sticky shorts. // Issue 1: Brexit, Green Deal + Health vs Wealth

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open sauce publications open sauce publications 2020 ©

Hello In the age of information it is possible to be overwhelmed by the volume and density of the planet’s current affairs. By taking long issues and making them short, a solid foundation is found. Which you are then free to build your own house atop of. Understanding to bring about change starts at home. My dad, Ian Wood, is the guest writer for this first issue. Best, Rosalie Wood



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glossary at the back







Green Deal



Health vs Wealth



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Ii wood

The European Union is a group of nations which have decided to have common rules so that borders become irrelevant to trade. Many people think it wants to turn itself into a nation in its own right, because it already has a parliament and its own currency. The UK has now left the European Union, meaning it no longer has Members of the European Parliament to help make laws that apply to all member states. The UK imported goods from EU countries far more than it sold to them, but now intends to make trade more difficult with them by leaving the special trade standards arrangements and common taxation arrangements operated by the EU. There was the 2016 referendum in the UK which decided the UK should leave the EU, but many people feel this did not require the UK to leave the trade standards and taxation arrangements as well. The UK will have a border with the EU which will need customs officials and immigration controls. This causes a problem in Northern Ireland, which is now out of the EU, because it doesn’t want a border with Ireland, which remains inside the EU. The Irish border will therefore have to go down the Irish Sea, which was agreed to by the UK Government last October but which makes trade from Britain to Northern Ireland more expensive, less easy, and more bureaucratic. Such a border will make some trade from Britain to Northern Ireland impossible, in particular some perishable foodstuffs, and will require EU border officials to supervise the work of UK border officials within Northern Ireland. It also means that Northern Ireland for the purposes of trade is still inside the EU while simultaneously being inside the United Kingdom, and Scotland has already demanded the same dispensation. Brexit, on this analysis, will break up the Union.


Proble m

s - The UK imports from the EU more than it exports. - The UK will have a border with the EU. - The UK is divided, Brexit will most likely break the Union.


UK leaving EU trade agreements

Suffering economy

Less public spending

Limited access to public services

Wealth and education divide





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The Government has published proposals for moving towards the carbon-neutral future embraced by the last government (Theresa May). In order for the UK not to be adding to carbon emissions at all by 2050 the Government wants to stop the production and sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2030 and to forbid the installation of gas boilers in new homes by 2023. Electric power points for cars will become more readily available, while houses will be increasingly heated by ground source heat exchangers, and gas boilers will become fuelled by hydrogen produced underground by water being treated by electricity (‘electrolysis’) generated by wind power. Critics have pointed out that electric cars have batteries created from limited natural resources, while the generation of hydrogen involves excess nitrous oxide, itself a climate-changing gas.


Proble m

s - Technologies exist that net zero carbon, why is the government not proposing those?

Green Deal

Proposals for a carbon neutral future

That are not carbon neutral

Carbon neutral options are available

That are not being proposed

Climate change inadequately tackled


I wood

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Covid is driving people into tribes even though people’s health should be non-tribal. But some people would never be inoculated against the disease, just as some people would never wear a face covering. Some people believe the virus is a hoax, and others believe that it is best to let the stronger healthier members of the general population catch the virus and develop antibodies which it is claimed will protect them. The people who want lockdown to end and go back to work are people who think the economic damage will be so bad that the damage to people’s health will seem minor in comparison. What is often pointed out is that people who are worried about the spread of the virus will be worried about going out, about losing their own job, and about passing the disease on to people they love. So they will be cautious and will not spend money as much as normal. And therefore, for as long as the disease is in the community, the economic damage will go on being done. In any case, it is not clear that catching the disease yields immunity long-term.


Proble m

s - There exists no definitive course of action. - Some people will choose not to have the vaccine. - Some believe c-19 is a hoax. - Some believe the strong should catch it to develop anti-bodies.

Health vs Wealth

Existence of c-19

Economic damage


I wood


*available for comment via


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Glossary Brexit Brexit - used to refer to the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. EU - the European Union, an economic and political organization, based in Brussels, that many European countries belong to. Member states - a country that belongs to a political, economic, or trade organization such as the European Union. European Parliament - the parliament of the European Union, elected by people in its member countries. Border - the line that divides one country from another. Bureaucratic - connected with a bureaucracy or bureaucrats and involving complicated official rules which may seem unnecessary. Bureaucracy - the system of official rules and ways of doing things that a government or an organization has, especially when these seem to be too complicated. The Union - consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 4 separate countries acting as a singular political unit. Public Spending - the amount of money that is spent by the government on buying goods and providing services for the country, in public interest. Inequality - the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people.

Green Deal Green Deal - is a Government initiative to help increase the energy efficiency of homes across the UK, with no upfront costs for the households. Carbon neutral future - If a person, organization, event, etc. is carbonneutral, it does things such as planting trees to reduce carbon dioxide by the same amount as it produces it. Ground source heat exchangers - is an electrically powered heating and cooling system for interior spaces. This system utilizes the earth (or a pond or lake) for both a heat source and a heat sink. Heat sink - a substance or object that absorbs heat. Hydrogen - a chemical element that is the lightest gas, has no colour, taste, or smell, and combines with oxygen to form water. Electrolysis - the use of an electric current to cause chemical change in a liquid. Limited natural resource - any of the materials such as water, coal, and wood that exist in nature and are not produced by humans. So ‘stock’ is limited.


Health vs Wealth Tribes - a group or class of people. Hoax - an act intended to make somebody believe something that is not true, especially something unpleasant. Antibodies - a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease, or as a reaction when certain substances are put into the body. Economic damage - harm caused to something which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable, connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society

Resources Cambridge Dictionary Online - Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries - The Green Age - Sustainable Sources LLC -


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open sauce publications 2020 Š

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