony & Baking Bread (Wordfest) Eden Grove ..................142 Life in Art (Visual Art Workshop) Carinus Annex ..........................................232

10:45 z Book launch: Faithful to the Vision (Wordfest) Eden Grove .............................142 11:00 z bATTLES! - Iimfazwe - Transportation to the Past (Dance) Site Specific .................208 z Cellist with Rabies (Theatre) Graeme College .....................................................28 z

DEURnis / Uzwelo - Groups 1-4 (Theatre) PJ Olivier ...................................................29



How to be a Politician in South Africa 2019 (Comedy) Bowling Club ..................186 Nomabotwe (Music) Graham Hotel ..........222

11:30 z Loyiso Madinga Live (Comedy) Drill Hall

12:30 z Benny Bushwhacker (Comedy)

Big Boys Don’t Dance (Comedy)

z z

Kingswood Theatre ....................................182 C-4-Cancer (Dance) PJ’s .......................209 Clique Claq (Music) Slipstream ...............220


Colours of the Rainbow (Theatre) Masonic Back ..........................................158


Dr Stef’s Sidesplitting Hypnosis (Comedy)


B2 Arena .................................................184 Finding Fela (2014) (Film) Olive Schreiner 126 Flying Solo (Family Theatre) Memory Hall.. 52



Fundisa’s Fabulous Adventure (Family Theatre) Gymnasium ...................205 I’m South African (Music Theatre)


In Situ (Walkabout) Red Foyer,


Glennie Hall .............................................215

z z z

Rhodes Theatre ..........................................86 Jeff “Siege” Siegel Sextet (Jazz) DSG Hall 112 Kafka’s Ape (Theatre) St Andrew’s Hall .....163 Next! (Theatre) Beethoven Room ..............166


Once A Woman Musical (Theatre)

z z

City Hall ..................................................166 Senior Citizens (Theatre) Dicks ..............170 Silkworm (Theatre) Princess Alice Hall ......172


The Adventures of Robert Moffat (Dance) The Bookbinder (Family Theatre) Victoria Theatre ..........................................50


The Chocolate Chronicles (Comedy) Library Hall ..............................................184


Through Our Eyes (Family Theatre)


Trash Hound (Theatre) Masonic Front

NG Kerk Hall ............................................205 ......174

Time of your Life: The 90’s (Theatre) Bowling Club ............................................174

13:00 z Children’s Concert (Music) Fountain Foyer 94 z Joanne Cooper (Music) Graham Hotel .....222 z Brett Bailey - Who Am I? (Talk) NELM Activity Room ...........................................134

13:30 Again! (Comedy) Drill Hall ........................44 z Artifice with Stuart Lightbody (Illusion)


This song is for ... (Walkabout)


Verses @ Work (Theatre) B2 Arena

z z z

Monument Gallery .......................................69



Princess Alice Hall .....................................201 The Edge of Her Earth (Dance) PJ’s ......209

14:00 2Dee (Illusion) Masonic Front ...................201 z Butlers and Bombshells (Comedy) Dicks 184 z Drums and Dreams (Music Theatre) z

z z z

City Hall ..................................................215 Ersatz (Theatre) Graeme College ................74 Frizz Pop (Comedy) Masonic Back ...........186 Frogman (Theatre) Scout Hall ...................34


Ibutho lakwaZulu- the Musical (Theatre) Glennie Hall ...................................... 162 Ityala Lamawele (Theatre) Victoria Theatre 163 Last Chapter (Theatre) B2 Arena ............163 Metamorphosis (Theatre) Gymnasium .......36 No Easter Sunday for Queers (Theatre)


The Hangar ...............................................35 Plastocracy (Family Theatre) ELRC ......... 48


Stirling & Rondebosch Big Bands (Jazz)

z z z z z

DSG Auditorium ........................................112 z

The Boy Who Cried Ninja (Family Theatre) Memory Hall ............................................204


The Doctor in Spite of Himself (Theatre) St Andrew’s Hall .......................................159


The Thunderbirds Comedy (Comedy) Library Hall ..............................................196

Alice Hall .................................................168 z



The Listening Lounge (Music talk)


The Worm Turns (launch) NELM Foyer .....138 Thoko (Music) Graham Hotel ....................224

Monument Restaurant ...............................137

17:30 z Bloopers (Comedy) Kingswood Theatre .....182 z Ukupheleliswa (Dance) PJ’s ...................212 z Distell Scriptwriting Workshops (Workshop) NELM Activity Room ..................................140

Room .....................................................178


You Should Be Dancing (Comedy)


Kingswood Theatre ....................................196


Arts Lounge Africa (Live art, talks, exbhibitions) RAW Spot Gallery .................133 Book launch: The Love Song of Andre P Brink (Wordfest) Eden Grove ................142


