Henry Schein Business Solutions Brochure 2022

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Solve the business puzzle

Taking care of everything dental | hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk
with Henry Schein

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Introducing our Business Solutions partners 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 DentalNurseNetwork XceleratorDental AllMedPro BorderConsultancy Crysp

68% of dental professionals surveyed felt that their stress and anxiety levels had increased since the pandemic.(1)

Running a new or existing business is always exciting, especially when it’s something you feel passionate about like dentistry.

However, there is a lot to consider including:

• Premises

• Finances

• Equipment & supplies

• Your team & recruitment

• Marketing

• Training

• Patients – new & existing

• In practice services like insurance, patient financing

And the list goes on. This doesn’t take into consideration challenges around future proofing, the economy, regulations, compliance and you and your teams mental health.

Research has shown that occupational stress is common amongst the dental profession and is a key driver of burnout and mental ill health.(2)

In this article we talk about some of the key challenges facing dental professionals today and areas for consideration when running a dental practice. Throughout the article you will see solved sides of a puzzle cube, these sections are referenced on our partner pages in the brochure, helping you to identify who can offer you guidance with their advice and services.

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Where to start Having a solid Business Plan

Creating a business plan will ensure you put on paper what you want your business to achieve, your ideas and aspirations. By putting this into a business plan you will create your vision with clear goals, objectives, and tactics. You will have a holistic view of your business for not just your first year but for the next 5 years, that you can work towards, sharing this with your team to ensure everyone is working together to achieve the same goal. This should include an executive summary, business description, details of market strategies, competitor analysis, business strategy and implementation plan, people and financial plan, budget and projections. You should also account for “what if” factors, what changes could you make. By having a firm plan in place, it structures decisions and helps manage the risks you may or will need to take as your business evolves and grows.

Location, location, location

The premises can be your first financial hurdle. With the average premise costing around £250K (depending on location) you need to make sure it is the right building in the right location for you. This will help to ensure you can attract and retain both staff and patients. By creating a solid business plan before you start looking for premises you will have highlighted what your business will look like and identified key factors that need to be included within your location.

You might decide to set up a practice from scratch. You will need to check out the area in which you propose to locate your surgery to establish:

•how many other dental practices are already in existence

• whether existing practices offer NHS or private treatment, or both

• whether local residents have difficulty in registering with a dental practice, particularly for NHS treatment

• the range of services offered by other practices

• whether your local NHS England Regional Team or Health Board is looking to secure a new NHS practice in your area

When purchasing an existing practice, does it currently have a high proportion of NHS patients, is there any potential for private practice, where higher fees can be charged?

Thinking ahead, asking questions, lots of research, financial planning and budgeting before purchasing will help to future proof your business for years to come.

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Running a dental practice is costly and managing this can be one of the most difficult challenges you face. There are many moving parts and considerations that can make predicting the future tough. The average expenditure of a dental practice in the UK is around £400,000 once up and running.

Added to that:

• Remuneration rates for dental team rising

• Staff retention & recruitment is creating additional cost

• Post Brexit cost still being understood due to supplier costs

• COVID costs to be compliant ongoing for foreseeable future

68% of all respondents feel their relationships (inside and outside work) have suffered as a result of work-related stress.(3)

Securing the right finance for your business needs will provide you with a level of reassurance, allowing you to grow your business. By forecasting and having financial projections in your business plan, even when unexpected costs or factors outside of your control occur, you can look where savings can be made to free up cashflow. This could be looking for a new insurance provider, supplies, card terminal rentals, replacing inefficient equipment or reviewing your practice acquisition loan. This will help to reduce some of the stress around running your business and worries about securing the future.

Supplies, equipment & software

When it comes to ordering supplies, your current purchasing habits might be costing your practice dearly!

Many practices spend significant time placing their dental consumable orders and are not managing the ordering process efficiently. Following a MediEstates business review we found that 20% of practices were placing more than 8 orders per month!

Think how not only is this very time-consuming but also environmentally unfriendly with all the additional packaging and transport involved!

Using the average rate of £12 an hour*, a nurse who spends 10 hours per month placing orders, costs the practice £1,440 annually. In addition to this, they are likely to be spending up to 5 hours every week shopping around for prices, which increases the cost by a further £3,120. That’s nearly £5,000 in avoidable costs.

If a clinician was ordering, it could cost upwards of £25,000!

Taking control will free up time which can be used for marketing and revenue-generating activities to drive a better patient experience and attract new or previous patients that were lost during the pandemic.

The additional revenue would allow you to offer more complex and high-value treatments which in turn will bring back any lost patients and acquire new ones!

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Part of your plan and budget will also be dedicated to purchasing equipment, whether this is from scratch, replacing existing or expanding, to ensure your practice is running smoothly and efficiently each and every day, because if your equipment is not working, you will not be. Think about key factors like reliability, support around breakdowns, training, will it add value to my practice, usage. This will help you to make decisions about what is suitable for your practice and at what time.

Having the right software can make all the difference between an efficient practice and a disorganised one. You need to have enough staff to be able to focus on the patients that are in the practice. That means taking tasks that can be done outside of the surgery, such as booking online and completing forms, and have them done before the patient arrives to simplify and expedite the patient’s interactions, particularly at reception and in the waiting room. There are a range of technologies emerging and there is a real step change happening with regards to the advent of cloud-based practice management software solutions. Cloud solutions mean that data is always there, always available, which means patient facing solutions are enabled in a way that they simply can’t be when the data is only in the practice. At the same time, many of these data are highly personal and sensitive, so the increased possibilities go hand in hand with an increased need to protect these data.


right team
As small businesses grapple with inflation –it’s adding to other challenges they’re already facing.(4)

Recruitment, hiring and retaining qualified workers remains the top challenge cited by small business owners, especially in the current climate where we are seeing a shortage of dentists. We have seen working patterns change, less candidates coming to the UK because of EU exit, 5,000 DCP leaving the profession and 1,600 unfulfilled vacancies in the dental team.

80% of small-business owners say their business’ financial health has suffered due to inflation over the past six months, a new Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Voices survey found. Of those, 67% have increased wages to retain employees, and 61% have increased wages to attract new employees.(5)

By making your practice a more competitive, flexible place to work, you can help to attract the right people to become part of your team. The key is to understand individuals and figure out how to be more flexible about the working environment. Solutions are now available that enable practices to offer dentists the opportunity to complete some of their work at home. There are capabilities that allow the practice team to work in a very different way – care coordinators and receptionists for example – these roles can now be done effectively from outside the practice, offering flexibility.

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Patients have over the last few years become acutely aware of their smiles. More than half (58%) of British adults surveyed responded that they have changed the way they see their smile as a result of online video calls, with a third (33%) now more aware of the colour of their teeth and nearly a quarter (24%) more conscious about the alignment of their teeth.(6)

With this affecting patients’ mental wellbeing as well as their dental health, more and more patients are considering visiting their dentists more often for treatment.

The average practice misses out on converting 50 to 70% of its leads which are coming out of hours.(7)

Do you have a system in place to capture and convert these? If not you are missing out on new patients which are potentially looking for these higher-end, private treatments.

Thinking about this in your business plan, including digital marketing as a key vehicle to gain new leads, will ensure you are capturing and growing your patient list.

When these patients do book an appointment and come into practice they are looking for flexible finance options.

