Hello Cape Town Magazine September 2021

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whale season South Africa has to be one of the most incredible destinations worldwide for watching marine mammals. In early June, southern right whales leave their Antarctic feeding ground to frolic in the warm waters of the Cape coast. Here they mate, calve and generally hang out, occasionally flopping a tail up, or sticking their heads out of the water to check out the humans. To see migratory southern right or humpback whales, visit between June and October, the best


months being August to October The town of Hermanus is only a 1.5 hour’s drive from Cape The coastal waters teem with gentle giants, from southern

Town and arguably offers arguably the best land-based

right whales and humpback whales, to Bryde’s whales and

whale watching in the world, making this seaside town the

even the odd orca, although rare. They spend time mating,

whale capital of South Africa. Spend some time gazing out to

calving and rearing their young – and giving whale-watchers

sea over Walker Bay and you’re sure to spot a whale or two.

spectacular displays of water acrobatics.

This is one of the whales’ most popular calving spots so you might even spot a calf too, with whales often coming within

4 of the best places to watch whales in South Africa

mere meters of the shore. The cliff path at Hermanus is one of the town’s most beautiful features. It meanders for 11 km along the rugged coastline, between the New Harbour to the west, and Piet-se-Bos, just beyond Grotto Beach, to the east. It is on the Hermanus cliff path that some of the world’s best land-based whale watching occurs (from August/September). Set at regular intervals on rocks and cliffs that overlook the sea are a series of wooden benches for that very purpose The annual marine visitors are part of Hermanus’ identity, the town boasts the world’s only β€˜whale crier’.

False Bay near Cape Town

Overberg & Southern Cape

In Cape Town, you can sometimes spot whales from along

Just along the coast from Hermanus is the area known as the

the road on the False Bay coast. Though less guaranteed,

Overberg located in the Southern Cape. The area extends

sightings around Cape Town are still plentiful. Get up high,

from Hermanus to Gansbaai and beyond to Cape Agulhas -

such as from the scenic Boyes Drive above Kalk Bay and

the southernmost tip of Africa.

St James or the mountainside above Simon’s Town, to get a better view. Or pop in to a seaside cafΓ© or restaurant

To ensure that the giant visitors who make their annual

anywhere on the False Bay side of the Cape Peninsula for

pilgrimage to this area are not disturbed during their nuptial

front row seat.

activities, the area off the coast in Walker Bay has been


l Hello Cape Town September 2021

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