14:30 z Akasha (Film) Olive Schreiner ...................121 z Ariel & Juana (Music) Beethoven Room ....220 z Printmaking 101: Linocut Relief Printing (Visual Art Workshop) Carinus Annex .......232


15:00 z DEURnis / Uzwelo - Groups 1-4 (Theatre) PJ Olivier ...................................................29 z

Festival Gala Concert (Music)


The Blind Date (Music Theatre)


Troubadours - A Tribute to James Taylor & Carole King (Music Theatre) Lowlander ...217 Winging It! The Turbulent Revelations of Meghan & Shivan (Theatre) Princess Alice .... 178 BASA Scale-up Workshop (Workshop)

Guy Butler Theatre ......................................92 NELM Theatre ..........................................215



18:00 Artificially Infeminated (Comedy)


z z z z


z z

MOjak Lehoko and Mo Mothebe: Two Mics (Comedy) Drill Hall .................................194 Portraits (Dance) PJ’s ............................212 Book launch: Intimate Lightning (Wordfest) Eden Grove ..............................................142

16:00 z Bakumka Bonke (Theatre) NG Kerk Hall


1Jeremiah fyah Ises and the Baakahyaad band (Music) Slipstream ..........................221 Medusa Incarnate (Theatre)

19:00 z Another World: World War I Remembered (Theatre) NELM Theatre ...........................155 z Benny Bushwhacker (Comedy) The Hangar .............................................182 z

Celebrating African Song (Music)


DUO KP: Music from Russia, Georgia and South Africa (Music) Beethoven Room .97 Dylan Moran - Dr Cosmos (Comedy)

Victoria Theatre ..........................................98


Guy Butler Theatre ......................................45 z

Leonard Cohen - A Tribute (Music Theatre)


Lost & Found (Dance) PJ’s ....................211 Nguvu Ya Mbegu (Theatre) Gymnasium ..166 Parel Vallei, St John’s, UKZN Ensemble (Jazz) DSG Auditorium ..............................113 Rikalet & The Time Travellers (Music)

Lowlander ...............................................215 z z



Theatre....................................................182 Night School (Film) Noluthando Hall .........129

Searle@ Noluthando (Performance Art) Noluthando Hall ..........................................67


The Gospel According to Jan Coetzee (Theatre) Princess Alice Hall ......................161

20:00 z African Family (Music) Slipstream ...........220 z It’s a Guy Thing (Comedy) Dicks ............186 z It’s About 2 (Theatre) NG Kerk Hall ..........163 z Lord of the Flies (Theatre) St Andrew’s Hall .......................................165 z

The Pursuit of Hobby-ness (Theatre)


Masonic Front ..........................................168 The Rooinek (Theatre) Masonic Back .......169 The Sixties (Music Theatre) City Hall ......216

174 z

Funk Big Band - Nils Landgren (Jazz)


No Direction Home: Bob Dylan (2005)


(Film) Olive Schreiner .................................127 Tats is Cancelled (Comedy) Drill Hall ......194

DSG Hall .................................................111

21:00 z The Syringa Tree (Theatre) Rehearsal Room .....................................................172 z

And Then There Were Four (Theatre)



Duende (Music) Lowlander .....................221 Nyakaza-Fetoga Mosha (Dance) PJ’s ....212 Spha (Music) Graham Hotel .....................223 The Issue of Blood (Dance) Centenary Hall ....


Unfathomable (Theatre) Glennie Hall

Gymnasium ...............................................39 z z

210 .......175

21:30 z James Cairns Against Humanity (Theatre) Princess Alice Hall .....................................163

22:00 z Barefoot Chronicles (Comedy) Library Hall ..... 182 z Calluses (Theatre) Dicks 158The Last Supper (Theatre) NG Kerk Hall ................................165 z

What if Jesus was a Tsotsi (Theatre)


What You Don’t see: A journey of mind reading, mystery & magic (Illusion) Masonic

City Hall ..................................................178

Murdered to Death (Comedy) NG Kerk Hall ............................................194 Testrogen (Theatre) Masonic Back ...........172 The Blazer (Theatre) Dicks .....................156 The Grave (Theatre) City Hall ..................161 The Prophecy (Theatre) Glennie Hall .......168 Tswalo (Theatre) Princess Alice Hall ..........174

18:30 z The Unseen (Film) Olive Schreiner ............124 z 18:30 This is my house, Kukwami la (Theatre) B2 Arena ..................................172 z Touching Myself: An Ode to Audre Lorde (Theatre) Rehearsal Room ........................174 z Umthombo (Dance) Centenary Hall ..........213

NELM Activity Room ..................................140

15:30 z Bijou (Comedy) Kingswood Theatre ...........182 z Death of a Donut (Comedy) Bowling Club 184

Library Hall ..............................................181 Born Naked (Theatre) St Andrew’s Hall .....158 Ersatz (Theatre) Graeme College ................74 Frogman (Theatre) Scout Hall ...................34

Masonic Front ..........................................166



20:30 z #Tithes&FeesMustFall (Theatre) B2 Arena ....



