Healthy smile, healthy you!

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Healthy smile, healthy you! 31.10.14


P e d ia t r i c D e n t is t r y


D e n t a l An x ie t y


D e n t a l An x ie t y Did you know ? Edgar Buchanan


Dr. John. M. Harris

“I was never afraid of anything in the world… except the dentist.”

– Taylor Caldwell

Lucy Hobbs Taylor

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Geriatric dentistry The physician and the

Since the days of the Phoenicians in 300-400BC, people have valued an attractive smile and healthy teeth. However,


dentistry is about much more than fillings and scaling teeth. In

Hesy Re, Pierre Fauchard &

dentistry, the care of the mouth for both children and adults is

Wilhelm Roentgen Did you know? Did you know?

studied, including the prevention and treatment of the dental diseases, screening for oral cancers, managing trauma,


orthodontics and oral surgery. In this little magazine you, dear


reader, will learn about pediatric- and geriatric dentistry and


much more about dentistry in general. Hope you enjoy.

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Pediatric dentistry Pediatric dentistry is a further

Because pediatric dentistry requires

specialization among dentists. These

additional education, pediatric dentists

kinds of dentists are specialized in

often earn higher salaries than generalists.



In 2011, dentists averaged $161,750 a

dentists are working with patient with

year. This same year, the average salary

new teeth; therefore they place an

of a specialists was &168,000 a year. But a

early emphasis on health education.

survey conducted




by National Salary

The goal is to help to establish healthy Lucy Hobbs Taylor

Trend found that pediatric dentists could

-The first woman graduatewill from habits thattochildren follow through dental school in the U.S.

expect to earn $193,000 a year, as of

their young years and beyond. For example,




patients as well as parents on the proper






brushing teeth.






pediatric dentistry is interesting. First of all, it brings joy to work with children. Children are often fun, easy to communicate with

To become a pediatric dentist

and it is sometimes funny to listen to what

you need to have graduate high

they have to say. Secondly, there is good

school, college, dental school and

salary. To earn about $193,000 a year is

residency program before you can

pretty good! And finally, it is important to

gain license as a pediatric dentist. If

begin to take care of children´s teeth at

you learn chemistry, physics, biology,

young age to provide good oral health

anatomy and math in high school you


have a good education background.


After you graduate from dental school,

others why pediatric

you will need to complete a two-year

dentistry is interesting.





pediatric dentist. To graduate as a

These few


reasons many

Rebekka Sif

pediatric dentist you may need to take a special exam related to pediatric dentistry.


lorem ipsum :: [Date]

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“If you took your child to the dentist and check for cavities, the child likely won´t get them. If you take them just for emergency, that´s all they´re gonna get. “ -Bill Cosby

Dental Anxiety: A few tips to help children overcome fear of dentists. Dental anxiety is common among children. It has been showed that about 19.5% of children are afraid of dentists. It has been reported that dentist considers these kinds of patients are the hardest to handle. Dental anxiety is problematic for the clinical as well as the patient, it interferes the receiving of having optimal dental care. There are some ways that can be helpful in managing the child with dental anxiety. Relaxing strategies are very useful. Many children will be calm by following simple deep-breathing exercise, which contains deep inhalation and slow exhalation. They can also been calmer if this deepbreathing exercise involves progressive muscle


relaxation. If the child sits in the dental chair with arms by his or her side and eyes closed. The child is then asked to relax each group of muscles in sequence, starting from the right toes and then the right heel, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, and hip. The child then repeats this exercise on the left side of the body. The right and left arm are then relaxed, followed by the shoulders, neck, jaws, cheeks, forehead, and scalp. Finally, the child is asked to focus on the breathing and relaxing the muscles in the chest and abdomen. Information can make a huge difference. Usually, children tend to do their best when their life is predictable. They are more likely to handle things well when

they have been told in advance what to expect. It helps if the clinical describe what he or she will be doing, what noise the child will hear, what type of vibrations she or he will feel, and what it will taste like. For young children role-play or demonstrations are useful strategy, because at their age it may be difficult to them to understand the explanations. There by, information can be important. Distraction can be useful for children with dental anxiety. If the child is playing with a toy in the waiting room, it can be distracting in the dental chair and therefore is can be clever to take the toy in the dental room also. It can be cleaver to talk to the children about recent birthday party or trip to an animal park, which can disturb the child. lorem ipsum :: [Date]

Rewards are handy for children with dental anxiety. First, the dentists need to inform the child that if the procedure will flourish the child will get an award. These awards can for example be pretend tattoos, football cards, stickers, and some toys. At the end of the appointment the child could be given the opportunity to get a small treat from their parents or the dental office. It might be useful for the dental office to create a “treasure chest” filled with small rewards. And last, it can be good if the parents are involved. If the child is very distressed, the clinical should not hesitate to ask the parents to assistance. Parents know their children best and therefore they know what techniques works best for their child.