Many businesses have lost out on treatment uptake when patients have felt they cannot afford the treatment they want. This can be made possible by offering patient financing in practice, making it easy and affordable for patients to say yes.

By providing these options patients feel they can afford the treatment within their budget and are more likely to go ahead. This increases cash flow and revenue for you plus creates a great patient experience.

Practices that offer flexible payment options show an average increase in appointments of 25%, leading to an increase in revenue and higher spend per visit.

Do your patients also know they could use their existing credit card to finance future treatment interest free?** There is no credit search, patients repay in affordable, monthly instalments and you are paid upfront.

What would that do to your treatment uptake figures? With many finance options available that can be easily integrated into your practice, you open up treatment avenues that previously may not have existed.

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The importance of having your practice valued

You may think you only need to have your practice valued when you are looking to sell or make a change, but that is not the case. You are running a business and having your business valued regularly should form part of your plan.

This will ensure that you know the true value, allowing you to make informed decisions and take action to improve that value, as you never know when it will be time to sell, the opportunity may come out of the blue. By strategically valuing your practice regularly and investing you can achieve the highest price. Valuations also help to ensure adequate insurance coverage is in place, with tax planning and additional practice acquisition financing.

51% of practice owners feel they haven’t enough time to innovate and develop their business.(9)

It is difficult to quantify your time and what that means for your business. It is vital to regularly refer to your business plan, review and adapt as needed, and look for ways to innovate. By implementing new treatments like clear aligners and implants you expand your patient reach, growing your practice and revenue. This will also add value to your practice financially.

So, after all this you might be asking yourself if running a dental practice is worth it? Definitely.

By working with Henry Schein and our expert partners from all areas of the business sector we can help make running your practice efficient, profitable and most importantly enjoyable. By taking some of the everyday stresses away, from marketing to helping you build the right team and plan effectively, it means you can concentrate on the key elements of your business that matter to you as well as giving you back valuable time to develop your business and solve the business puzzle.

All our partners are featured in this brochure and if you wish to enquire about any of the services they provide visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk or speak to your local Henry Schein Field Sales Consultant.

Sources: (1) GDC UK - Mental health and wellbeing in dentistry https://www.gdc-uk.org/news-blogs/blog/detail/ blogs/2020/09/17/mental-health-and-wellbeing-in-dentistry (2) Wellbeing Support for the Dental Team - A UK wide resource (3) Dentistry White paper 2022 (4, 5) Small business owners report feeling inflation squeeze – Yahoo News April 2022 https://news.yahoo.com/smallbusiness-owners-report-feeling-171912990.html

(6) Dental Health Organisation https://www.dentalhealth.org/ news/the-tooth-on-how-the-pandemic-has-affected-oursmiles (7) Xcelerator Dental (8) Finance 4 Patients (9) BDA Survey

Additional resources

Interview with Ben Flewett https://the-probe.co.uk/blog/2022/04/interview-ben-flewettmanaging-director-software-of-excellence/ * https://uk.jobted.com/salary/dental-nurse shows average dental nurse salary in 2021 is £25,000 **Subject to status. This is available using patient finance from Splitit via our partner Finance 4 Patients. Terms and conditions will apply.

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Dental Nurse Network

Professional growth for Dental Nurses

Our mission

Dental Nurse Network (DNN) was set up to inspire and encourage dental nurses to develop their skills and further their careers. We are committed to providing ethical, affordable and flexible, high-quality education led by teachers who are experienced, passionate and qualified in their field.

Who we are

We are a team of dental care professionals –mostly dental nurses, dental therapists and dental hygienists – who work together to provide resources and training for dental nurses across the UK. We all value ethical education practices and are continuously updating our qualifications to ensure we are offering the best support, resources and ser vices.


We create opportunities for nurses with additional qualifications to work with us and gain experience and extra income. We have a team of registered dental care professionals who write up-to-date, relevant content for us. They also teach, both online and in classroom settings, which allows them to gain valuable experience and enjoy generous rates of pay.

Our values

At DNN, we value ethical practices and excellence.

We provide excellent support services for all our courses and are constantly looking for ways to improve our support services and overall learning experience.

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As a Henry Schein customer you will receive a discount off the advertised rate on all the following qualifications/courses:

•NEBDN National Diploma in Dental Nursing

•NEBDN National Certificate in Oral Health Education

•NEBDN National Certificate in Fluoride Varnish Application

•Level 3 Certificate in Lead Dental Nursing

•Level 2 Certificate in Patient Care Coordination

•Level 2 Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Leadership

For more information on these courses download the brochure on the Henry Schein Business Solutions website or enquire today.

7% discount off the advertised rates on featured qualifications

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Xcelerator Dental

Digital Marketing

90% of dental practices are not doing any of the things which matter for an efficient SEO strategy

Time to rethink your digital strategy?

Xcelerator Dental grow your new patient leads and build your practice through digital growth programs. Having grown more than 200 dental practices, our Founder, David, knows what it takes to focus your digital strategy to grow your practice. We manage and implement your digital strategy, taking the work off your hands. This includes generating leads, through to providing the tools to help you convert them into new patients, and everything in between.

How we grow your practice:

▪ Find new leads for you and provide the tools to help you convert them into new patients

▪ Manage and implement your digital strategy, taking the work off your hands

▪ Get you more leads through digital marketing campaigns including local search engine optimisation (SEO) and paid advertising (Google and Facebook)

▪ Manage and optimise your website on an ongoing basis

▪ Online review management system, live chat, and out of hours lead management through our intelligent ChatBot

▪ And so much more

Who is this for?

Any dental practice that:

▪ Wants to grow and is open to change

▪ Wants a company they can trust to take the work off their hands

▪ Is working with multiple digital companies

▪ Doesn’t know if they are getting returns on their digital spend

▪ Doesn’t have a CRM

▪ Wants to stay ahead of their competitors

The average practice misses out on converting 50% to 70% of its leads which are coming out of hours

Do you have a system in place to capture and convert these?

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Book your FREE one-hour discovery call and audit today

Make practice growth frictionless.

Transparency and openness is key. We will be part of your team. We want to feel comfortable asking for anything we need you to do, and more importantly, ask you to feedback to us on whatever you may be thinking.

As a Henry Schein customer, you receive the following discounts on our three digital growth programs:

• A free initial 1-hour audit of your website and digital campaigns

•£100 off the Setup Fee

• A free initial 1-hour audit of your website and digital campaigns

•£500 off the Setup Fee

• A free initial 1-hour audit of your website and digital campaigns

•£750 off the Setup Fee

If you want to grow your practice and stay ahead of your competitors, our growth programs do just that.

“ David is helping us provide a platform of financial security. I don’t think it gets much better than that, does it? ”
Dr Jonathan Allsopp
Principal Dentist and Specialist Orthodontist
“ They hold your hand along the way and the results show as our growth from last year has been phenomenal. ”
Dr Mickey Frankl Principal Dentist
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All Med Pro Specialist in Dental Insurance

All Med Pro are experienced Dental Indemnity insurance providers, providing dentists with this cover since 2011. Plus, with over 60 years combined experience of looking after dentists you can rest assured you really are in safe hands.

Our dentist-to-dentist advisory service and specialist legal claims support not only increases the number of years’ experience available for clients to call on, it also ensures that the service provided is entirely by experts in their field.

