Hello Cape Town Magazine September 2021

Page 16

A celebration of spring and south african heritage The month of September has become

is to hold small events with friends and


known as Heritage Month, which

family, and not to have a mass braai.

β€’ Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical

recognises aspects of South African

The idea was to find a day where all

Landscape in the Northern Cape

culture that are both tangible and

South Africans can have something in

β€’ Khomani Cultural Landscape in the

intangible: creative expression such as

common. The country has a fractured

Northern Cape

music and performances, South Africa’s

political past and, in many aspects, this

β€’ Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains in

historical inheritance, language and the

still applies. Braai Day is a celebration of


local food.

being South African, where differences are put aside.

24 September is an annual public holiday, known as Heritage Day since

See www.braai.com for more

1995. Before that, 24 September was


observed in KwaZulu-Natal as β€˜Shaka’s Day,’ in commemoration of the Zulu

Various heritage sites and facilities in


South Africa are named after liberation

Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape

struggle icons and historical leaders, e.g.:

Mapungubwe is known as the β€œplace of wisdom”. The site lies on the open

β€’ The Sol Plaatjie Municipality in the

savannah of the Mapungubwe National

Northern Cape

Park. It touches the northern border of

β€’ The Nelson Mandela Museum in the

South Africa, close to both Zimbabwe

Eastern Cape

and Botswana.

In 2005, Jan Scannell (who became

β€’ Luthuli House in Gauteng

known as β€œJan Braai”) started a

β€’ King Shaka International Airport in

This is a site that was populated by a

media campaign proposing that


civilized kingdom over 900 years ago.

Heritage Day be renamed as National

β€’ Steve Biko Memorial in the Eastern

Settlements, artefacts and graves of

Braai Day, in commemoration of


these communities can be seen at the site. It also has a national park

the culinary tradition of informal backyard barbecues, known as braais.

South Africa is also home to 10 World

where various bird and animal species,

On 5 September 2007, Archbishop

Heritage Sites which are recognised

including four of the Big 5, roam freely.

Emeritus Desmond Tutu celebrated his

by the United Nations Educational

appointment as patron of South Africa’s

and Scientific Organisation (UNESCO)

Braai Day affirming it to be a unifying

as places of outstanding cultural and

force in a divided country (by donning

historical importance:

an apron and enthusiastically eating a boerewors sausage). He noted that

β€’ Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape in

it is common for people from various


cultures in South Africa to gather

β€’ Robben Island in the Western Cape

together around a fire to celebrate.

β€’ The Cradle of Humankind in Gauteng

In 2008, the initiative received the

and North West Province

Formerly used as a leper colony and

endorsement of South Africa’s National

β€’ The Cape Floral Region in the Western

animal quarantine station, the island

Heritage Council. However, the official

and Eastern Cape

was more recently used as a prison for

name of the public holiday remains

β€’ Vredefort Dome in the Free State

political prisoners. Political activist and

Heritage Day.

β€’ UKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park in

lawyer Nelson Mandela was famously


imprisoned on the island for 18 of the

β€’ Isimangaliso Wetland Park in KwaZulu-

27 years he served before the fall of

Scannell said that the aim of Braai day


l Hello Cape Town September 2021

Robben Island

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