19:30 z Becoming Liam (Comedy) Kingswood

The Old Man & The Sea (Theatre)

Lowlander ...............................................223 The Jungle Book (Film) Noluthando Hall ...129

Uthakathiwe (Theatre) NG Kerk Hall .........175 When Coasts Meet (Theatre) Rehearsal


Robby Collins Live (Comedy) Drill Hall ...194 The MissAdventures of the GenderFemberbenders (Music Theatre) Bowling Club ......39


17:00 A Star is Born - The Rise and Fall of Judy Garland (Music Theatre) Beethoven Room 217 z Forever Young (Theatre) Bowling Club .....160 z Mabuta - Shane Cooper (Jazz) DSG Hall 112 z Pets Are Family (Theatre) Gymnasium .....168 z Saxman Andrew Young & Band (Music)


Graham Hotel ...........................................223 z

PJ Olivier ...................................................29


z z

DEURnis / Uzwelo - Groups 1-4 (Theatre)

The Hangar .............................................166

Trust Me, I’m a Superhero (Comedy) Bowling Club ............................................196


16:30 z A Place of Knowing (Theatre) Princess


Centenary Hall ..........................................208 z


City Hall ..................................................216 Spirit Child (Dance) Great Hall ...................59 Step into Africa (Dance) Centenary Hall .....65



The Hangar .............................................182 z






A Cultural Exchange (Talk, Debate)

Pregnant and Ashamed (Music Theatre)



NELM Theatre ..........................................132



NELM Activity Room ..................................140 Be Still and Know (Spiritfest) NG Kerk ....233

Room .....................................................158 z


Memory Hall ............................................205 Phitlho (Hidden) (Theatre) Glennie Hall .........39

BASA Scale-up Workshop (Workshop)


12:00 z A Crying Orphan (Theatre) Rehearsal


Better Times (Music) Rhodes Chapel ........218 Blurred Lines (Illusion) Masonic Front ......201 Carnival Sideshow and Other Magical Things (Illusion) Masonic Back .................201 Cheezboi Flexx (Music) Slipstream ..........220 Forfeiture (Theatre) Rehearsal Room ..........41 iNduku (Theatre) St Andrew’s Hall ............162 Lazola Gola Live (Comedy) Library Hall ....189 Once Upon a Time (Family Theatre)



Front ......................................................202 Zombie Attack (Dance) Masonic Back ......213

22:30 z Standard Bank Jazz & Blues Café (Jazz) z

SB Jazz & Blues Café @ Saint’s Bistro ...........106 The Last Laugh (Comedy) Drill Hall ........189


10. FRINGE IN 50 Fringe in 50 gives festival goers a snapshot of shows on the Fringe programme. They are listed in alphabetical order. #Tithes&FeesMustFall Brilliantly taken from page to stage, #Tithes&FeesMustFall portrays the contradicting African vs European culture. This exceptional play is performed by 1 actor, who plays 7 distinct characters throughout. AV

2Dee Light and shadow play a vital part in this unique production. Avril Cummings explores storytelling with shadow puppets. Great concept. KK

A crying Orphan A story of loss, pain and abandonment. This is a story about encountering hardships but never losing a sense of self. SB

Artificially Infeminated A one-woman comedy portraying characters with wit and smart humour. Her interaction with the audience brought out some shining and some rather shy stars. GS

ArtSpoken A musical journey by four guys from a township called Soshanguve. All their songs were a story on our daily lives, social issues that sometimes we forget to look beyond our means. It was breath-catching. TB

A Star is Born - The rise and fall of Judy Garland An engaging performance by a very talented singer and storyteller. Judy Garland’s tragic life story was told with passion and grace in an intimate setting. TVO

ADHD A festival favourite is back! Aaron Mcilroy gives a hilarious one-man performance on the ups and downs of ADHD. KK

Another World: World War I Remembered Three well-spoken speakers evoke an astonishing result of awe in the memories of our past writers and explanations of World War 1. GS

Ariel & Juana It's difficult to describe Ariel and Juana without sounding gushing or

overly dramatic but in all truthfulness, heavens above, what a gorgeous experience. VJ



Artifice with Stuart Lightbody A masterful performer and mind blowing real in your face magic. Stuart embodies the art of wonder. NA

