f001_farre - JORDI COMA

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mass media workers can apparently reduce fear and eliminate the inappropriate emergence of mythic legends as social problems. So difficult with the runaway media events machinary in a full efficiency.

To put a quotidian example: in my condition of commuter, I were in the train to come back my home from my university some months ago. A young boy from the Magreb left a handbag next to our seats and runaway quickly out toward plataform. Three or four people looked each other untrustful. One of them commented that the situation was very suspicious and maybe the handbag contained some explosive device. Before taking the decision to change our position, just then, the muslim boy taked his seat again and catched his handbag to take wlaman out. The civil inattention was recovered newly.

How we could understand the development of this incident?. We can define three steps in operating from an interpersonal logics: first, the normalcy is disrupted; second, the prejudicious evaluation is awaken against islamic people; third, the feeling of threat and danger disappears once our potential terrorist is not a such. All three operations ran in seconds but show the multiplicity of assumptions and the complexity to distinguish personal and mediated realities. We can encounter an expression of ontological insecurity based on being-in-the-world (Dasein), after we can identify a social problem of rejecting immigrated people with a certain appearance, being-with-others (Mitwelt), and finally we find also an automatic capacity to imagine dangerous environmental situations, being-with-risks (Umwelt).

Without converting anecdote into category, Giddens makes a distinction between two basic types of trust relation: face-to-face interactions and faceless commitments. In our case, the paralysis comes with the dilemma of having to make a decision that depends on the unknown response of the other. In this sense, trust refers to a relationship of reflexive confidence informed by specific parameters. The concept of trust is related closely to the concept of the “risk society�. Agency in modernity involves a constant awareness about limitations of reflexive knowledge and therefore cognisance of the existence of risk; actions in modernity are conducting within the framework of calculations regarding the probability of outcomes and the possibility of risk, that is, of unpredictable and unintended consequences. The list of generalised risks is perceived themselves.� (Giddens,1984:2).


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