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Dedicated quote & buy platform + preferential rates

Below is a comparison of how our product compares with others typically available to dentists:

*Please note providers may change their cover and service without warning and as such, the above is a summary of typical covers available

Use our quote and buy platform which allows you to get a quote, quote documents and buy online including pay and setting up monthly instalment plans if required.

How do I switch?

It really couldn’t be simpler to change providers.

Use our online quote & buy platform


Call All Med Pro

Receive quote from All Med Pro

Complete Online Application Form

All Med Pro requests Claims History from your previous provider for you

Minimum Premium Indication:

Cancel Direct Debit with previous provider & write to them to cancel your Indemnity

Our premiums start from around £1500 per year with monthly instalment options available.

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Defence Organisations Other Insurance Contract Certain Cover 6 4 4 Claims Occurrence 4 4 4 Dentist-to-Dentist Advisers 4 6 4 FCA Regulated 6 4 4 Risk Management Support 4 6 4
Student Foundation Year Dentist Practice Owner Multi-Practice Retirement

Border Consultancy Property Services

We create solutions

Border Consultancy Chartered Surveyors are here to provide you with business-ready solutions for all your property matters.

With over 50 years of combined in-house industry experience, our innovative and forward-thinking team have a proven track record of delivering best-in-class property services within the healthcare sector. Based on our extensive in-house experience we truly understand your business challenges, and drawing on our multidisciplinary skills we work to create a personalised and end-to-end solution for managing your property matters.

The transition from in-house property management to outsourced has been seamless, and Border Consultancy Chartered Surveyors have maintained strong and sometimes delicate relationships with our occupiers, whilst ensuring our organisations best interests are at the forefront of their management strategy. Their advice on opportunities within the portfolio is invaluable…we have found their expert knowledge and experience essential in minimising our liabilities.

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NFU Ask us about your Henry Schein customer preferential rates

Delivering solutions for...


•Buying or r





• Design, pr a pr


Our knowledge and expertise will guide and support you through any of these processes to deliver the seamless solution that you need.

To chat about your requirements and find out more about how we can help, please get in touch.

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Crysp Property & Compliance Services

Business / Property Health & Safety

How to achieve safety compliance

Crysp is a combined digital business compliance platform and physical workplace Statutory Fire Safety and Workplace Health & Safety Risk Assessment.

A digital and physical solution to ensure your business and workplace achieves and maintains compliance.

The digital platform hosts all your property compliance details, tracks statutory dates, provides e-Learning, e-forms etc. The only limitation is your business need…

Ask us about your Henry Schein customer preferential rates

Why achieving compliance can be a challenge?

Information is often contained within separate systems and software, team members, and paper based documents retained locally.

This could make compliance difficult to manage especially where visibility is critical to others for the safe running of the organisation.

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Tech wizardry and compliance practitioners come together

With Crysp we have created a true digital platform to empower people to centralise and manage effectively an organisation’s compliance. Integrating professionals in both compliance and IT with the directors of Crysp having over 50 years experience enabling them to understand what your challenges could be.

Our Features

The Digital Platform includes:

1. Compliance Monitor – Ensuring you never miss critical statutory inspections.

2. Document Management – Hosting your statutory documents against your individual properties.

3. Digital Forms – Create and use digital forms enabling ease of use and immediate reference.

4. Access to expert advice – Access to competent Fire, Health & Safety consultants.

5. Enabling Accountability and Visibility –Assign individuals within your business to manage key activities.

6. E-Learning – Access to a range of over 100 e-Learning modules.

7. Administration – Managed by a dedicated Cr ysp team enabling you to focus on your core activities.

Thanks to Crysp we now have total visibility of all of our health and safety and local country statutory documents, training records, risk plans and much, much more for all our European stores, outlets and concessions.
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Visit the Business Solutions website to find out how compliant your practice is

Dentally The future in practice

Today, cloud technology quietly features in many aspects of our everyday lives, supporting businesses to stay connected and streamlining their customer’s journey as we all work together to return to pre-COVID levels of dentistry.

Providing an exceptional and safe patient experience means dental practices can build better patient relationships, so ensuring your team has everything they need to do so at their fingertips is essential.

By using cloud-enabled dental software like Dentally, you have the digital tools to transform your business, whether you run a multi-site, NHS, private or mixed dental practice. You can streamline your processes, reduce your practice admin, deliver excellent patient care and manage your team. It is easy to use, very secure, helps you keep everything moving, stay in touch with patients and allows your team to work effectively to deliver the best possible care to your patients -whether they are on-site or working remotely.

Patient management is simple with Dentally, saving you time and resources by taking care of all your admin, tracking tasks, automating your patient communications, managing finances and all aspects of your day-to-day processes.

Why choose Dentally?

Dentally is all about ease of use -from practice admin to patient care or managing your team - our software aims to take the stress out of daily practice life.

• Save money - there is no need for expensive hardware and servers. All data is stored securely on the cloud to keep your practice running smoothly and cost-effectively.

• Contactless reception - including online medical history, self-check-in and payments - make things simple and safer for both your staff and your patients.

• Save time - manage your team and your practice admin seamlessly (whether staff are on-site or working remotely) with features such as task lists, automation and Dentally chat

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• Stay connected - keep patient communications open with Dentally, clear, concise and automated to keep your practice running smoothly.

• Patient journey - provide an effor tless seamless patient journey from start to finish with tools such as Dentally Por tal, our easy to use clinical record and treatment plans.

• NHS contracts - save valuable time with reduced admin and greater flexibility Dentally for NHS practices is efficient, easy to use, with an effortless repor ting process to manage your contracts.

• Powerful reporting - Dentally sifts through your data quickly to produce real-time, easy to understand and analyse reports so you can make informed decisions with the most up-to-date data.

• Work from anywhere - Dentally brings you flexibility and versatility. Our cloudbased software lets you work on-site or remotely - all you need is Google Chrome.

• Easy onboarding - simple to switch and easy to use - our onboarding team provides comprehensive training tailored to the skill levels of your team.

Dentally understands that running your dental practice is so much more than appointments, charting and finances. Our responsive support team is always available and ensures you get the best out of the software for your practice. We will support you now and in the future, develop loyal patient relationships with our effortless patient journey, manage your NHS and private work efficiently and save you valuable time - helping your practice get back to pre-COVID dentistry levels.

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Engage the Team Leadership & team coaching

Leadership skills for the dental practice ownerlearn how to harness the potential of your team to drive sustainable, long term growth.

Developing our leadership skills and more fully engaging the team we work with, presents one of the greatest opportunities for dentists today. By working more closely with our teams, engaging them in achieving the vision and goals for our practice, we can tap into the enthusiasm, ideas and motivation of those around us to deliver an outstanding patient experience, improved productivity and a happier, less stressful workplace.

Following the COVID lockdown and subsequent changes to our practice, many team members have been looking for a new start, abandoning long standing employers for pastures new. The great resignation is now affecting all practices and finding and keeping good people has become a top priority for practice owners.

Developing leadership skills and engaging our teams more effectively provides the best protection from team members looking

to leave, as they feel more valued and are working in an environment where they trust their leader, feeling listened to and valued. This way we create a layer of protection around our team, something that rubs off on patients as well, as team members are happier and more enthusiastic, improving the patient experience.

Focussing on leadership skills is becoming a key aspect of dentists personal development plans and along with clinical skills development will significantly add to the overall performance of the whole team.

On the environment - we should consider climate change, what we can do to impact it and have a plan to report on our progress.

