#70 HepSA Community News

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Celebrating Reconciliation Week


ogether, the National Reconciliation Week event at the Adelaide Town Hall, was a warm, relaxed celebration of collaboration among services working with Aboriginal communities. The event was brought together by Hepatitis SA, Aboriginal Community Connect, Streetlink Youth Health, New ROADS, Aboriginal Sobriety Group, SHine SA, Karrparrinthi Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Centre, SAMESH and Nunkuwarrin Yunti to mark the importance of working together to promote awareness of our oldest living continuous culture and embed community knowledge to promote respect and understanding. Together was a community ‘awareness raising’ event in the City Council’s beautiful


Meeting Hall. We enjoyed live music from Nathan May, a passionate emerging artist from the Arabana (SA), Yawuru (WA) and Malak Malak (NT) clans. Margaret Richards demonstrated traditional basket weaving, with her wonderful skills amidst information stalls, activities and lucky draws. The Adelaide City Council provided the Quick Response grant which made Together possible. According to the City Council, Together fitted in well with the City Community’s priorities by reaching out to meet the needs of isolated and marginalised groups with the sharing of information to help individuals and families get the help required for recovery and healing.

We would like to thank Epicure for catering the event, Charlesworth Nuts for their kind donation of a Feastful of Flavours basket and Oz Harvest for their support with the Aboriginal Community Connects’ PopUp Café. Most of all, we thank all who attended the event to help achieve meaningful Reconciliation as we continue to strive to reduce the health inequities between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal South Australians that exist in our community today. Together we are strong, Together we are healthy. Lisa Carter Coordinator, Outreach Hepatitis C Peer Education & Support Project

Nathan May (left) performs and Margaret Richards (ricght) weaves at Together, with (centre) a community-created piece of art made live by those attending the event.


HepSA Community News 70.indd 10

9/06/2016 2:41:41 PM

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