Heathfield Headlines Issue 6 - July 2022

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Headlines Pride . Ambition . Community Term 6 July 2022

I have personally enjoyed every celebration event to its fullest, knowing it has been the first time in 3 years we have been able to do so. This week, in the extreme conditions, it has certainly been challenging to ensure we were able to provide as much as we were able to for students and staff, but I am hugely impressed by, and grateful for, our College staff for all they have done to be flexible, change arrangements and accommodate different needs, in order to be able to provide the fullest enrichment possible.

Many of these are good for all ages and its a great idea for parents and students to be reading the same book to prompt discussion and understanding.

Thank you for all your support as parents and carers for the work we do together, sometimes that is easy and celebratory and sometimes it is harder, but it always done with the best interests of the students at heart and with a positive collaborative effort for that we are very grateful. I wish you all a happy, safe and enjoyable summer.

Head’s Message

Ifedition.youneed any support with accessing the recommendations then please contact Mr Hatchard. Reading matters and we are happy to support, guide and encourage as much as possible.

Issue 4 1 April 2022


It is a reflection of our year and all that we represent together. There will always be challenges, the world is changing and is not perfect, but as a community we have always found ways to accept and overcome those obstacles with determination, confidence and compassion for each other. It is a spirit of the College of which I am hugely proud and it is most clearly demonstrated by the students. They have done themselves and their families proud this year and deserve a well-earned rest.

Reading is a vital cornerstone of learning; we bring you the #HeathfieldReads summer

12 months ago, we were not sure when we would see a full year, or celebrate an end of term in traditional ways again. It has therefore been an absolute joy to be able to do both this term, with a range of events which allowed the achievements of students and staff to be marked: Sports Days, Music Festivals, House Cup Days, Honours Awards Evening, Enrichment Week and The House Celebration day. Please do read our Latest News Pages for details of these: https://www.heathfieldcc.co.uk/?page_id=1607464.

The main event remaining this term is, of course, Enrichment Week, during which most of the year group will be attending the Camp at Blacklands Farm. Regardless of whether students are on the school site or in a field at Blacklands, Enrichment Week is an excellent opportunity for students to try something new, challenge themselves and find the edge of their comfort zones and push past them.

Praise Average

YEAR 8 AverageAttendanceattendanceforTerm6:93.3%PraiseAveragePraisepointsperstudentforTerm6:217


At the beginning of July, students took part in a competitive house STEM day. This involved building water rockets in science, lifts in technology and creating origami water carriers out of paper! The students showed excellent communication, teamwork and problem solving skills throughout the day. At the end of the event it was revealed that Cade house had scored the highest points for the day!

As part of Enrichment Week, students have had the opportunity to explore and try a variety of new activities and work with students from other year groups. Students have really enjoyed facing new challenges and extending their skill sets beyond the classroom.

This term has been an exciting one for Year 7, from STEM day and a planetarium visit to school and to Enrichment Week!

Well done Year 7 on an excellent first year at Heathfield, enjoy your summer!

As part of tutor times, Year 7 have been working on time capsules which they will then open at the end of Year 11. Within these they have included a letter to their Year 11 self with their goals and ambitions, a list of the trends of this year and a form photo. We look forward to opening these to see if any of their predictions and dreams came true!

In June, students were greeted by a team of Physicists from Sussex University who brought their inflatable planetarium to Heathfield. As part of this, students learnt about the new James Webb Telescope and space exploration. ‘It was amazing’ was a common phrase being heard as students left!


Year 8 have continued their discussions and sessions on healthy choices and lifestyles, with a particular focus on smoking, its effects and how laws and regulations have changed in the last century. This term also saw sporting success in both the school Sports Day and the Ouse Valley Athletics tournament athletes from across the year group showed skill, drive and determination.

Looking ahead, all students have now had their KS4 options confirmed and are excitedly anticipating the start of their courses in Year 9. It is fair to say that there will be some challenges ahead, but I am confident that they will rise to the demands and rewards of their courses.

attendance for Term 6: 92.2% praise points per student for Term 6: 223

Phoebe Chaplin represents England

We are lucky enough in Year 9 to have such a variety of students with a range of talents. One student who has had amazing success is Phoebe Chaplin, who was selected to represent Team England at the Dance World Cup in Spain. To represent your country on the world stage is an incredible achievement, that few people ever have the chance to do. Phoebe was up against dancers from different countries across the globe and was chosen to perform a solo, which is amazing considering the level of competition. Well done!