On diversity in the workplace - racial, gender and cultural diversity are important to reflect the communities we serve and to ensure the best decision making, how do we counter unconscious bias?

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How do we as leaders address these key issues of today, whilst ensuring the long term growth of our practice?

The Leadership Toolkit is designed for dental practice owners and dental team members and is a purpose build process for implementation in Primary Care as part of developing leadership skills. It contains the following elements:

1. Toolkit Steps

These are the key steps to implement your effective leadership journey. They require consistent practice and of course you will make mistakes, but that’s OK, learn and tr y again.

2. Toolkit Activities

These are the day to day things you need to do to engage the team effectively on an ongoing basis, with suggested frequency. You can establish your own way of doing these but remember they are all important and based on many years experience through trial and error.

3. Presentation

Cut down version of the “Leadership in Practice” Webinar PowerPoint.

4. Leadership Questions

Examples of open-ended questions to ask team members.

5. Leadership Audit

An audit of engagement for team members to undertake to establish a benchmark and point to areas to focus on. Setting up a regular audit, say six monthly, will help establish progress and areas of future focus.

For a copy of the Leadership Toolkit or to talk about coaching for you and your Team

This process has been tested in practice and provides immediate results in terms of engagement, leadership morale and improved revenues.

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FREE one hour discovery meeting

Finance 4 Patients

Patient Financing

Looking for a way to increase treatment uptake?

Splitting dental costs into easy monthly instalments allows patients to confidently go-ahead with the treatments they really want. Using the latest finance technologies, it is now possible for patients to pay for their treatments using their existing credit card with the interest removed when processed through the Finance 4 Patients system.

Finance 4 Patients helps practices boost their cashflow by giving guaranteed payouts for patients’ treatment plans. They also provide a premium concierge service, with tailored marketing support – both online and print materials are available to help promote your new finance service.

Patients can now choose from 2 different types of finance options: the traditional fixed term treatment loan application or the new option which allows them to pay for their treatments, interest free, using their existing credit card. With either option, the application process is incredibly simple for the patient and can be sent to them by email or text in less than 60 seconds.

By registering online with Finance 4 Patients, your dental practice can start offering Finance 4 Patients within a week to make your treatments more affordable.

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Benefits for you:

•Increase patient uptake

•Improves cashflow

•Secures immediate business

• Multiple lenders to choose from

Benefits for the patients:

• Makes treatments instantly affordable

• Payment terms to suit their circumstances

• Pay by finance or by using their existing credit card, interest free

• Fast application with instant decisions

“ The option to offer finance has made it easier for patients to accept private treatment and makes it easier for us to sell the treatment to them. In our first month of offering finance we have sold over £6,000 of treatment on finance. The private side of my practice is growing and it’s most definitely helped by my choosing to offer Finance 4 Patients. ”

Our partner lenders:

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Henry Schein Financial Services

Finance Services

Funding your practice purchase

Historically, lenders have had very clear credit policies on how they were able to finance clients looking to purchase within the healthcare sector. This meant they were only able to support a particular type of client and/or practice resulting in red tape and obstacles that needed to be overcome in order to facilitate a loan. However, more recently, lenders have been given more freedom, allowing for greater financial support. It is our aim, alongside banks, to consequently assist with your business aspirations, making them a reality.

The evolving sector

As such, banks no longer have a specific ‘one size fits all’ credit policy, following guidelines rather than rigid policies, allowing lending representatives to exercise their initiative. Lenders will therefore look at each case on its own merit. This allows lenders to evolve alongside the expanding healthcare sector. Such movements are incredibly exciting news, as it means that the market has really opened up, providing buyers with options that in the past would not have been possible.

How we can help

The scope on lending for a practice purchase has many considerations and variables. At Henry Schein Financial Services we will contact the banks and building societies on your behalf, in order to secure the best possible deal that fits with your individual requirements. We have built valuable relationships with the lenders through the years and using our expert knowledge, we are able to present

your case to them in the most attractive way, which results in a more positive outcome. We will provide you with the market research, allowing us to source the very best deal available to you through our bespoke advice.

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What can I expect?

Using the tailored service that we provide, you will benefit from our preferential rates, competitive loan-to-values and repayments terms. The rates that we are receiving at present are as low as 2% above base and to reiterate, the loan-to-values that we have arranged reach 100% of the purchase price, subject to meeting the banks policy for that level of lending. Rates to refinance an existing practice finance loan are as low as 1.5% above base at present. This alone indicates that this is a great time to purchase as the low rates and high loan-to-values reflects the banks incredibly positive appetite to lend in this sector.

For more information contact a member of our Financial Services team on 01332 321702 or email contact@henryscheinfinancial.co.uk

It is often a daunting notion to purchase a practice, particularly if you are a firsttime buyer. We aim to provide you with the support needed in order to take that plunge. From the offset, you will be provided with one point of contact in the shape of a financial adviser that will continue with you on your journey of purchasing a practice through to completion and thereafter. The adviser will aim to make this experience as streamlined and stress free a possible as we understand how important your time is to you.

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Invest is best

As small business owners, the additional responsibilities, such as financial management and keeping on top of regulations and equipment maintenance, can become an unexpected and significant burden. As well as keeping the practice viable, you must also have an eye to the future, making sure you invest in the business, keeping it efficient and competitive, and budgeting effectively for those larger financial expenses. This is where our asset and equipment finance solutions can significantly alleviate the business stresses of running a dental practice.

Financial security and flexibility

With the help of one of our experienced financial consultants, we can put together a solution which enables you to lease or hirepurchase the equipment you require and pay for it over an agreed period of manageable monthly payments. This means you can choose the equipment you want, draw up an affordable way of paying for it, be clear on what you will be paying each month and rest assured that will be no sudden surprises.

Subject to policy, it’s usually possible to finance 100% of your investment, be it hardware, software, services or training. And, while most banks only lend over the short term (typically 12-35 months), Henry Schein Financial Services offers financing terms ranging from 12 right up to 72 months, enabling you to spread the cost according to your needs.

An asset and equipment finance solution from us also simplifies your business by bundling all your equipment, technology, maintenance, insurance and other services into one contract, which introduces significant economies of scale, saving time and making everything easy to track. The package also includes help with meeting asset management and equipment lifecycle requirements to make sure you are adhering to industry regulations.

No compromise

How often have you made do with a piece of equipment because it still does the job, despite the increased efficiency and improved quality that could be achieved with an upgrade? With an asset and equipment finance solution in place, you can equip your surgeries with the equipment you want, allowing you to give the best treatment to your patients in complete comfort, whilst maintaining your competitive edge.

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Make the most of your money

Hire purchase is by far the most popular form of dental finance as it facilitates the purchase of equipment whilst paying for it over a period of time. This type of agreement also qualifies for the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA).

For those who prefer smaller monthly payments you can choose a lease agreement. At the end of the term you can choose to either purchase the equipment, upgrade to a newer model or continue financing with substantial savings. By locking in payments upfront in a payment contract, you avoid the risk of future

For more information contact a member of our Financial Services team on 01332 321702 or email contact@henryscheinfinancial.co.uk

inflation and with no working capital tied up and a good credit rating, your increased buying power makes it possible to consider equipment and assets which might previously have been out of reach.

Signing up to an asset and equipment finance solution takes the stress out of managing your practice finances, as well as offering flexible ways of making your money work hard for you.