Also, children often feel saver with their parents when they are sitting by their side. Parent involvement can be very useful for these patients. It is so much that can be done for children with dental anxiety to make them feel better and be saver in the dental chair. When dentists are dealing with children with dental anxiety it is important to complete the treatment. Treatment completion is not only good for the patient health, but also allow the child to realize that the procedure was not as bad as the child had expected. Rebekka Sif

Did you know? v It takes 43 muscles to frown, but only 17 to smile!

v 2/3 has less respect for their boss with dab oral hygiene.

v If you don´t floss, you miss

cleaning 40% of your tooth surfaces! – It is recommended to brush and floss twice a day.

v In China, Sept. 20th is an official holiday and is known as “Love your teeth day.”

v An armadillo have 104 teeth. v If you are right handed, you chew food on your right side. But if you´re left handed, you will chew on your left side.

v The enamel (the top of the

surface on your tooth) is the hardest part of your body.

v An average person spends 38.5

days brushing their teeth over their whole lifetime.

v We have only two sets of teeth,

the baby teeth and permanent teeth. Once you have your permanent teeth, make sure you take good care of them. Rebekka Sif


lorem ipsum :: [Date]

Edgar Buchanan -The dentist who was an actor

Edgar Buchanan was a dentist and a famous actor. When he was young boy, he and his family moved to Oregon where he studied at the University of Oregon. After his graduation he followed his father´s steps and became a dentist. Edgar graduated from North Pacific Dental Collage. From 1929 to 1937, after his graduation he practiced oral surgery in Eugene, Oregon. Edgar then moved his practice to California. At the age of 36 he joined the Pasadena Community Playhouse, and gave up dentistry to become an actor. He was featured in over 100 films and television. He is maybe best known for roles in Judge Roy Bean (1956), Petticoat Junction (1963-1970), The Beverly Hillbillies (1962-1971), and more.

Dr. John M. Harris -He started the world first dental school Dr. John M. Harris started the world´s first dental school in 1828, and helped to set up dentistry as a health profession. The school was placed in Bainbridge in Ohio and opened February 21. Today this place is a dental museum. People who visit this museum can see a diversity of antique dental instruments and sets of false teeth. Dr. Harris moved to Bainbridge in the mid-1820s. He started offering classes that reached dentistry and trained young doctors, in 1827. Harris practiced medicine with specialty in dental work. He reached his brother Chapin, who founded the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, the first formal dental collage in the United States.. Rebekka Sif

Rebekka Sif

Lucy Hobbs Taylor -The first woman to graduate from dental school in the U.S. Lucy Hobbs Taylor was born in 1833, and she was the first woman to graduate from dental school in the U.S. In her young ages she lived in Constable in New York. Before she learned dentistry she was a teacher for ten years. In 1859, Lucy moved to Cincinnati to become a dentist. In 1861, she started her own practice in Cincinnati after studying dentistry. In November 1866, she entered the Ohio Collage of Dental Surgery and earned her doctorate in dentistry. Lucy next moved to Chicago where she met her future husband, James. M. Taylor. She convinced her husband to enter dentistry like she did. After her husband died, 1886, she put an end to active dentistry and became more active in politics. Rebekka Sif

A picture of the museum.

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Geriatric Geriatric dentistry Dentistry Geriatric dentistry or gerodontics is

understanding of the feelings and

specialize in pediatric dentistry but

the delivery of dental care to older

attitudes of the aged, understand

not in geriatric dentistry. This has to


their special dental problems, and

change, because these two groups


consider them as different from

have different needs, need different

problems associated with normal

other groups. One of the main

approaching and different treatment.

ageing and age-related diseases.

objectives of care should be the

Geriatric health is an ignored and












concept health















overall well being for the elderly.

independent lifestyle but also their



preferred lifestyle within those limits.

predisposed to oral condition due

Dentists can be general



to age related systemic diseases


and functional changes.

specialties include dental public

Very few dentists specialize in geriatric dentistry, but dental professionals must have a proper understanding of the magnitude of the services to be provided to the elderly,




education program to specialize in geriatric dentistry should be started







maxillofacial pathology, oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and


pediatric and






orthopedics, periodontics, It





without further delay. The major objective of geriatric dentistry is to enable professionals to recognize and relieve the difficulties of the aged. For successful treatment, the dentists




humanitarian attitude, develop a

Dentistry is an exciting and challenging profession. I will be able to see the results of my hard work in my patients. Compared with many other professions, dentistry is a wellrewarded career, with good job security and prospects. I can use my academic and communication skills as well as working with my hands. It offers variety, it is possible to acquire different specialisms, work with a range of other professionals and take advantage of travel opportunities. I am interested in geriatric dentistry because it is such an ignored underexplored idea. But it is just as important as pediatric dentistry for example. This population took good