Bakumka Bonke

This musical comedy takes on a variety of topics from weddings to cultural heritage and all sorts in between. Married couple Aaron Mcilroy and Lisa Bobbert give a hilarious performance. GS

A cast of 8, 4 strong female characters each telling horrid stories about the ill-treatment of women in today's society, while three men are brave enough to tell the story from the perpetrator’s side. GM

Blurred Lines

Barefoot Chronicles

Is an entertaining dance show, but also a touching story about a dragmother and her adopted child. SL

For the 2nd time, the show was cancelled due to the fact that the artist was missing. Leaving the technical crew and organiser in a tight spot. JDK

Benny Bushwacker A very entertaining performance by a slightly insane conservationist who touches on quite a few controversial issues about our country adding his own special dash of humour. TVO

Oh yes they do! Ash and Brad revive their original hit show with lots of laughter and smooth moves. These Big Boys will have your feet tapping and your hands clapping in between the laughs. KK

Jade Bowers in this solo performance succeeds in creating the intimacy and vulnerability of sitting across a new friend and going over old family albums. A riveting tale.

An outrageous comedy full of slapstick humour and countless one-liners. The theatre piece makes use of audience interaction to drive the who-dunnit murder mystery. RO

Colours of the Rainbow

Big Boys Don’t Dance


Butlers and Bombshells

An impressive start grabs your attention, followed by tricks and stunts using objects ranging from rubiks cubes and string to cards and crushed glass. The Brandon Peel / Li Lau duo entertained and amazed. LG

This is a musical reflection on the aftermath of the First World War, it reimagines a range of musical and poetic pieces from the period as lyrical newspaper articles. A gently sorrowful musical experience. RO

If you enjoyed 2018’s Caliente you will LOVE Follow Spot’s 2019 #NAF2019 offering, Bijou. Vanessa Harris leads this insanely talented group of dancers and musicians through a raunchy hours’ worth of the best entertainment money can buy. KK

Born Naked

Carnival Sideshow and Other Magical Things

Better Times


What a show! Greg Gelb gave a spectacular performance. A masterpiece that left us surprised - wondering how he did it. KB

Great concept! However the implementation wasn’t successful. The actors need more grooming and knowledge of the theatre space. IM

Death of a Donut An interactive who-dun-it comedy show of murder and mayhem, donuts and dastardly deception. The packed teen audience loved the process, great fun indeed. LK

Dr Stef’s Sidesplitting Hypnosis Á very entertaining show that leaves you wondering if it is real or not. This hilarious show leaves the audience begging for more.KB

Drums and Dreams This play reflects the dilemma of orphans in foster care homes. This piece is suitable for adults as it portrays a lot of sexual acts and violence. MQ

Duende Dave Starke and Nish Pillay perform a collection of beautiful and powerful original songs. One can feel the emotional intensity of the writer portraying different elements about today’s world. TB

Electric Juju The Standard Bank Ovation Awards are given to productions on the Fringe that demonstrate artistic innovation and excellence. The jury seeks out productions that have the courage to open new conversations through the arts.

As one might imagine van Vuuren's reputation precedes him and he does not disappoint with this magical mystical story. Teen to adult audiences will enjoy it. LK

Faure Requiem







A celebration of vocal song and string instruments, It is a classic taste that calms your nerves and you will leave feeling revived. GS

Florence and Watson Present the Great Pangolin Mystery




Sunday June 30 2019 A marvellous performance by Florence and Watson where they take us on their village journey of trying to show/teach us that every person/thing has a role to play in our society. Very funny. KB

Forever Young This is a thought-provoking look into the life of Byron who committed suicide at age 33.Brilliant use of multimedia and excellent song choices to match. TVO

Forfeiture A horrifically absurd exploration of human subjugation under the weight of addiction, sexual obsession, and identity insecurity. Suitable for a mature audience. RO

Frizz Pop This is a two-woman stand-up piece, including well-known comedienne Pinchuck. Together they offer a Cape Town, Jo'burg big-city flavoured piece, each offering their take on a variety of topics that effect twenty-something’s of this day and age. Adult in content. LK

Fundisa’s Fabulous Adventure Six brilliant performers present a heart-warming musical comedy. Fundisa dreams of one day becoming a pilot. Her adventure is filled with humour, optimism, and a little bit of magic! SH

Girl with the Magic Paintbrush This musical piece about a girl who finds a magic paintbrush is put together by 13 individuals, drums, trumpets, trombone and piano. The drum sounds vibrate through your bones and it’s almost like a tapestry of rhythm. GS

How to be a politician in SA This one-man solo act covers a wide variety of political influences which make us realise how some people vote. He uses the audience in an exchange of ideals and consequence. His humour is in good favour. GS

iGruffalo An amazing show for the family about a brave rhodent who journeys through the forest. IM

iNduku Narration of the struggles of a black gay guy trapped in patriarchal society. Reveals aspects of the Xhosa culture in a quintessential way. IM