YEAR 9 AverageAttendanceattendanceforTerm6:91.9PraiseAveragepraisepointsperstudentforTerm6:237

Values leaders

They are Rowan Claxton, Amy Mapondera, Alfie Penfold, Lucy Coombs, Megan Grocott, Will Scarff, Olivia Baldock. There were other students that helped out at short notice too, who were Corin Banfield, Felicity Beebee, Jamie Cameron, Lewis Harrison

All of these Year 9 students, along with the Year 10 Values Leaders represented the College at its best. They were kind, responsive, enthusiastic and caring when welcoming the Year 6 students for their taster days. Year 6 students and teachers all spoke most highly of our students in terms of their compassion and consideration. They make us very proud.

I had the privilege of joining the Ouse Valley Athletics trip, where Year 9 were amazing. They put 100% into every event and ended up coming second out of the six schools competing. I was so proud to see our athletes competing to a great standard and help Heathfield win the most points overall on the day, I really feel as though we have some future stars in the year group. Well done everyone!

Continuing with the theme of leadership, we have also run a mentoring programme, which has been very successful.

The mentors are: Conor Keeley, Harry Clarke, Elliot Smith, Fin Vos and Harry Crisp

Mentors have met with their mentees either weekly or fortnightly and over time, the Year 7s have really opened up and shared the things they find difficult and challenging. The Year 9s have been mature and have given excellent support so that the younger students have developed a bond and trust with them.

In every school it is important that students show leadership and support each other, as everyone needs support from time to time. A brilliant example of this were the Values Leaders in Year 9 who took part in the Year 6 taster days.

Mentoring Year 7’s

The final term is always a time for reflection and looking back at the year as a whole, to think about how much has been achieved. Year 9 have tackled GCSE content, taken part in numerous sporting events and navigated complicated topics in PSHE and the tutor programme. They have done themselves proud this year and have really earnt a well earned rest over the summer.

The mentors have been someone that will listen and someone that our more vulnerable students know they can rely on. All of this has shown improvement in the younger students, allowing them to feel a sense of belonging and part of the Heathfield community.

YEAR 10 AverageAttendanceattendanceforTerm6:88.2% Praise Average praise points per student for Term 6: 180

Finally, well done to Year 10 for their attitude and hard work through their intensive GCSE and also their mock exams. Students have shown great drive and determination throughout the busy term of exams.

The application process for our Year 11 prefect team has drawn to a close. Interviews were held and our final team have been chosen. The prefect application process has demonstrated the fantastic achievements, ambition and pride of so many Year 10 students and I look forward to working with our prefect team next academic year.

On 30th June, Year 10 enjoyed the opportunity to experience options for post 16 study with our Taster Day. In school, we ran taster sessions for a range of subject options available at Sixth Form and also a Sixth Form Experience session. Some students also had the opportunity to visit East Sussex College in Eastbourne.

At the beginning part of this term we had our final day celebrations, where students signed shirts, completed a quiz during an additional final tutor time, had a lunchtime BBQ, and then the day finished with a final year group celebration assembly looking back over their 5 years at Heathfield.

Once all exams were finished, we came together again with their families to have one final Prom celebration evening. This began with a drink’s reception at school where students and family members enjoyed a refreshment in the summer sunshine. Students then left to carry on their celebrations at PowderMills Hotel with their spectacular grounds (and Peacocks!). The evening comprised of a welcome drink, 2 course meal, photobooth and plenty of dancing on the dancefloor.


It was a pleasure to see Year 13 students attending the first Ball we have held in three years. We enjoyed spending time with them after the completion of their exams at the end of June. We wish them all well and look forward to celebrating their results with them over the summer.

At the end of this term we have also held our first in person Alumni Event for a number of years. 30 Alumni attended, delivering sessions ranging from university experiences to gap years and subject specific sessions.

As part of our support for aspirational destinations, students in Year 12 have visited both Oxford (Christ Church) and Cambridge Universities as part of their open days and progression planning.