“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.”

care of us, and now we have to show them the respect to take good care of them as well. Heiðrún Huld

better relationship and a further


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Moral and professional responsibility of oral physician toward geriatric patient with interdisciplinary management The time to act is now! Geriatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that emphasizes dental care for the elderly population and focuses upon patients with chronic physiological, physical and/or psychological changes or morbid conditions/diseases. The dental management of the elderly population is different from that of the general population because special considerations for age-related physiological changes, complications of chronic condition/therapy, increased incidence of physical/mental disabilities, and social concerns are required. Special knowledge, attitudes, and skills are necessary to provide oral health care to the elderly. Wasting diseases of teeth usually increase with advancing age. Oral health has a critical impact on the functional, psychological, and economic aspects of the overall quality of life. The assessment of geriatric patients is a multidimensional, multidisciplinary diagnostic instrument designed to collect data on the medical,



functional capabilities and limitations of elderly patients. Optimal treatment planning for older adults requires an understanding of the overall health of the patient and the relationship between any systemic problem and the patient's oral health. Dental treatment plan should have the goal of achieving optimal oral health. Regardless of functional status, the elimination of acute dental infection and pain should be achieved for all elderly patients. Cosmetic and esthetic dental services offers older generation an opportunity to improve their smiles, enhance self-esteem, and improve the quality of life in their later years. Older patients should be given advice and assistance in support of their continued efforts to adequately maintain good oral hygiene. It is crucial to offer oral health education in a manner that respects the patient's autonomy and is not embarrassing. Dietary modifications should be made with regard to sugar intake. Patients should be asked to avoid carbohydraterich diet and encouraged to drink more water.

The geriatric patient may face special health care needs and challenges. The major emphasis or goal of the oral health team, when caring for older patients, is to show emotional and physical support by giving ample time to their hearing. Geriatric dental education should be taught both at the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels to oral health providers, and other health care professionals such as physicians and nurses, and to caregivers and patients.This age group requires a good human being and a trustworthy friend, and dentists should play the dual role of both a doctor and a friend. HeiĂ°rĂşn Huld


Pierre Fauchard

the first “dentist”

The father of modern dentistry

Hesy-Re was an Egyptian scribe, often called the first "dentist". He died in the year 2600 BC. An inscription on his tomb includes the title "The greatest of those who deal with teeth, and of physiscians." This is the earliest known reference to a person identified as a dental practitioner.

Pierre Fauchard was a Fench surgeon, born 1678. He published The surgeon dentist, A Treatise on Teeth. He is known as being the Father of Modern Dentistry because his book was the first to describe a comprehensive system for the practice of dentistry including basic oral anatomy and denture construction.

Wilhelm Roentgen was a German physicist, he was born in 1845. In the year 1895 he discovered the xray. In 1896 prominent New Orleans dentist, C. Edmond Kells, takes the first dental x-ray of a living person in the U.S. This was a very important discovery and is used every single day by dentists and other doctors.

Heiðrún Huld

Heiðrún Huld

Heiðrún Huld

Wilhelm Roentgen Discovered the x-ray

Did you know? That moving forward into 5000 BC, the Sumerians blamed tooth worms as the cause of any dental issues, with the worms boring little holes in your teeth and hiding out inside. Some ancient doctors even mistook nerves as tooth worms and tried to yank them out. The idea that a worm traveled through your mouth and was the cause of dental pain lasted until it was proven false in the 1700s. Heiðrún Huld 8

Did you know? That Forceps and the 'Pelican' were the most common extracting tools. The dental pelican, invented in the 14th century by Guy de Chauliac was often made by the village blacksmith, needed little skill to use and often caused terrible damage and pain. The pelican was replaced by the dental key in the 1700’s which, in turn, was replaced by modern forceps in the 20th century. Heiðrún Huld

Words Decay – Rotna, skemmast Enamel – Glerungur Ache – Verkur, pína Inflammation – Bólga, ígerð Malocclusion – Skakkt bit Tartar – Tannsteinn Cavity – Hola Floss – Tannþráður Gingivitis –Tannholdsbólga Gum – Tannhold, gómur Rebekka Sif

Morbid - sjúklegur Emphasis - áhersla Forceps - töng Denture - falskar tennur Joint - liðamót Susceptible - móttækilegur Neglect - hafa andstyggð á Segment - hluti Benchmark - viðmið Elimination - afnám Heiðrún Huld


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