Here at Henry Schein Financial Services, we offer flexibility, tailoring finance for you at competitive prices.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 29

Are you missing out on

The longer you wait to undertake a practice valuation, the more likely you are to miss out on new revenue opportunities or lose money when the time comes to sell.

Your practice could be losing thousands in value just by delaying your valuation.

51% of practice owners feel they haven’t got enough time to innovate and develop their businesses. (BDA


So why not let MediEstates give you the tools to develop your business for you? Dentistry is more competitive than ever and you are already working long hours, sometimes running your practices single-handedly and managing multiple sites in different localities. This high level of stress is a major factor in many dentists wanting to sell their practice and retire early.

You may not have time to put into place strategies that will free up your time and improve your financial performance. But crucially any improvements in financial performance are multiplied a number of times over when you come to sell, meaning small gains result in a big growth in value.

Example of adding profit to the valuation

2021 practice valuation £1,625,334 2022 practice valuation £1,865,334 14% increase Benchmarking against comparable businesses to assess efficiency opportunities 2022 Total extra profit £30,000 x 8.00 = £240,000 Specialist income growth 15% Additional profit generated £30,000
mediholdings.co.uk 01332 609318


‘‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’’
Benjamin Franklin
On average, we have found practice values have increased by 13% year on year.

MediEstates can help. We can provide you with a personalised strategy, targeting specific areas for business growth and value enhancements.

What if we could show you a way in which you could feel confident about your practice’s prospects, and start preparing for your retirement early?

Book a valuation today by emailing contact@mediestates.co.uk or calling 01332 609318


Horton Consulting Training & consultancy solutions

Here to help you use a Treatment Coordinator to do more of the dentistry you love.

3 Stage Approach to Supporting Clients

Horton Consulting provides world-class training for the entire dental team. Renowned for expertise in Treatment Coordination Laura delivers training in a hybrid way to support every type of practice and team.



To keep you and the team motivated and to support you through any system changes.

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find out exactly what is happening and to understand the nuts and bolts of how you operate.
help you reach the goal.
Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information33 Book a FREE Strategy Call to get clear on how the role can work for you (worth £200) Plus Henry Schein customers receive a 10% saving

Initial Medical

Waste Management

Ask us about your Henry Schein customer preferential rates

The safe management of healthcare waste is vital to ensure your activities are not a risk to human health. Initial Medical’s healthcare waste services ensure that all of your waste is stringently handled in compliance with all current and pending EU legislation and in accordance with Safe Management of Healthcare Waste best practice guidelines, providing you with the peace of mind and putting you one step ahead of current standard practice.

What waste goes where?

With so many different waste streams being generated in your practice, it’s understandable that you may be confused about what waste goes where. Created as a memorable reminder to support the Department of Health’s colour code for best practice waste management is Initial Medical’s Colour Code Characters. Each character represents a different waste stream, to help people easily identify which waste products belong where. With names such as Dental Diana, Tina Tooth and Jack Trash, the whole cast of characters have names and colours that directly link to the waste stream they are associated with, making waste management in practice easier to follow.

Initial Medical’s services meet the needs of dental practices of all sizes, providing a complete collection, disposal and recycling service for hazardous and non-hazardous waste.


• Provision of waste collection containers for both clinical and amalgam waste

• Disposal of ALL your dental waste according to current and pending National and EU Waste Management Legislation for dental waste

• Amalgam waste containers that are equipped with a mercury suppressant agent for your safety

• Quantities tailored to your practice size

• Simple container exchange, no onsite transferral

•Regular, scheduled collections

•Environmentally friendly

• A FREE professional compliance evaluation

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“ We have been using Initial Medical for many years, and never had any issues. Our driver is always very helpful, the products we use are ideal for our requirements and meet all legislation standards, and our local rep is always on hand if we have any questions. I would highly recommend Initial Medical to any other Dental Practices. ”

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 35
Courtyard Dental Practice - Bella - Practice Manager Colour Code Characters

JSP Media Group

Video Marketing

Ask us about your Henry Schein customer preferential rates

Isn’t it time we all started having a bit more fun with our practice marketing? You should try video marketing - it works!

Internet video marketing combines the power of moving pictures with the precision and interactivity of your practices’ website. Online video is proving to deliver high levels of attention and engagement with patients.

What do you think your patients would do to find out more about the services and/or products you offer? Spend 20 minutes on your website, or watch a 3 minute video that does the same? People are hungry for information, but they don’t have time, so content needs to be quickly and easily digestible – a video does this incredibly well.

Video marketing incorporates videos into your marketing activities to promote what you’re selling. This could include creating a video, to show testimonials from satisfied patients, an interior and exterior tour of your practice, or a story from you and your background.

At JSP Media Group, we have a dedicated team of talented media professionals. Video is a brand differentiator in crowded markets so our state-of-the-art (High Definition) camera equipment, along with our sound and lighting kits will give your production that glossy look and high-end quality feel.

Founded by Jemish Patel in 2008, JSP Media Group has produced over 2,500+ hours of broadcast quality videos, ranging from corporate videos for dental practices and care homes to animations and videos for the charity sector.

We are a team that live, breathe, eat and sleep video and everything that goes with it. What sets us apart is that we’re able to deliver film and television industry quality video production with our combined experience and unique expertise.

We are passionate about creating the ultimate video package to help your business grow and we pride ourselves in giving you exactly what you need.


• Excellent way of driving new business and educating existing patients

• Gives your practice great branding and strong identity

•Patient education

• Great for treatment promotion

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Our ethos is:


We believe every practice should communicate with their patients in the most engaging, efficient and authentic way possible.


JSP Media Group provides unique products, services and training modules produced by broadcast professionals which enable practices to market themselves effectively using the medium of video.


JSP Media Group is a specialist video marketing company that specialises in professional video marketing solutions for practices.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 37

Lloyds Bank Cardnet

Card Transaction Services

Taking customers’ payments quickly and easily is vital for your business and for your customers, so choose a name you can trust.

As a Henry Schein customer, Lloyds Bank Cardnet offers you fantastic rates for processing card payments, terminal rentals and greater payment control with business insight through their innovative point of sale system Clover®.

Switching is easy and doesn’t involve changing your bank account. What makes this really unique is that it also supports the UK’s largest overseas dental health charity, Bridge2Aid, with a donation from Henry Schein Dental Business Solutions.

Our rates for card processing and terminal rental

Rates based on transactions processed as chip and PIN. If your business has an annual card turnover of more than £1m and/or you process more than 10% as cardholder not present, please contact us for a personalised quote.

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Card type Merchant service charge Visa Debit 0.294% Mastercard Debit (& Maestro) 0.291% Visa Business Debit 0.896% Visa Credit 0.801% Mastercard Credit 0.850% Visa Commercial (Corporate, Business and Purchasing) 1.712% Mastercard Commercial (Corporate, Business and Purchasing) 1.838% American Express® 1.900% Terminal Rental Price per month Terminal Clover Flex (Wifi/Bluetooth)ǂ £30.00 Terminal (Countertop)ǂ £13.34 PCI DSS** £5.00 + VAT Authorisation fee £0.02 Minimum monthly charge £15.00

Discover Clover

it’s more than just a payment system

Clover Flex WiFi is our innovative point of sale (POS) that adds real value to your business. Built around accepting payments, it keeps sales simple and convenient, so you can spend more time on growing the business you love.