VI FORM awardedAverageAttendanceattendanceforTerm6:92%PraiseOver2800praisesthisyearintheSixthForm

Alumni Event

Any previous students wishing to be involved can sign up by contacting Ms dtaylor@heathfieldcc.co.ukTaylor:

Law Assembly

Year 12 received an assembly this term from Sarah Venn, a practicing Civil Circuit judge from the local area. This assembly focussed on Careers in Law, alongside how the judicial system works.

Oxford and Cambridge Visits

Year 13 Ball

Year 7 are currently learning about how the British Empire effected colonists around the globe. Their studies have spanned from early colonists' experiences in Jamestown, to learning about the 'jewel in the crown' of the British Empire, India.

This term, Year 7 students have had their first introduction to probability. They have learnt about the probability scale and the ideas of experimental and theoretical probability. This has also given them the opportunity to revisit fractions, decimals and percentages which are key concepts when describing and calculating with probabilities.

EnglishWhat are KS3 students learning in … X X Maths

Year 8 have been studying the topic of Respiration and Photosynthesis as well as investigating which materials are the best insulators as part of their Heating and Cooling chemistry topic.



This term, Year 7’s have been studying the topic of Interdependence and as part of this, students have been outside to carry out ecological sampling. Students have also been learning about Acids and Alkalis which has involved lots of practical based investigations.

Year 8 are deep into an enquiry on the causes, events and consequences of 9/11. At the moment, students have been investigating how conflict in the Middle East contributed to the 9/11 attacks.

Over the past term, Year 7 and 8 students have been reading and digesting some powerful novels with important messages. Year 7 have continued their exploration of childhood through Literature and read Coram Boy. The novel is set in the 18th century and based on children who are taken to the Coram hospital. Students have studied the character of Meshak in more detail and continued to develop their writing skills. Year 8 have been reading the wonderfully refreshing novel of O and X by Malorie Blackman. It is set in a dystopian world where racial prejudice is subverted and the Os (the white people) are oppressed. As part of their study of the novel, students have learned more about the rule of law and how the legal system works with students writing their own court room speeches. If anyone needs any recommendations for their summer reading, please see our Facebook page.

During term 6, Year 8 students have been learning about data analysis. The have learnt about different types of data and how to analyse and compare similar data sets using different averages. Students have also been introduced to bi variate data and learnt the concepts of correlation and interpolation.

Physical ComputingEducation

Year 8 students have been developing their computer aided design and manufacturing skills to make a USB lamp from wood and plastic using a wide range of processes including laser cutting and soldering.

Year 7 and 8 students have been engaging in a range of summer sports activities this term. These include; athletics, cricket, rounders, stoolball and tennis for which students have been honing their skills, developing understanding about rules and regulations and thinking about the tactics that are deployed to find success in competitive play. These activities are etched into our cultural core of Heathfield and many have taken this forward to compete for the school in inter competition along with external competitions against opposing schools.

In term 6, Year 7 students have been investigating levers and working in teams to make a trebuchet which they enjoyed test firing.

In addition year 7 pupils have been focusing on sustainability and learning how we can change our actions to look after the planet. Year 8 have been studying Haiti and it’s struggle to develop. It is the poorest country in the Americas with a range of human and physical factors why it is struggling to gain wealth.

Design & Technology

GeographyWhat are KS3 students learning in …

This term, students in year 7 are developing their ICT skills and learning how to use Excel, while students in year 8 have been learning about app development. Students are putting their creative and problem solving skills to good use and using Applab to design and create their own app.

KS3 pupils have been studying Newly Emerging Economies. These are countries that are making some of the fastest economic growth on the planet. We have been looking at factors that influence this growth and some of the effects. India has been a case study with a focus on life in Mumbai.



After watching the inspiring Off Balance “Robin Hood” Year 7 have been exploring how to use their bodies creatively and imaginatively to create set and props through physical theatre. Students have been devising their own physical theatre pieces based on a fairy tale. We went on to practically explore the play, “Ernie’s Incredible Ilucinations”. Year 8 have been developing naturalistic acting skills by applying the acting techniques of the renowned Konstantin Stanislavski to their exploration of a variety of scripts including DNA, Mugged and Dan Nolan. More recently we have been exploring the non naturalistic abstract style and techniques of Bertolt Brecht.

