How to increase sales in a travel agency?

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How to increase sales in a Travel Agency Email:

Table of Contents How to increase sales in a travel agency  How FlightsLogic will help?  Complete Solution for Travel Agency and Tour Operator.  Features of Travel Agency Software  How Travel Agency Software Help Travel Agency and Tour Operator? 

How to increase sales in a travel agency ? Increasing sales of your Travel Company requires a through Marketing and Sales Strategy is a process.  Here are some tips of how to increase sales in a travel agency or a tour operator business.  FlightsLogic is a next generation travel booking platform for travel agencies and tour operators. 

How to increase sales in a travel agency ?

1. Highlight the benefits of your product/service 

Instead of trying to contest with your competitors, focus on pointing out the exclusive benefits of your service. Ask your current , satisfied customers for a review, highlighting all the positive condition of the involvement they’ve had with your agency. Most satisfied customers won’t hesitate to give a testimonial – some might even be glad to. Post it proudly on your company’s website and watch as you attract new probable clients.

2. Offer More than Your Competitors ď‚—


People are tired of visiting the same places again and again. They are fatigued with the same packages that you sell to everyone. Your customers need something exclusive - and involvement they can cherish throughout their lives. Instead of pushing readymade packages, find out what your customers want. Maybe they want to go to rescue to an isolated village on top of a mountain. Perhaps they want to dive underwater and not just consume time on the beach.

3. Build up your offer by integrating with GDS systems



A good way to stay ahead of your competitors is by offering the best conceivable prices on a worldwide range of high-quality transfer services, car rentals, tickets for museums and attractions, and expedition. With travel software, this is made simple through XML integration with various hotel systems (third-party systems). Combining various sources into a exclusive travel experience takes your service to the next level

4. Create a Website 

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If you don’t have a website, you are missing out big time on sales. So the first step is to create a professional website where people can book online. You can also promote deals, discounts, and afford on your website to increase sales. Tips ; Use high-quality photographs and videos to pique user interest and curiosity. Invest in SEO Take advantage of pop-ups and sidebars to promote deals and packages Create an online booking system

5. Get Active on Social Media ď‚—


Social media can encourage you target a larger audience and discover new possibility for your business. Sites like Facebook with over a billion users have become the top marketing tool for travel agencies. You should create your official page on Facebook and Instagram at least to reach more prospects. Share pictures and blog posts commonly to grow your followers. Interact with your audience and enlist them on every occasion through comments and likes.

6. Find a travel niche market 

One way to be a successful travel company is to enact your business in a niche market. The travel niche doesn’t need to be difficult or rare – but the more unique it is, the better. Niche travel means you are selling something that no one else sells, and that your product is different in some way. That can mean you’re specializing in a certain demographic area, like organizing trips for senior French couples, a type of travel – like hiking through the mountains off the routed path or doing trips only for one particular destination.

7. Try online booking software 

The Internet has changed every condition of modern life, and it has also concerned how travelers book trips and how agencies can sell packages. You can offer your visitors the option of booking products online through the web page. That way, you don’t have to worry about whether or not your employees are sitting at their desks. Via an online booking system, your customers can book 24/7 because the system receives and processes the reservations automatically.

How FlightsLogic will help? ď‚—

Travel Agency Software is software that encourage travel companies to offer travel packages and customization, quotation system, itinerary and manage travel products—flights, hotels, car, package and activity to automate sales, marketing, payments gateway, and manage bookings to track the finances of the organization.

How FlightsLogic will help?

How FlightsLogic will help? ď‚—

FlightsLogic contribute world-class travel technology solutions for both web and mobile platforms. Our travel technology solutions have been emerge and refined over many years to serve the IT needs of B2B Travel Agencies, OTAs, Tour Operators & DMCs, Wholesalers, Consolidators and Travel Management Companies (TMCs).

Complete Solution for Travel Agency and Tour Operator ď‚—

FlightsLogic is Travel Software Company across the world delivering end-to-end Travel Agency Software for travel and tourism companies to manage travel process such as bookings, quotes, itineraries, package customization and process payments to offer a wide range of travel products - flights, hotels, tours, transfers, activities to launch marketing initiates and automate sales, operations to track and improve finances of the organization.

Complete Solution for Travel Agency and Tour Operator

Complete Solution for Travel Agency and Tour Operator ď‚—

It is travel booking platform completely designed for travel agencies and tour operators to automate back office and front office operations Reservation management, Inventory management, Itinerary generation, Package customization, Third-party integration, Quotation management, Travel CRM ( customer relationship management ), Contract Management, Accounting, Invoice management, MIS Reporting, Billing, Sales automation and more to improve efficiency, increase business leads, and grow sales and productivity.

Features of Travel Agency Software

Travel Package Customization  Travel Booking Management  Multi-Currency and Multilanguage  Travel Itinerary Creation  Group travel booking  Flexible Payments  Third Party/ GDS Integration  Easy Ticket Settlement  Instant Confirmation 

How Travel Agency Software Help Travel Agency and Tour Operator?


Travel agency software is the contribute technology which mainly focuses on simplifying convoluted travel business processes. It makes them more adequate and saves huge time by automating complicated tasks like CRM management, Accounts & Finance management, Supplier management (B2B Solution), Business promotion, etc. with its automated features.

How Travel Agency Software Help Travel Agency and Tour Operator?

How Travel Agency Software Help Travel Agency and Tour Operator?


Travel Industry is very vast and making progress at a very accelerated pace as the new technology in travel field is frequently evolving. Earlier everything used to be managed manually in travel agency but with this increasing bold competition, the modern way which can over through this tough competition is developed and that is an entire shift from manual to automation. Automation can bring a huge change in the travel business processes and the accomplish cloud-based travel agency software can bring this automation in the picture with its absolute quality features.

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