Software benefits:

Clover Flex WiFi comes equipped with our Payments Plus software plan, which provides essential features and more. For those who want a little extra flexibility, there is an option to upgrade to either the Register Lite or Register software plan.

• Your customers can pay with cash or debit, credit or contactless cards.

• Clover protects your business and reputation by safeguarding your customers’ card data.

• Manage your business from anywhere through the Clover web dashboard.

• Enhance your customer relationships with electronic receipts, loyalty programmes and apps for social media management.

• Add more functionality from the Clover App Market for example simplify bookkeeping with apps which link to accounting software.

• Software updates are automatically delivered to your Clover device, so you’ll always have the latest version and up-to-date security.

Hardware features:

•Long battery life - enough for a full day of trading.

• 5 inch high-resolution colour touchscreen display with PIN on glass.

• Built in thermal receipt printer.

First Data company. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. Some apps are subject to additional charges. The App market is provided by Clover Network Inc, not Lloyds Bank Cardnet. Visit www.eu.clover.com/ appmarket to view the terms of use and information on pricing. Cardnet is a registered trademark of Lloyds Bank plc. Lloyds Bank plc Registered office: 25 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales No. 2065. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Conduct Authority no. 119278. Lloyds Bank plc is covered by the Financial Ombudsman Service (Please note that due to the eligibility criteria of this scheme not all Lloyds Bank customers will be covered).

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 39
£30.00 per month + VAT over a 18 month period Why choose Clover? Save time Happy customers User-friendly Reliable and secure Get insight Lloyds Bank Cardnet Terms and Conditions: All applications will be subject to their own credit and risk assessment and we may ask for supporting documentation. **The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) are a set of standards mandated by the Card Schemes to protect cardholder data and are an important aspect of card data security. ǂ Your terminal hire contract will be with your leasing company and subject to separate terms and conditions. Terminal rental costs are for standard offer only. The merchant service charge is made up of a number of elements including Scheme Fees and Interchange Fees. If you chose Cardnet, you will be provided with further information on these fees. £25.00 will be donated by Henry Schein Dental to Bridge2Aid. Information correct as of May 2022. Your standard mobile network charge will apply to any text message sent. Calls may be monitored or recorded in case we need to check we have carried out your instructions correctly and to help improve our quality of service. Mastercard is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Maestro® is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. American Express® is a registered trademark of American Express. American Express is a separate contract and will be direct with American Express. The Clover trademark and logo are owned by Clover Network, Inc. a

Mark Topley The CSR Coach

Helping you to grow your team and your business with CSR

We now know that the majority of people expect businesses to be responsible. They prefer to work for them and buy from them.

Most small businesses owners understand this but don’t know what’s expected or how to make it work in practice.

The CSR Coach helps businesses to both know and show that they’re responsible. We make sure their business covers all their social and environmental responsibilities effectively and builds a reputation as the kind of business that people want to work for and buy from.

What can CSR do for me?

• Help you to attract and retain a more engaged team - increase productivity, reduce staff turnover

• Fulfil your environmental responsibilitiesallay your staff and patients’ concerns

• Engage with and impact your community and good causes - make a difference and boost team morale

• Demonstrate simply and clearly that you’re a responsible business - build your reputation and increase trust

If you’re like many practices we talk to, you’re more and more aware of the need to think about how responsible your practice is. Demonstrating that you’re environmentally and socially responsible are now imperative if you want to to reassure patients and staff that you’re a ‘good’ business to deal with - that you have a conscience, and that you care about your community.

But that’s hard to find the time to think about when there’s enough going on already just to

run the practice day to day. As small business owners ourselves we know how it feels to carry that nagging feeling that something important is being left undone, but lack the time or bandwidth to tackle it.

You’ve probably already tried to get a few things going to be a responsible practice - recycling more, doing some things for charity. But how do you make sure you’re covering the essentials of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a way that adds value? How do you turn your good work into a clear message that potential patients will recognise in the few seconds of attention span they have before they scroll on? We can help.

CSR Coaching

We understand that you’re busy and might need some help putting a plan in place. Perhaps you want an expert to handle everything for you, or some additional input to guide your team. Whatever stage you are at, we have a coaching solution to help you - from group webinars to face-to-face consultancy, and bespoke planning and supported implementation. We can take the thinking off your desk and get a simple and effective CSR plan in place that matches your business and team. Download our free ’60 Minute CSR Plan’ at TheCSRCoach.uk

“ A business should never be considered complete until it has its own CSR, however big or small. Our CSR projects make us appreciate our current surroundings and have brought us together as a team, which is invaluable and something that money simply can’t buy.”

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“ Mark is the leading exponent of Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK dental space and has consistently delivered value through his mentorship, coaching and advice to those both in the profession and the industry. I certainly look to Mark as the "gold standard" on CSR in our sector and regularly recommend him to my dental clients.”

Take the first steps towards a more responsible practice

Access these resources at marktopley.co.uk/start

Download my Ebook - The CSR Advantage Demystify CSR once and for all.

Sustainability in 60 minutes

An online, self-learning video course. Create a simple and solid Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility plan without needing to be an expert!

The CSR Academy

One year 'done for you' package for busy practices committed to becoming more sustainable and responsible. We deliver a proven way for your practice to succeed by caring for their people, protecting the environment and contributing to their community.

Complimentary call + 10% discount on all packages & certifications - enter the code ‘Friends10’ at check out or in your introductory email

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 41


Specialist Dental Recruitment for permanent & locum staff

It’s all about the team

Getting the right people for you and your practice

It’s vital for practice efficiency to have the right team in place and at some point every practice will need a recruitment agency. The best agencies have access to a large pool of candidates from across the country, giving you the best opportunity to find a candidate with the ideal mix of skills and the right ethos to fit perfectly into your practice.

Making the right appointments is crucial for both your business and your patients, but it’s one of those tasks that has to be done on top of “the day job”, and often out of hours. That’s why MediCruit has consultants available in the evening, who will do the legwork for you, by advertising the role, shortlisting suitable candidates and forwarding CVs, so you only get to see the very best candidates, saving you valuable time.

As the UK’s largest dental job agency, MediCruit’s years of experience means their team knows the best places to advertise in order to get the attention of the ideal candidates. With over 70,000 candidates in a database, they still reach even more individuals by advertising vacancies across the UK.

Online Candidate Search is accessible 24 hours a day via the MediCruit website and enables you to conduct an initial online search, using tailored filters, and request interesting CVs – a useful first step.

Searching for that dream job

For candidates, Online Candidate Search means instant exposure to any recruiting practice that does a search. This is flagged on the system meaning MediCruit’s consultants can then make an introduction and hopefully secure you an interview.

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Over £1,000 discount on selected recruitment fee (Henry Schein customers only)

With over 1,400 live roles registered at any one time, MediCruit have a large database of potential roles for you, easily searchable using their online function!

MediCruit can also help you write CVs, prepare for interviews and offer support where it will be helpful. It’s all part of the service.

With a proven track record in dental recruitment matching candidates with their perfect job since 2001 and backed by highly experience consultants, MediCruit are your trusted partner for all your recruitment needs.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 43


Dental Practice Sales & Valuations Experts

Thinking about your next move?

It could be buying your first practice, expanding, selling or retiring - for a stress-free transaction use an experienced practice broker.

So where to start?