Year 7 students have been investigating the science behind shortening by making fruit crumble and jam tarts. Year 8 students have been focusing on the producing balanced, nutritious meals including Bolognese, stir fry and fajitas. Students enjoy developing their understanding of the functional and nutritional properties of ingredients, whilst developing life skills.

Year 7 students have had some exciting lessons giving them skills and confidence to talk about their town, how to order food and drink items and apply grammar that will allow them to use future constructions and ideas. They engaged in role plays with each other and practicing pronunciation, listening to real life examples.

Year 7 have been learning about French food culture, their customs and traditions around their eating habits. They will be able to order simple food and drinks in a café and understand basic touristic activities that can be done whilst visiting a French city. Year 8 have revisited how to talk about hobbies in French and how to say if they have injured themselves during Term 6. They also covered how to say what needs to be done to keep healthy.


Year 8 used all 3 tenses across the theme of holidays; using grammar structures including the comparative and superlative forms to communicate preferences about holiday homes, they have learnt how to use the modal verb ‘se puede’ to talk about what holiday makers can do in East Sussex.

FrenchWhat are KS3 students learning in …

develop key core skills throughout the Religious Studies course, including evaluation and reflection.

Students in Year 7 and Year 8 have been focusing on a Rag N Bone Man song and have recreated ‘Giant’ on their Ipads. They have been performing this live and recording it onto their Ipads. Students have been focusing on all the parts of the song from the chords, to the drums and playing all parts themselves. Year 8 were unable to do this last year due to lockdown so it has been a great opportunity for them to play a popular song as a group.


Year 8 looked at portraiture through German Expressionism. They have looked at the proportions of the human face and have added Expressionist style marks to create a polyboard print. Most groups are just about to start printing their designs which will later be collaged into their books or on to boards.

Philosophy and Religion




Year 7 have been working on their Fabric Lenny style compositions. They added bright colours and learning to blend from one colour to another. They used scraffito to carve patterns into two layers of paint, and collage to add in some fantastical bird shapes.


Arthat are KS3 students learning in …

In Term 6, Year 7 students learn about relationships, friendships and how to maintain those and also about dementia, what it is and how to care for those who have

8 students have learnt about Healthy Lifestyles this term, which includes: food and nutrition, anti smoking, the importance of sport and exercise and First Aid

At Key Stage 3 students have an opportunity to discuss some of society’s big questions, such as what is the evidence for life after death? Does religion promote gender equality and do we have a duty to care for Studentsothers?

What are students learning in … X ✓ Discuss their emotions, friendships, ambitions and fears with them. ✓ Encourage them

in College and outside. How I can help my child learn in PSHEe? StudentstudentsWhatVideosourenjoyaboutPSHEe

At KS4 in lessons we follow a spiral curriculum, which began when students were in reception, but the content and skills become more sophisticated as they mature. Themes vary from: Careers Education, Drugs Alcohol and Tobacco Education, Citizenship Education, mental health and wellbeing to Relationships, Sex and Health Education. In the Sixth Form lessons Progression after y13 is a main focus, which includes: UCAS, GAP Years, apprenticeships, sourcing work experience and employment applications as well as Independent Living, RSHE, DATE, Politics and Personal Finance.

Personal Social Health and Economic Education is both at timetabled fortnightly lesson at KS4 and a weekly lesson in the Sixth form. It is also a key strand which focusses on the Personal Development of our young people through assemblies, the tutor programme, the Values Leaders and Wider Curriculum Days.

The lessons are taught in a safe environment by skilled and experienced staff who work hard to establish Ground Rules to ensure inclusion and involvement.

see themselves and their careers as constantly evolving. ✓ Encourage their involvement in extracurricular activities

PSHEe to both

After Christmas these year groups spent much of their time rehearsing for their scripted pieces which were recorded for an external examiner. Students performed a range of monologues, duologues and group pieces from a variety of plays including: Metamorphosis,

DRAMAWhat are KS4 students learning in … ✓ Help with learning lines for scripted performances (or any devised scripts) by reading the other parts or the cue line. ✓ Help to find props and costumes for performances and come along to any performances. ✓ Use student flash cards to test knowledge on stage types and theatre roles . ✓ Take your son/daughter to the theatre as much as possible and encourage them to analyse the quality of acting and the symbolic meaning of the set, lighting or sound


How can help child learn in Drama?