I’m South African A poignant story of a young man seeking his identity told with a passionate display of rhythmic dance and beautiful music choices. WK

It’s a Guy Thing Good dirty comedy delivered with a uniquely South African flavour. LK

It’s About 2 An emotional account of how secrets destroys the marriages of households that lead otherwise virtuous lives. The mixture of SeTswana, isiZulu and isuXhosa made it even more special. MM An emotional yet exciting drama piece about twins who have gone through challenges growing up after the death of their father. TB

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James Cairns Against Humanity Zany comedy where every show is different. This one man improv stand-up comedy presents a unique performance where the audience must battle it out with James Cairns in a game show. WK



Joanne Cooper

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KZN Youth Orchestra A versatile performance by highly skilled young musicians will make you wish they were playing for twice as long. SF

Last Chapter Last chapter is performed by three young talented actors, who take us through two spiritual beliefs which are ancestral beliefs and believing in God. Their performance was funny, and breath-taking. SR

Lazola Gola Live A brilliant performance by Lazola Gola that any mature audience can relate to! SN

Leonard Cohen - A Tribute Dave Starke gives an exceptional tribute to the legendary singer, songwriter and poet, Leonard Cohen. WK

Lord of the Flies An Africanised modern, feminine twist on the dark classic tale. The cast delivered their voices with confidence and clarity. Special praise to the actress portraying "Jack" - exceptional talent. MC

Lost & Found The lighting, music and use of simple yet effective props all played a part to enthrall the audience. The clever inclusion of digital media was pivotal to the plot. This is a thought provoking performance. TVO

Love n Greed The film is about a young couple that have recently married and moved into a new house because the husband is a successful business man. The film has an interesting twist to the storyline. SR

Maxwell the Bubbleologist This is an enchanting show that will make everyone feel their inner child again no matter how old you are. PB.

Medus Incarnate A one-woman show from a garish Hades almost brought up-to date because her Internet is still dial-up. The show is funny and entertaining. SL

MOjack Lehoko and Mo Mothebe: Two Mics Raunchy comedic duo Mo and Mojack hit up the Grahamstown Festival with a zingy, vibrant, and fresh comedy spectacle. JF

Murdered to Death This hilarious murder mystery is set in the English countryside. These talented actors present a comedy skit with witty lines that will keep you laughing. WK

Nguvu Ya Mbegu A young and captivating cast holds nothing back as they present a gripContinues on P11

Ityala Lamawele



primates battle through the stereotypical type of human identity. GS

Join the warm and friendly Joanne Cooper as she takes you on a trip down memory lane. The setting is casual and intimate and audience participation is encouraged. TVO

Kafka’s Ape A simulating exhibition of a

The Fringe in 50 reviewers for 2019 are (initials then name): AV Asiphile Vena, GM Gcobisa Mpande, GS Greg Scheibe, HP Helmo Preuss, IM Iviwe Mzandisi, JDK Jackie de Klerk, KB Kamvelihle Buwa , KK Karen Kouari, LG Lisl Griffioen, LK Lee-Anne Knowles, MC Michelle Coupe, MM Mihlali Mbunge, MQ Mziwonke Qwesha, NA Natasha Alison, NM Nicole Mamphey, PB Phoebe Bunyan, RO Ronald Oats, SB Siphosethu Balakisi, SF Shaan Forster, SL Steven Lang, SN Sean Nkosi, SR Sposethu Ralo, TB Thembani Buka, TH Terri Harris, TVO Tanya Van Onselen, VJ Victoria Jackson, WK Wendy King, SH Shannon Hansen , JF Jeanne Fourie, AE Adrienne Ehrich.


Sunday June 30 2019 Continues from P10 ping play that exhumes the ghosts of 1921's Boelhoek massacre. SN

Once a Woman Musical A child of activists, a life on the run. This story of black women’s participation in The Struggle is told with high energy and beautiful singing voices. LG

Once Upon a Time This is a really sweet show that will teach you about our environment. This is a show that all children will adore. PB.