MediEstates has grown and developed since 2005 to become the largest specialist broker of dental practices in the UK. Extensive experience in the buying and selling of dental practices means that their experienced team can help you optimise the value of your practice, and as a potential buyer you can find the ideal business to suit your experience and aspirations.

How can you help me?

MediEstates works on behalf of both buyers and sellers, and is a vital link between the two, as no other party in the process is in touch with both sides. It’s important for both sides that the process keeps moving; MediEstates trusted experts provide guidance and act as a prompt to both sides, which results in a smoother, less stressful transaction.

Regulations and satisfying the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is another crucial part of the sales process, including getting a DBS check for both buyer and seller, ensuring that both buyer and seller are completing

the correct application forms and that they can satisfy the CQC’s criteria. MediEstates has a CQC Consultancy Service that is complimentary to help put your mind at rest.

There’s a lot involved in selling a practice especially from an administrative point of view. MediEstates helps you with this timeconsuming and often quite complicated process, with well-timed advice on what paperwork will be needed and when.

What will you do to sell my practice?

It’s important to obtain a realistic valuation and that’s why MediEstates regularly analyse the market to make sure their valuations are in line with market trends and current bank valuations.

We have extensive market knowledge and have helped hundreds of dental practice owners achieve the highest sale price possible whenever the time was right to sell. Whether you want to sell outright or stay on at the practice for years to come, we can advise on which buyer might best suit your requirements and subsequently negotiate

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Become a premier tier buyer today

the best possible deal on your behalf. With our expertise, we will be able to confirm when the price is indeed ‘right’. Our advice is free, there are no up front fees, and all of our discussions are totally confidential. MediEstates offer a free dental practice appraisal either on-site or off-site at a time which suits you.

MediEstates have thousands of registered dental buyers just waiting for the right practice, and at any one time we are actively marketing over 140 dental practices.

As the UK’s largest specialist dental practice broker with a team of experienced and committed brokers, MediEstates is truly best placed to achieve a successful outcome for buyers and sellers alike.

With all the uncertainties during COVID-19 our relationship manager Nehsa who keeps in regular contact with us suggested having a practice valuation. This was done by Hannah who was very informative and provided us with very valuable advice. Definitely worth doing even if you not in the market to sell as it allows you to plan forward to yield the best outcome should you decide to sell in the future.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 45

Patient Lounge TV

Bespoke waiting room videos

What difference can Patient Lounge TV make to my waiting room?

You probably walk into your waiting room every day without noticing what patients, both new and existing see. Their patient journey probably begins and ends in your waiting room. With this in mind, you want the room to be as aesthetically pleasing as it can be and having Patient Lounge TV there sitting quietly in the corner doing it’s job, completes your patient lounge experience.

Take a look at the example waiting rooms below. Which room do you think your patients would be more comfortable in?

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Half price Media Player for Henry Schein customers - only £99 (usually £199), monthly subscription applies

Patient Lounge TV displays high-quality, bespoke waiting room videos to promote the treatments and services you offer within your practice and present them in such a way as to create an emotional response from your waiting patients.

Always present your most current promotions. You can easily update the content on the screen with just a few clicks, ensuring that your most current promotions are always on display.

Represent your complete brand. The Patient Lounge TV screen placed in your practice delivers messages directly to your patients. They also communicate and reinforce your brand. The content you choose to play through Patient Lounge TV is a reflection of your entire brand as it also includes branded logos, graphics, and frames, creating lasting impressions on patients.

Improve the appearance and environment of your waiting room. A waiting room layout can be enhanced by adding Patient Lounge TV to walls or maybe even one behind the reception desk. Screens improve the look of the waiting room while showing patients that your practice cares about staying up-to-date with the latest techniques.

Allow you to stand out from competitors. Patient Lounge TV serves you and your practice. And, also your patients. Customers like to see digital signage and would rather visit locations that have it. An Online Testing eXchange report found that 41% of consumers said they would be more likely to visit a location because of the digital signage.

Patient Lounge TV is a powerful tool. It can upgrade your practices’ atmosphere and environment all while acting as a continuous, silent salesperson – one who doesn’t require a salary, commission, benefits, or time off.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 47

Petaurum HR

Employment Support Services

Why is HR important in your practice?

There is no denying that people are your greatest asset and looking after them is key to helping your practice succeed and grow. Clearly setting out what is expected and treating everyone fairly fosters not only a great work environment, but also a happy, loyal and performing team, all of which will ensure you hold onto your staff and help attract new clients to your practice.

We have developed a series of HR Support packages that will make sure your practice not only remains compliant and protected from both legislative and reputational risk, but also can adapt to your practice’s growing needs.

Our range of HR Support Packages

Our HR Support packages have been developed by our team of professionals with many years of collective experience in helping businesses succeed. Each package has been designed to help your practice both now and for the future.

HR Assure is tailored to help practices protect themselves from reputational and financial risk, while at the same time complying with legal employment responsibilities. With HR Assure your practice will benefit from a standard Offer Letter and Contract of Employment, supporting forms, a standard suite of Employment Policies and free access to our employee benefits platform, Benefits Cloud - standard package*.

HR Maintain is tailored to help practices not only protect themselves with all the benefits of the HR Assure package, but

also provides on-demand access through a telephone helpline to our HR professionals for advice and support when issues or questions arise, along with a further range of standard templates and documents.

HR Develop is a custom package designed to meet your own individual practice needs and ensure your team is set-up for success. We will work with you to develop a rolling programme of value-add activities that will maximise productivity by helping everyone to work towards common goals.

HR Develop will help turn your plans into reality, putting your people at the heart of your success.

When people are your biggest asset and investment, why leave managing their performance to chance? Speak to one of our team about the type of HR Support Package that is right for your practice.

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discount for Henry Schein customers

How Benefits Cloud can benefit your practice

Benefits Cloud is our employee benefits platform offering hundreds of deals on well-known brands. Simple to use and easy to maintain, with Benefits Cloud you can make your employees’ pay go even further. When people feel recognised and valued, they create a happier, more

motivated workplace which is good for you and great for your clients.

visit www.benefitscloud.co.uk

*Free access to our Benefits Cloud– Standard Package is limited to those practices with 5 or less employees. Other low cost versions of Benefits Cloud are also available for larger practices.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 49


Secure Information Destruction

In dental, it’s a safe bet that every document you or your employees handle contains some form of confidential information. Whether its patient records or your own financial reports, you have a lot of information to secure.

If you create, collect or dispose of these types of documents, you and your organisation could be at-risk of an information breach ––

• Patient information - Name, address or telephone number

•Invoices and payments

•X-rays files

•Payroll and HR records

•Financial statements

•Balance sheets

•Income statements

•Tax filings and internal audits

•Staff schedules and contact info

•National insurance numbers

The requirements and obligations regarding the collection, maintenance and eventual destruction of personal and confidential information are significant, even more so with the introduction of GDPR.

The loss or mishandling of any of that information can result in fines, penalties, and even the loss of license.

Learning to recognise the risks and ensuring your employees at every level know how to identify, handle and securely dispose of confidential information – whether that information is digital or in paper form, is of utmost importance. Free rental of the consoles is given so that you can safely and securely store your confidential material until the point of destruction.

That is where Shred-it can help. Protect patient confidentiality with our best-in-class secure paper shredding and hard drive destruction services.