What our


Year 9 began their intensive GCSE Drama course by exploring the set text Blood Brothers. They were creative and imaginative in their staging of key scenes and they enjoyed the opportunity of speaking in a Liverpudlian accent to experience the context of the play. Some students were also fortunate enough to see the play at The Trinity Arts Centre in Tunbridge Wells.

As Year 10 Intensive GCSE Drama students and year 11 Extended students were not able to visit the theatre due to Covid restrictions we watched “One man two guvnors” on The National Theatre” Digital Theatre website in order to analyse the comic acting skill of James Corden for the theatre question in the written exam. We then revised the set text Blood Brothers.

After Christmas these students began work on their devised pieces. This is the most challenging component of the GCSE as students are literally creating something from nothing. In preparation for creating their original piece of theatre students participated in workshops to learn and explore different devising and physical theatre techniques from companies like Frantic Assembly, DV8 and Akram Kahn. The two Year 9 groups created some very engaging and dynamic pieces based on the themes of Cyber bullying, Covid, the mysterious death of Joyce Carol Vincent found dead in her flat after three years and a piece inspired by the recent film The Tinder Swindler. After performing these devised pieces students have been working on their written logs where they have been reflecting on what they have learnt through the process of devising and from the final performance.



Bouncers, Pool no Water, Things I Know to be True, Girls Like That and My Mother Said I Never Should, The Importance of being Ernest to name a few. Some of the performances were absolutely spell binding, showing such imagination, commitment, versatility and energy and the parents who came to watch the performances were suitably impressed. Since then these students have sat their final GCSE Drama written exam and most of them felt confident and are looking forward to results day.

Career and

Finally, many of our library leaders have signed themselves up to be part of the annual Southern Schools Book Awards which involves committing to read 6 newly published books, meeting to share views on what they have read and coming to a consensus about which books Heathfield Community College will vote for as the top three.

Each week, or fortnight, when our Peer Mentors meet with their mentees, it is clear to see the strength in our school community and how our students genuinely care for each other. We are hugely proud of the way our Peer Mentors have embraced their roles and not simply fulfilled a role but done so with humanity, warmth and a determination to make a positive difference to the life of another student in the school.

Library Leaders

Peer Mentors

A few months ago, twelve Year 9 and 10 students were selected and were trained to be Peer Mentors. The role of a Peer Mentor is one that comes with great responsibility and trust as they are asked to provide both compassion and constructive advice to some younger students who might be finding an aspect of school a challenge.

Our Library Leaders have had a busy final months to the school year. Back in April, they were a tremendous support in ensuring that the Library Quiz Night was a huge success. They showed their integrity by helping to sell tickets at break and lunch, attend on the night itself, furiously collect answers in at the end of each round and support in the selling of refreshments. Due to a change in the layout of the library, there was a need to take many thousands of books of shelves and then put them all back on and maintaining our cataloguing system that enables students to locate books easily. It sounds like a large and daunting task but not for our library leaders. They took up the challenge with relish and had a rejigged library up and running again, in no time at all.

Some of our Peer Mentors might have found some aspects of school challenging themselves in the past and it is their experience of overcoming challenges that has helped them support others so effectively and develop such strong bonds with their mentees.


The way in which our thereachescommunityhowstudentstomaketheystudentsHeathfieldshowedwantedtoadifferencetheyoungerprovedthesenseofbeyondwallsof

A new leadership strand this year, our Literacy Ambassadors were borne out of our links to Parkside Community Primary who asked if we would be interested in supporting their Key Stage 1 students with their reading. Of course we were!

Heathfield theirstretchescommunityunderstandprovedyoungCollege;Communityourpeopletheythatbeyondpeers.

Literacy Ambassadors

and time that Library Leaders put into their role is hugely impressive and never taken for granted. We are hugely impressed by the resilience of our Library Leaders and whatever challenge is thrown at them, they always step up to it with a smile on their faces.