Pets are Family A promising play that subtly blurs the lines between man and dog. This is a light-hearted piece of work that you may want to add to your day. SN

Phitlho (Hidden) An exciting combination between comedy and reality. This offering from AFDA Johannesburg highlights secrets residing in a family. AV

Portraits The performers flawlessly conveyed raw human emotion with episodic pieces that fearlessly challenged complex social and societal norms and gave a powerful criticism of the sense of self and the self as a reflection of a greater global context. Portraits should absolutely be a priority. VJ

Pregnant and Ashamed A well-structured performance that takes us through the journey of a young girl whose dreams were shut down when she found out that she was pregnant.SR

Raiders: The Fallen Crown This much loved family show is back with a new adventure "the Fallen Crown". Clever reparte' and intelligently written script. WK

Rikalet & the Time Travellers Rikalet & the time travellers is one of the bands that can amaze you if you a contemporary music lover. SR

Rocket Boys Liam Walsh and Jordyn Linklater are such a wholesome duo you hardly notice the profanity. A comedy for those who enjoy Dr Who.MM

Robbie Collins Live Robbie does not disappoint his audience! With an impressive ability to improvise and speak off the cuff, he kept us shrieking and snorting in agreement throughout his appearance. NOT PG, 16+ LK

Saxman, Andrew Young and band With saxophones older than the invention of hand held calculators, Youngs performance has the same magic of ungraspable mechanisms producing an output easily perceived. SF

Silkworm A charming comedy with a quirky Mr Bean feel. NA

Sipha Enjoyable music about life. Sipha's performance together with his amazing band was out of this world. SR

Spot the Fearless Fish Spot the clownfish and his Pisces gang head to the western reef to tackle the gangster plastic bags.Great show for under 6s. LG

“Sundae” If you are in the mood for a vibrant energy to drive your feet

to the dancefloor, Sundae is your man. RO

Tats is cancelled This brilliant entertainer had us in stitches as he touched on the very real, sometimes sensitive issues of our lives in 2019. Tats is very relatable, down to earth and has a great butt... TVO

The Adventures of Robert Moffat A vibrant blend of song and dance that replays Robert Moffatt’ s meeting with Mzilikazi, King of the Ndebele. SN

The Blind Date The South African Library for the Blind, in its centenary celebration has rounded up a mixture of illustrious and gifted performers. This emotional and triumphant event truly showcases the importance of the blind community enriching South African culture. MM

The Blue Period of Milton van der Spuy

Boer Steyn and the Rooinek Webber after the Boer War when they find themselves on neighbouring farms. Joel Leonard and Shannon Leibach take on multiple roles and should be congratulated for this excellent production. KK

The Sixties A look at the life growing up in a South African township during the 60's. Some solid musical performances accompanied by a very good band. JDK

The Syringa Tree Little Lizzie is the innocent narrator of a terrible story. Intertwined lives, black families, disempowered and living in fear of the Apartheid police. For me, as a 50-year old white woman, it was an emotional and raw reminder of the ingrained racism and moral murkiness to which we were exposed as privileged white children growing up in SA in the 1960s-1990s. LG

The Thunderbirds Comedy

A sold out first performance. Francis Mennigke delivers a captivating performance telling a heartbreaking story of Milton as he comes to terms with the tragic death of Mona Lisa Van de Spey. NA

Three women do stand-up that has the audience in paroxysms of laughter and embarrassment. They are extremely funny, sharp and enjoy a good thrust and parry with the audience. SL

The Boy Who Cried Ninja

This excellent play is based on two very serious subjects, physical abuse and sexual abuse of a minor, as well as the perennial fear of women who do not want to report either of these crimes to the authorities. Most of the dialogue is in isiXhosa. AE

This is a highly enjoyable experience for the whole family. It's a show that will get you dancing along. PB.

The Chocolate Chronicles A truly delicious stand-up show. Fun and engaging. A skilled performer, Mo is one of the top guys on the circuit for sure. LK

The Doctor in Spite of Himself This theatrical revival of a 17th century play about illusion, deception and trickery. The fast paced comedy makes imaginative use of its props and dramatic irony to whirl the audience into the tale. RO

The Gospel According to Jan Coetzee It is a truly brilliant and fascinating example of South African theatre. VJ

The Grave A story on a journey of a son longing for his father. A beautiful storyline, with the songs as background, the language and lighting made the piece go beyond just the voices. TB

The Issue of Blood A good choice for young girls who enjoy contemporary ballet. SH

This is my house, Kukwami la

Thoko Life in 9 songs within 1 hour. Every song has a story and with a comic twist to each Thoko surely told it as it is. GM

Through Our Eyes This show is quite intense, and tells the truth about what some teenagers deal with. This show is educational and for the young adult upward. PB.