Shred-it remains the industry leader in workplace privacy servicing all major sectors including local and central government, healthcare, retail, legal, engineering, property, education, as well as police forces, banks and financial organisations. Using their handheld technology, they are able to provide you with a full audit trail of the destruction of your confidential material from start to finish.

Shred-it are working with Henry Schein to provide a secure compliant solution to you to ensure all confidential material is destroyed in a convenient cost-effective manner at pre-negotiated reduced rates for Henry Schein customers.

We protect what matters.
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Data Security Survey +preferential rates


• Secure destruction of paper, hard drives, media, uniforms, lanyards, bank cards and x-ray film.

• Secure Chain of Custody: vetted & uniformed staff, barcode scanning, Certificate of Destruction. No agency staff.

• FREE Data Security Survey to assess your needs and areas of risk.

• Regularly scheduled or one-off services.

• On and off-site services available.

• Secure containers in a variety of sizes.

• Shredded materials are securely recycled.

• Environmental reports detailing environmental accomplishments from using the service.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 51

Software of Excellence

You need dental software that helps you turn challenges into success. It’s time to walk the Path of Excellence with dental software designed with dentists in mind.

Software of Excellence have been the leaders in dental software for over 30 years, and we can guide you on your journey along the five key stages of the path:

1 Always Improving - Advice and support to help you realise the potential of your practice.

Businesses rely on its customers to grow and thrive, and by delving deep into the information within, we can help you navigate challenges and focus on the core areas for growth, using one-to-one tailored support through our Customer Success Programme and regular Business Health Checks.

2 Uncovering Opportunity - Tools that help you uncover ways to grow your business.

Every business owner knows the importance of key performance indicators (KPIs) and in the context of an industry in a state of flux, having a handle on KPIs is crucial, yet time pressures can often lead us to take our eye off the ball.

This is just one example of where the right software can do the heavy lifting. MyPractice Cloud provides a snapshot of practice performance and how activity aligns with goals. Using a customisable dashboard, KPIs can be viewed at a glance, and changes made based on any obvious shortfalls.

3 Experience Excellence - Give your patients the experience they expect in modern dentistry

Meeting the growing expectations of increasingly sophisticated, experience-led consumers is something every practice needs to embrace, to encourage treatment uptake, retain existing patients and attract new ones. We believe that practices which fully appreciate the importance of patient experience, by introducing a fast, streamlined and efficient service, will prosper.

The technology to introduce this seamless patient journey already exists with online booking, remote form filling, self-check-in and contactless payments all now deliverable via our dental software.

4 Building Connection - Seamless patient communication to keep patients engaged and on time.

Whether you are looking to promote new cosmetic services or simply want to remind patients of their upcoming appointment, it’s important to be proactive and reach out to customers as opposed to waiting for them to come to you.

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With powerful tools such as Campaign+ and guidance from our team of patient marketing experts on best practice, you will be able to create and schedule multi-channel campaigns that not only reflect your brand image but resonate with patients - allowing you to generate optimum results with minimum effort.


Retain and Attract - The ability to deliver the experience and care that keeps patients happy and brings more to your door.

FTAs have unfortunately always been business-critical, particularly now with demand for dentistry at an all-time high. SOE’s automated reminders could be all it takes to boost attendance and drive patient loyalty without taking up any more of your admin team’s valuable time.

Automating a friendly nudge via letters or SMS, which would usually require your staff to manually call the patient, allows your team to dedicate more of their time to what matters, providing excellent service in practice and responding to incoming enquiries on the phone lines – all factors that increase patient satisfaction rates and in turn, practice endorsements. Visit softwareofexcellence.com to find out more and take your first step on the Path of Excellence today.

Visit hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk for more information 53

The Confident Dentist Academy

Training Specialist

Find out how great communication can improve business performance and your personal life. What results could you achieve?

The Confident Dentist Academy is a training company specialising in world-class communication training for dental practices, dental practice owners, teams, specialists and organisations. Using the processes we teach, you’ll be able to improve your communication skills with staff and customers alike, creating cohesiveness, increase your leadership and credibility within the practice, responsiveness and rapport among your team.

At The Confident Dentist Training Academy, our mission is to help dental professionals, like you, learn world-class communication skills, selling with integrity, personal development through the use of human needs psychology (NLP), and your years of experience in the profession.

You’ll learn influence and persuasion skills to help your patients’ make the best choices available (rather than the cheapest), thereby increasing your private dentistry income. You’ll even improve your personal relationships among family and friends and you’ll learn about human dynamics and how to connect better with everyone you communicate with.

These training courses are designed specifically for dental practices, uniquely combining the very best of skills, methodologies and expertise for achieving exceptional results.

Dr. Barry J Oulton

B.Ch.D DPDS, Founder of The Confident Dentist

Dr. Barry J Oulton B.Ch.D DPDS qualified from the University of Leeds in 1993, obtained his DPDS from Bristol University in 2001 and his Masters level at the Aesthetic Advantage in West Palm Beach Florida.

Barry became a senior instructor for the Aesthetic Advantage both in the UK and US. He’s run two successful dental practices, was a vocational trainer for five years and has lectured for DMG in Germany, S4S on splint therapy and Septodont on pain and patient management. He still works clinically 3 days a week at the award-winning dental practice in Haslemere Surrey which he sold to the Portman Group in 2018.

Barry has a passion for training others, is a coach and mentor to students, dental professionals and business owners. His 23 years as a clinical dentist and his ever increasing knowledge about people and psychology has led him to write several training courses that are guaranteed to improve people’s businesses, personal lives and increase the profits they work for.

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Why join me?

• Increase job satisfaction – less stress

• Increased practice income and take home pay

• More time off with the ones you love

• Build amazing rapport with patients, family and friends – better relationships

• Compliments NOT Complaints

• Understand how patients buy and thus sell more complex treatment plans

• Increased treatment acceptance

• Unlimited referrals and reviews

“ Brilliant course which has added value to my everyday practice. This training should be implemented at an undergraduate level.”

“ This has been the most inspiring and valuable course I have done not just in my professional career but in my personal life.  I feel more confident, more empowered and buzzing to go back to work. Thank you Barry.”

Free one hour consultation

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What’s the REAL cost of placing your orders?

Your current purchasing habits might be costing your practice dearly.

Many practices spend significant time placing their dental consumable orders and are not managing the ordering process efficiently. Following a MediEstates business review we found that 20% of practices were placing more than 8 orders per month!

Think how not only is this very time-consuming but also environmentally unfriendly with all the additional packaging and transport involved!

Using the average rate of £12 an hour*, a nurse who spends 10 hours per month placing orders, costs the practice £1,440 annually. In addition to this, they are likely to be spending up to 5 hours every week shopping around for prices, which increases the cost by a further £3,120. That’s nearly £5,000 in avoidable costs!

If a clinician was ordering, it could cost upwards of £25,000!

Do you know how much it costs YOUR practice to do the ordering?

Don’t just sit idly by, scan the code and start taking control today

* https://uk.jobted.com/salary/dental-nurse shows average dental nurse salary in 2021 is £25,000
BS003-05-22 Offers valid until 31 March 2023. Please visit http://www.henryschein.co.uk/gb-en/Dental-GB/LegalTerms.aspx for full terms and conditions. E & OE. Henry Schein Dental, Medcare House, Centurion Close, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SB. t 0800 023 2558 e info@hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk w hsbusinesssolutions.co.uk HenryScheinUK

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