A group of Year 9 students, who needed reminding of just how talented they were in their English skills, became regular visitors to Parkside. Seeing the way they interacted with 5 and 6 year olds was heart warming and they proved themselves as excellent ambassadors for Heathfield. They were responsible for helping Parkside students to sound words out and record in their reading logs what reading had been done so that Parkside parents could keep track of what their children had done at school.

There is then the opportunity to attend an awards evening, hear from writers and meet the authors of the books that students have


Year 7 students spent the day off timetable on Tuesday 5th July to take part in STEM day. This day was organised by teachers from Science, Design Technology and Maths. The purpose of the day was to enable students to use skills in these three subject areas to complete challenges. Students worked in teams and were able to score points for their houses throughout. In Science, students had two challenges to complete. The first was to design a water rocket. Starting out as an ordinary 2 litre bottle, students had to add features to make their rockets more aerodynamic as well as carefully decide how much water was in their rocket to enable them to have the best performing rocket. The second challenge was to build a timer that lasted exactly 50 seconds. Students had different ideas including sand timers, water timers and marble runs to time the 50 seconds. Students earned point for the accuracy and precision of their timers. Two challenges were also carried out in Maths. Students were tasked with transporting as much water a possible from one container to another using just one sheet of paper. They were then shown how to fold the paper to make a cup and repeated the challenge. The second part also involved paper folding. Students were again shown how to fold paper in to a water bomb. They could then score points by landing their water bombs at targets scoring themselves points. Paper folding is a great way of getting students to put in to practise their knowledge of fractions, geometry and proportion to create something accurately.

The technology department again had students working in teams to build a scissor lift, often used for ‘grabbers’ and ‘cherry pickers’. They had to follow instructions carefully in order to be able to construct their scissor lift correctly so that it would raise a test tube filled with water without spilling. Not only did students have to build the pneumatic lift but they also had to design something to support the test tube and a logo for their team. This challenge meant students could use a range of tools for construction and their creativity and thinking skills for designing a suitable holder and logo.

There was a real excitement about the day and students were eager to tell staff at break and lunch what they’d been up to. Being able to see all the activities going on, it was fantastic to see all students using their knowledge and skills they’ve developed over the year and working well in a team in order to try and succeed in these challenges.

The third DofE expedition was completed over the weekend of 9th and 10th July with two Year 9 Bronze groups and 5 Year 10 Silver groups navigating from Alfriston to Cuckmere Haven via various routes. The groups were remotely supervised as they followed their mapped routes averaging between 6 8hours of exercise a day carrying all their kit. The silver groups where required to complete an extra days walking which took in 4 of the Seven Sisters, a beautiful but gruelling route. On the eve of the second heatwave of 2022 it added an extra challenge with temperatures in the high 20’s.

On Tuesday 21st June, over 300 students contested in Heathfield Sports day 2022 at Eastbourne athletics track. The day was a roaring success with students in years 7-10 competing in a range of track and field events. As well as competing to the best of their capabilities, students were also brilliant supporters for their peers in the different

a number of school records broken from the


Lennard (Year 7) 1500m (5 minutes 18 seconds), Beth Stutt (Year 9) 300m (47.59 seconds), Rae Le Fay (Year 10) 1500m (5 minutes 2 seconds), Charlie Ferguson (Year 10) - 300m (40.1 seconds), Bateman (Year 10 Boys)4x100m (49.64 seconds)

Sports Day

Overall results were as follows Cade 788 points (1st), Heffle 735 (2nd), Batemans 722 (3rd), Tower 635 (4th)


As is our annual tradition, the students threw themselves in to some good natured, lively competition this week with the House Competition Days. They battled through the heat in sports events and quiz rounds, showing real ambition and teamwork to fight for their house. It was a glorious 2 days of witnessing our students at their best, regardless of who was winning, and even the staff joined in for a tug of war contest against the Year 9 and 10s!

House Competition

Duke of Edinburgh Awards


We have been absolutely blown away by some of the phenomenal poetry our students have produced, as were the competition judges. Ten students from Years 8 11 have had their poems chosen to be printed in the Young Writers poetry collection, which is thanks to their mature approach to such a broad topic. We are extremely proud of their success in the competition but even more so of their ambition and enthusiasm to push themselves!