Trash Hound A solo drama piece about the fragments of life. The setting and the storyline brings the Trash to life that we are surrounded and defined by it. TB

Unfathomable Her set and props are brutally minimalist and particularly unique but Alexandra Halligey creates an almost ethereal and contemplative piece that is absorbing and haunting. Unfathomable is an absolute must. VJ

Veronica’s Monster

FRINGE IN 50 This is a lovely show for children to enjoy. It uses gorgeous songs, poetry and puppets to animate the story and teach you valuable life lessons. PB

Verses @ Work “You can’t write your own story while you’re in it”. Self-scripted and emotionally charged, this is his show; he is the director. Malik relives his life through hip hop verse and poems. LG

What if Jesus was a Tsotsi This engaging two-man act is a fresh look at Christian belief in a township context. With energetic dance and movement, this show is entertaining and funny and thoroughly enjoyable. Understanding of Xhosa is advisable. WK

What you don’t see: A journey of mind reading, mystery and magic Entertaining family show with full on audience participation. Andrew Klazinga’s well thought out trickery keeps you guessing and wondering how on earth did he know that? KK

When Coasts Meet This piece follows the story of a mixed-race woman. Her struggles of discovering her identity and roots are highlighted in this one woman show. NM

Winging It! The Turbulent Revelations of Meghan and Shivan A very well written and performed play about the turbulent secrets we keep. Stuck in a strange loop in a small space and how we have to face our dark truths. A light hearted and comedic depiction with excellent use of props. NA

You should be dancing The gorgeous Follow Spot troupe are back and boy, are we lucky! Singing and dancing to a variety of hit songs from various decades, this is a show that will sell out quickly. The humour, dancing and singing will make you want to see it more than once so get your tickets while you can! KK

Zombie Attack Gaëtan Schmid gives an impressive miming performance to a variation of sound tracks from movies such Fight club, Apocalypse Now, Harry Potter and so much more. He truly embodies the mental turmoil we all go through before we face public speaking. A real feel good show that we can all relate to.TH

The Last Laugh Bringing the best comedians #NAF2019 has to offer all onto one stage. KK

The Last Supper This performance was spectacular with characters whose dedication and passion really showed. KB

The Old Man and the Sea Three very busy, top-class actors using three sets on a large, lazySusan platform bring life to a vibrant edition of the Hemingway classic. SL

The Pursuit of Hobby-Ness A stellar performance, delivered with great control and discipline. A multi-layered dramatic monologue capturing the poignant moments of the delusional feelings of helplessness resulting from heartbreak. MC

The Rooinek (Note: This is not the show described in the programme) Emotions run deep between

Curated Film Programme

THE AMBASSADOR’S WIFE Olive Schreiner Theatre, Monument 1 July (12:00)

Brought together by their quality and imagination, the works on the Festival’s Curated Programme offer a special insight into the practices of culture makers and the ways they seek to heal wounds, articulate experience, and navigate pathways through the situations in which we as humans find ourselves.


Stop press ADDITIONAL SHOWS ● ROCCOCOCKO at Beethoven Room on 2

July 17:00 ● Walls and Pillows

Venue: NG Kerk 3 July at 10am, 4 July at 12pm, 5 July at 4:30pm Ticket prices: R40 / R35 / R33

FRINGE UPDATES ● 2Dee: is directed by Avril Cummins and not Kirsten Harris as advertised ● The Pursuit of Hobby-ness: is directed by Avril Cummins and not Ryan Dittman as advertised ● Under the Jacaranda: performances on 1 and 2 July have been cancelled (the rest remain unchanged) ● Raiders: The Fallen Crown: Lulu Read has been replaced by Jessica Leigh-Stanley. ● Battles! Iimfazwe! Transportation to the past: performance on 3 July cancelled.

FRINGE CANCELLATIONS African Family, And then there were four, Barefoot Chronicles, C-4-Cancer, Calluses, Cat As Trophy, Ingenxa Kamama, Just 6, Loyiso Madinga Live, Next!, Senior Citizens, Sisonke “Alive” Kids, So Naive, Touching Myself: An Ode to Audre Lorde

WORDFEST CANCELLATIONS ● A Person My Colour by Martina Dahlmanns (Book launch) ● The Love Song of Andre P Brink by Leon de Kock (Book launch) ● Katlego Shoro - SERURUBELE (Poetry reading)

MAIN CANCELLATIONS ● Cancelled workshop: Everyday Disrup-

tions: Collaging and writing with Ja.Magazine on 1 July at 14:00. Please note that the talk Guerilla Publishing with Ja. Magazine on 29 June at 11:00 will still take place. ● No Easter Sundays for Queers – this production has been postponed and will premiere later in the year in Johannesburg.

ERRATA Please note: The Fringe productions 2Dee and The Pursuit of Hobbyness were directed by Avril Cummins, not Kirsten Harris and Ryan Dittmann as (respectively) indicated in the printed programme. HeyJanice Productions sincerely apologises for any confusion or inconvenience caused.

MULTICHOICE SUNDOWNERS 30 JUNE EMCEE: Cherra Mvumbo ya Vharema The Maxhoba Village Umthombo Clique Claq


Sunday June 30 2019

‘Imaginings in my mind’s ear’ Devon Koen

Born during the darkest days of apartheid and the 1980s state of emergency, the 2019 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winner for Jazz, Mandla Mlangeni, attributes his successes to his mother who, he said, ensured he and his family were taken care of after his father was killed following a stint in prison for his political involvement during this tumultuous period in SA. “My music has different stories to tell. It reflects my journey and experiences. It is influenced by what I have heard and imaginings in my mind’s ear,� Mlangeni said. A hugely successful jazz trumpeter and composer who has become a popular fixture on local and international stages since being selected for the Standard Bank National Youth Jazz Band in 2006, Mlangeni is considered a gifted bandleader and has carved out a name for himself with various bands and ensembles, including the Amandla Freedom Ensemble. Performing for the first

‘I want people to boogie on down down, shed a tear . . . ’

MANDLA MLANGENI Picture: JONATHON REES time at the Standard Bank Jazz Festival at the age of 19, Mlangeni initially auditioned to be part of the Standard Bank Youth Jazz Band but instead was placed together with many of the performers of the Stockholm Jazz Orchestra. “That’s where I met Peter Asplund, Gustavo Bergali,

Frederik Noren and many great players from all over the world. “This was a mind-blowing experience which would be a yearly pilgrimage of sorts till the year 2009,� Mlangeni said. For Mlangeni, being awarded the 2019 Standard Bank Young Artist winner of

Jazz has been a privilege and honour. “It is a stepping stone to greater artistic actualisation strengthened by the support of an institution that has long held the reputation of being the premier supporter of arts in SA.� Mlangeni said some of his most memorable experiences

were when he eventually did make the Standard Bank Youth Jazz Band which performed at various festivals throughout the country. Subsequent to performances at the Joy of Jazz Festival in 2006, Mlangeni went on to tour Sweden with his music. “That was my first time overseas, and man, was that a trip! “You know what they say – what goes on tour, stays on tour,� Mlangeni quipped. In 2019, Mlangeni said he would bring together his most formidable groups in the form of the Tune Recreation Committee and The Amandla Freedom Ensemble to the National Arts Festival. “I have been touring and performing with both ensembles quite rigorously and have developed a group sound that I wish to showcase at the festival. “Besides blowing my own horn, I will be accompanied by a bevy of great artists who span generations of the South African music legacy. “It will be an opportunity to pay homage to those who have come before us while also sharing our own musical

stories in the best way we know how,� he said. Mlangeni said he wanted people to enjoy his music and be inspired by the sounds created which he felt exudes emotions and draws people in. “I want people to boogie on down down, shed a tear and be inspired by the wealth of talent that we have to offer. “The Standard Bank Jazz Festival is the best place to experience world-class jazz in Africa. “It continues to be the benchmark for setting new trends in the arts and creative sector. “I encourage everyone to experience the awaking at least once in their lives,� he added. Asked where he finds the inspiration to produce the artistic work he does, Mlangeni said: “I draw inspiration from the trees and some bees while going on tour of the Swiss Alps, eating some fine cheese.� Mlangeni will be performing with his band Amandla Freedom Ensemble at the DSG Hall on July 4 at 8.30pm.

2019 The National Arts Festival presents Tall Stories’ musical adaptation of the award-winning picture book by Ă

SUNDAY 30 JUNE 2019 10:00 10:45


à - Macmillan Children’s Books 1999


11:30 12:30

13:00 14:00


15:00 17:30

Tara Notcutt ABADLALI:

Nombasa Ngoqo Sisonke Yafele Ayanda Nondlwana

Glennie Hall

Daily at 10:00 Ages 3+


Michaella Janse van Vuuren’s interest lies in mastering, and pushing the limits of a particular cutting-edge technology and at the same time transcend the object into a work of art. In this talk, she will explain various cutting-edge technologies by referring to artworks that she created.


We all know how to post photos to Instagram and maybe even use a few hashtags, but how can we use it as artists to gain massive reach, build an audience, sell tickets, generate leads and build our artistic community? Steve van Wyk guides you through the process of crafting a strategy for yourself or your company on Instagram.

Is Artificial Intelligence the next revolution in music? Technology has undoubtedly taken over the music industry landscape. In various markets across the world, the music industry is no longer run by music companies but by technology companies. With technology leading the music industry, the question becomes: Is AI the next big thing in Music?


Ever wanted to add sound to your drawing? Now you can! In this workshop, you get to play your picture like a musical instrument or make your monster drawing roar out loud. Drawing not your thing? Then write a story and add sound effects to make it come alive. You will learn about sensors, conductivity and capacitive touch just by having fun. Createneering is Dr. Michaella Janse van Vuuren’s most recent project.


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.