Please take a moment to enjoy our final edition of The Vine for this academic year. There's a report of Huw Merriman's visit and a wide range of travel pieces on a variety of beautiful places from Amalfi to Looe, plus a stroll through local countryside. There's also a selection of brilliant pieces by Y12 Language students from an article arguing for more international recognition of


Wider-Curriculum Poetry

Once again, our students have thrown themselves into a new challenge that allows them to express their creativity and insightful understanding of the world around them. This time, the opportunity came in the form of a national poetry competition for Young Writers. They set a rather open brief where the students could write any form of poetry as long as it was on the theme of empowerment.

Heathfield Vine netball, to satirical rants about the cinema and school corridors, and a passionate campaign against the evil of courgettes. What more could anyone want??

On Saturday 9th July the Heathfield Batucada Carnival Club and Samba Band took part in the Uckfield Festival Big Day Out Children’s Parade. We were privileged to lead the procession which as visitors from Heathfield was a great honour. Our ‘Rooted in the Community’ Tree was well received by the crowds and had real impact as we processed down the high street to the sound of our Samba drummers. The Batucada Samba Band were the only marching band taking part this year and despite being a small group kept the whole procession going from start to finish. As a result organisers of the Uckfield Bonfire procession have invited us to take part in their torch lit Carnival Procession on September 3rd 2022. We are very proud of all the students who took part, a truly laudable performance and effort on such a hot day.

This term we had 4 finalists from the Speaker’s Trust event deliver their speeches in speaking on a range of topics such as Speakers Trust dementia, depression, institutional racism and the behavior of politicians. Two students, Adam and Hivda, were then chosen to represent the College at the Sussex Final of the Speakers Trust annual school’s competition held in Brighton on 29th June. Adam spoke on the topic of ‘Why is Boris Johnson our Prime Minister’ and Hivda speaking about the Roe vs. Wade judgement. Both students demonstrated thoughtful, informed and confident speeches with Hivda pronounced the winner and the Sussex public speaking youth champion.

Friday 21 October

Friday 23 September

Monday 31 October

Wednesday 12 October Heathfield Futures Law Trip to Hastings Court

Thursday 15 September Year 10 GCSE Drama Groups Woman in Black Theatre Trip

End of Term 1

Tuesday 4 October Senior Maths Challenge (Yr 11 13)

Year 8 WW1 Battlefields trip to Hawthorne Trenches & Dover Castle

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 11 October Year 7 Collapsed Curriculum Day: Creativity & Critical Thinking: Unlocking the iPad

• Email help@heathfieldcc.co.uk to report a problem

• Speak to your Pastoral Manager

Thursday 1 September Inset Day

Wednesday 31 August Broadbridges uniform for sale Link Hall, 3.15 pm 4.15 pm

Thursday 29 September Main School Open Evening

Wednesday 5 October East Sussex Schools Rugby Development Day

Monday 5 September Years 7 and 13 start College

Monday 12 September Photographs Year 7, 9, 11, 12 & Staff

Thursday 13 October

Thursday 20 October Sixth Form Open Evening

We understand that life sometimes throws up issues or problems that need to be resolved. We understand that concerns regarding your child’s well-being or progress can be worrying. We want to work with you to resolve issues as early as possible. Please use the routes highlighted here as a parent: REPORTING A CONCERN.

• Speak to your Head of Year

Tuesday 6 September All Year Groups in College

Yr 9 & 10 GCSE Art Trip to Kew Gardens

• Tell a teacher or your form tutor

Thursday 6 October Year 11 Future Choices Evening

Friday 2 September Inset Day

Monday 26 September Year 11 Sussex Safer Roads Presentation

Wednesday 28 September Mathematical Olympiad for Girls Competition (Yr11 13)

Year 7 & 12 Tutor Evening, Online Safety & Curriculum Presentations

Help and Support:

Start of Term 2

Tuesday 18 October

Please encourage your son/daughter to report ANY issue or worry to us so we can address it. If we don’t know, we cannot act and we want to help:

Wednesday 21 September Year 10 Int. GCSE Geography Fieldwork trip to Eastbourne

Monday 17 October Year 7 Sussex Safer Roads

Year 11 Ext. GCSE Geography Fieldwork trip to Eastbourne

www.heathfieldcc.co.uk @Heathfield_CC

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